The Adventures of Paddington Bear - Chef Paddington! | Classic Cartoons for Kids Full Episode HD
- 🧳 帕丁顿熊从秘鲁独自来到英格兰,开始了新生活,成为温莎花园的宠儿。
- 🏡 帕丁顿熊被布朗一家收养,他们给了他一个温暖的家。
- 🤗 帕丁顿熊乐于助人,总是尽力帮助每个人,当问题出现时,他从不放弃。
- 👀 帕丁顿熊对一切都充满好奇,看待事物总是像看全新的一样。
- 🎭 帕丁顿熊参与了芭蕾舞表演,尽管遇到了一些困难,但他最终表现出色。
- 🍰 帕丁顿熊喜欢玛芬酱三明治,他总是随身携带一个以备不时之需。
- 👕 帕丁顿熊在裁缝店定制了一套新衣服,他非常期待穿上它。
- 🍽️ 帕丁顿熊在一家新开的餐厅用餐,误以为是著名的美食评论家邓肯·海德,结果引起了一场误会。
- 🇫🇷 帕丁顿熊被邀请参加化妆舞会,他需要合适的衣服和一位好裁缝。
- 🕵️♂️ 帕丁顿熊在餐厅的行为吸引了众多顾客,最终餐厅老板为了感谢他,为布朗一家提供了免费的午餐。
- 📝 帕丁顿熊始终保持着记录的好习惯,他用笔记本记录下他所见的一切。
Q & A
-帕丁顿熊在餐厅中被误认为是著名的美食评论家邓肯·海德(Duncan Hide)。
-帕丁顿熊在帮助格鲁伯先生的旅行中扮演了助手的角色,他被提议成为格鲁伯先生的“熊星期五”(Bear Friday),帮助规划行程和进行研究。
😀 帕丁顿的新生活和冒险
😄 帕丁顿的舞蹈表演和意外
😉 帕丁顿的法国之旅
😌 帕丁顿的时尚冒险
😋 帕丁顿的美食体验
left peru and sailed to england alone
there he met the browns and they took
him home
now a new life has begun he's windsor
gardens favorite son
cause he always does his best to help
when a problem appears he never misses a
and always finds a way to land on his
has his very own unique point of view
looks at everything as if it's brand new
he is friendly and polite and he tries
to do things right
but he gets in sticky messes just the
he's curious and speaks his mind but
trouble's never far behind it's
dear aunt lucy you'll never guess what
i've been doing
ballet dancing
no paddington
not like that
like this
you need grace
i don't know anyone called grace grace
means to move with ease
legacy great russian dancer sergei
you'll see him perform at our school
concert and you'll be able to meet all
my friends they've heard so much about
guys please
mr oblemof will be here any moment and i
want everything
i can't wait to dance the party door
with sergey he's so dreamy
i'm sure he's looking forward to it too
monica now girls remember
no screaming
he feels lovely it's like silky cream
even nicer than
and she's laid on some special marmalade
sandwiches in the tuck shop
mrs beetles laid on some marmalade
girls come back goes
i'm sure those girls were meant to swoon
over him not paddington he's not going
to like it if there's nobody here to
greet him
oh dear i have a feeling this is the
maestro now
what is this
no fans mr oblamov uh
we they
well they were here but uh look what she
means to say mr oblimov is that the
girls were here but they got a little
by that a bear actually
a bear
what bear who is this bear
his name's paddington and uh
mr oblamov i'm terribly sorry the girls
will be here to greet you
at any moment i have never been so
are you enjoying the ballet so far
it's all right
but i can't hear what they're saying
you're not supposed to you have to guess
what's happening by the way they're
and it doesn't look as if much is
sergey isn't performing
apparently he's upset because no one was
there to greet him when he arrived and
monika is so devastated she's locked
herself in her room
oh paddington it's all my fault i should
have introduced you to the girls after
the show
i knew if i didn't do something quickly
the show would be ruined
what's going on darling
i smell trouble
speaking of trouble where is paddington
he was here a moment ago
oh no
please sergey
no i will not go on
he's only a bear
only a bear it's a good thing mrs bird
didn't hear you say that
you are that bear
i'm very sorry about what happened
earlier mr oblamov the girls will be
very disappointed if you don't dance
if you insist i have changed my mind i
will not disappoint my fans
first i will do my famous solo sense
i trust everything is in order no i mean
i'm sure it will be
you've got to stall sir gay while i
cooks moniker out of her room
are you seeing what i'm seeing
i'm afraid so
and what is this
don't worry mr oblamov it's only
i cannot go on for one sink you have too
much shortness and for the second thing
you're on tracer
they are not clean my answers are not
but i had a bath last night i do not
mean they are dirty and means they
should be clean snappy like so
it's a bit difficult when you've only
got paws mr obliv but i'll have a try
paddington are you all right
you were wonderful even monica said so
how did you manage those high jumps
cause and effect we've removed the cause
and he'll soon get over the effect
so you see aunt lucy dancing with mr
oblamoff wasn't so hard all you need is
one large open safety pin and the sky's
the limit
there you go mr brown all polished up
and as good as you
thank you very much mr gruber i can't
think how it got so scratched when you
remember all the thousands of miles we
have traveled together it is not so
surprising besides real leather needs
feeding from time to time
perhaps it would like some marmalade
i think not mr brown
do you remember our first trip together
i was planning the opening chapter for
my book the world and its wonders
travelers checks
don't forget the map of france mr gruber
thank you mr brown where would i be
without you
in russia there is many a true word
spoken in jest mr brown i could do with
someone like yourself to help me on my
always willing to
lend a paw
perhaps it isn't such a fanciful idea
after all
you could be my man friday
or perhaps i should say my bear friday
what about the rest of the week mr
if you will excuse me mr brown i have a
telephone call to make
you want paddington to go to france with
to help you with your book
the one your millionaire customer is
paying you to write
excuse me a minute mr gruber
i was delighted that you could accompany
me on my trips to plan itineraries and
do research
yes and since we were going to france mr
brown lent me his old beret and jonathan
gave me that fake moustache but planning
an itinerary wasn't as easy as it
i think i must have turned left at the
end of windsor gardens by mistake
are you all right in there
i hope you haven't made a mess i only
tied it up this morning
excuse me
i beg your pardon
i didn't know you understood french mrs
bird you can borrow my book if you like
useful phrases for the traveler abroad
well you mind you don't give yourself a
headache with all those new words
i won't mrs bird
au revoir
paddington may be ready for france but
are the french ready for paddington
remember mr brown i'm counting on you to
take notes for future reference
note number one remember to take
notes paddington i think that must be
your plane
fancy flying in your own private jet mr
gruber's benefactor certainly isn't
cutting any corners
i'll be interested to see how many times
your passport gets stamped before you've
completed your book mr gruber oh mercy
me passport what about paddington do
bears need one i don't imagine
paddington's got a passport knowing his
circumstances did you say there's
someone traveling without a passport
where is this individual
this definitely isn't on the itinerary
someone's left their table tennis bats
it's paddington
what's he up to now
so that is the gentleman in question i
shall need his full name and address
well uh he isn't actually a gentleman
he's a bear
we called him paddington after the train
you're telling me i'm dealing with a
bear what's more one without a passport
travelling under an assumed name this
will all have to be fully investigated
but i was only practicing my table
tennis shots then that airplane started
coming towards me
now we can get it from the bear's mouth
where are you from well it depends you
see i live at number 32 windsor gardens
but i come from darkest peru
i stowed away in a lifeboat and a
this is a serious matter i shall have to
ask you to come with me and have your
credentials checked have my credentials
checked but i felt all right at
that's a false moustache that jonathan
gave me and that's my notebook i'm
supposed to write down everything i see
are you in the pay of some foreign power
oh no mr gruber comes from hungary but i
don't think he's paying me
what's that it's a marmalade sandwich i
always keep one in case i have an
emergency and i think i've got one
i wonder what else you've got hidden
away there's something very fishy about
this suitcase for a start it's smaller
on the inside than it should be
that's because it's got a secret
oh dear paddington can look very
suspicious sometimes especially if you
don't know him
of course i blame myself for not
thinking about paddington's
circumstances before i suggested the
trip if that bear is in trouble they'll
have me to deal with
you don't think they'll send paddington
back to peru do you
they wouldn't would they they mustn't
over my dead body what would we do
without him they can't
paddington what happened
everything was cleared up when i showed
them my passport
of course my aunt lucy would never have
let me travel all this way without one
all swell that ends well mr brown
but why ever didn't you say so nobody
ever asked me mr gruber except for the
nice lady they're nice lady
mmm i must say this marmalade sandwich
is awfully good you don't happen to have
any more do you hidden away
no but i have a jar of marmalade if you
have some bread and butter
i've said it before and i'll say it
bears always land on their feet
mrs bird was right and it's a good thing
they do mr brown
in our many adventures since then i've
learned that with you as a travel
anything can happen
and usually does
dear aunt lucy just imagine my
excitement when i found the browns and i
had been invited to a fancy dress ball
of course to go to such an affair one
needs the right clothes
not to mention a good tailor
don't move
oh dear
this will be difficult
the gentleman's legs are a bit
still we've never been beaten yet
may i ask is that your copy of duncan
hides restaurant guide
ah to eat at an establishment he has
rated worthy of five bowler hats
that would be heaven i'm treating my
family to a lunch out today so uh i
asked paddington to find us a good place
to go
if i may be so bold there's a new
restaurant just opened up underneath
this shop the food there is simply
ah so you've tried it then well no but
the menu is a work of art
oh why not
uh paddington we'll meet you there when
you're finished here
speaking of bowlers
and inspiration
i have a feeling this is the beginning
of a great adventure in fashion
a gangster suit can look real slick a
wide rim half a silver
groovy clothes can make you swing snap
your fingers and want to sing
just go falls make you feel all right
make you want to dance on saturday
you feel night's a different way
try a brand new look and have some fun
if you want to have some rhythm and soul
dress up like the king of rock and roll
thank you thank you very much
the tailor wanted to deliver the suit
but i decided to wear it there and then
i couldn't wait to show the browns my
new outfit
i don't understand it
we've been open for two weeks now and
still no sign of a review in the
newspaper from duncan hyde
if only we knew what he looked like
all we have to go on is his silly
newspaper picture how am i supposed to
attract business if the most famous
restaurant reviewer in london won't even
step through my door
it's him
at last
may i be of assistance
i noticed you're not in the book but i
was hoping i might be able to do some
testing later on i think some of your
dishes might be worth a bowler good
afternoon sir
may i say what an honor it is to have
you here with us today
may i show you to our very best table
this restaurant was seeming nicer by the
minute aunt lucy i was sure duncan hyde
would enjoy it
get this gentleman whatever he wants he
need only sign the bill
you might like to try the chef's salad
bombay or the shish kebab flambe the
frida mesote or perhaps the risotto
batto those all sound good
such dedication to duty
start the gentleman on the salad bombay
i had never seen such food before aunt
lucy the first dish cleansed my palate
and the second warmed it up
i plunged into the third course with
gusto all in all it was a magical
peeking duck
rack of damn
goodness look how much that bear's
eating do you think he's trying for some
sort of world record
would sir care for a digestive cognac
armagnac cuantro or perhaps a nice
chilled dessert why
do you have any hot cocoa
i have a feeling you're trying to catch
us out perhaps you would like to cast an
eye over our selection of sweet
temptations i'd rather eat them but i
really should save some room i'm having
lunch with the browns
how nice
look at how much he's eaten
it must be some kind of publicity stunt
to drum up customers well he's certainly
making me feel hungry
goodness what a popular place
we can get a table i don't see
paddington he must still be at the
tailors if you would just sign this sir
what's this
do you mean to say you're not duncan
hide the famous gourmet
duncan hide my name's not duncan hyde
it's paddington brown from darkest peru
i think we have some rescuing to do
excuse us
300 pounds for a meal about 10 meals by
my reckoning 20 pounds for a bomb
surprise that's all part of the surprise
well i've got one for you i've only got
10 pens
does this young bear belong to you
actually um henry how could you
since you ask i'm afraid he does belong
to us that is
come come now no need to worry about
mere money
having that bear in here has brought me
more customers than even the best review
from duncan hyde i owe you a vote of
thanks my young friend
please sit everyone as friends of this
bear you are all welcome to lunch on the
well paddington why don't you order
i think perhaps i might just sit and
watch if you don't mind mr brown but i
know what i'd like to do first
may i please borrow a pen of course
i'm afraid i can't award you any bowler
but here are five peruvian ones instead
curious and speaks his mind but
trouble's never far behind
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

"The Adventures of Paddington Bear 103 - A Visit to the Bank / A Spot of Fishing / Bear's Job Week"

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