Craziest Sibling Fights! | Brent Rivera
TLDRهذا النص يحتوي على ملخص لسلسلة من الأكواد التي تمثل سكريبت فيديو يتضمن العديد من الأكشن والأحداث المشوقة. يبدأ النص باستقبال زائر خاص يدعى بينوتشيو، يأتي من الفيلم، ويتضمن محادثة حول إدراك أن بينوتشيو ينمو حظيره عندما يكذب. تبعتها سلسلة من الأكشن مثل الضحك والتكتيك، وتجربة الأصدقاء بعضهم البعض في مختلف المواقف المشوقة مثل التصوير الفوتوغرافي المزعج، والأحداث الغريبة مثل الأحداث المزيفة والأحداث المزيفة. تتضمن الأحداث أيضًا مفاجآت مثل المساعدة في شراء منزل جديد للصديق لكي يعيش مع كلبه، والاحتفال بتخرج صديق من المدرسة الثانوية. يتضمن النص أيضًا مسابقات وantics داخل المنزل مثل مسار صحراوية داخل البيت. يحتوي النص على العديد من الأحداث المشوقة والضحك والأحداث الغريبة التي تجعل الجمهور يستمتع بمشاهدة الفيديو.
- 🎬 **视频剧本分析**: 剧本描述了一系列的恶作剧和幽默场景,涉及多个角色。
- 🤥 **匹诺曹的鼻子**: 视频中提到了匹诺曹,当它说谎时鼻子会变长,这是一个幽默的互动点。
- 🍽️ **餐厅恶作剧**: 角色们在餐厅中进行了一系列的恶作剧,包括关于匹诺曹鼻子的笑话和支付方式的玩笑。
- 📸 **假时尚拍摄**: 有一个精心策划的恶作剧,让一个朋友相信自己为《Vogue》杂志拍摄,实际上是一个愚人节玩笑。
- 🎓 **虚拟毕业典礼**: 为了弥补一个朋友因特殊情况错过的毕业典礼,举办了一个虚拟的毕业典礼。
- 🏠 **家里的障碍赛**: 视频里还包含了一个在家里设置的障碍赛,朋友们竞争以赢得奖金。
- 🍕 **披萨惊喜**: 有一个场景是假装为朋友们订了披萨,但实际上是另一个恶作剧。
- 💸 **慷慨的惊喜**: 视频中有一个感人的惊喜,给一个朋友提供了金钱帮助,以便他能和自己的宠物团聚。
- 🏡 **新房派对**: 未经一个朋友知情,在他新买的房子里举办了一个大型派对。
- 🚗 **洗车场意外**: 在一个洗车场场景中,发生了一个看似严重的意外,但实际上是另一个恶作剧。
- 🎉 **总体氛围**: 整个视频充满了欢笑和惊喜,展现了一群朋友之间的友情和恶作剧精神。
Q & A
😀 与匹诺曹的趣味对话
😂 愚人节的Vogue假拍摄
🎉 为朋友举办的惊喜派对
😜 各种恶作剧和玩笑
💡April Fool's Day
💡Obstacle Course
💡Pizza Delivery
💡Car Wash
💡Tick Tock
💡Ice Cream Sundae
Introduction of a special guest, Pinocchio, from the movie with a humorous interaction about his growing nose.
Pinocchio's inability to lie without his nose growing, leading to a comical revelation about Jeremy.
A playful discussion about a donkey, using the term 'ass' to avoid confusion, and a funny interaction with Andrew.
An elaborate prank on Andrew involving a fake Vogue photoshoot with unexpected costume changes.
Andrew's realization that the Vogue photoshoot was a prank, followed by his humorous reaction.
A TikTok prank involving an argument between friends, creating a believable scenario of conflict.
Ben's unexpected reaction to being pranked with a fake argument, leading to a dramatic exit.
A funny ice cream sundae prank where unanswerable questions result in the person being covered in toppings.
Surprising a friend with a pizza delivery that turns into a messy prank.
Throwing an impromptu pool party at Ben's new house without his knowledge.
Setting up a fake date for Jeremy with a girl who traveled from Mexico, creating an awkward yet humorous situation.
A heartwarming surprise for an editor named Mark, who is gifted money to find a new home for his dog, Tokyo.
A graduation ceremony created for a friend who missed his due to circumstances, offering a touching moment.
An indoor obstacle course challenge with a prize of $500, adding an element of competition among friends.
Lexi's attempt at the obstacle course, including a mishap with stepping on Legos.
A trivia game with a mother, involving a prank about a fake mistake, leading to a humorous exchange.
A prank on Ben involving a staged 'hickey' and a fabricated overnight guest, causing shock and disbelief.
A fake poop prank on a mother, using realistic props for a gross-out gag.
A chaotic car wash prank where Mason pretends to fall, causing concern and confusion.
A generous tip given to Mason in the form of toilet paper after a car wash prank, adding a comedic twist to the end of the video.
okay fine oh my God Lexia
all right so we have a little special
guest today we got him straight out of
the movie Pinocchio hello
wait what wait your nose how did you get
your nose like that please welcome
Pinocchio oh my God
oh so cute thank you oh wow all right so
we all know when Pinocchio lies his nose
gross so Pinocchio do you think my
sister is cute what of course not oh oh
liar what I knew it me Pinocchio
wait oh that's Jeremy that's Jeremy whoa
what have you ever stolen anything from
Ben before no
why is it getting bigger why is it
getting bigger oh what oh my God oh my
oh my God does Jeremy use the same
underwear for a whole week
can I get some fried zucchini please hey
do you guys take nose as a form of
payment no we don't he just can't lie if
he lies his nose gets a lot bigger this
is my favorite place to eat
Pinocchio hey you got something on your
shirt right here what do you mean yeah
it's right there I got you down why'd
you do that oh give me that back what's
wrong with you all right so today we
have a donkey AKA an ass yes that is the
literal term for a donkey so don't think
we're cussing so basically we're gonna
be telling our friends that they have a
nice butt then mace is going to come out
with this donkey yo what's up Andrew
what's up man I like that sweatshirt
thank you yeah no it looks really good I
appreciate it oh and I'm loving that ass
that ass looks good
I'm not talking about do you think I
shot my earbuds
this is a huge ass
it smells like that soon
that's a nice ass whoa
thank you that's a nice ass oh my God
wait you got it you got the stuffy just
to do this joke hey Jeremy yo that's a
nice ass an ass that's no no no I'm
talking to this donkeys what in the
world how did you get this in your house
is kind of stinky you might not want to
rub your hand on it yeah that's a good
looking ass what that's a that's a good
looking ass I hate you how do you get
these things so my friend Andrew's dream
is to model for Vogue so since it's
April Fool's Day today we're gonna make
him think that he landed a dream a photo
shoot with vo when in reality I'm behind
it and we're gonna embarrass him until I
break it to him that it's all a prank so
we had a photographer reach out to him
and then we read a full-blown studio
with an entire fake crew just to sell it
to Andrew that this is a real Vogue shoe
this is what Andrew is going to wear
during the photo shoot this is
humiliating all right so we just got to
the studio and this is where the Vogue
shoot is gonna happen and now it is time
for me to hop actually Andrew's here
Bob what's up guys my name is
we're here with Vogue
summer campaign because it's been a
dream for you oh for sure yeah you know
you always see like the vote man
everything seemed to be running smoothly
and after shooting his first look it was
finally time for him to dress like a hot
and that's a wrap on the shoot but
before he leaves we're gonna make him
sign some paperwork that also reveals
that this is all a prank
same there
oh my God yo well I hope you enjoyed
your your photo shoot it was fun yeah
honestly it was kind of fun
I looked so stupid I was FaceTiming my
mom saying like yo I'm at this like boat
it's crazy I'm like and you're
gonna call him and be like
good friends I can't see you in the
camera you have to tilt the camera down
yeah maybe if you weren't so short
seriously yeah get taller okay I'm not
doing this
so today we are going to be arguing in
front of our friends
all right let's go all right so we're
pranking our friend Jeremy first we're
gonna be making a tick tock and then get
super mad at each other during The Tick
Tock I'm passing the phone to someone
that wasn't supposed to be born
oh what oh well I'm passing the phone to
someone who has anger issues here you go
oh I'm passing the phone to a spoiled
brat that literally takes two hours to
get ready every single day just to look
like a freaking Barbie doll what is
wrong with you what's wrong with you
sexy he's joking he's different what
oh my God you guys are something else
bro I was like are they actually arguing
right now can you hurry up Lexi yeah one
side she always takes so long right what
the heck seriously literally the last
thing I don't know why you're yelling
because Ben's trying to film something
right now and you've been doing this all
day that's why it's hard she used to do
that too okay I don't need to film this
with you don't film with me I'm not
going to okay fine oh my god let's see
uh it's not that deep why did you hit me
it's not that deep
it's a break
I was like why'd you actually hit him
though I was like more mad at Ben and I
know she does this all the time what are
you doing I have to fix my makeup oh
you're gonna leave the car why are you
yelling at me because
you're annoying hurry up Lexi stop being
a brat oh my gosh that's it I'm done I'm
out of here
what is happening right now
oh oh oh
my god
oh Ben what are you doing in the ice
cream sundae Bowl I wish I knew all
right so basically I'm gonna ask you
some hard questions okay so every
question that you can't answer Lexi and
Dom here are going to pour an ice cream
topping on top of you oh pounds of ice
cream whipped cream chocolate sauce
cherries and sprinkles oh wow who is
your least favorite member of the group
I can't answer that pour the ice cream
who actually broke up with you
what what
the frick get out of the whole group
whose YouTube videos are the words
you know what that means
question what is my sister's worst
personality trait
I'm about to get hit after this
oh perfect there we go
not bad not bad
pretty good all right so I am here with
some of the squad I hope you guys are
hungry because I order pizza is that
cool I feel like there's a catch yeah
why are you being so nice right now oh
wait I think the pizza's here let's go
let's go doesn't he usually knock on the
door yeah I don't know where is it what
is going on
I had a pizza delivery guys ordered
pizza yes thank you very much what just
it's still warm three two one go
all right
oh my gosh
why does it seem like something Ben
would do
oh my God everyone is staring at him
so our friend Ben just recently got a
brand new house little does he know we
are about to throw a big rager in his
house he's gonna be mad
yo Ben hey is it cool if I'm me and
Jeremy and a couple friends come over
here cool all right I'll see you there
okay all right looks like we're about to
have a really sick pool party oh yeah
here we go
surprise surprise you guys look like
you're ready for a pool party yeah yeah
it's got like a few friends oh
I mean the girls can stay right
all right so I am here with JJ hi my
friend Jeremy has a little crush on you
do you have a crush on him should we
have someone next to you she came all
the way from Mexico to see you Mexico
open your eyes
oh my God
bro you told me that you guys were
supposed to go on a date and that date
never happened so I am here today to
make that date happen oh my God there's
so many Sparks in this room right now
Dave Ace aramosa
what does that mean you look really
get these guys up did you invite him oh
I feel like the only dates I go on are
the ones that I third wheel
what'd you guys think of your first date
to end the night I feel like maybe
Ximena you give him a kiss on the cheek
but if you guys don't know my editor
Mark who's also been my friend literally
since middle school has a dog named
Tokyo he loves her more than anything
however this past month he hasn't been
able to see her as much because the
place he's living at right now doesn't
allow any dogs so he only sees her about
once a week because she's living with a
friend 45 minutes away so today I want
to surprise him with Tokyo and I also
want to give him five thousand dollars
to help him get a brand new play so he
can live with his dog Tokyo finally we
love you mark so obviously a lot of the
footage doesn't make it in the video do
you have any unreleased juicy footage
that they would love to see I have some
dirty stuff guys actually I have my
laptop right here okay okay how about
this 40 000 likes and we'll do it okay
guys like it up so you have a dog right
yeah Tokyo okay well I know recently
this last month you haven't been able to
see her as much right and you miss her
right yeah so much okay well we have a
little surprise for you
Jeremy where are you at oh my God I know
she's not allowed where you live right
now so we want to surprise you with
something I know you're saving up I want
to give you five thousand dollars to
help you get a new place so you can
finally live with Tokyo and yeah oh my
God no way
yeah I really it's been so hard the last
like a month without her yeah oh my God
yeah yeah Tokyo get your butt out of
Mark's face that was the best friend to
have I also have a friend like Brian get
yourself an editor like Mike it's
literally a lifesaver like this is
getting me out of the biggest hole I've
ever been yeah okay good dinner's on
Mark tonight
this is my friend Ben he's a senior in
high school this year but because of
everything that's going on he doesn't
get a Graduation so I decided to make a
graduation for him all right so we have
at the graduating class of 2020 here
with us today give us a round of
anyways we want to congratulate each and
every one of you or one of you uh on
graduating high school we have Ben
yay and that concludes our class of
2020. so uh throw your cat
so today I made an extreme obstacle
course inside of my house and I'm gonna
challenge myself and my friends to
complete it the fastest time will win
the grand prize of 500 let's meet the
contestants hi I'm Ben and I'm Lexi no
one cares okay I'm Brent uh and I don't
want to lose my money so I'm going to
win I'm Mason and you're watching Disney
okay all right all right so we're all
gonna start off at the mini golf after
you get the golf ball in the hole you're
gonna scooter over to the blue two go
through the Bluetooth then you're gonna
jump over the Red Cups after that you're
gonna step on some Legos then cross the
plank over the pool and jump onto the
inflatable trampoline while dodging the
blue pole after that get off and click
the red button and you're done here we
go Lexi I'm nervous all right your time
starts in three two one
guys doing the scooter here we go
through it
oh my God whoa nice nice step in the
here we go
whoa oh shoot oh
press the button press the button
Macy how do you feel oh wet all right so
next up we have Ben set the timer in
three two one go oh oh man here we go
there we go oh you got it you got it the
shooter part the shooter now
all right jump over the cups there you
across the plank there we go
hey he got it he got it he just has to
get off now and press the button come on
Ben press the button what was the time
that was so hard so now it is all up to
me you know why I'm nervous is because I
put 500 on this and I don't want to lose
my money your time starts in three two
there we go
okay oh my God
all right here we go jump jump jump
one more job one more jump start
the buzzer
no way
okay Brent's time was one minute and 10
seconds so you know what that means
Mason wins the 500. let's go
oh my God all right so Mom do you want
to play a little trivia game sure all
right so if you get this right I'll give
you 50 okay all right so can you spot
the mistake beside you you're like a
mistake wow okay you know what I get
roasted no seriously though can you spot
the mistakes spot spot I am a teacher
I edit for a living thank you I love sun
too no you're not getting any you didn't
do anything all right so I'm about to
surprise Lexi with oh my gosh what are
you doing what what are you guys doing
all right so this is how we're gonna
prank Ben basically I have Andrew here
to pretend that he's making a move on my
system Lexi even has like a hickey look
he's he's making me do this guys I am
making her do this because she lost a
she's upstairs in her room she's with
uh he spent the night
what are you guys doing
um what is this he was just leaving but
he had to spend the night so but I got
in the front Okay look why are you in
her bed though
is that a hickey okay first you're in
her bed then you ever you give her a
hickey a hickey
I thought I trusted you bro but who did
it because I didn't let's see who did it
I don't know it's just it just appeared
there one day are you serious
not to do that oh my God are you serious
bro like I'm joking I'm just kidding
Brad I'm playing bro I know you're
pranking me swear why are you
doing wait wait what I knew it oh my God
this will never happen so I knew it was
a joke well it did happen
fake poop prank on my mom I'm gonna put
this in the bathroom and uh tell her
that I didn't make it to the toilet
all right let's go it's coming right now
Mason are you recording yeah
cool mom what I uh I try to make it to
the toilet but I couldn't I had I had to
go so bad what is that aren't supposed
to be pooped it's my poop I tried to
make it to the toilet you know what do
you think I'm gonna believe that I'm
gonna believe you pooped on the floor oh
my gosh seriously seriously are you
kidding it looks real but what do you
think I am I'm not stupid Brent we have
a speaker and some pudding the speaker
is going to play a fart sound and then