Apple GPT β€” Officially! Goodbye, ChatGPT...

AI Master
6 Mar 202421:00

TLDRThe video discusses the evolution of Apple's virtual assistant, Siri, from its initial release in 2011 to its potential future improvements in 2024. It highlights Apple's investment in AI, including the development of an Apple GPT AI tool and the acquisition of numerous AI startups. The video also touches on Apple's focus on privacy and the challenges faced by Siri's development team. The potential integration of AI in Apple's products, such as music playlist generation and enhanced Siri capabilities, is explored. The video concludes with speculation on the timing and reveal of Apple's AI advancements, suggesting an announcement at Apple's WWDC event in June and additional features with the release of new iPhones in September.


  • πŸ“Ί The script discusses the evolution of Apple's virtual assistant, Siri, from its first appearance in 2011 to its potential advancements in 2024.
  • 🌩 Apple is reportedly developing an AI tool called 'Apple GPT', which is not associated with OpenAI, and is claimed to be more powerful than GPT-3.5.
  • πŸš€ Apple's approach to innovation is to refine existing technologies, such as the iPhone, iPad, and smartwatches, and improve upon them with their own unique features.
  • 🧠 The AI model Apple is working on is said to be trained on over 200 billion parameters, potentially outperforming GPT-3.5 and may be available to users for free.
  • πŸ” Apple is focusing on privacy with its AI development, which has historically limited Siri's capabilities but ensures more secure user experiences.
  • πŸ“ˆ Apple has been actively acquiring AI startups and has a significant number of open positions related to AI, indicating a major push into the field.
  • πŸ’‘ The script speculates on potential AI features for Apple devices, such as automatic playlist generation in Apple Music and enhanced productivity apps.
  • πŸ€– Improvements to Siri are expected to be a major focus of Apple's AI integration, potentially transforming it into a more powerful and capable assistant.
  • πŸ”§ Apple is researching ways to run large AI models on devices with limited memory, which could lead to faster and more integrated AI functionality.
  • πŸ“± UND (On-Device) processing of AI models could lead to faster response times, more secure data handling, and tighter system integration.
  • πŸŽ‰ Apple's potential AI advancements could significantly bridge the gap between humans and machines, improving user experience and productivity.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video transcript?

    -The main focus of the video transcript is the evolution of Apple's virtual assistant, Siri, and the company's efforts in the field of AI, including the development and potential release of a new AI tool.

  • How does the video transcript compare the early version of Siri to the latest version from 2024?

    -The video transcript highlights the significant improvements in Siri's capabilities from its first appearance in 2011 to the advanced version in 2024, suggesting a potential shift in Siri's position in the voice assistant market.

  • What is Apple's internal joke related to their AI tool?

    -Apple's internal joke is that their AI tool is not associated with OpenAI, despite the name similarity, and is instead a proprietary development referred to as 'Apple GPT' by the engineers.

  • How does the video transcript describe Apple's approach to technology innovation?

    -The transcript describes Apple's approach as taking existing technologies, such as touchscreen phones and tablets, and then improving upon them with their own unique twist, often resulting in products that outperform the competition.

  • What is the significance of the 200 billion parameters that Apple's AI has been trained on?

    -The significance of the 200 billion parameters indicates that Apple's AI is potentially more powerful than other models like GPT-3.5, offering a more sophisticated and capable AI experience for users.

  • How does the video transcript address the issue of privacy in AI development?

    -The transcript notes that Apple has a heavy focus on privacy in their AI development, which is one of the reasons Siri currently collects less data and has limited functionality compared to other voice assistants.

  • What is the role of the 'Ask' tool being tested by Apple?

    -The 'Ask' tool is designed to assist AppleCare support employees by generating responses to technical questions and providing information from Apple's internal knowledge base, aiming to speed up support replies.

  • How many AI startups did Apple acquire in 2023, and what does this indicate about their interest in AI?

    -Apple acquired 32 AI startups in 2023, which indicates a strong and growing interest in AI technology and development.

  • What is the potential impact of Apple's AI advancements on the productivity and problem-solving capabilities of users?

    -The potential impact includes significant enhancements in productivity and problem-solving by integrating AI into various Apple services and applications, offering more intuitive and efficient user experiences.

  • How does the video transcript suggest Apple may handle the integration of large AI models on devices?

    -The transcript suggests that Apple has developed methods to manage memory more efficiently, allowing large AI models to run on devices with limited memory by utilizing techniques like wo, row column bundling, and smart data storage management.



πŸ€– Evolution of Siri and Apple's AI Endeavors

This paragraph discusses the evolution of Siri from its introduction in 2011 to the advancements in 2024. It highlights the improvements in Siri's capabilities and the introduction of a new AI tool by Apple, possibly a competitor to OpenAI's GPT-3. The discussion also touches on Apple's history of innovation and its potential to leverage AI to enhance its product offerings, with a focus on user privacy and security.


πŸš€ Apple's Strategic Acquisitions and AI Development

This section delves into Apple's aggressive acquisition of AI startups and its strategy in the AI space. It mentions Apple's acquisition of 32 AI startups in 2023, surpassing other tech giants like Google, Meta, and Microsoft. The paragraph also explores Apple's job postings related to AI, indicating a significant investment in AI technology. Furthermore, it speculates on Apple's potential integration of AI into its products and services, emphasizing the company's commitment to innovation and user experience.


πŸ’‘ Apple's Innovations in AI and Machine Learning

This paragraph focuses on Apple's innovative approach to running large AI models on devices with limited memory. It discusses the company's research on managing memory more efficiently and the potential for AI models to operate with double the memory. The section also addresses the challenges faced by the Siri team in 2023 and the potential for Apple's AI to transform the way we interact with our devices, emphasizing the importance of on-device processing for privacy and functionality.


πŸ“± Future of AI Integration in Apple Devices

The paragraph speculates on the potential features and improvements that Apple's AI could bring to its devices. It discusses the possibility of faster response times, integrated system features, and enhanced privacy due to on-device processing. The section also considers the competition that Apple's AI might face from other AI assistants and the company's strategy to differentiate its offerings. Finally, it provides predictions on when Apple might reveal more details about its AI plans during its annual events.


πŸŽ‰ Anticipating Apple's AI Announcements

In this final paragraph, the anticipation for Apple's AI announcements is palpable. The discussion centers around the speculated timing of these announcements, with the potential for revealing AI features at Apple's WWDC event in June and additional iPhone-specific features in September. The summary emphasizes the excitement and curiosity surrounding Apple's AI developments and the eagerness of the community to test and experience these new technologies.




Siri is Apple's virtual assistant that is integrated into iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and macOS devices. It is used for voice-activated commands, setting reminders, making calls, sending messages, and more. In the video, Siri's evolution from its first appearance in 2011 to its potential improvements in 2024 is discussed, highlighting the expectations for a smarter and more capable assistant.

πŸ’‘Apple GPT AI

Apple GPT AI refers to the internal AI tool that Apple has been developing and testing, which is not associated with OpenAI's GPT models. It is mentioned in the video that this AI tool is more powerful than GPT-3.5, with training on over 200 billion parameters. The potential integration of this AI into Apple's products and services is a key focus, as it could significantly enhance features and user experience.


GPT-3.5 is a language model developed by OpenAI, known for its ability to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. In the context of the video, GPT-3.5 is used as a benchmark to compare Apple's AI capabilities, with Apple claiming its AI to be more powerful and offering it for free to users, which could potentially shift the AI landscape.


Privacy is a central theme in the discussion about Apple's AI development. Apple is known for its focus on user privacy, which is reflected in the limited data collection by Siri compared to other virtual assistants. The video suggests that future AI advancements by Apple will continue to prioritize privacy, ensuring secure and responsible AI usage.

πŸ’‘AI Integration

AI Integration refers to the process of incorporating artificial intelligence into various systems and applications. In the video, it is discussed that Apple is working on integrating AI into many of its apps and services, such as Apple Music for mood-based playlist generation and productivity apps like Pages and Keynote for improved language models and text generation.

πŸ’‘Siri Improvements

Siri Improvements are the expected enhancements to Apple's virtual assistant, making it more capable and user-friendly. The video speculates on potential new features such as better predictive typing, enhanced image recognition, and the ability to perform more tasks without needing to be connected to a smartphone. The goal is to make Siri an all-powerful assistant that can save users time and simplify their lives.

πŸ’‘AI Startups Acquisition

AI Startups Acquisition refers to Apple's strategy of buying AI companies to bolster its AI capabilities. The video mentions that in 2023, Apple acquired 32 AI startups, which is a significant number compared to other tech giants like Google, Meta, and Microsoft. This acquisition spree indicates Apple's commitment to strengthening its AI research and development.

πŸ’‘UND Device Processing

UND Device Processing refers to the concept of running AI models directly on devices, such as iPhones or Macs, instead of on remote servers. The video discusses Apple's research into making large AI models run efficiently on devices with limited memory, which could lead to faster response times and more integrated features without compromising user privacy.

πŸ’‘ generative AI

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that is capable of creating new content, such as text, images, or music. In the video, generative AI is highlighted as a significant area of investment for Apple, with the potential to unlock transformative opportunities for users in terms of productivity and problem-solving. Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, has confirmed that the company is working on generative AI that is nearing release.

πŸ’‘WWDC event

The WWDC event, or Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, is an annual event where Apple announces new software and developer tools. The video speculates that the WWDC event in June could be the platform for Apple to reveal its AI advancements and new features, particularly those that would be available on the most recent devices.

πŸ’‘Siri's Functionality

Siri's Functionality refers to the capabilities and features of Apple's virtual assistant. The video discusses the reputation of Siri as lacking in functionality compared to other virtual assistants and the potential for significant improvements. The expectation is that the enhanced Siri would be able to perform a wider range of tasks, such as booking tables at restaurants, buying movie tickets, and planning trips, to truly assist users in simplifying their lives.


The evolution of Siri from its first appearance in 2011 to the advanced version in 2024.

Siri has been considered one of the less advanced voice assistants, but Apple's investment in AI could change its ranking.

Apple has been experimenting with an AI tool called Apple GPT, which is not associated with OpenAI.

Apple's AI model is claimed to be trained on over 200 billion parameters, making it potentially more powerful than GPT-3.5.

Apple considered using OpenAI's technology but ultimately decided against it, focusing on developing their own AI solutions.

Apple's AI development is heavily focused on privacy, which has been a significant factor in Siri's limited data collection and functionality.

Apple has multiple teams working on AI, with a strong emphasis on privacy and security.

Apple acquired 32 AI startups in 2023, showing its significant interest and investment in the AI field.

Apple's job listings reveal a substantial demand for AI talent, with 232 open positions related to AI.

Apple's strategy involves taking existing technologies and improving them with the 'Apple Way', as seen with the iPhone, iPad, and smartwatches.

Apple is reportedly working on integrating AI into as many of its apps as possible, including Apple Music and productivity apps like Pages and Keynote.

The potential for improved Siri functionality is vast, with expectations for it to become an all-powerful, all-knowing assistant.

Apple's AI development includes a method for large AI models to run on devices with limited memory, using techniques like wo, row column bundling, and smart memory management.

Apple's AI advancements could lead to faster, more integrated, and secure AI features on devices, enhancing user experience significantly.

Apple's potential AI features align with those seen in other tech like the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra, indicating a shared vision for AI application.

The expectation is that Apple will reveal more about its AI plans later in the year, possibly at the WWDC event in June or the fall event in September.

Apple's investment in AI and its potential impact on the industry could be transformative, offering a more integrated and user-friendly experience.