Letting The Person In Front of Me Decide What I Eat for 24 Hours w/ my Brother & Sister-in-law
TLDRهذا النص يحتوي على ملخص لسلسلة من الأحداث التي تحدث خلال مقاطعة فيديو تصوير للكاميرا. يبدأ النص بوصف تصوير لطابور طعام شيك فيل-أ في الانتظار، حيث يشعر بليك بالإحباط بسبب اهتمامه بالرياضة. يتابع النص بأحداث تشمل الطلب من الوجبات الغذائية، وتجربة الطعام، وتبادل الآراء. يُشير إلى وجود مقاطع فيديو أخرى تتضمن ممارسة التسوق من قبل الشخصيات الرئيسية، وتجربتهم بالمشروبات الصينية التقليدية المسمى 'matcha'. يُشير إلى تجربتهم الشخصية مع المطاعم المختلفة، وتبادل الآراء حول الوجبات المميزة والأسعار. يُختتم النص بأحداث تتضمن الانضمام إلى مطعم سونيك، والتفكير في الوجبات المميزة والمشروبات، وتبادل الآراء حول التجربة الغذائية. يتضمن النص أيضًا بعض الأحداث الشخصية والأحداث الترفيهية التي تحدث بين الشخصيات الرئيسية، مما يضيف إلى جو الأحداث ويجعله أكثر جاذبية.
- 🍔 他们在Chick-fil-A排队等待,Blake因为想观看即将开始的足球比赛而感到沮丧。
- 📹 他们决定点和前面的人一样的餐点,以节省时间。
- 🍟 他们对Chick-fil-A的薯饼和酱料赞不绝口,并且提到了Chick-fil-A酱料在杂货店有售。
- 🚗 在驾车通过时,他们考虑过模仿前面的车辆点餐,但最终没有这么做。
- 🍩 他们尝试了多种快餐,包括星巴克、Sonic和Taco Bell,并分享了他们的用餐体验。
- 🍦 在Culver's,他们回忆了童年和大学时期使用优惠券的日子。
- 💰 他们在Sonic决定为慈善事业捐款,将账单四舍五入到最近的38美分。
- 🎉 他们对能够以实惠的价格享用午餐表示惊讶,并讨论了通货膨胀对经济的影响。
- 🎁 他们给观众提供了一个小小的惊喜,即使只有7美元,也表达了对他们参与视频的感激。
- 🎬 他们提到了自己没有像David Dobrik或Mr Beast那样的预算,但依然尽力制作视频。
- 🏠 最后,他们决定回家烤牛排,尽管Matt被禁止吃牛排,因为他们要离开另一个快餐店。
Q & A
视频中提到的'The College Dropout'是指什么?
-这里'The College Dropout'是指那些大学辍学的人,视频中提到有人在车里是大学辍学者。
视频中提到的'Baja Blast'是什么?
-Baja Blast是Taco Bell提供的一种饮料。
😀 Chick-fil-A Experience and Food Ordering
The first paragraph describes a lengthy wait in a Chick-fil-A line, which frustrates Blake who wants to watch a football game. The group decides to order the same as the person ahead due to indecisiveness. They excitedly receive their order, which includes chicken minis, hash browns, and a granola parfait. They discuss the availability of Chick-fil-A sauce in grocery stores and contemplate the drive-through experience, noting the absence of other customers. The paragraph concludes with a humorous anecdote about a childhood belief related to eating donuts and going bald.
🍔 In-N-Out Burger Lunch and Nostalgic Conversation
The second paragraph details the group's lunchtime visit to In-N-Out, where they again order what the person ahead of them did, which turns out to be four cheeseburgers with fries and drinks. They discuss the affordability of the meal and make light-hearted comments about their marital status and experiences as younger siblings. The group also shares personal stories, including one about skinny dipping and another about a fishing trip, adding a sentimental touch to their video. They end the paragraph with a playful gesture, giving away found money to viewers as a token of appreciation.
🍟 Fast Food Adventures and Culver's Visit
The third paragraph follows the group as they attempt to order at Sonic and later at Taco Bell, noting the lack of people in the drive-through and resorting to ordering what the person ahead of them did. They share a funny moment where they contemplate leaving a location due to a perceived lack of customers. The group then arrives at Culver's, where they reminisce about past experiences and order what the person ahead of them did, which includes cheeseburger singles and a small fry. They discuss their love for Culver's and the appeal of its kids meals, concluding with a humorous note about grilling steaks at home.
💡Chick-fil-A sauce
💡Taco Bell
The longest Chick-fil-A line ever experienced, causing frustration due to a football game starting.
Ordering the same as the person in front to save time and decision-making.
Enthusiasm for the pre-ordered meal consisting of chicken minis, hash browns, and a granola parfait.
Chick-fil-A sauce is now available for purchase at the grocery store.
A humorous moment regarding the drive-through experience and a potential awkward situation.
Miscommunication leads to an order of 50 munchkins instead of the intended items.
A personal anecdote about being told that eating donuts would lead to baldness as a child.
The hot hash browns and their aroma reminiscent of country potatoes.
A Starbucks visit and a debate about the popularity of matcha drinks.
An In-N-Out lunch order mimicking the previous customer's order, including four cheeseburgers and fries.
A discussion on the affordability of meals during times of economic inflation.
A lighthearted conversation about marriage at a young age and its implications.
A spontaneous decision to grill steaks at home, despite initial reluctance.
A surprise seven-dollar tip found in the car's center console given to viewers as a token of appreciation.
An experience at Sonic where the drive-through is unexpectedly empty.
A Sonic order including a cheeseburger and the mint flavor experience.
A visit to Taco Bell with an order influenced by the previous customer's choice.
A nostalgic trip to Culver's with orders mimicking the previous customer's meal.
A humorous moment involving a pumpkin cream concoction that surprisingly tastes good.
this is officially the longest
Chick-fil-A line we've ever been in and
Blake is really frustrated because he
wants to watch football the game is
starting sorry about that link
all right I don't think it is all right
yeah even the camera is off we'll be
discussing this privately I'm gonna
order exactly what the person in front
of me just ordered
stop watching what happened you wanna
order exactly what the person in front
of you ordered yes all right everybody
we have the good pre-orders of four
count chicken minis two hash browns a
granola parfait and that's that's it
that's everything I'm very excited for
this you guys this is a really good
start to the day the person in front of
us really knew what was that oh my God
look at those you guys having trouble
with your honey back here I've never put
honey if I have either I really like the
Chick-fil-A sauce I think Chick-fil-A
sauce that just makes it a one try you
know they're selling Chick-fil-A sauce
at the grocery store these days you can
literally buy it in a bottle isn't that
crazy you didn't know that oh I didn't
know if you knew that I thought that was
like big news I thought that was like
really exciting it's been around for a
while okay oh wow
I'll try the hash browns just for that
okay apparently there's nobody in the
drive-through so we're gonna have to sit
this one out we could just like park
right over there and just wait for
someone and then awkwardly like go
behind them oh there is a car over there
do you see that car wait I don't want to
order it you have to
you got this babe I believe in you you
want me to switch you you want me to
sorry for you
my best ordered
uh so the person in front of you ordered
50 munchkins and six ordered the hash
browns sounds good
wait did they say 50 orders of monkeys I
don't literally just say sounds good yay
they actually if you wanted to receive
you just you just drove away where the
heck are you going right now by the way
away I can tell your panicking right now
oh my gosh there's a car right there
what do you do are you scared for my
life right now okay we have 50 munchkins
and six hash browns for a grand total of
yeah I am so sorry you guys oh they're
jelly filled wait let me try one of
I used to eat powdered Donuts all the
time as a kid my dad's Uncle he was um
old and bald and he told me that if I
would eat the whole of the donut that I
would get bald just like him so I'd have
to eat the donut holes instead
did you believe him I did I was five
this is burning my leg right now I have
like six hash browns that are piping hot
they look like they have pepper on them
what am I smelling is that oregano it
smells like poultry seasoning can't tell
what it is oh I actually like it smells
good also approximately it makes me
think yeah I know it's so hot like
country potatoes
wow that is so many hash browns we need
a drink
I know are ordering drinks and it's
literally right here we came to
Starbucks see that
that's it
one time we did this freaking video and
somebody ordered what is it called
matcha they just got matcha what is it
when people ordering matcha if they
order matcha today we're quitting the
video I know the matcha crowd's gonna
come for me now matcha just not that
good and you can make it at home and
it's way cheaper
a little afraid that it is going to be a
matcha oh good I'm ordering off of her
phone oh let's go come on Kim her name's
Kim I just already know it don't think
about it too much you are strong and
powerful this is kind of weird but could
I just get exactly the order of the
person in front of us and it can be a
surprise too
you want it to be a surprise yes please
do you like matcha I do okay okay you
don't listen I'm not doing it too
that's okay that'll work
what the frick I don't hate matcha I do
oh gosh
oh no some idiots but 14. some idiots
on too much Jay you cut that out cut
that out of the video
this is your first tip of matcha wait
they gotta try the real thing first okay
this is not this is this is pumpkin
creaming oh my goodness what is this
concoction all right Blake let's see it
this oh oh you could try it no Matt go
ahead oh you sure
by first glance this reminds me of the
shamrock shake from McDonald's
not bad I don't really taste is it good
is it actually good really
oh no it tastes like tea try it with the
pumpkin it's actually kind of good got
some pumpkin in here
okay that's actually not that bad I
wouldn't order this but with the pumpkin
it's kind of fun what do we rate this
four five out of ten five out of ten
okay all right people it's lunch time
we're trying to get some good sandwiches
from in and out there's literally no
line wait I'm so stupid there's
literally cars right there hey I'm good
how are you doing great how can help you
I'm gonna order exactly what the person
in front of me ordered
one sec I've never had that response oh
it's a big uh four cheese burgers with
onion or fries a Diet Coke regular Coke
lemonade that sounds that sounds
delicious let's get it I like this works
perfectly four Burgers four fries and
then the pink lemonade will definitely
be yours Matt of course I feel like
you'd be the diet coke like it'd be the
regular coconut be the review still
can't get over the fact 33 dollars for
four people to eat lunch is really
really cheap in today's economy with all
the inflation that we've been facing
on supply and demand right now of course
I'd love to so when there's and when
there's excess Supply then demand goes
down our College dropouts yeah you're
The College Dropout in the car am I the
only one that dropped out of college
here actually Masters Degree we're here
with Madison she watches our videos
you're so nice it's adorable thank you
so much you have a great day nice to
meet you nice to meet you you're
literally eating the fries before I can
park the car
we have one Burger two burgers wow
there's so much onion three burgers and
four burgers
that hits so hard what do you think
about the burger you guys pretty good I
kind of cheated
she took up all the toppings what that's
so lame I know that ticks Blake off our
viewers may not know this I mean I got
married at 21 and 20 and you guys got
married at 21 and 21. hey we had the
heat turned on high and then after we
got married young I think Abby's parents
were just like oh yeah we don't freaking
care that's just part of being the
younger sibling though I feel like the
oldest siblings take all of the heat
we've already worn them down by the time
they come around for that that kid my
brother was watching Rated R movies at
12 and I couldn't even watch PG-13 when
I was 13. I actually
Matt you were
50. you remember that time we were
fishing together at a pond and I was 18
years old and I told you how would you
feel if I married your sister and I
think you were like I think it's a bit
Matt and I was in the hammock next to
you and I didn't know you were asleep in
there and then you popped your head up
and was like hello
and you and Blake skinny dipped that
same drink Blake how do you feel about
skinny dipping with me I didn't have any
shoes and I was running on like
Cobblestone Road and I feel like I cut
up on my feet guys this is so precious
this is so sentimental thanks for being
in our video guys oh sorry I wanted to
do my stupid joke we don't have the
budget of uh David dobrik or Mr Beast
but we did find seven dollars in our
center console and so we wanted to give
it to you guys for being in this video
let's give up for Blake and daddy
currently at Sonic and there's nobody in
the drive-through because like everyone
is in the Stalls or the other side
a truck over there oh wait wait hold up
yeah I think that person yeah okay let's
go through that truck just ordered
through the driveway I'm being dizzy why
are you getting dizzy your chicken
lapsed around this Sonic like crazy okay
sorry Abby's yelling at Big she wants to
get back to our baby she panics if we're
we've been gone for not even an hour
okay so that right there
right there and this is what what did
they do they gave her some mint
oh okay I didn't know that this
cheeseburger honestly kind of looks a
little sassy he wants to eat this like
you eat it I'm not Blake hey how about
you say goodbye to this yeah sure
I did a big bite of onion in there okay
wow you're going you're really going in
for that honey oh I like the burger I
like that it's mushy oh why do you
like that is mushy all right we have a
situation there's nobody in front of us
in line can you say something notable
right now
um You Ready for tacos all right set
this down we're gonna camp out I know
you somebody will come this is Taco Bell
this place is always popping up they got
Baja Blast they got tacos
please tell me you're going to talk okay
are you kidding me wait did they just
come in please tell me they're going to
Taco Bell you lost hope we were driving
away and then two cars showed up not one
but two Christmas miracle
Mexican pizza
are you sure you don't want something to
drink sir I don't think we got any
hello I would like to order exactly what
the person in front of me ordered would
you like the round up the 38 cents at
the same
yes okay this next order was nine
dollars because we rounded up for
charity because we're awesome people
this just keeps working out the person
in front of us ordered four BP burritos
and fire Diablo sauce
oh my gosh what's wrong honey I almost
can't eat it why it takes me immediately
back to the first trimester of both my
it literally takes me back wow okay
let's help me get dessert
okay this is purely for audio purposes
when we pull up to Culver's hey we made
it to Culver's okay guys three two one
hey it's Culver's we're Culver's
everybody hey we made it to Culver's
good old Culver hopefully we get some
ice cream say something
I don't know what's going on
hi yes I'm gonna order exactly what the
person in front of me ordered
pick it up that is it all right
thank you thanks so much they like acts
like everyone orders that it's like some
people get the number one meal and then
other people just get what the person
first I used to come here with my mom
when I was a kid I would always get the
kids meal because you get a free ice
cream with it we still got kids meals in
college for date nights you're right
because it was a deal you get a little
coupon that you can cash in once you
have a Scoopy token and if you have 10
of them then you get a toy with the tent
I used to coupon a lot as a kid you used
to Koopa I used to be a couponer an
extreme couponer we got a cheeseburger
single and another cheeseburger single
oh one is cut in half and a small fry so
that is what we got here we go take a
delicious I think this is my favorite
burger my favorite burger just slept on
any other things you want to say
cut that out Jake the squad we should go
grill steaks at the house and I said you
know what that would be dishonest but
I've been overruled so we're gonna go
girl some steaks Matt's not allowed to
eat them
why am I not left you won't let me go to
another drive through okay let's just
leave all right we're gonna go home
we're going home
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