Build, deploy and operate an application with Duet AI for Developers

Google Cloud
13 Dec 202307:40

TLDRIn this video, a software engineer demonstrates the streamlined process of building, testing, and deploying a simple Node.js application using Duet AI and VSS Code. The video showcases the installation of necessary packages, creation of app.js and test.js files, and the utilization of Duet AI for generating boilerplate code and understanding logs. It highlights the efficiency of Duet AI in aiding with development tasks, enabling developers to focus on more complex problems and enhancing productivity.


  • 🚀 The video demonstrates the process of building, testing, and deploying a simple Node.js application using Duet AI to streamline the development process.
  • 🛠️ Duet AI can assist in reducing the need for boilerplate configurations and remembering deployment commands, making development more efficient and enjoyable.
  • 📁 The project starts with creating an app.js and a test.js file, and a folder for the application, showcasing Duet AI's ability to help from scratch.
  • 📦 The video emphasizes the use of Duet AI to remember package installation commands, including the use of 'save' for local installation in a demo project.
  • 🔄 Duet AI can recommend code in-line, allowing developers to write pseudo code and have the necessary configuration code suggested and inserted automatically.
  • 🌐 The script covers the setup of middleware to parse form data and the creation of routes, such as a POST route for a greeting with a name parameter.
  • 📋 The creation of a package.json file is discussed, with Duet AI providing the necessary content and explanation for the developer to understand and make changes as needed.
  • 🎨 The development of views with an index and greeting template in a 'views' directory is shown, highlighting the simplicity of form-based interaction and data usage.
  • 🧪 The importance of unit testing is emphasized, with Duet AI assisting in generating a unit test for the home route and ensuring the response code is 200.
  • 📈 The video also addresses the update of the package.json file with test scripts and packages, enabling the use of 'npm test' to run tests.
  • 🌍 Deployment to Google Cloud's Cloud Run is discussed, with Duet AI providing guidance on direct deployment and how to handle it, including setting up the US Central 1 region and allowing unauthenticated invocations.

Q & A

  • What is the main challenge the speaker faces as a software engineer?

    -The main challenge the speaker faces is the need for boilerplate configurations and remembering deployment commands, which they don't use often enough and it slows them down and takes some joy out of their work.

  • What is the purpose of using Duet AI in the video?

    -The purpose of using Duet AI is to help the speaker quickly get up and running with building, testing, and deploying a simple Node.js app, by providing assistance with code generation, configuration, and deployment.

  • Which IDE does the speaker choose for the project?

    -The speaker chooses Visual Studio Code (VS Code) as their IDE for the project.

  • What are the two essential files the speaker creates for their application?

    -The speaker creates an app.js file and a test.js file for running and testing their application.

  • Which framework does the speaker decide to use for their application?

    -The speaker decides to use the Express framework for their application.

  • What packages does the speaker install at the beginning of the project, and how does Duet AI assist with this?

    -The speaker installs the Express and EJS packages at the beginning of the project. Duet AI assists by providing the necessary command to install these packages, including the option to install them locally using the --save argument.

  • How does Duet AI help with initializing the EJS templating engine?

    -Duet AI helps by recommending the boilerplate code for initializing the EJS templating engine in-line when the speaker writes a request in a comment and hits Control Plus Enter.

  • What is the purpose of creating a 'views' directory and what files does it contain?

    -The 'views' directory is created to contain the templates for the application's pages. It includes an 'index' page with a form asking for a name and a 'greeting' page that uses the data from the form to greet the person.

  • How does the speaker test their application locally?

    -The speaker uses the 'npm start' command to test their application locally, which opens up their browser to the index page on Local Host Port 3000.

  • What testing framework and package does the speaker use for unit testing?

    -The speaker uses the Mocha testing framework with the Super Test package for unit testing.

  • How does Duet AI assist with deployment to Google Cloud's Cloud Run?

    -Duet AI provides a sample command for deploying directly to Google Cloud's Cloud Run, including specifying the US Central 1 region and allowing unauthenticated invocations for the test application.

  • What does Duet AI do to help the speaker understand the logs produced by their application on Cloud Run?

    -Duet AI helps by taking a log entry and explaining it in a few bullet points, making it easier for the speaker to focus on addressing the issues in the logs rather than translating them.



👨‍💻 Streamlining Node.js Development with Duet AI

This paragraph introduces the speaker's role as a software engineer and the challenges faced with boilerplate configurations and deployment commands. The speaker plans to build, test, and deploy a simple Node.js application using Duet AI to expedite the process. The chosen IDE is Visual Studio Code (VS Code) with the Google Cloud code extension and Duet AI enabled. The initial steps involve creating an app.js and a test.js file, and using Duet AI to remember installation commands for Express and EJS packages. The paragraph details the process of integrating these packages into the app.js file and using Duet AI's inline code recommendations to initialize the EJS templating engine. It also covers setting up middleware for form data parsing and establishing routes, including a post route for a greeting feature. The paragraph concludes with the creation of a package.json file and views for the application.


🧪 Enhancing Testing and Deployment with Duet AI

The second paragraph delves into the importance of unit testing and how Duet AI can assist in generating tests for the application. It describes the process of making the app testable by exposing it through the module.exports statement and creating a unit test for the home route using Duet AI. The paragraph also discusses the use of the Super Test package and Mocha test framework, and the necessity of updating the package.json file accordingly. Furthermore, it explains how to run tests using the npm test command and the potential for Duet AI to aid in writing additional tests. The paragraph then explores deployment to Google Cloud's Cloud Run, including the steps for direct deployment and the configuration required. It also touches on the analysis of logs with Duet AI's assistance to better understand and address issues. The paragraph concludes by encouraging viewers to learn more about Duet AI's capabilities for enhancing productivity, with a link provided in the video's description.



💡Software Engineer

A software engineer is a professional who applies the principles of software development and computer science to design, create, and maintain software systems. In the context of the video, the software engineer is the main character who is looking for ways to streamline the process of building and deploying applications, highlighting the need for efficient problem-solving and coding practices.

💡Boilerplate Configurations

Boilerplate configurations refer to the standard, reusable code or settings that are often used as a starting point for programming projects. These configurations can include templates, setup scripts, and other foundational elements that are essential for a project but can be time-consuming to set up manually. In the video, the software engineer seeks to minimize the time spent on these configurations to focus more on the creative aspects of coding.

💡Deployment Commands

Deployment commands are specific instructions used to release or 'deploy' an application onto a server or cloud environment, making it accessible to users. These commands can vary depending on the technology stack and deployment environment but are crucial for getting an application from development to production. In the video, the software engineer aims to simplify the deployment process to speed up the workflow.

💡Duet AI

Duet AI appears to be an artificial intelligence tool designed to assist in software development by providing code recommendations, automating repetitive tasks, and aiding in problem-solving. It is portrayed as a valuable resource for developers, helping them to save time and focus on more complex challenges. In the video, Duet AI is used to streamline the creation, testing, and deployment of a Node.js application.


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that enables the execution of JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which makes it lightweight and efficient, ideal for building scalable network applications. In the video, the software engineer chooses Node.js as the platform for building the application, showcasing its popularity and effectiveness for modern web development.

💡Express Framework

The Express framework is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. It is built on top of the Node.js platform and simplifies the process of creating web applications by providing a range of middleware and utility functions. In the video, the software engineer uses the Express framework to quickly set up the application's routing and handling of HTTP requests.

💡EJS Templating Engine

EJS, which stands for Embedded JavaScript templating, is a templating engine that allows for the generation of HTML markup using plain JavaScript code. It enables developers to build dynamic web pages by embedding data and JavaScript into HTML templates. In the video, the EJS templating engine is used to create dynamic content for the application's views, making it easier to generate HTML pages based on user input and application data.


Middleware in web development is a layer of software that sits between the server and the application, handling tasks such as authentication, logging, and request/response processing. It serves as a bridge to manage the flow of data and perform actions before or after a request reaches its intended destination. In the context of the video, middleware is used to parse form data, which is a common task in web applications that handle user input.

💡Unit Testing

Unit testing is a method of testing individual units or components of a software application to ensure they function correctly. It often involves writing test cases that execute specific parts of the code and verifying that the output matches the expected results. In the video, unit testing is emphasized as an essential practice to ensure the quality and reliability of the application, with Duet AI assisting in generating test cases for the application's routes.

💡Google Cloud

Google Cloud is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google, which includes various products and tools for computing, data storage, and networking. It enables developers and businesses to build, deploy, and scale applications, and to leverage the power of Google's infrastructure. In the video, Google Cloud's Cloud Run is used as the deployment platform for the Node.js application, showcasing a real-world application of cloud services in modern software development.

💡Cloud Run

Cloud Run is a managed compute platform by Google Cloud that enables developers to run stateless containers on Google's infrastructure without managing the underlying resources. It allows for automatic scaling, high availability, and pay-as-you-go pricing, making it an attractive option for deploying web applications and microservices. In the video, Cloud Run is the chosen service for deploying the Node.js application, demonstrating its ease of use and efficiency.


Logs in software development are records of events, actions, or occurrences within an application or system. They provide valuable insights into the operation of the application, helping developers to diagnose issues, monitor performance, and understand user behavior. In the video, logs are mentioned as a part of the deployment process on Cloud Run, with Duet AI offering assistance in interpreting and understanding these logs for better application management.


The video discusses the process of building, testing, and deploying a simple Node.js application using Duet AI to streamline development.

The use of Duet AI helps to eliminate the need for boilerplate configurations and aids in remembering deployment commands, making the development process more efficient.

The video uses Visual Studio Code (VS Code) as the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of choice for the demonstration.

Google Cloud code extension is required for the project, along with Duet AI being enabled to follow along with the video.

The creation of an app.js and a test.js file is essential for running and testing the application.

Duet AI assists in remembering the command for installing necessary packages like Express and EJS, and suggests installing them locally for the demo.

The video demonstrates how Duet AI can recommend code inline by writing a request in a comment, which is then accepted to insert the code immediately.

Duet AI is used to generate the border plate for initializing the EJS templating engine, making the setup quick and accurate.

The process of setting up middleware to parse form data and establishing a home route with a post route called 'greeting' is detailed in the video.

The video shows how to create a package.json file using Duet AI, which includes the contents needed for the project.

Creating views with an index and greeting template inside a views directory is part of the process, with the index page containing a simple form and the greeting page using form data.

Testing the application is made easier with Duet AI's assistance in generating unit tests, as demonstrated by creating a test for the home route with a 200 response code.

The video covers the installation of necessary test packages like Super Test and the Mocha test framework, and updating the package.json file with the test script.

Duet AI's ability to explain log entries from deployed applications on Google Cloud's Cloud Run is highlighted, aiding in understanding and addressing issues more efficiently.

The video concludes by emphasizing Duet AI's role in enhancing productivity by assisting with various aspects of development, allowing developers to focus on more complex problems.