Bard can now Generate Images + new Google ImageFX AI

2 Feb 202407:02

TLDRIn this video, the presenter discusses the new image generation feature in Google's Bard AI, which now rivals the capabilities of chat-based AI systems. The video also compares Bard's image generation with Google Search's image creation tool, highlighting the differences and improvements. It is mentioned that Bard defaults to generating two images at a time, with the option to produce more realistic images upon request. The presenter explores the limitations and capabilities of Bard, including its ability to generate human faces, which was previously a limitation in Google Search. Additionally, the video introduces Google's ImageFX, a tool that allows for more focused image generation, along with other creative effects like music and text. The presenter concludes by inviting viewers to engage in the comments section for further discussion and clarification.


  • 🆕 Google's Bard AI now has a new feature that allows it to generate images, similar to Chat GPT.
  • 🔍 Google Search also has the capability to generate images, and it can be compared with Bard's image generation feature.
  • 🎨 There is another Google tool called Image Effects, which offers various effects including text and music to generate creative content.
  • 🐱 An example given in the video is an image of a cat riding a bike, which Bard can generate, but the realism of the image can vary.
  • 🖼️ By default, Bard generates two images at a time, but more can be generated upon request, with improved realism in subsequent attempts.
  • 📏 Bard provides options to download images in full size, with one example being 1536 by 1536 pixels.
  • 🤖 Google Search might offer better image quality than Bard, with three times the quality in some cases.
  • ✂️ Google Search allows users to edit prompts and generate more images through an 'edit' feature.
  • 🚫 Initially, Google Search did not support the generation of human faces, but it appears to have updated this capability.
  • 🌐 Image Effects is a dedicated tool for image generation, separate from search and Bard, and is suggested to be potentially the best for this purpose.
  • 🎭 The Image Effects tool also includes features for generating music and text, suggesting it has a broader scope for creative content generation.

Q & A

  • What new feature has Bard AI recently acquired?

    -Bard AI has recently acquired the ability to generate images, similar to chat gpts.

  • How does Bard's image generation compare to Google Search's image generation?

    -Bard generates images with a default of two images per prompt, while Google Search allows users to edit prompts and generate more images. Bard's images are generally of higher quality than Google Search's.

  • What is the full size of the images generated by Bard?

    -The full size of the images generated by Bard is 1536 by 1536 pixels.

  • Is there a way to generate images of human faces using Bard?

    -Yes, Bard can generate images of human faces, which was an update to its capabilities.

  • What is Image Effects and what can it be used for?

    -Image Effects is a tool by Google that allows users to generate images. It is designed specifically for image generation and offers various styles and effects.

  • How has Google Search's image generation feature evolved over time?

    -Google Search's image generation has seen updates, including the ability to generate human images and the use of a model likely called Gemini Pro, which also handles text, image, and music generation.

  • What is the current limitation of Bard's image generation in comparison to Google Search?

    -Bard's image generation currently does not allow for the editing of prompts to generate more images, a feature that was previously available in Google Search.

  • What other features are available in the Image Effects tool apart from image generation?

    -Apart from image generation, Image Effects also includes music effects for generating music and text effects for creating various text styles.

  • Is there a way to download the full-size images generated by Bard?

    -Yes, users can download the full-size images generated by Bard by accessing the file info and selecting the appropriate size.

  • What was the initial limitation of Google Search's image generation regarding human faces?

    -Initially, Google Search's image generation could not generate human faces, but this limitation has been lifted in recent updates.

  • How does the video script describe the user experience of Bard's image generation?

    -The video script describes Bard's image generation as a feature that can produce realistic and artistic images, with the ability to generate multiple images from a single prompt.

  • What is the significance of the 'create yours' feature in Google Search's image generation?

    -The 'create yours' feature in Google Search's image generation allows users to edit the prompts and generate a variety of images in different styles, enhancing the user's creative control.



🖼️ Bard AI's Image Generation Feature

The video discusses the new image generation feature in Google's Bard AI, which now allows for image creation similar to that of chat gpts. The presenter also compares Bard's image generation capabilities with Google Search, which also has the ability to generate images. Additionally, the video mentions Google's Image Effects, a tool that can generate images with various effects, including text and music. The presenter demonstrates Bard's image generation with a prompt about a cat riding a bike, noting the default setting of generating two images and the option to generate more. The video also explores the image quality and size, comparing Bard's output with that of Google Search. It is observed that Bard provides higher quality images than Google Search, which has also recently updated its model for image generation, now including the ability to generate human images. The video concludes with a brief mention of the Image Effects tool, which is designed specifically for image generation.


🎨 Exploring Image Effects and Other Google Tools

The second paragraph of the video script focuses on the Image Effects tool, which is used to generate images with various styles and effects. The presenter uses a default template prompt to demonstrate the tool's capabilities and discusses the settings available, such as applying seeds to influence the image generation. It is noted that the tool has a policy against generating images of humans, but the presenter manages to generate a human image, suggesting that this might be a recent change or an exception. The video also briefly touches on the Music Effects and Text Effects tools, which are used for generating music and learning code, respectively. The presenter encourages viewers to ask questions, provide suggestions, or discuss the content in the comments section, and ends the video with a friendly sign-off.



💡Bard AI

Bard AI is a feature within Google's suite of artificial intelligence tools. It has been updated to include the ability to generate images, which was a new feature at the time of the video. This is significant as it expands the capabilities of AI beyond text-based interactions, allowing for more creative and visual outputs. In the script, Bard AI's image generation is compared with Google Search's image generation capabilities.

💡Image Generation

Image generation refers to the process by which an AI system creates visual content based on textual prompts or descriptions. It's a form of artificial intelligence that involves understanding and interpreting language to produce corresponding images. In the video, the host discusses the ability of Bard AI and Google Search to generate images and compares the quality and features of the generated images.

💡Google Search

Google Search is a web search engine developed by Google, which is capable of searching the internet for information. In the context of the video, it is highlighted that Google Search has also been updated to include the ability to generate images, which can be edited and refined by users. This feature is compared with Bard AI's image generation in terms of quality and user interaction.

💡Image Effects

Image Effects is a tool or platform mentioned in the video that allows users to generate images with various effects. It is presented as another avenue through which Google provides image generation capabilities. The video suggests that Image Effects might offer a more focused and potentially higher quality image generation experience compared to Bard AI or Google Search.

💡Text Effects

Text Effects is a feature within the Image Effects tool that allows for the generation of images with specific textual elements or styles incorporated into them. This can be seen as a creative way to merge text and visuals, enhancing the expressiveness of the generated images. The video script mentions text effects as one of the features available for image creation.

💡Music Effects

Music Effects, as mentioned in the video, is a feature that allows for the generation of music. While not directly related to image generation, it is part of the broader suite of creative tools offered by Google, showcasing the company's expansion into different forms of media creation through AI.

💡Realistic Image

A realistic image, in the context of AI-generated content, refers to an image that closely resembles real-world objects or scenes. The video discusses the progression from generating non-realistic images to achieving more realistic results, indicating an improvement in AI's ability to interpret and create visual content.

💡Image Quality

Image quality is a measure of the clarity and detail of an image. The video compares the image quality produced by Bard AI and Google Search, noting that Bard AI provides higher quality images than Google Search at the time of the recording. Image quality is an important factor when evaluating the effectiveness of AI-generated visual content.

💡Edit Prompts

Editing prompts refers to the ability to modify the textual descriptions or commands that are input into an AI system to generate images. In the video, it is mentioned that users can edit prompts in Google Search to create different images, offering a level of customization and control over the image generation process.

💡Human Faces

The generation of human faces by AI is a complex task due to the intricacies and variations in human facial features. The video discusses the ability of Bard AI to generate images of human faces, which was an update to the system's capabilities. This is significant as it pushes the boundaries of what AI can achieve in visual content creation.

💡AI Learning

AI learning, or machine learning, is the process by which an AI system improves its performance over time through the analysis of data. In the context of the video, it is suggested that the AI behind the image generation tools is capable of learning and improving, which is crucial for enhancing the quality and accuracy of generated images.


Bard AI now has the ability to generate images, similar to chat gpts.

Google Search can also generate images, offering a different approach.

ImageFX AI is another Google tool that can generate images with text and music effects.

By default, Bard generates two images at a time, which can be increased.

The generated images by Bard can be realistic and artistic in nature.

Users can download the full-size images generated by Bard.

Google Search may provide better image quality compared to Bard.

Google Search allows users to edit prompts and generate more images.

A recent update allows Google Search to generate human images.

Image effects is a dedicated tool for image generation with various styles.

Image effects provides a template prompt for users to start with.

Users can apply seeds to influence the image generation process.

Image effects does not currently allow for the generation of human images.

Image effects is considered the best tool for image generation among the discussed options.

The video demonstrates the use of image effects with an enime style example.

Image effects also includes music and text effects for additional creative options.

The presenter invites viewers to comment with questions or suggestions for further discussion.

The video concludes with an invitation for viewers to engage in the comment section.