Things Getting Even Worse For World's Dumbest MAGA Grifters - Weekly Weird News

Weekly Weird News
13 Apr 202443:22

TLDRThe video discusses the downfall of two conservative political operatives, Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman, who gained notoriety during the Trump administration. They attempted to slander liberal figures and later committed serious crimes, including sending out robocalls to suppress voting in black communities before the 2020 election. The video also touches on other news topics, such as a sexually transmitted fungus affecting cicadas, a woman demanding her tip back after a mistaken belief in the Rapture, and various oddities in the news.


  • 😄 The script discusses the downfall of two political operatives, Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman, who were known for their incompetence and eventual criminal activities.
  • 😅 They were involved in a robocall scheme targeting predominantly black areas with the intention to suppress voting, which violated several civil rights laws.
  • 😓 In 2023, a New York judge found them guilty and they faced penalties including a $1.2 million fine to the New York attorney general's office.
  • 😞 Jacob Wall also faced individual legal troubles for fraud charges related to his previous activities as the 'Wolf of Wall Street'.
  • 😏 The script highlights the absurdity of their actions and the eventual consequences they faced, including public ridicule and financial penalties.
  • 🤔 The discussion also touches on the broader theme of political grifters and their impact on society, as well as the role of media in covering such stories.
  • 😶 The script includes a variety of other news topics, such as an artist placing their work in a museum, a sexually transmitted fungus affecting cicadas, and a priest involved in a scandal.
  • 😮 The inclusion of diverse news stories reflects the unpredictable and often strange nature of current events.
  • 😯 The script also mentions a shift in the way news is presented, with a focus on sensational headlines and the influence of AI on journalism.
  • 😐 The mention of Lunchables containing concerning levels of lead and sodium serves as a reminder of consumer safety issues in food products.
  • 😑 The script concludes with a discussion on the trend of Millennials and Gen Z's spending habits, particularly on groceries, and the societal implications of these trends.

Q & A

  • Who were Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman and what were they known for during the Trump Administration?

    -Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman were self-styled conservative political operatives known for attempting to slander popular liberal figures with bogus scandals during the early years of the Trump Administration.

  • What significant crimes did Wall and Burkeman commit before the 2020 election?

    -Before the 2020 election, Wall and Burkeman sent out misleading robocalls to predominantly black areas in multiple states to suppress voting through disinformation.

  • What were the consequences of Wall and Burkeman's robocall scheme?

    -Their robocall scheme led to a violation of several civil rights laws, resulting in a New York judge's ruling against them, a fine of $5.1 million from the FCC, and a settlement requiring them to pay up to $1.2 million to New York's attorney general's office.

  • What other legal troubles did Jacob Wall face unrelated to the robocalls?

    -Jacob Wall also faced multiple fraud charges stemming from an earlier scheme where he posed as the 'Wolf of Wall Street' and scammed people, one of whom committed suicide over the incident.

  • How did the public and media react to Wall and Burkeman's antics over the years?

    -Initially, their antics drew a lot of attention and they were seen as a source of content for media. However, over time, their actions led to legal consequences and they became less of a public figure.

  • What was Rudy Giuliani's bizarre claim about the 4.8 magnitude earthquake that hit New York City?

    -Rudy Giuliani suggested that the rare earthquake was a message from 'Communist States', implying a conspiracy or warning, despite the event being a natural occurrence.

  • What was the nature of the donation to Rudy Giuliani's legal defense fund that led to a lawsuit?

    -A $100,000 donation, which was one of the largest to Giuliani's fund, was at the center of a lawsuit as it was alleged to have come from an online skincare product scam run by the donor, Matthew Martarano.

  • What was the unique act of an aspiring artist who worked at the Botch Dar mner Museum in Munich?

    -The aspiring artist hung one of his own paintings in the museum for an entire day, sharing the space with works by Andy Warhol, before being discovered and subsequently fired.

  • What was the Mexican government's historic decision regarding the feral cats living in the National Palace?

    -The Mexican government declared the feral cats as living fixed assets, obligating the treasury to provide them with lifelong care and food, even after President Lopez Obrador leaves office.

  • What is the significance of the 'Rapture' incident involving a woman tipping servers and then demanding her money back?

    -The woman believed the Rapture was imminent due to an eclipse and tipped the servers excessively, but when the event passed without any apocalyptic occurrence, she demanded her money back, believing she had been under divine influence.



😄 The Misadventures of Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman

This paragraph discusses the exploits of Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman, two conservative political operatives who gained notoriety during the Trump administration. They held press conferences attempting to slander liberal figures with false scandals, but eventually graduated to committing serious crimes. Notably, they were involved in a robocall scheme targeting predominantly black areas to suppress voting before the 2020 election. The authorities traced the calls to them, leading to legal consequences, including a $1.2 million settlement with New York's attorney general for civil rights violations. In addition, Wall pleaded guilty to fraud charges related to an earlier securities scam, for which he was sentenced to probation and restitution. The paragraph reflects on their fall from prominence and the legal and financial repercussions they face.


🤔 The Consequences of Political Operatives' Actions

This paragraph delves into the aftermath of the actions of Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman, highlighting their financial and legal troubles. It is mentioned that they owe significant amounts of money due to various lawsuits and settlements, including the $1.2 million settlement with New York's attorney general and a $500,000 fine from the FCC for their robocall campaign. The paragraph also discusses the impact of their actions on their reputations and future prospects, suggesting that their political careers may be effectively over due to their notoriety and the distaste even conservative supporters have for their behavior. It also touches on the ongoing felony charges they face in Michigan related to the robocalls and the potential prison time they could face if convicted.


😅 The Unexpected Artistic Endeavors and Museum Prank

This paragraph narrates the story of a technician at Munich's Botachar Museum who secretly hung his own painting in the gallery, displaying it alongside works by renowned artist Andy Warhol. The man, an aspiring artist, used his access to the gallery during non-public hours to exhibit his work for an entire day before it was discovered by museum staff. The museum decided to keep the painting on display for the day but removed it afterward. The incident raised questions about the man's artistic ambitions and the ethical implications of his actions. The museum did not comment on the quality or content of the painting to discourage similar pranks in the future.


😹 The Unusual Status of Mexico's National Palace Cats

This paragraph highlights a unique legislative decision by the Mexican government to declare the feral cats residing in the country's National Palace as 'living fixed assets.' This unprecedented move ensures that the cats will receive lifelong care and food from the treasury, regardless of changes in government leadership. The cats are described as a permanent feature of the palace, contributing to its character and history. The decision is seen as a positive one, reflecting a commitment to animal welfare and the preservation of a distinctive aspect of the National Palace's environment.


😬 The Human and Animal Behavior Influences

This paragraph discusses a bizarre case of nature and science, where a fungus affecting cicadas is explored. The fungus manipulates the behavior of the cicadas, turning them towards hypersexual and homosexual behaviors. The narrative then transitions to a story of a woman who left an unusually large tip for servers because she believed the Rapture was imminent following an eclipse. When the Rapture did not occur, she demanded her money back, citing her belief that she would not need money in heaven. The story is attributed to a Reddit thread, highlighting the unpredictable and sometimes irrational behaviors humans can exhibit.


😶 The Intersection of Religion, Law, and Personal Beliefs

This paragraph presents a series of stories that intersect religion, law, and personal beliefs. It starts with a Polish priest who was jailed for organizing an orgy that resulted in a male prostitute's death due to an overdose of erectile dysfunction pills. The narrative then shifts to a discussion about a proposed law in Tennessee that would make first cousin marriage illegal, sparking a debate about its implications for gay couples and the potential genetic reasoning behind such laws. The paragraph reflects on the complexities of religious beliefs, societal norms, and legal systems.


🤯 The Impact of Science on Daily Life and Unexpected Research Outcomes

This paragraph covers a range of topics from scientific achievements to the implications of consumer products. It begins with a discussion about a scientific experiment that inadvertently caused a mouse to grow legs in place of its genitals, highlighting the unpredictable nature of scientific research. The conversation then shifts to a Consumer Reports finding about concerning levels of lead and sodium in Lunchables, a popular pre-packaged food. The paragraph concludes with a satirical take on Millennials and Gen Z's grocery shopping habits, suggesting they are a trendy new splurge and poking fun at the idea of grocery shopping as a luxury rather than a necessity.


😆 The Irony and Humor in Modern News Headlines

This paragraph critiques the trend of sensationalized and clickbait-style headlines in modern news reporting. It uses a series of absurd and ironic headlines to illustrate the point, such as a story about a woman who tried to jump over a highway in Colorado and a sexually transmitted fungus that affects cicadas' mating behaviors. The paragraph also includes a discussion about a Tennessee law banning cousin marriage and the implications of such laws. It ends with a humorous take on the idea of Millennials splurging on groceries, which is presented as a trendy new habit rather than a basic necessity.



💡MAGA Grifters

The term 'MAGA Grifters' refers to individuals who are perceived as exploiting the 'Make America Great Again' slogan and movement for personal gain, often through deceptive or dishonest means. In the context of the video, it is used to describe Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman, who are presented as self-styled conservative political operatives that have engaged in questionable activities, such as attempting to slander liberal figures and committing crimes like sending out misleading robocalls to suppress voting.

💡Dunning-Kruger effect

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a psychological phenomenon where people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability, while those with high ability underestimate their competence. In the video, this term is used to characterize Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman, suggesting that their confidence in their political schemes is not matched by their actual competence, leading to frequent missteps and failures.


Robocalls are automated phone calls that deliver a pre-recorded message to a large number of people. In the context of the video, Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman are accused of sending out robocalls with the intention to suppress voting in predominantly black areas by spreading disinformation. This activity led to legal consequences, including fines and civil rights violations.

💡Voting Rights Act

The Voting Rights Act is a landmark piece of federal legislation in the United States that prohibits racial discrimination in voting. The video mentions that the robocall scheme orchestrated by Wall and Burkeman violated this act, highlighting the racial implications of their actions and the legal severity of undermining voters' rights.


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is the United States government agency responsible for regulating communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. In the video, it is mentioned that the FCC fined Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman $5.1 million for their illegal robocalls, demonstrating the regulatory role of the FCC in enforcing communication laws and protecting consumers.

💡Securities fraud

Securities fraud refers to the intentional deception of investors by misrepresenting or omitting key information to induce them to buy or sell securities. In the video, Jacob Wall is mentioned to have pleaded guilty to several charges of securities fraud, indicating that he engaged in illegal activities related to the buying and selling of stocks and bonds, which resulted in financial harm to his victims.

💡Civil rights

Civil rights are the rights of individuals to receive equal treatment and to be free from unlawful discrimination. The video discusses how the actions of Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman violated various civil rights laws, including the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1957, indicating that their actions had a disproportionate impact on minority communities and infringed upon their rights as citizens.


Disinformation is the deliberate spread of false information to manipulate public opinion or to cause confusion. In the video, it is mentioned that Wall and Burkeman's robocalls contained disinformation about voting, which is a form of political manipulation aimed at suppressing voter turnout by creating confusion and mistrust in the electoral process.

💡Klux Klux Act

The Ku Klux Klan Act, also known as the Civil Rights Act of 1871, is a United States federal law that was designed to protect the civil rights of African Americans during the Reconstruction Era, primarily by prosecuting those who conspired to deprive others of their constitutional rights. In the video, it is noted that Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman's robocall campaign violated this act, indicating that their actions were not only illegal but also had a historical context of racial intimidation.


Probation is a type of criminal sentence that allows a person to stay in the community instead of serving time in prison, under certain conditions. In the context of the video, Jacob Wall received probation as part of his sentence for securities fraud, which implies that he was not incarcerated but was required to adhere to specific restrictions and possibly perform community service or pay restitution to his victims.


Jacob Wall and Jack Burkeman, self-styled conservative political operatives, were known for their incompetent attempts at slandering popular liberal figures.

During the Trump Administration, Wall and Burkeman held a series of press conferences attempting to discredit political opponents with false scandals.

Their antics led to a sense of untouchability, which eventually resulted in them committing serious crimes, such as sending out robocalls to suppress voting in predominantly black areas before the 2020 election.

The robocalls explicitly stated that Wall and Burkeman were responsible, making it easy for authorities to trace the calls back to them.

In 2023, a New York judge found their robocall scheme violated several civil rights laws, including the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

The FCC fined them $5.1 million for the robocall campaign, and they also owed over $1.2 million to the New York attorney general's office for the civil rights violations.

Jacob Wall also faced individual legal troubles, pleading guilty to several fraud charges related to an earlier scheme where he styled himself as the 'Wolf of Wall Street'.

Wall's fraud involved deceiving investors, one of whom committed suicide over the losses.

Despite their legal troubles and financial penalties, Wall and Burkeman continued to face felony charges for the robocalls in Michigan.

The robocall case in Michigan is tied up in the state's Supreme Court, adding to the ongoing stress for the duo.

Rudy Giuliani, a former New York City mayor and close ally of Donald Trump, faced his own set of challenges, including a lawsuit over a $100,000 donation to his legal defense fund.

The donation, which came from an alleged online scammer, is at the center of a lawsuit claiming it rightfully belongs to the victims of the scam.

Giuliani's legal defense fund was intended to help with legal fees in the Georgia election interference case and a civil defamation case he lost.

An artist at Munich's Botch Dar mner Museum found a unique way to gain exposure for his work by hanging his painting in the gallery among pieces by Andy Warhol.

The museum technician managed to display his art for a full day before it was discovered and removed.

The painting was not well-received, with the museum spokesperson stating they did not receive any positive feedback from visitors.

The Mexican government, under President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, declared the feral cats of the National Palace to be living fixed assets, ensuring their care even after the president leaves office.

The cats are the first animals in Mexico to receive this title, which typically applies to buildings and furniture.

The feral cats are spayed, neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped, contributing to the control of pests within the palace grounds.

The decision to care for the cats is seen as a positive move, highlighting the government's commitment to animal welfare.