Secret Garage Update #7 HEAVY STEEL TIME
TLDRتدور قصة الفيديو حول مغامرات شخص يشتغل على بناء مبنى في الأسفل، يستخدم الخرسانة والصلب لبناء قواعد وجدران، ويتعامل مع تراخيص ومواجهات في العمل. يتحدث أيضًا عن تحسينات في مسار الغاز وخطوط الكهرباء والمياه، ويشرح الخطوات التقنية التي يتخذها لضمان أن تكون البنية التحتية مستقرة وآمنة. يحتوي النص على ملاحظات حول العمل اليدوي والتقنيات المستخدمة، ويشير إلى التحديات التي يواجهها المصور، مثل الظروف الجوية السيئة. يتضمن النص أيضًا ملاحظات حول الأمان والتقنيات التقنية المستخدمة في التصنيع، ويشير إلى أهمية التصميم الهيكلي وتأثيره على التحمل. يشير إلى التقدم الذي يحققه في العمل وخططه للمرحلة التالية من المشروع، ويتوقع أن تصبح الأمور أسهل بمجرد الانتهاء من الخطوة الحالية.
- 🏗️ تحسينات في المكان: تم رفع الخرسانة إلى منتصف الجدار ولم يبق أي مياه تنزيف تحت اللوائح.
- 💧 تم إزالة الهواء من المكان وتحقق أن الممر الهواءي دائمًا جافًا.
- 👕 مبيعات الملابس: تم بيع بعض القمصان والقمصان المبطنة من موقع الويب.
- ☕️ مزيد من ال存货: تم إضافة موز ملون الأبيض إلى الموقع الإلكتروني.
- 📈 نجاح القناة: تجاوز القناة المليون مشترك في غضون ثلاثة أشهر.
- 🚧 إعداد الخرسانة: تم تركيب الطبقة ال防潮 بين الطين والحجر.
- 🔩 تجهيز RSJs: سيتم تثبيت RSJs بشكل أفقي وعمودي لتعزيز الهيكل.
- 🌐 خدمة incog: توفر الخدمة إدارة البيانات الشخصية عبر الإنترنت وإزالة المعلومات الشخصية من الوسطاء.
- 🛠️ تحسينات في الأدوات: تم استخدام أدوات مختلفة لقطع RSJs بطريقة أكثر أمانًا.
- 🧼 تنظيف العناصر الメال: تم تنظيف وإزالة الرواسب من العناصر الメال.
- ⚒️ العمل القادم: سيتم المتابعة بالعمل في ال浇灌 الخرسانية والتحضير ل下一阶段 من العمل.
Q & A
🏗️ Garage Renovation Progress
The first paragraph discusses the progress of a garage renovation project. The narrator confirms that water leakage issues have been resolved and thanks the community for their support, particularly those who purchased merchandise. The focus then shifts to construction details, including the installation of concrete, a membrane, and rebar, indicating a meticulous approach to waterproofing and structural integrity. The paragraph concludes with the narrator expressing gratitude for reaching one million subscribers in a shorter time than expected.
🔍 Addressing Rust and Welding Tasks
The second paragraph covers the narrator's struggle with rust and welding in the renovation project. After mentioning an update on a sponsor, Incog, which helps manage online personal data, the focus returns to the task at hand. The narrator describes the process of cutting and welding steel beams (RSJs) and expresses a dislike for using a reciprocating saw. There's also a mention of the weather interfering with the work, causing delays.
💨 Dealing with Weather and Structural Adjustments
In the third paragraph, the narrator talks about the challenges brought on by rainy weather and the need to adjust the structural elements of the garage. The tasks include rubbing down rusted metal, cleaning walls, and rerouting a cable. The paragraph also details a plan to move a cable without welding it directly, to avoid potential damage. The narrator shares a personal anecdote about watching a TV show and reflecting on their own welding skills.
🛠️ Welding and Structural Bracing
The fourth paragraph describes the process of welding steel beams (RSJs) into place to act as braces for the garage structure. The narrator discusses the need to level the beams and the challenges of doing so in the confined space under the garage. There's also mention of an issue with a gas pipe's location in relation to the RSJs and the decision to potentially move the pipe. The paragraph concludes with the narrator's thoughts on improving their methods based on the experience gained from the project.
🏗️ Rebar Installation and Concrete Planning
The fifth paragraph details the installation of rebar as part of the reinforcement process for the concrete structure. The narrator explains the use of pre-made hoops and how they are tied and leveled around the perimeter. There's a discussion about the need for a temporary structure to support the concrete slab and the decision to alter the drainage system. The paragraph ends with the narrator looking forward to the arrival of more concrete for the project.
☀️ Wrapping Up and Looking Forward to Future Tasks
In the final paragraph, the narrator expresses optimism that the next phase of the project will be easier due to the foundational work completed. They mention that the upcoming tasks will involve replicating successful methods and that there might be a break from the secondary channel to focus on the main channel. The paragraph concludes with a reminder to stay safe and an appreciation for the support received.
💡structural integrity
💡gas pipe
💡lightweight concrete
💡data broker
Concrete is halfway up the wall with no water leakage detected.
The vent pipe is always dry, indicating no water seepage.
Milk T-shirts and hooded tops are available for purchase, with new mugs in stock featuring white interiors.
The channel has reached one million subscribers in under three months.
The use of a mushroom cap instead of a bird page on top eliminates a potential issue.
Concrete pole installation is planned to reach the guttering level.
RSJs (Rectangular Hollow Sections) need to be sorted out and welded horizontally.
Rebar will be tied to the top slab for structural integrity.
Lightweight concrete will be used for a future wall construction.
Services like electric, gas, and water have been covered and protected.
RSJ will be cut down to size and repositioned for easier welding.
The presenter discusses the rust issue and plans to clean and treat it.
A cable will be rerouted to avoid going down the wall, which is considered unsafe.
RSJ installation is challenging but a plan involving clamps and wood is devised to ensure proper alignment.
The presenter shares an improvement in his straps for easier adjustments.
Rebar is extended and loops are added for reinforcement, with plans to shutter and pour more concrete.
A gas pipe issue is discussed, with a potential solution involving contacting the gas company to move the pipe.
The presenter reflects on the learning process and adapting methods as the project progresses.
The next phase of work involves more digging, which is dependent on the weather.
well y second Channel people and
underground secret garage Fanatics right
where are we at we've got conrete
halfway up the wall um I can confirm
we've got no water getting in there is
no more water creeping in under the
floorboards I took the fan out
completely so I could keep an eye on the
hole and the you know the bit the vent
pipe coming down that's always dry now
I've changed the bird page on the top
for a mushroom cap so that ruls that out
even more so that is all good now thanks
you of course to everyone that's uh
bought the milk T t-shirts and the uh
hooded tops there's a few of them left
on the website now but managed to get
some more mugs in stock now they've got
white insides rather than pure red so I
hope you don't mind that but they're on
the website now that's all good right
let's get cracking and you know keep on
going Colin huh oh thank you very much
of course for a million subscribers I've
not got the play buttons yet so I can't
do the whole you know I'm actually quite
overwhelmed by it really the fact that
this channel has got to a million Subs
in what like 3 months or something two
months quicker than I ever thought it
would be so uh much appreciated right I
better get on with it a I okay concrete
p number
three and we've got
membrane there we are so pull this
polyan up that goes down pretty much to
just pass where the clay finishes cuz
there's no point having that up against
The Rock because the Rock's very well
draining and also you want the cement
key into the Rock well I do anyway let
me just got a little bit of mck on the
lens so we got all that round that goes
all the way around the whole thing at
the end there it's a little bit tricky
you probably can't see that cuz there's
nothing to hold it up to cuz there's no
wooden structure cuz we're under the
garage roof so today's concrete pole is
going to come up to the guttering if it
was to have any if it was outside and
then after that we got to sort the RS
J's out there's another rsj got to go
horizontally and then we're going to
ring this rebar up to just over the top
of that so it all ties in with this top
slab and then we can do another concrete
P which will put like a bit of a wall up
here we won't come over we won't come
across the whole thing cuz that's going
to be done in light weight concrete
right there cement La going to turn up
wow that's
beautiful right then today's little job
wrap the other two Services electric
covered ages ago gas water m still do
and also sort out my little faux par of
when I melted through it so I think what
I'm going to do I'm going to do the
whole length of it in blue poly put the
two cupins right at the either end so
hopefully if we want to change it we'll
be able to dig through get to them pull
the whole thing out and then maybe one
day do it all in one continuous length
so there's no joints in it I don't
really want joints anywhere near this
then I've got some more pipe which I've
split I can wrap around it
right that's got all this covered over
we' got the gas we've got the water we
got the electric very nice we've marked
them of course as you should do they're
all nice protected now so when we cover
them in concrete if we ever want to
change any of them they're not set in
stone they could be dragged out either
end very nice right my next job is to
down this rsj down to size that one did
that one before I've took this big rsj
out the way at a minute cuz what I'm
going to add is another one which goes
horizontal across there and that's going
to be a lot easier to weld if that one's
out the way and also it was always a bit
precarious and last time we actually
knocked it and it fell down the back
well of course it can't do that now cuz
it's full of concrete which is very good
but I've dragged it out the way and then
we'll get this all lined up I've got my
little laser level on here and stuff
like that but I've also got another
level CU you know technology can't
always 100% trust it do we so it's good
to check it twice so I'm going to get
those po bits cut clamp the all
horizontal bits across weldy weldy then
we can drop the rsjs back on which would
be quite easy then because obviously if
it's got a horizontal bar to sit on we
can just lob it on and then slide it
across or whatever and then it just
needs lifting up cuzz I think it's set
slightly lower at the minute just with
how the plates and everything are all
going to work out and also so I can get
round it with the welds and stuff so
there's not like a funny joint that you
can't really weld properly there then
that's all I know but this is all good I
might give this a little bit of a brush
up this has gone way rustier than I ever
wanted I mean apparently it doesn't
matter it forms a barrier but this does
look a bit worse than ideal this bits
took longer than it should have
but you know I'm only one
person okay but now for a different type
update okay so two videos ago I
introduced you to the sponsor incog now
this is a service that manages your
online personal data now every website
you visit every service you book every
form you fill out leads a little trial
of personal information of data online
and then this information gets compiled
into like a virtual folder and sold onto
a data broker now data Brokers can then
use this information against you or
people that you don't want to have
access to it can get access to it so I
set up me own incognit account and it
immediately found 46 data Brokers with
my personal information on and I've seen
some people have over 200 now in 15
minutes it got my information removed
from six of them and had I done this
myself it estimates that it would have
took me 3 hours and 45 minutes so now
with just over a month passed it's got
me off 32 had I done this myself 24
hours that would have took me but if
information like this is left then
potentially criminals can take out loans
in your name things like health
insurance premiums can go up depending
on what your online activity is and I
have notice a definite drop in cold
calls from people like diesel claims and
PPI sales Etc so if you want to take
your personal information back with
incognet use my code and get 60%
off okay let's get some rsjs in see if
we get on at cutting these cuz last time
with the other one didn't make a very
good job of it but then I was
precariously standing over a massive
gret hole whereas I haven't got that
now lucky a they Colin come on you're
going to wear safety glasses and at
least they going to be clean well I
think we will start off with the grinder
and then we'll move swiftly onto the
reciprocating saw and maybe a band
ah oh the battery
dead lovely job of that Colin but now
it's a tricky
bit get me airut tomorrow Bo do I need
it did I tell you how much I hate
reciprocating soil I think I may have
it can't do that go in the face and I'll
end up I'll end up in a safety
poster let's put a new blade and I'll
reciprocate it cuz I think you are the
tool for the
job I think you are you know what I
think I might move you guys cuz you're a
bit far away a you closer now ain't you
right what should we ruin this oh minute
there was the speed thing on here
where's the speed thing again I can't
remember oh it's here in it
too let's try that that'll ruin it
faster you still can't see what I'm
doing can
you we just here for the ride it don't
matter I'm not looking forward to there
oh why you working
there we
go let's hope it's the right
height is that the most safety equipment
you've ever seen me wear in one shot
probably is
what is a big old steal
com all man what a shock it's raining
again come on weather give me a break I
fed it with this
now right today's little job as it is
absolutely P it them is to rub these
down get rid of all this rust I don't
know if you can see it on this camera
fil it with the other one this one is
particularly bad and so is this one and
then just go around all the walls clean
them all up there's some little bits
here where the condens is sat and then
like WD40 up and maybe put a bit of wax
on so now I prefer to be up top sorting
all the rsjs at but I'm not getting that
okay my second rainy day job is to get
rid of this cable going down the wall
here now of course the tunnel used to
end here when it was all just blocked
off but of course we've got an extra 200
mil now um and we don't want the cable
going the wall like that cuz I'd say
that's damn right sacr so what I'm
thinking we'll te this off cuz I haven't
welded these on yet drill all through
here drill all in the same place at the
bottom thread It Up This Bar you can see
that you can see that's a bar so bring
the cable up bring it along down into
the switch we'll have to slot there's a
load of extra slack and stuff in here
look cuz I knew I was going to move this
but I didn't know where exactly
originally I think I was going to have
it in this room but there's no reason
why it can't be in here makes perfect
sense and then like I've cut a little
slot out of that bit of the minute make
that massive and then like put that
across there weld it up there weld it up
there hopefully I won't melt the cables
when I weld it up if I do it in Little
Bits slowly so it never gets too hot
should be okay and then do that and then
that's that done and then hopefully it
will stop raining get some rsjs
now normally when you put a bit of metal
no now normally when you put a cable
through something you want to put a
rubber grommet around it you you know to
stop it snagging or shorting out but
because this is such a thick piece of
metal and this is of a little bit of
plate that comes down I a going to work
very well so what I'm going to do I'm
going to shove the cable through like
this bit of tube be and kind of sleeve
it in that way so it's like a a linear
grommet as I will come to say that might
actually be its name who
C right challenging part today part one
rsj it's got to go on here level
obviously going to be reasonably tricky
on me own but I've got a plan I'm going
clamp these bits of wood underneath
where they need to go clamp them up
there and then I can slot it on and kind
of slide it towards it and then when it
gets here I'll be able to clamp them to
that get them sort of nice and level
which I mean if we get these bits level
level anyway would it so I'm going to do
that start I'm going to start off with
doing this one little bits of wood clamp
around the back very
noce right oh yeah not that there you
can't even see that can you terrible com
I got no I got no hammer down here it's
been one of them days where I've just
been back and forth to the blooming shed
getting tools but you don't have a
hammer got another clam that'll
tighten you up right that's one oh I
ain't clean the thing yet wait a minute
I'll I'll turn you back on in a minute
got Hammer right that's that's s right
let's get in a mess you up on
there you know what be really
easy think you smash the
technique look at
it put in
there hold on a
minute okay that was actually quite
Swift right this is all nice and level
now very nice now basically what we're
going to do I'm going to weld these this
like this to the upright and then these
plates here will slot in here and then
there's another big
plate here that will sit on there and
then the other rsj the big one that went
across will sit there on top of that we
never actually welded that other one on
which was quite lucky really cuz it's
made this job a lot easier so that's
what we're
doing that's that side
done very
beautiful oh I'll do it all again over
there which arguably is going to be even
harder cuz garage foundations are a bit
lower right let's go SW that's that one
then that's that one then ooh made a
little Improvement on my straps
look rather than tying them through like
this which of course is a right pain
every time you want to change the thing
thingy oh Colin got some of these little
hookie things oh very
nice it's only a small thing but it
makes all the
difference got the rsj beams in
yesterday then of course it absolutely
funded it down with rain so we had to
cover it all back up again now I've
jacked this one up cleaned underneath it
put a little car jack under it under
there flicked it up so I clean all the
moisture out of it this one's not in the
right place at the minute because the
gas pipe technically needed to go
through it but I've been thinking might
actually get the gas pipe moved I wasn't
going to do that before and because I
wanted to get all this bit like
concreted and covered over but I don't
think I'm going to do that now I think
I'm going to complete the whole thing
and then do that but anyway I'll talk
about that another time so I might just
shove this one near to where it needs to
be leave it sat on the old horizontal I
might weld a plate across here and then
bolt it to it cuz the whole point of
these in the interim is to keep the
pressure of the walls from pushing in
and then kind of squeezing the roof up
so they're sort of like braces really at
the minute so I'm going to lower this
one down weld it up there welded up at
the back calling point the camera where
you should do and then that's that one
done and then we just need to extend the
rebar let me flip the screen down a
minute this rebar has got to come up to
lightweight it's got to come right up to
right up to just above here and then
I've got a load of Loops so we're going
to get that in shutter all this off and
then there's just another bit of
concrete to put like a little bit of a
upstand wall all the way around the
outside to like this sort of height and
then once we've done
that it's actually time for more digging
now whether I do that straight away or
wait for the weathering proves we'll see
how I feel cuz at the moment I'm a bit
annoyed with the weather as you can
imagine cuz for like 2 3 months I've
been doing this this it's just been