Inside Palmerstons Most DANGEROUS Housing Areas - Into the Hood
TLDRمقطع الفيديو يتضمن مصاحبة مع الشاب ريلي بي، الذي يعيش في داونينغ في شمال تيريتوريا، أستراليا. يتحدث ريلي عن تجاربه الشخصية مع العنف والجريمة في المنطقة، وكيف أن العنف ارتفع بنسبة 88% في العشر سنوات الماضية. يشير إلى أن العنف في الحي ليس مدفوعا بالإيرادات، بل يحدث من أجل المتعة. يشير أيضًا إلى عمله مع الشباب والعمل على البرامج التعليمية والعلاجي. يحتوي المقطع على مشاهد لأماكن مزعجة وأحداث العنف والجرأة، ويتضمن تفاعلات مع سكان الحي وأحداث من الأحداث العنيفة.
- 🇦🇺 هذه المنطقة في داروين، شمال تيريتوريا، تشير إلى ارتفاع معدل الاعتداء العنيف بنسبة 88% في الـ 10 سنوات الماضية.
- 🏥 تشير الأحداث إلى وجود مناطق مزعجة محددة في باليستون، حيث تعاني التجار من العنف والقتالات الجماعية في الشوارع.
- 👦 يشير سكريبت الأحداث إلى وجود مشاكل مع المراهقين في المنطقة، بما في ذلك العنف والقتل والتعاطي.
- 🎵 يشير إلى وجود ممارسات إيجابية مثل العمل مع الشباب والعمل في مراكز الترفيه والتعليم الموسيقي.
- 🚓 تشير إلى وجود مشاكل مع الشرطة المحلية، حيث تم الإشارة إلى حالات العنف واستخدام الأجهزة المدمرة.
- 🏭 تشير إلى وجود مشاكل مثل التدخين وتعاطي المخدرات ("الايس") في المجتمع، مما يؤثر على صحة الشباب وسلوكهم.
- 💰 يُشير إلى أن البعض يمارس الجريمة من أجل المتعة أو الشهرة، وليس من أجل المال.
- 🤝 يُشير إلى أهمية الثقة والأمانة في المجتمع، والتأثير السلبي الذي يمكن أن يسببه التجزئة في الجماعات.
- 🏢 تشير إلى وجود مبادرات مثل المركز الشبابي YMCA، الذي يوفر الدعم والرعاية للشباب في المنطقة.
- 🚴♂️ يُشير إلى أن الرياضة والأنشطة الترفيهية مثل الدراجة الجبلية يمكن أن تكون وسيلة إيجابية للشباب.
- 📈 تشير إلى وجود مشاكل مع العدالة القانونية، حيث يمكن للأشخاص التعرض لأحكام قاسية إذا كان لديهم سجل جريمة بعد الـ 18 عامًا.
Q & A
视频中提到了一个名叫Riley P的人,他在当地扮演什么角色?
-Riley P是一名说唱歌手,同时也参与当地的青年工作和社区活动,帮助年轻人。
-视频中的'T'代表信任和忠诚(Trust and Loyalty),是当地为了给年轻人一个声音而创建的一个标签,也与一个音乐品牌有关。
视频中提到的'Corn Wallace'是什么地方?
-'Corn Wallace'是达尔文市一个被认为非常危险的街区,甚至被称为澳大利亚最危险的街道之一。
-视频中提到了YMCA Youth Center,这是一个为年轻人提供食物、娱乐和教育的社区中心,也是进行嘻哈文化项目的地方。
😀 悉尼城市成长与转变:从囚犯到自由人
第一段主要讲述了叙述者在悉尼城市贫民区的成长经历,以及他在监狱中度过的13年青春和成年时光。释放后,他开始环游世界,探索不同的社区。他目前身处澳大利亚的达尔文市,提到了该地区的犯罪率上升,特别是暴力袭击事件,并计划访问当地的一些高风险区域。他还提到了与当地说唱歌手兼青年工作者Riley P的会面,以及他们计划探访的三个最糟糕的地区。
🎵 音乐与社区工作:积极影响与挑战
第二段中,叙述者与Riley P会面,讨论了当地社区的挑战,包括犯罪、酒精和毒品问题。Riley P分享了他作为青年工作者和音乐家的经历,以及他如何通过音乐疗法和社区项目来帮助年轻人。他们还谈到了当地年轻人的积极变化,以及通过YouTube频道和音乐视频来给予年轻人发声的机会。
🚨 '辛城'街区的现实与挑战
第三段描述了达尔文市被称为'辛城'的街区,这是一个充满挑战的地区,有着高犯罪率和帮派活动。叙述者和Riley P讨论了当地居民的困境,并探访了被认为是澳大利亚最危险的街道之一。他们还讨论了当地居民如何面对警察的暴力和社区的不安全感。
🏠 高墙与社区隔阂:探索澳大利亚最危险街区
🚓 法律与秩序:与警察的紧张关系
🏫 教育与青少年发展:YMCA青年中心的作用
第六段中,叙述者访问了一个名为YMCA Youth Center的地方,这是一个为青少年提供支持和活动的社区中心。他们讨论了该中心如何帮助年轻人,包括提供餐食和娱乐活动。叙述者还提到了他自己的犯罪记录和重返社会的经历,以及他如何努力避免再次犯罪。
👮♂️ 犯罪、惩罚与成长:个人经历与反思
🏞️ 社区变迁:从运动场到帮派领地
🤝 结语:感谢与告别
💡Northern Territory
💡Gang fights
💡Youth work
💡Violent assault rate
💡Rap music
💡Notorious areas
💡Community center
The speaker was raised in the housing areas of Sydney City and spent most of his youth and adult life in prison.
After 13 years, the speaker is now free and exploring different neighborhoods around the world.
The Northern Territory in Australia has been experiencing an increase in violent crime, with a 88% rise in violent assault rates in the last decade.
There are three specific bad areas in Palmerston where shopkeepers are frequently assaulted and gang fights are common.
A 13-year-old was recently stabbed in a main street brawl involving 10 people.
The speaker meets a local rapper, Riley P, who also works with youth in the area.
Riley P discusses the influence of social media on youth crime, with a focus on gaining notoriety through violent acts.
The speaker and Riley P explore the notorious areas of Palmerston, including a place known as 'Sin City Block'.
Alcohol and drugs, particularly methamphetamine (referred to as 'ice'), are prevalent in the area and contribute to the crime and violence.
Riley P has been working with youth detention and music therapy to help kids find a positive outlet.
The speaker and Riley P discuss the impact of their YouTube channel and music label in providing a voice for the youth in Darwin.
The community has experienced the loss of a local named 'Stinger', and they sell merchandise to raise funds for his headstone.
The speaker observes high fences around every house, which is a unique characteristic of the neighborhoods they visit.
The area has a history of violence, including stabbings and robbery, with residents sharing stories of crime and its impact.
There is a sense of community among the youth, with many looking out for each other despite the challenging circumstances.
The speaker and Riley P discuss plans for the future, including pursuing a career in music and continuing to work with the youth.
The speaker reflects on the similarities between the struggles faced by the youth in Darwin and those in his own neighborhood in Sydney.
that's working [ __ ] see the lad there he
was bleeding all out his eye oh no way
he died here I got
stabbed tar cat get the run when the
bullets get
the I'm the famous One Tik Tok
too there's a bis packet there I'm span
I was raised in the housing areas of
Sydney City spent most of my youth and
adult life in prison and after a total
of 13 years I'm free and I'm out and
about flying around s out the hoods all
over the world it's
O all right everyone welcome back to
into the hood I'm in Darwin I'm in
Australia's Northern Territory
Australia's Outback Australia's top end
see this place the Northern Territory in
general this whole state recently this
place has been going out of control and
honestly there's about three four places
that we need to visit there's two places
around Darwin that we need to visit and
two places around Alice Springs that we
need to visit but we're going to start
here we're going to a place here called
paliston we're in the CBD I know it
doesn't look like it it's Darwin mate
all right so there's a few buildings to
look at see this place paliston all
jokes aside this place lately in the
last 10 years the violent assault rate
has gone up
88% in the last 10 years there's three
specific bad areas of paliston
and the shopkeepers around there reckon
they're getting bashed all the time
there's gang fights in the streets just
a month ago a month or two ago was like
a big brawl with 10 people in the main
part of the street a 13-year-old kid got
stabbed they're just going off there in
general it's just going off so this is
where I want to start we're meeting a
lad here his name's Riley P he's a
rapper does stuff with youth work and
stuff around the area I'm going to meet
him in paliston not here obviously we're
going to go there normal ways catch the
bars travel there normal normal fpv
Styles we get off at paliston Shops and
we're going to meet him around there and
he's going to take us to the three worst
areas the number eight lad and we're off
we're off into Di's most notorious
area all
right CBD Plaza that's the main
it's pretty much this one long road all
the way there I'll show you the map see
that's that one up there where we are
all the buildings we started with that
big orange thing is we're going down
that Highway all the way down where it
says paliston bus there that's a
separate Town they're close by but it's
officially like its own
place see the housing the housing areas
of Darwin
started there's actually security
cameras everywhere
bro these these buses are like minimum
security prison cells I just
noticed all right here we are let's
go hey we do how are you brother how are
brother that's a freaky water tower he
in the middle of the Town brutalism feel
like I'm back in
Serbia that SP hey we're doing that how
are sorry man watching your YouTube
videos yeah M you're about to be in
one all right let's go I'm going to lose
like 5 kilos during this walk got to buy
electrolyte drink Lads it's
soly thank God it's not Sunny though
when we cross into this side of the
roundabout these shops this is the start
of one of the three housing notorious
areas of this notorious Town gray there
he is there lead hey doing mate Ry P
what you doing lad how are you good how
are you yeah good brother good mad man
how you doing yeah I'm going all right
brother had a colorful ride here how's
the weather yeah hot as you want to
drink or anything or actually I was just
saying that it's that hot I feel like I
got to get a power raid before we start
this so you're from around Inland yeah
broing grew up around here like 10
minutes out of hary like more rural oh
yeah 10 minutes out of here yeah but I
spend all my youth here bro like y every
day met all the boys that way growing up
yeah mad mad I'm 27 now so [ __ ] this is
like 13 years ago now yeah yeah yeah
madish area so what's this first place
we're going to gray yeah gray just up
here look yeah we go start gray and then
we'll see where the young tell us to go
after little Ezra ustal everyone's heard
of him in Darwin he's just done 6 years
he just got out hey what what who Ezra
yeah little Ezra is I was with him the
other day making some music yeah he's
the most positive Ed space you know wait
till they see him on your brother hey
hey brother oh he's he's uh one of the
lads around here huh yeah he just got
out after 6 years he's [ __ ] been in
that many Comas I feel that roll that
many cars he just had a car accident the
other day but I'll let him tell you
about he just rode off a car he bought
days before yeah he's a we
we can go down this Alleyway and then
walk through I can see it's getting
trappy already lad yeah that's driver
there that's special them kids cuz
they're in such positive Ed spaces right
now it's not jump out gang it's jump out
help you know and that's all they want
to do because oh that's SM seen me
holding it down on T and all the others
it's just like we want to do what you
are doing what goes on around here
usually bro give me the usual Vibe lad
what's made this place so notorious no
one wants money everyone's just just
doing crime Just For the Love of it you
know it's DPE it's hectic like I've work
Youth detention for 3 years doing
program work like in dond and stuff
doing music therapy I probably met one
kid out of the whole 3 years that was
loved his money the other the others
were just they just want to run a mck no
one gave a [ __ ] like I'm not even lying
it's just you can get the hectic clip to
put on Instagram no way yeah so they're
just running wild for the for the for
the sake of it what are they doing like
punching on Ste and cars flying around
like maniacs yeah it's just you see the
weather it's that humid imagine getting
blind here being that young as well like
yeah yeah so vulnerable and young your
body not the right nutrients drinking in
this weather [ __ ] you start doing some
silly [ __ ] alcohol's the thing here
yeah I feel it's everything it's
everyone loves smoking weed everyone's
getting on the GE as well like the ice
oh ice yeah there's lots of young on on
that it'sing horrible bro it's is that
just started lately no I'd say like 2014
it kicked off here 2014 all right I
watched all my mates fall in at ttic
shout out Aaron he's doing like 16 years
nine at the bottom he gets out next year
9 years next year but he's my brother
boy that's holding it down inside
getting all of these mob in the positive
head spaces and saying you want to get
out and with Riley don't waste this
[ __ ] time you know he's trying to do
good you either do good with him or
leave him alone and they were coming out
with t on their chest everything and
what's that T it's just something we
made trust and loyalty yeah um Stinger
Little P Stinger shout out him um he
passed away in the car accident last
year in June July y um he really blew it
up but this is our merch here we're
selling it um 100% profits go to his
headstone and stuff but T is just like a
little label that we made in Darwin just
for all these young ons to get a voice
all the ogs that deserve it you know all
the yeah oh like a music label yeah it's
just like a little one
proper official but channel oh YouTube
channel yeah I know how to like do rough
mix and Masters so record all the little
young inside the tension and outside y y
reengagement schools and [ __ ] and I got
a camera so I make them a music video
yep it's been blowing up bro a little
pmer thing just hit a million views and
I'll be real I feel we the only ones in
Australia that ain't got any third party
or Other M pushing us or helping this
kid done at all him himself and just
sting yeah out C he's a little King yeah
mad there last punch on heaps in the
streets oh when they everyone gets drunk
in the streets EA I noticed that up in
even the thing up here alcohol's big up
top that's where that's where you at
where the water tower and Sh we call
that up top up top yep but yeah you see
it all tonight you come back tonight bro
yeah that's why you see the adults oh
that's it yeah wouldn't wouldn't fing be
a bad idea I'm going to ask my sister
[ __ ] that had a busted
eye see the lad there he was bleeding
all out his eye I missed that yeah he's
bleeding all out his eye one of those
women must have punched him in the
face how you
m steroids now no just just give me a
bit of Secrets bit of Secrets give me
some tips man eat healthy train every
day like take one day off each week six
days a week
train for really yeah dips one day chin
UPS the next day squats the next day
that's it get in the parking train
brother thereo you L started mumbling to
me I don't know what he was saying I
think he was trying to get me to buy him
alcohol I was like what and then he said
what and then he's saying a box I'm I'm
like GO train bro they just
intrigued going on lad how are
you this is Sting little brother how are
just up around this corner is priest and
this is like C City area which is pretty
full on area
yeah shout out Peter got shot I think
five or six times by cops like a year
ago down here yeah it was pretty
suppressed to away oh what what happened
um I think he was armed I were telling
him to obviously disarm himself yeah I
don't know I'm don't want to play sides
but I think he pretty hectic bro spear
he was pretty drunk I think he was deing
with oh he had a spear yeah Spear and
they shot him yeah oh well he's meant to
come down he's I think he's still in a
wheelchair yeah but um he's meant to
come down he'll spin some yars if he
does or his brother at least will be
here yeah yeah yeah they call this J
block yeah yeah this is s City Sin City
Block yeah Sin City all the young call
it g block yeah all the old is Sin
City can you walk through it
yeah these all government housing um
yeah right these fellas going to want to
bash me for walking through you with a
camera that' be right all right
it's whole gangy bro I'm just rocking
him with the camera Windows all boarded
everything how are
you how are you good man yeah good good
to meet you
Patrick M I'm from Sydney I make YouTube
videos brother from
Sydney AJ AJ y let down
Anthony Anthony his name is his name is
Anthony your shoes as [ __ ] give give you
my shoes yeah yeah if I'm kind or you
me he's robbing me or is he
asking no thank you why cuz I don't like
your shoes that's why I don't like
what's your
name I'm
Cera me again
brother all right have a good day how
are you hello I Tik Tok you me on Joshua
to that's my name I'm the famous One Tik
Tok too hey let's go you recognizing me
from Tik Tok yeah
my what's that video um 28 that that um
that oh the putrid
he's tell Yan bro what's the Lo that's
what we just want to know your story bro
like what's story about all right I am
Ry my name is
Tyrone I'm trying to trying
to oriz something like
no have a good day bro yeah it's no
different to where I grew up yeah you
[ __ ] SE way then flight to ghetto as
bro yeah C City yeah that's trap as
every single one's bought it
up around it'll lead us to that hectic
Street y was lab one of the most
dangerous streets in like 04 or
something Australia is Australia
Australia's most dangerous Street in4
yeah one one of them I think was just up
thereo everyone talks about it one of
these mble know the proper yarn but oh
really I think hoos or someone filmed a
little like [ __ ] skit on it as well
oh did they yeah the show hoos came up
here yeah yeah you know that's mad what
what's the street called corn Wallace
corn Wallace yeah so when everyone heard
you coming here y everyone said you
better go corn Wallace you better look
at corn Wallace you know
so these are get out these oh quickly
let me say shout out C thinger this F
Big B this is the last place I ever saw
him and this is where we shot every day
team this you you shot it shot a clip
here for the lad yeah his last s we
filmed it 4 days before he passed away
yeah they were kicking on in one of
these PLS this one
here B is trap as
loud there's people still live in here
right yeah there is [ __ ] it almost looks
abandoned but this I can see people are
living in them
yeah it almost looks a b t
night how you doing how what's your name
Bradley Bradley how
are seen you walking past the
shop yeah hectic you from here yeah I'm
from yeah sick I watch your videos all
time how are
these are
the give these are the K I was talking
toon I was meant to link up with him I
was going to say bring badley everyone
show them around what's the lock ground
here Buzz did you see um s City there
yeah we just went through did you see
that rip
there right now oh they just had a fight
I think one B was trying to fight me
just give
himom I'll gra
that yeah good to meet you
brother I'll see you boys yeah yeah all
right man all right Brothers lers
brother boy Aon just done the Big
Stretch he was meant to come down and
say hello as well yeah that's his um
brother Bradley Bradley yeah shout out
them M what was what was he saying
someone just they just all punched on
where we were or something they turned
in we just missed it
f yeah yeah he's death that loud yeah
yeah but he's the best he's got a out of
gold he's just a little terror yeah yeah
never learned sign language properly so
his sign language he done himself better
we can understand oh no way hey
don't what now we're just going to go
through corn can cor wace then we're
going to go
mold oh [ __ ] people um so he's like
the use of ice around here huh yeah is
it injecting or is it smoking both on
yeah bro yeah that's a that's a that's a
b packet there yeah people are doing
anything here bro people starting to
shoot up here now yeah that's been
around for a minute it's like no news to
me yeah people loving that sphere up
yeah yeah it's sad I've never seen it
that open though for it it's probably
just you find it here like cuz I know
those types of situations and we've come
across large groups of drunk people many
times people must get started on a lot
randomly yeah you know what I mean cuz
it's just one wrong thought of one drunk
person and it builds up and then all of
a sudden people want to fight you yeah
depends the age group too there's like
an elder around and stuff yeah they're
the ones that are this is p right here
oh this is OT yeah yeah cuz there
there's been at least see like a large
group like that backyard large group of
drunk people I think I feel like that's
safe yeah there's all different ages you
know all different ages so it's if
they're all like if it's all Lads and
they're all young
you got to watch yourself around then
they turn on you some of the boys I been
work with Will film with a mate yeah my
brother shaking the hand and then 30
minutes later on the insta story they'll
be like hold my phone they'll get
followed start bashing the out of the
same dude they hanging with I'm like oh
no way and then they're like when I turn
18 let's drink Riley my butter I'm like
fck you I ain't drinking with you oh so
they just drink with each other and just
bash each other and like yeah yeah but
they know the humor in it I'm just like
crazy and they just laugh n cuz you can
that that's a volatile situation you
know what I mean when people are overly
happy it's also volatile too yeah you
cuz that can easily turn yeah and it's
just Petty arguments you know last can
last this or so this is the street
anyway we're here yeah this is the
street that everyone reckons or labeled
one of Australia's worst streets out in
yeah you know what I noticed here every
single house has a high
fence yeah and that's actually unique oh
you're probably used to it but that's
that's a unique thing is that every
single house has a high fence you need
to climb over usually neighborhoods they
not like that you know what I mean yeah
yeah did you just notice this every
single fence not just here either every
fence we've walked past every house is
just full secure yeah BR it's trap as
here look at the houses secure as this
looks like another
version of that Sin City that we just
walked through I heard drunk yelling in
there a second ago and what kind of
things just like Word of Mouth that you
heard used to go on here just punching
on drugs and that yeah um I heard like
stabbing and [ __ ] this oh yeah used to
get bad
go yeah this whole street is is he
full-blown ghetto yeah it looks like
yeah they've been freshly painted but
that's nothing that's just a quick paint
job you can tell this whole place is
hammered hey how you doing what he's
doing you doing
ladat sh yeah
mad my little brother Victor broke out
of the ccle this
is [ __ ] him what
Happ my car you just had a car accident
yeah he was telling me you guys [ __ ]
you get around here like a maniac lad
old Ezra yeah got out last week did you
you just got out last week 6 and a half
no way yeah adult yeah yeah guess how
old he is bro
close now he's done 6 and 1 half so you
got pinch when you're
18 yeah 19 yeah [ __ ] what's going on
around here lad this is the street
apparently yeah tell down there the
brothers in yeah that's what he saying
yeah this is yours straight
yeah what you what you get if you don't
mind saying can I ask your questions
robbery robbery yeah car jacking car
jacking yeah and what you crash the
other day in another car jacket or your
own car my own oh good he just it too oh
did you yeah in coma last time he done a
stin what happened there I forget the
story I was trying to tell him 3day high
popcase and [ __ ] yeah what what's the
what's the prison around here what's the
maxo SE block 23 hours a day 23 hours a
day I just where's where's it in like in
Dar oh Alice how springs Howard Springs
oh it's going to say Springs 15 minutes
away oh yeah 15 minutes yeah
do yeah what was your name again jack
West BR Jack
best yeah yeah but like this was real
hectic yeah yeah I can see but the whole
thing is just hous exit yeah it was but
he was saying it was like real bad here
at one stage you going back to jail of
course not nah but that tell them your
plans tell them your plans what what are
you doing from here start rapping oh
yeah yeah yeah mad yeah that's mad bro
that's how I started one minute raer
next minute flying around the world they
get me that butcher song you know the
one with the
machete was them yeah yeah that's that's
all started bro I got out of jail
started rapping yeah you stick to it lad
you can go wherever you want it to go
bro is that abandon or is that someone's
house some people live in rough he this
is only gray go to molden yeah it's
worse yeah yeah
what are the gunes like around here P
the coppers oh bro they're bad bro they
taser a 16 at school bro oh yeah oh they
used to bash
us they hate us will they yeah yeah oh
yeah you of course maybe they'll leave
you alone cuz the camera they'll think n
no he's on
camera we went to the shops today and
there's a bunch of N Stuff in jendo they
didn't B night it and I said this is the
new gen bro you just stay good we go up
from here you know yeah Y is no l just a
it yeah all of these Butters here
literally we all jump out help no jump
out gang around here you know we'll try
our best to help little young on out the
hood we don't trust Ste anymore yeah all
of these M are jumping on it too we're
all about it shout out to just been s
Curry on your bro fre free up soon my
brra I'm made you like get get sped into
that LIF lad getting around in hotties
and stuff like that what is it around
you that's is it just is it just the way
doing it for the fun or is drugs
or there always around you know just
what Happ yeah it's just it's just the
the culture of the area right yeah it's
like how like where I'm from that's
that's what I say to people they why you
start doing all that and I like but
that's just what you do yeah you just
want to be one of the boys that's that's
how it goes you know what I mean yeah
yeah yeah people always like trying to
look for an EXC connection you know you
connect well with with your brothers you
know connection
yeah I would have bring the bikes out if
my hand was yeah yeah he's pump he's all
pump around on dirt bikes out here too
yeah yeah everyone gets every Hood every
Hood around the world bro and bro I was
in um I was in the hood in in Barcelona
in Spain 2 weeks ago all the way in
Spain flying around on dirt bikes it's
just everywhere
bro oh AFL Fields that's to me that's
that's M that's interesting oh rugby
yeah cuz you a got no AFL Fields but to
see it in a school that's hectic that's
the sporty right AFL yeah M we got NRL
but yeah fil yeah yeah yeah this is high
so the main yeah saying yeah the high
doing what's doing lat how are you good
good good you want a photo yeah
please yeah good to meet you good to
you this is the this is the next suburb
now way yeah soon as we cross the road y
m all right
man oh your song yeah show me show me
bro play it you got to WP with it bro
you got to wrap along with it bro money
going bang going hit that Target cat get
the run when the bullets get dep parted
down from passing home bang on point
never Target should have SE face when
game 4 play that game 6 years and I'll
do it again
2 work know my name 30 put that on the
gang 25 put my brother in the cage baby
shk get the one with the blade B on when
it com to the home put the gun in your
face where the drugs are you going to
get sprayed that was
sick smoke off spr spin the block I got
more shots for the dogs with a [ __ ]
around been locked down for 6 years when
I'm back home I be running it I get the
green light and this on site no bang
dogs for them gang TI s where a real
slide I got the Duff and there's cash in
in with black with
my P upat don't
give hey what's that called that was mad
bro what's that track called track one
track one track one it's called track
one for now bro that was mad like you
you want to release that on YouTube yeah
yeah we just got to film a clip we
recorded what like 4 days ago 5 days ago
yeah sick sick wait you wrote that in
jail yeah yeah hectic that's all the
best bars are written man in jail get
slum bro slum
SL start here back dri there Ming around
HEC car right in snap my leg on my YZ
450 oh no you on a bike yeah I got right
here n SN my leg Yeah was it
450 yeah that was the first time I sna
my leg how many times you snap your leg
second time was at the M track oh [ __ ]
both on bikes yeah and just down this
street here M me and my brother we stole
about four shies W hot ones oh yeah it's
where the ones that don't have the safe
home and the ones that half of us have
and got you know come to have it you
know they got meals here they got good
stuff that care about them and yeah
shout the wire they're amazing yeah yeah
but a lot of lot of kids come here
sometimes 90 to 100 heads a day you know
like in and out yeah so it's pretty
hectic Place kids depend on you know
yeah they have meals here lunch and
dinner everything oh they get fed here
yeah big healthy feds big strews and
stuff that kids don't ever
get this is the youth dropping Center so
this is I do hip-hop um programs here a
lot of people come into other programs
but the young as like four or five you
know come I think a little bit play the
game sit around watch watch our
movies this is where they all come this
is their home you know what's the name
what's the name of this place YMCA PC
YMCA Youth Center piston Youth Center
YMC and this is
verys you too you
too oh you watch the videos I just Shar
too this is OG P
one oh that's your brother yeah that's
my little brother
yeah this is where we
willu SL right how long you been here
for I've been here for n months staying
out yeah yeah got a get back in good J
just a bit of a blue and tan
yeah nervous yeah doing that 4 years
done other boys are
doing but but if you keep doing it if
you keep doing it re offending just hit
you with
it with mandatory senten oh so look if
you get AA you mandatory doing 3 months
or back mandatory yeah without any yeah
they all do it um they all do it at at
youth you know when they when they're
young and when they get older soon as
when they're 18 they and then your
record catches up with you and they'll
bring them all up that's when you're a
re offender yeah that was the same with
me cuz you get small sentences when
you're young by the time you're out you
got 50 charges next minute you're doing
years yeah yeah same young
bro how you doing
my these are the C ones that P me now
hey the brother what's going on
brother this is p thing I got tired of
him the other
thing yeah this side it's thug life but
the hate to give little to everybody
because story
you oh yeah too yeah yeah yeah oh they
got knocked down yeah yeah that's what
they're doing around all the flats
around here cuz just I can fall on by oh
they're just coming knocking them down
now yeah they do that everywhere housing
yeah this whole place probably about 80%
housing probably only like 2% like
private private yep yep
yep at not just everyone just pulling up
in burn oh yeah this is the place get
top chases through here lose them down
the back street over the park onto the
back in the day do missions in that and
[ __ ] 30 40 of us getting heaps of us
we'll end up in Karina way and all all
the CYS meet up we'll keep doing
missions you know yeah but yeah it was
good back in the day when you have
rolling like big Cruise CPS didn't even
know what to do oh I did say yeah say
like we'd be walking cops would be here
they wouldn't even know what to do they
stroll sash out yeah
what's the straight qu again this is
this is um this is bonson bonson oh yeah
we our primary school is this
stand and then we got our boys we'll get
all the boys together we'll go straight
to the oval we'll play rugby yeah M
you'll have couple of boys trying to get
us get us away from that from that game
yo it was a bit hard but when we got a
little bit older I got a little bit
older it's took took the best of me yeah
rais my fist and tan and that's why I
got lock down yeah but you got other
boys here they do like Master too you
know yeah yeah yeah we broke out of the
cells yeah um went in we done three
buildings this prison or juvie this is a
prison prison yeah they couldn't stop us
when we yeah we burned big uh it was
about 40 million worth the damage oh
that's it yeah that would have made the
news year oh it did it did International
oh that's it yeah it did if you search
it up see it yeah I was on front page
[ __ ] forarms and that oh yeah his
newspaper that's his name baby face they
call him baby face gangster that's what
they even when he got out of D they're
like baby face gangsters
oh that's the prison dond that's the
that's oh that's the you where we wi oh
yeah all right
yeah old prison that's like we've been
in yeah
we out of PTY wagon when I was I was
like 14 bro his Bush party breaks out I
just seen you bro you was King it in
every con I still remember I was [ __ ]
victim I was running away like a Bo AK
one of Bo you got out flanking everyone
bro was HEC it was Pitch Black no light
poles and a rural Bush but my face
wasn't pretty that's what
sure crash the and someone oh no way
another brother
boy this is
the this is the um Elway that um the
Land Cruiser went Chas is through
through could get out so we just started
car they have been spewing what were
they doing just covering up they came
back with reinforcements oh did they
we've been here for years we grew up in
the street used to be a little Park here
I like little tiny yeah it was little we
always used to have smashes here all the
time this is TI
and we all had our first cigarette here
first cigarette here how old were you
every like you see us all on bikes
there's about 50 of us all on bikes we
get we get together there'll be one
talker he'll just he'll just hop us all
up we just go up top I
anyone we we we start on advances if
someone doesn't give us a smoke then
yeah also like one later doing the war
chant get your Z out of it's always
someone's going to they're going to have
a little smart um response yeah yeah
when we was young fellas it was this
park and there was a big grand stand
there they took that out and then
this oh they were down here so this was
the main bit here it seems like this was
like the middle of it yeah this
is everybody hangs y y b all boys
sensible boys good boys from school you
know just having a t yeah but now they
all patch members yeah we all winning
the ja and M we come they got something
yeah brother
pass he died here got
stabbed oh no
way Big G what were these like these
Flats had a name or gav gav
flats how long have they been knocked
down now 5
years oh
homade pot bomb in this a bomb yeah
homade pot bombo oh place was locked
down until the you know bomb squ come
out defused it so probably someone made
it before they cut like you know yeah
and what are they doing at the back
building new Flats now [ __ ] like um
Indians bro they got like they own that
little land there and they have like big
me you know tax company oh taxi
company like family house yep yo yep you
went to C City
Y but umal VI yeah this where all the
Countryman was here sleeping all up
there oh yeah they moved up there they
shifting shifting some of them sleep
over here this was our this is where we
started playing rugby yeah well I
started playing rugby and then I went oh
so you do play rugby played rugby I
played football I play for 11 years yeah
M until um I got into the into that
thing y onto the street tried for the
drugs here and there end up in jail was
mistake is drugs getting worse here or
better worse you got you got kids at 14
30 I now it's crazy as hectic now
yeah um three three three young girls
over there you doing that like how are
you bro with the me what happened tell
them your story bro flip the car
yeah the car yeah just with the boys one
was getting drunk New Year
yeah just going through it at the time
you know stressed out a bit and just
yeah [ __ ] just stole a c into a house
and made stupid decisions and yeah that
was sad to another I woke up and I was
on the side of the road oh you woke up
on the side of the road yeah well after
I was driving I ended up at hump Tod
area and just yeah I was [ __ ] that was
Dr you know people they steal cars they
breaking in and they think it's cool but
it's not cool you know you're stealing
and [ __ ] and breaking in this there's
consequences bro yeah you just got to
learn from the consequences you do that
stuff messes you up real
bad but you're here bro all that matters
your F about how many Lads onen here
yeah that's the that's the blessing lad
hey good to me you lad I was just
watching your video when he was in
Sydney went oh yeah the walk through
yeah yeah sick boys on the bikes
yeah a 17 wheelchair for Life BR that's
how it goes have the people around boys
around here always got along or has it
ever been separated like different gangs
or has it always been together like when
we kids when we kids all the same crew
as people got older everyone do
different Crews oh did say yeah well
these boys hit the um big big heads
before me you know yo yeah it's when you
when you split up from your boys they
get a little bit we yeah and then
they're talking to someone that you
don't like and then that's when that
game comes in someone high hey we got
this we got this for you come come join
us you how it is so there is gangs
around here yeah gangs in the prison
yeah same number oh yeah that's how the
gangs are yeah yeah now you got the
Mongol and Raiders Mongol Mong so bik
Cru up y y yes that's T media if you
want to watch any of these young rap all
of our our music we got heaps dropping
on that it's the roest channel good to
meet you brother yeah that was good bro
you hey you cruising all my
BR thank you thank you thanks for
thank you lest boys all right that's see
my bro yeah that's the brothers that's
the butters that was mad everyone throws
the N word we throw the b word Butters
hey Butters yeah all right my bro thank
you way that was grass BR good to meet
you hectic PO on your boys and I'm on
the bus SL laters bro later my that was
sick lad that was hectic that was really
eye opening
to walk through to see for ADLs you know
what lad they they're not much different
from Sydney they're not much different
from where we're from I thought that you
know honestly I thought coming up here I
thought that that it would just be like
a complete different world obviously it
looks different and they you know what I
mean like they live different style
lives but talking to the lads up here
bro it's not that much different lad you
know what I mean that was sick anyways
that's paliston lad
P lighters L lighters
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