Are You Ready? | Combat Standard Test

3 of 7 Project
2 Jan 202409:58

TLDRThe video introduces the Combat Standards Test, a workout designed to mimic a half-day of land warfare training in a SEAL platoon. The creator shares the significance of each exercise, including front squats, cardio through running or assault biking, and a combination of burpees and pull-ups to simulate firefights. The challenge is to complete the circuit with a 20 lb vest on, aiming to standardize the workout and honor the creator's mentor, Daniel Jake Hubman.


  • 🥊 The Combat Standards Test is a workout designed to replicate a half day of training during a land Warfare Block in a SEAL platoon.
  • 🏋️ The workout was created to standardize the movements and ensure everyone is holding themselves to the same standard.
  • 🤼‍♂️ It reflects the physical fitness required to be part of a SEAL platoon, emphasizing the importance of strength and endurance.
  • 🏃‍♂️ The test includes 25 front squats, 100 calories of salt bike or a mile and a half run, 100 burpees with pull-ups, and another 100 calories of salt bike or mile and a half run.
  • 🏅 The front squats aim to mimic loading heavy gear into trucks, a common task in land warfare training.
  • 🚴‍♂️ The cardio portion offers an option between running or using an assault bike, catering to different training preferences and accessibility.
  • 🔥 The burpees with pull-ups simulate the intense physical demands of a firefight in a land warfare scenario.
  • 🎯 The standard requires completing the workout with a 20 lb vest on; without it, the standard is not met.
  • ⏱️ The time cap for the Combat Standards Test is 1 hour, encouraging participants to work efficiently and push their limits.
  • 💪 The workout is dedicated to Daniel Jake Hubman, a mentor and SEAL operator, symbolizing respect and admiration for military personnel.
  • 📣 The creator encourages sharing results online with the hashtag #combatstandardtest and tagging the 307 project for community support and tracking progress.

Q & A

  • What is the Combat Standards Test designed to replicate?

    -The Combat Standards Test is designed to replicate a half day of training during a land Warfare Block in a SEAL platoon.

  • Why was the Combat Standards Test created?

    -The Combat Standards Test was created to standardize the movements that make up the test and to reflect the fitness level required for SEAL platoon members, including those in their 50s who have been in service for over 20 years.

  • Who is the workout dedicated to?

    -The workout is dedicated to Daniel Jake Hubman, also known as Bam Bam, who was a mentor to the creator during his time in the SEAL Teams.

  • What does the front squat movement in the test simulate?

    -The front squat movement simulates the action of loading heavy gear and weapons into Humvees or trucks during land warfare training.

  • What is the standard weight for the front squats in the Combat Standards Test?

    -The standard weight for the front squats is 135 lbs, which must be performed with the barbell starting from the ground.

  • What are the two options for the cardio portion of the Combat Standards Test?

    -The two options for the cardio portion are either 100 calories on an assault bike or a mile and a half run.

  • How does the Burpee-pull-up sequence in the test simulate a firefight?

    -The Burpee-pull-up sequence simulates the individual movement techniques used during a firefight in land warfare, including a series of ups, downs, and sprints.

  • What is the proper execution of the pull-up after the Burpee?

    -After the Burpee, one should jump into a dead hang position and perform a pull-up with the chin going over the bar, avoiding any CrossFit-style butterfly pull-ups or jumping pull-ups.

  • What is the requirement for the Combat Standards Test to be considered as meeting the standard?

    -To meet the standard, the test must be performed with a 20 lb vest on. If it cannot be completed with the vest, it indicates the need for the individual to get stronger.

  • What is the time cap for completing the Combat Standards Test?

    -The time cap for completing the Combat Standards Test is 1 hour.

  • How can individuals share their results of the Combat Standards Test?

    -Individuals can share their results by posting them online and using the hashtag 'combat standards test' while tagging '307 project' so the creator can follow their progress.



🏋️‍♂️ Introduction to the Combat Standards Test

The speaker introduces the Combat Standards Test, a workout routine designed to mimic a half-day of training during a land Warfare Block in a SEAL platoon. The workout aims to standardize the movements and hold participants to the same standard. The inspiration behind the workout is the speaker's experience in the SEAL Teams, emphasizing the importance of land warfare training and the fitness level required. The speaker dedicates the workout to their SEAL dad, Daniel Jake 'Bam Bam' Hubbman, who mentored and developed them during their time in the SEAL Teams.


🏃‍♂️ The Patrol In and Cardio Portion

This section discusses the cardio portion of the workout, which simulates the patrol phase of land warfare training. Participants have the option to either complete 100 calories on an assault bike or go for a mile and a half run. The choice is provided to accommodate different circumstances, such as limited space or injuries. The speaker shares their personal preference for running but acknowledges that both options are equally challenging, albeit the run may take slightly longer to complete. The segment concludes with a brief mention of the next phase of the workout, which is to replicate a firefight scenario.



💡Combat Standards Test

The Combat Standards Test is a workout regimen designed to emulate the physical demands of a half-day of land warfare training in a SEAL platoon. It includes a series of exercises that reflect the various physical tasks performed by SEALs during their training, such as loading heavy gear and engaging in combat scenarios. The test is meant to standardize the movements and hold participants to a common level of physical fitness. In the context of the video, the creator dedicates this workout to his mentor, Daniel Jake Hubman, and emphasizes the importance of strength and endurance in military training.

💡SEAL Teams

SEAL Teams are the United States Navy's primary special operations force, known for their rigorous training and ability to carry out a variety of missions in challenging environments. The term 'SEAL' stands for Sea, Air, and Land, indicating their capability to operate in all these domains. In the video, the creator shares his experience from being part of the SEAL Teams, highlighting the significant amount of physical fitness required to be part of a SEAL platoon, especially in land warfare training blocks.

💡Land Warfare

Land Warfare refers to the training and operations conducted by military forces on land. It involves a range of activities, from tactical drills to the use of heavy weaponry, and requires a high level of physical fitness and tactical knowledge. In the context of the video, the Combat Standards Test is designed to replicate the physical demands of a land warfare training block within a SEAL platoon, focusing on the strength and endurance needed for tasks such as loading heavy gear onto vehicles and engaging in simulated combat scenarios.

💡Front Squats

Front Squats is a type of squat exercise where the barbell is held in front of the body, across the shoulders. It is a compound exercise that primarily targets the quadriceps, glutes, and core muscles, and is used to build strength and endurance in the lower body. In the Combat Standards Test, front squats are used to mimic the physical demands of loading heavy gear, such as weapons and ammunition, onto military vehicles, which is a common task in SEAL land warfare training.


In the context of military operations, a patrol refers to a group of soldiers moving through a specific area for the purpose of reconnaissance, security, or engaging with the enemy. In the video, the term is used to describe the cardio portion of the workout, which simulates the physical demands of a patrol in land warfare training. This includes getting out of vehicles and beginning a patrol, which involves running or using an assault bike as a form of cardiovascular exercise.

💡Burpee Pull-ups

Burpee Pull-ups is a compound exercise that combines the movements of a burpee and a pull-up. A burpee is a full-body exercise that involves a squat, a push-up, and a jump, while a pull-up is an upper body exercise where one pulls their body up using their arms on a bar. In the Combat Standards Test, this exercise is designed to simulate the individual movement techniques used during a firefight in land warfare, which includes a series of ups, downs, and sprints.


A firefight in military terms refers to an engagement between opposing forces where gunfire is exchanged. It is a dynamic and intense situation that requires quick reactions, tactical movement, and effective use of weaponry. In the context of the workout, the term 'firefight' is used to describe a portion of the exercise routine that simulates the physical demands of such an engagement, focusing on the high-intensity movements and rapid transitions that occur during combat.

💡Daniel Jake Hubman

Daniel Jake Hubman, also known as 'Bam Bam', was a mentor to the video's creator during his time in the SEAL Teams. He played a significant role in the creator's development, providing guidance, discipline, and knowledge that was crucial for survival and success in the demanding environment of the SEALs. The Combat Standards Test is dedicated to Jake in recognition of his impact and the respect the creator has for him.

💡20 lb vest

The 20 lb vest refers to a weighted garment worn during physical training to increase the intensity and difficulty of exercises. It is used to simulate the additional weight that military personnel might carry during actual operations, such as body armor and equipment. In the Combat Standards Test, wearing a 20 lb vest is the standard requirement to meet the challenge and accurately reflect the physical demands of land warfare training.


In the context of social media, a hashtag is a metadata tag used to categorize and group content under a specific topic or theme. Users can click on a hashtag to view all posts that use it, making it easier to find and follow discussions or trends. In the video, the creator encourages viewers to use the hashtag #CombatStandardsTest when posting their results online, allowing others to see their progress and engage with the workout community.

💡Time Cap

A time cap refers to the maximum amount of time allowed to complete a specific task or set of tasks. In the context of the Combat Standards Test, the time cap is set at 1 hour, which means participants must complete the entire workout within this timeframe. This adds an element of time-based challenge to the workout, requiring participants to balance effort and pace to achieve the standard within the given time.


The Combat Standards Test is a workout designed to replicate a half day of training during a land Warfare Block in a SEAL platoon.

The workout was created to standardize the movements and hold participants to the same standard.

The creator of the workout has a deep respect for those in the military, especially those active duty members training well into their 50s.

The Combat Standards Test is dedicated to the creator's SEAL dad, Daniel Jake Hubman, who mentored him in the SEAL Teams.

The front squats in the workout are meant to mimic loading heavy gear into trucks, a common task in land warfare training.

The workout includes a choice between 100 calories on a salt bike or a mile and a half run, offering flexibility for different training preferences and limitations.

The Burpee pull-ups section of the workout simulates the physical demands of a firefight in a land warfare scenario.

For the Burpee pull-ups, participants must jump into a dead hang from the Burpee, avoiding the common mistake of jumping into a jumping pull-up.

The Combat Standards Test is to be performed with a 20 lb vest to meet the standard, reflecting the physical demands of actual land warfare training.

Modifications to the workout are allowed, but they do not meet the standard; the goal is to eventually perform the workout without modifications.

The time cap for the Combat Standards Test is 1 hour, pushing participants to work hard and efficiently.

Participants are encouraged to share their results online with the hashtag #combatstandardstest and tag 307 Project.

The workout is not only a physical challenge but also a tribute to the creator's mentor and the broader military community.

The Combat Standards Test is meant to reflect the essence of a day's work in a land warfare training block, beyond just the physical exertion.

The creator's relationship with his mentor is explored in more depth in another video on the same YouTube channel.

The Combat Standards Test is a tool for both physical improvement and honoring the sacrifices and dedication of military personnel.