B2B Marketing Emails SUCK! (Here's How to Fix Them)

16 Nov 202303:47

TLDRThe video script is a passionate call to action for marketers to revamp their email strategies. It criticizes the overuse of emojis, lengthy subject lines, and irrelevant content that leads to emails being easily ignored. The speaker advocates for simplicity, focusing on providing value and catering to the audience's needs with clear and concise communication. The emphasis is on building a strong brand reputation and fostering an ecosystem where the audience feels supported and engaged.


  • 🚫 Avoid overusing emojis in marketing emails as they can make the message seem less professional and more spam-like.
  • 📚 Focus on creating relevant and concise subject lines rather than lengthy or overly clever ones that may trigger mental spam filters.
  • 🧱 Respect GDPR and CAN-SPAM guidelines to ensure legal compliance and avoid inbox violations.
  • 🔍 Prioritize audience segmentation to ensure messages are targeted and relevant to the recipient.
  • 🎯 Emphasize brand reputation over subject line tricks, as the trust and value associated with the brand are more impactful.
  • 📝 Keep the email body clear and focused on providing value to the audience rather than aggressive self-promotion.
  • 💌 Use passive CTAs subtly at the end of the email to allow the audience to engage more if they choose to.
  • 🌟 Let the quality of the content and value offered shine through, rather than relying on gimmicks or excessive graphics.
  • 👥 Remember to communicate as a human, talking to another human, to establish genuine connections and rapport.
  • 🚫 Steer clear of overused pop culture references that can come off as forced or outdated.
  • 📈 Focus on serving the audience by providing helpful content, which will keep them within your ecosystem and loyal to your brand.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue the speaker has with current marketing emails?

    -The speaker's main issue with current marketing emails is that they are often filled with excessive emojis, lengthy and irrelevant subject lines, and walls of text, making them easy to ignore and delete.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the use of emojis in marketing emails?

    -The speaker suggests that emojis should be used sparingly and appropriately in marketing emails, as overuse can detract from the message's value and make the email feel like an Emoji Movie.

  • How can marketers improve the effectiveness of their subject lines?

    -Marketers can improve their subject lines by keeping them short and clear, avoiding overthinking and unnecessary creativity, and focusing on simplicity.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the importance of the brand versus the subject line in marketing emails?

    -The speaker believes that the brand and the reputation created through marketing activities carry more weight than the subject line.

  • What should be the primary focus of marketing emails according to the speaker?

    -The primary focus of marketing emails should be on serving the audience by providing value and helpful content, rather than just promoting products or services.

  • How does the speaker suggest marketers should approach the body of the email?

    -The speaker suggests that marketers should approach the body of the email by focusing on the audience's needs, providing value, and including passive calls to action for further engagement.

  • What is the 'Emoji Movie' reference in the context of the script?

    -The 'Emoji Movie' reference is used to illustrate the speaker's point that marketing emails can become overwhelming and lose their value when filled with too many emojis, similar to how the movie was criticized for its overuse of emojis.

  • Why does the speaker argue against making marketing emails too 'cute' or 'quirky'?

    -The speaker argues against making marketing emails too 'cute' or 'quirky' because it can lead to a loss of the email's intended message and value, and it can come across as gimmicky or overly cutesy.

  • What is the speaker's advice for maintaining a human touch in marketing emails?

    -The speaker advises to maintain a human touch in marketing emails by communicating like a human talking to another human, being genuine, and focusing on providing value and helpful content.

  • What should marketers avoid in their marketing emails according to the speaker?

    -According to the speaker, marketers should avoid violating GDPR and CAN-SPAM guidelines, not following best practices, and not segmenting their emails.

  • What is the speaker's suggestion for the structure of a marketing email?

    -The speaker suggests structuring a marketing email with a focus on providing value and helpful content to the audience, followed by a few passive calls to action at the bottom for further engagement.



📢 Rant on Marketing Emails

The speaker, Chelsea C, passionately addresses fellow marketers about the current state of marketing emails. They criticize the overuse of emojis, lengthy subject lines, and text that violates GDPR and CAN-SPAM guidelines. The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating relevant, non-intrusive emails that respect inbox guidelines and user privacy. They advocate for a shift in focus from self-promotion to providing value and helpful content to the audience, suggesting a more human and straightforward approach to email marketing.



💡Marketing Emails

Marketing emails are a form of direct communication used by businesses to promote their products, services, or content to a targeted audience. In the context of the video, the speaker criticizes these emails for being too salesy, filled with emojis, and ignoring best practices, which leads to them being easily ignored or deleted by recipients.


Relevance refers to the extent to which the content or message of a marketing email is pertinent to the recipient's interests or needs. The video emphasizes the importance of creating relevant messaging to avoid being dismissed as spam or ignored by the target audience.


GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing) are legal frameworks designed to protect individuals' privacy and regulate commercial email communications. In the video, the speaker expresses frustration with marketers who violate these guidelines, potentially harming their reputation and legal standing.


Segmentation is the process of dividing a larger group of potential customers into smaller, more defined groups based on shared characteristics, such as interests, behaviors, or demographics. The video suggests that proper segmentation can lead to more personalized and effective marketing communications.


Emojis are small digital images or icons used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication. While they can add personality and engagement when used appropriately, the video argues that overuse in marketing emails can detract from the message's value and make the communication seem unprofessional or spammy.

💡Subject Lines

Subject lines are the short descriptions or titles that appear above the body of an email. They serve as the first point of contact between the sender and the recipient, aiming to capture attention and entice the reader to open the email. The video suggests that subject lines should be clear and concise, rather than overly creative or cluttered, to avoid being dismissed as spam.


Content refers to the information, text, images, or other media that make up the body of a communication, such as an email. In the context of marketing emails, the video emphasizes the importance of providing valuable and helpful content that serves the audience's interests, rather than focusing solely on self-promotion.

💡Call to Action (CTA)

A call to action (CTA) is a prompt or instruction designed to encourage recipients to take a specific action, such as clicking a link, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter. The video suggests that CTAs should be subtle and passive, allowing the recipient to engage on their terms rather than being aggressively pushed towards a sale.


Personalization involves tailoring marketing messages and content to the individual preferences and behaviors of each recipient. The video implies that effective marketing emails should be personalized to resonate with the audience and provide them with information that is genuinely relevant and useful.


Branding refers to the process of creating a unique name, image, and reputation for a product or service in the minds of consumers. The video highlights that a company's branding and reputation play a crucial role in how their marketing emails are perceived and whether they are taken seriously by recipients.


Humanization in the context of marketing involves presenting a brand or company in a way that is relatable, authentic, and empathetic to the audience. The video encourages marketers to 'talk like humans' and avoid gimmicks or overly cutesy language, emphasizing the importance of genuine and personable communication.


The need for a change in marketing email strategies to avoid being ignored or deleted by recipients.

The excessive use of emojis in marketing emails can lead to them being easily categorized as spam by recipients' mental filters.

The importance of brand reputation and the sender's identity over the creativity of the subject line in marketing emails.

Recommendation to keep subject lines short and clear, focusing on simplicity rather than creativity.

The potential of emojis to add personality and fun when used sparingly and appropriately in marketing emails.

The need for a shift in focus from promoting content to serving the audience and providing value.

The suggestion to prioritize helpful content and secondary passive calls to action (CTAs) in email marketing.

The importance of being concise and to the point in email marketing to avoid clutter and maintain reader engagement.

The advice against using gimmicky graphics, videos, and emojis that can detract from the email's value and content.

The call to stop relying on cute pop culture references and instead communicate like humans in marketing emails.

The warning against violating GDPR and CAN-SPAM guidelines and the importance of following best practices.

The need for segmentation in marketing emails to ensure relevance and personalization.

The impact of non-segmented, irrelevant messaging on the likelihood of emails being ignored or deleted.

The potential of well-crafted marketing emails to keep recipients within the brand's ecosystem for future engagement.

The emphasis on providing solutions and value to the audience as the primary goal of marketing emails.

The suggestion to rethink the approach to email marketing by focusing on the audience's needs and interests.