Bidamount Weekly Chinese and Asian Art Auction News and Results

Peter Combs
19 Apr 202428:19

TLDRIn this video, the host discusses various events and auction results in the world of Chinese and Asian art. They share their experiences in Bise, including a boat trip, a soccer game, and rafting in the Jaguar reservation. The host also talks about their successful purchases at the Leland Little sale, highlighting some of the bargains available. They provide a detailed account of the Edward Chow collection auction in Hong Kong, mentioning the high sale prices of several items, such as a quadruple vase seal and a celadon bowl. The video also covers other sales and upcoming auctions, including a book auction at Sunburst and items on eBay. The host ends with a mention of their Patreon subscribers and an invitation for viewers to subscribe, comment, and engage with the content.


  • 🎉 The Edward Chow collection auction in Hong Kong was a phenomenal success, with nearly all lots sold and many pieces going for far over their estimated prices.
  • 📈 A quadruple vase seal marked 'Y y Chen Market period' was estimated at 1.2 to 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars but sold for 1.7 million, demonstrating the power of provenance in auction results.
  • 🧮 A clear loon garlic mouth seal marked 'Chinlung Markin period' was modestly estimated but sold for 462,000 Hong Kong dollars, nearly 10 times its high estimate.
  • 🌟 A Guan glaze double gourd type vase with a square base, dated to the 17th or 18th century, was estimated at 100,000 to 150,000 Hong Kong dollars and sold for about 400,000 US dollars.
  • 🏺 A Celadon Bowl from the Yon Dynasty was estimated at 50,000 to 70,000 Hong Kong dollars and sold for 330,000, reflecting the audience's high appreciation for the piece.
  • 👴 Nicholas Chow, head of Sotheby's Asian art department and grandson of Edward Chow, had a memorable experience at the auction, seeing a vase he remembered from his childhood sell for 20 million Hong Kong dollars.
  • 🎨 A painting from the Qing dynasty was estimated at 10,000 to 15,000 Hong Kong dollars but sold for 1,127,000, showcasing the beauty and appeal of the artwork.
  • 🛍️ The speaker purchased a group of three 12-inch Satsuma bowls at the Leland Little sale for a bargain, emphasizing the joy of finding treasures at auction.
  • 📚 Upcoming auctions, including one by Sunburst Auctions, feature a variety of items including books and objects, providing opportunities for collectors to expand their libraries and collections.
  • 🌐 eBay results included a variety of items such as a scroll weight, a coconut vase, and a silk skirt, highlighting the diversity of pieces available for collectors online.
  • ⏰ The speaker advises keeping an eye on current and upcoming auctions for potential bargains, especially on items like enamelware and plates which may be undervalued at the moment.

Q & A

  • What significant event regarding the Edward Chow collection was mentioned in the transcript?

    -The Edward Chow collection pieces were auctioned in Hong Kong, with nearly all lots selling successfully, likely including a post-auction sale for the one unsold item. This auction was described as phenomenally successful.

  • What surprising auction result was highlighted concerning a quadruple vase seal Mark y y Chen Market period?

    -The quadruple vase, marked from the Chen Market period and estimated at 1.2 to 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars, sold for 1.7 million, exceeding its estimated value.

  • Can you describe an example of a lot that significantly exceeded its estimated value at auction?

    -A clear loon garlic mouth seal Mark chinlung Markin period vase was expected to fetch between 20,000 to 30,000 Hong Kong dollars but astonishingly sold for 462,000 Hong Kong dollars.

  • What were some personal activities mentioned at the beginning of the transcript?

    -The speaker was visiting Bise, enjoying leisure activities such as boating through islands, attending a soccer game, and rafting in the Jaguar reservation in the mountains.

  • What personal acquisition did the speaker mention, and at which auction?

    -The speaker successfully purchased a few items at the Leland little sale, particularly pleased with one of the lots they acquired.

  • What does the transcript reveal about the speaker's strategy for auction bidding?

    -The speaker discusses the strategy of leaving a bid at auctions, which proved successful as they won a few lots, suggesting a passive yet effective approach to acquiring desired items.

  • What was discussed about the auction results from the collection of Edward Chow?

    -The collection saw tremendous success at auction, with nearly all pieces selling above their estimated values, indicating strong market interest and the esteemed provenance of the items.

  • What was the personal reaction of Nicholas Chow upon recognizing a vase from his grandfather’s collection?

    -Nicholas Chow felt a powerful connection when he recognized a vase at auction that his grandfather, Edward Chow, had previously owned and sold, reinforcing the sentimental value and historical significance of the item.

  • How did the speaker manage to purchase items while on vacation?

    -The speaker left bids on several items at auction while not actively participating, demonstrating a laid-back yet intentional approach to collecting even while enjoying a vacation.

  • What future content did the speaker hint at producing related to auctions?

    -The speaker mentioned planning to create content on making post-auction offers, influenced by suggestions from his audience, indicating a focus on educational content for his followers.



🌍 Travel and Auction Highlights

The speaker shares experiences from a vacation in Bise, highlighting leisure activities like boating through islands and attending a soccer game. They recount rafting in the Jaguar reservation and relaxing on a veranda with a beach view. Alongside these travel anecdotes, the speaker discusses recent activities in the Asian art market, particularly successful bids made at the Leland Little sale and notable auction results from Hong Kong, including the Edward Chow collection which saw nearly all pieces sold, often above estimates.


🎨 Successful Art Auction Outcomes

This paragraph details specific results from recent art auctions, particularly focusing on Asian art sales. The speaker discusses several pieces that sold for significantly above their estimated values, such as a finely potted Seladon bowl, a vase recognized by Nicholas Chow as belonging to his grandfather's collection, and a double-handled Lwan Celadon Mallet vase. Each of these items not only exceeded their expected prices but also carried a rich history or excellent craftsmanship that contributed to their high sale prices.


🛍 Casual Auction Wins and Upcoming Sales

The speaker recounts casual auction wins during their vacation, focusing on acquiring three Satsuma bowls for a notably low price. The speaker also previews upcoming auctions at Sunburst and the potential good deals on Kutani porcelain and various Chinese artworks. They reflect on how placing small bids casually while on vacation led to unexpected wins, and they express personal satisfaction with the purchases, particularly emphasizing plans to add these items to their home collection.


🏺 Extensive Art Market Insights

Continuing the discussion on the art market, the speaker elaborates on various items of interest in upcoming auctions, including a coconut vase, a kungi FEI ureer, and other unique Asian art pieces. They detail the historical and aesthetic value of these pieces, such as the unusual shape and intricate carvings of the coconut vase, and the traditional craftsmanship of the ureer. The enthusiasm for these items highlights their knowledge and deep interest in Asian art.


🖼 Enthusiastic Coverage of Current Auctions

This section provides a detailed look at various Asian artifacts and their significance in recent auctions, touching upon pieces that imitate or are influenced by older traditions, such as a Kungi-period dish that resembles later Japanese Amari ware. The speaker provides a critique of the current state of the market, especially for collectible plates, and notes the potential undervaluation of detailed enamel work on items like a large enamelware plate. They encourage enthusiasts to seize the opportunity to acquire these underappreciated works.


📜 Final Reflections and Exciting Personal Updates

In the final segment, the speaker reflects on their ongoing vacation adventures, including plans to explore with a local family and the excitement of using a powerful boat. They also touch upon connectivity issues impacting their updates from Bise. The narrative wraps up with a reminder to subscribe and participate in the channel’s community, indicating the importance of engagement with the audience and sharing the personal side of their journey along with their professional insights.



💡Asian Art Auction

Asian Art Auction refers to the sale of artworks originating from Asian countries, often conducted by auction houses. In the video, this concept is central as the speaker discusses various events and results from auctions specializing in Asian art, such as the successful auction of the Edward Chow collection. The context illustrates how such auctions are pivotal for collectors and enthusiasts in acquiring rare and valuable Asian artworks.

💡Edward Chow collection

The Edward Chow collection is mentioned as a significant part of the auction results discussed in the video. Edward Chow was a renowned collector and his collection includes highly valuable Asian artworks. The auction of items from his collection was notably successful, underscoring the high esteem in which his collected pieces are held within the art market. This highlights the impact of provenance and collector reputation on the value and interest in auctioned artworks.


Provenance refers to the chronology of the ownership, custody or location of a historical object. In the video, provenance significantly influences the auction prices of items, such as those from the Edward Chow collection. The speaker emphasizes how provenance can enhance the value of artworks in auctions, demonstrating its importance in the art market for authentication and valuation purposes.


Reserves in the context of auctions refer to the minimum price that the seller is willing to accept for a lot to be sold. The video discusses auctions where the reserves were set low, leading to successful sales, often below low estimates. This strategy can influence the bidding dynamics, as potential buyers might be encouraged to participate, hoping for a bargain.

💡Post-auction offers

Post-auction offers are bids made on items that failed to sell during the main auction event. The speaker plans to discuss strategies for making such offers, suggesting that this can be an effective way to acquire art at potentially lower prices. This concept is relevant in the context of auctions where not all items reach their reserve prices.


In auctions, estimates are the price range that auction houses expect a lot to sell for. The video highlights several instances where items sold for far beyond their estimates, such as a vase selling for significantly more than its anticipated price range. This demonstrates the unpredictability of auctions and the potential for items to far exceed expectations based on collector interest and market dynamics.

💡Soube results

Soube results refer to auction outcomes from the Soube auction house, likely a fictional or misspelled reference, possibly intended to mean Sotheby's. The video discusses these results to highlight the successes and surprises of recent auctions, emphasizing the fluctuating nature of art valuation and collector interest.

💡Nicholas Chow

Nicholas Chow is cited in the video as a key figure in the art auction world, particularly noted for his connection to the Edward Chow collection. As the head of Sotheby's Asian art department and the grandson of Edward Chow, his insights and personal history add a rich narrative layer to the collection's significance and the auction results discussed.

💡Quadruple vase seal Mark

The quadruple vase seal mark is mentioned in relation to a specific piece that significantly exceeded auction estimates. Such marks are identifiers on ceramics indicating authenticity and period of manufacture, which can greatly enhance the value of these items. The speaker uses this example to illustrate the critical role of authenticating features in determining the market value of Asian antiques.

💡Celadon glaze

Celadon glaze is a type of ceramic glaze that originated in China, known for its jade-like green color. The video mentions a Celadon bowl that sold for several times its estimated price, highlighting the appeal of this glaze type among collectors. The discussion illustrates how specific features such as glaze type and color can significantly influence the desirability and price of ceramic pieces at auction.


Overview of the week's Asian art market, focusing on significant auction results.

Discussion of the successful sale of the Edward Chow collection at Sotheby's Hong Kong.

Highlight on a rare quadruple vase that sold far above its estimate.

Analysis of market trends, including unexpectedly low estimates on some lots.

Insights into strategic bidding at auctions and the importance of provenance.

Details on the success of a clear loon garlic mouth seal from the Qianlong period.

Examination of a Guan glaze double gourd vase that fetched nearly ten times its high estimate.

Review of a beautifully crafted Celadon bowl from the Yuan Dynasty that exceeded expectations.

Personal success at Leland Little auction, acquiring three Satsuma bowls at a bargain.

Preview of upcoming auctions featuring rare books and various collectible objects.

Experience of bidding and winning unexpected items while on vacation.

Discussion on making offers post-auction as a strategy to acquire items below estimate.

Insights into the influence of Asian art provenance on auction outcomes.

Recommendations for collectors to watch for underappreciated items in upcoming auctions.

Personal anecdotes of travels and experiences while attending auctions abroad.