BYE Midjourney! Top 5 Best FREE AI Art Generator Alternatives || Midjourney Alternative

Ai Lockup
17 Jul 202308:11

TLDRThe video presents five top free alternatives to Midjourney for AI art creation, allowing users to generate stunning artwork without any cost. The first tool, Blue Willow, requires a Discord connection and a brief wait to start creating images using prompts and aspect ratios. Leonardo AI offers text-to-image generation with a sign-up process and various model options. Adobe Firefly, currently in beta, allows users to generate images from text with customizable settings. Playground AI provides a canvas editor for creating multiple objects in one frame, with adjustable prompt guidance and quality settings. Lastly, DALL-E 2, developed by OpenAI, is a text-to-image generator that generates images from prompts after account creation. The video encourages viewers to explore these tools to unleash their creativity and share their experiences in the comments.


  • 🎨 Midjourney, previously free, has become a paid platform for AI art generation.
  • πŸš€ There are five top alternatives to Midjourney that offer free AI art creation.
  • 🌐 Blue Willow is the first tool mentioned, accessible through Discord, with a five-minute wait time before image creation.
  • πŸ“ To use Blue Willow, type '/imagine' followed by your prompt and aspect ratio in the chat box.
  • 🎭 Leonardo AI is a text-to-image generator requiring an account sign-up and confirmation via email.
  • πŸ” Leonardo AI offers advanced options and the ability to refine image generation with negative prompts.
  • πŸ”₯ Adobe Firefly is a beta tool by Adobe that allows text-to-image generation with various customization options.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Playground AI is a canvas editor that lets you create multiple objects in one frame and adjust settings for better results.
  • 🧈 DALL-E 2 by OpenAI is a text-to-image generator that requires an account for daily tries.
  • πŸ’‘ All five tools enable users to unleash their creativity without any cost.
  • πŸ“Œ The video encourages viewers to share their experiences and results with these free image generator tools in the comments section.

Q & A

  • What has the advent of AI art generators like Midjourney done for the art creation process?

    -AI art generators like Midjourney have revolutionized the art creation process by allowing anyone to produce breathtaking artwork with just a few clicks, making it less time-consuming and more accessible.

  • Why might users be looking for alternatives to Midjourney?

    -Users might be looking for alternatives to Midjourney because it has transitioned into a paid platform, requiring payments for image creation, and they are seeking free alternatives to continue creating artwork without cost.

  • What is the first tool mentioned in the video for creating AI artwork?

    -The first tool mentioned is Blue Willow, which can be accessed through Discord and allows users to create AI artwork by entering prompts and aspect ratios.

  • How does the user generate images with Blue Willow?

    -To generate images with Blue Willow, the user clicks on the chat box, types 'slash imagine' followed by their prompt and aspect ratio, and then hits enter to generate images.

  • What is Leonardo AI and how does it differ from Blue Willow?

    -Leonardo AI is a text-to-image generator that requires users to sign up with their name and email address. It differs from Blue Willow in that it offers a more detailed account creation process and provides advanced options and models for image generation.

  • What are some of the features of Adobe Firefly?

    -Adobe Firefly is a tool that allows users to generate images from text and edit photos with text prompts. It is currently available in beta version and offers features such as changing aspect ratio, content type, style, color tone, lighting, and composition.

  • How does Playground AI differ from the other tools mentioned?

    -Playground AI is unique in that it offers a canvas editor where users can create multiple objects in one frame, known as generation frames. It also allows for adjustments in prompt guidance, quality, and details level for better results.

  • What is DALL-E 2 and how do you create an image with it?

    -DALL-E 2 is a text-to-image generator AI developed by OpenAI. To create an image with DALL-E 2, users need to create an account, enter a prompt in the prompt box, and click on the generate button to generate images.

  • What are the steps to download an image generated by DALL-E 2?

    -To download an image generated by DALL-E 2, select the desired image and click on the download icon to save the image to your device.

  • What does the video encourage viewers to do after trying out the mentioned tools?

    -The video encourages viewers to share their experiences and results with image creation using the free image generator tools in the comments section below.

  • What are the advantages of using these free AI art generation tools?

    -The advantages include the ability to explore and unleash creativity without spending any money, as well as the wealth of options and features these tools provide for creating unique and stunning artwork.

  • How can users stay updated with more tutorials like the one in the video?

    -Users can subscribe to the channel that produced the video to receive notifications for more tutorials and updates on AI art generation and other creative topics.



🎨 Discovering Free AI Art Creation Alternatives

This paragraph introduces the viewer to the world of AI art creation, which traditionally requires significant time and effort. However, with the advent of AI generators like Mid-Journey, the process has become more accessible. The script discusses the shift of Mid-Journey to a paid platform and offers five free alternatives for creating AI art. It provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the first tool, Blue Willow, including joining a Discord server, using a specific command, and generating images with different aspect ratios. The paragraph also explains how to upscale and download the generated images.


πŸ–ΌοΈ Exploring Additional AI Art Generators

The second paragraph continues the exploration of AI art creation tools by introducing Leonardo AI, Adobe Firefly, Playground AI, and DALL-E 2. It outlines the process for signing up and using each tool, emphasizing their unique features and capabilities. For Leonardo AI, it details the image generation process, including selecting models and entering prompts. Adobe Firefly is highlighted for its text-to-image generator capabilities, with customization options like aspect ratio and style. Playground AI is introduced as a canvas editor that allows for the creation of multiple objects in a single frame. Lastly, DALL-E 2 is presented as a text-to-image generator developed by Open AI, with instructions on creating an account and generating images. The paragraph concludes with an invitation for viewers to share their experiences and subscribe for more tutorials.



πŸ’‘AI Art Generator

An AI Art Generator is a software application that uses artificial intelligence to create visual artwork based on user input, such as text prompts or images. In the context of the video, AI Art Generators are tools that allow users to produce digital art without the need for traditional artistic skills or extensive time investment. The video discusses several free alternatives to Midjourney, a popular AI Art Generator that transitioned to a paid model.


Midjourney is a platform known for its AI Art Generator that has significantly impacted the digital art creation process by making it accessible with just a few clicks. However, as mentioned in the video, it has become a paid platform, prompting the search for free alternatives.

πŸ’‘Blue Willow

Blue Willow is one of the AI Art Generator alternatives presented in the video. It is a tool that allows users to generate images through a Discord server by entering text prompts and specifying an aspect ratio. The tool generates multiple images based on the input, and users can select and download their preferred results.

πŸ’‘Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is another AI Art Generator mentioned in the video. It is a text-to-image generator that requires users to sign up and provide their email address. Once access is granted, users can enter prompts and generate images with various models, such as the Dreamshaper V7 mentioned in the script.

πŸ’‘Adobe Firefly

Adobe Firefly is a tool developed by Adobe that allows users to generate images from text prompts. It is currently in beta and available for free. Users can sign up with their email or social media accounts and use the text-to-image generator to create visual content based on their input.

πŸ’‘Playground AI

Playground AI is an AI Art Generator that enables users to create images by entering text prompts and adjusting settings like guidance level and quality. It offers a canvas editor where users can manage generation frames and multiple objects. The tool is accessible by signing in with a Google account and provides options to refine the generated images.

πŸ’‘DALL-E 2

DALL-E 2 is an AI developed by OpenAI that specializes in text-to-image generation. It is one of the alternatives to Midjourney featured in the video, allowing users to create images based on their text prompts. The tool provides options to generate multiple images and download the results.

πŸ’‘Free AI Art Creation

Free AI Art Creation refers to the ability to generate digital art using AI-powered tools without any cost. The video's main theme is to present alternatives to Midjourney that offer this service, enabling users to explore their creativity without financial barriers.

πŸ’‘Text Prompts

Text Prompts are textual inputs provided by users to AI Art Generators as a basis for creating images. These prompts can be descriptions, concepts, or ideas that the AI uses to generate visual content that aligns with the input.

πŸ’‘Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio refers to the proportional relationship between the width and height of an image. It is an important parameter in AI Art Generation as it determines the shape and size of the generated artwork. Users can specify aspect ratios to influence the layout and composition of the final image.


Download refers to the action of transferring files, such as AI-generated images, from an online platform or tool to a user's device, like a computer or mobile phone. It allows users to save and store the artwork they have created using AI Art Generators for personal or professional use.


Midjourney's AI generator has revolutionized the art creation process, allowing anyone to produce breathtaking artwork with just a few clicks.

Midjourney has transitioned into a paid platform, prompting the need for free alternatives.

Blue Willow is a free AI art creation tool that integrates with Discord and allows users to generate images using text prompts.

Leonardo AI is a text-to-image generator that requires users to sign up and select interests before generating images.

Adobe Firefly is a beta version tool by Adobe that offers free image generation from text prompts.

Playground AI is a canvas editor that allows users to create multiple objects in one frame and generate images based on text prompts.

Doll E2, developed by Open AI, is a text-to-image generator that offers daily trials for new users.

Each tool provides unique features and options for users to customize their AI-generated artwork.

Users can generate variants of every image in Blue Willow and upscale images for higher quality.

Leonardo AI offers advanced options and negative prompts for more accurate image creation.

Adobe Firefly allows users to edit generated images by changing aspect ratio, content type, style, color tone, lighting, and composition.

Playground AI provides a generation frame for creating multiple objects and offers advanced options for better results.

Doll E2 allows users to create their first image by entering a prompt and offers the ability to download generated images.

These free AI art creation tools empower users to unleash their creativity without any financial investment.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use each of the five AI art generator alternatives.

The presenter encourages viewers to share their experiences and results with the free image generator tools in the comments section.

The video concludes with an invitation to like, subscribe, and stay tuned for more tutorials on creative tools.