Phind AI for Web3 Developers

Dapp Mentors
3 Oct 202308:05

TLDRThe video script introduces an AI-powered search and problem-solving tool, similar to a search engine, which can be integrated into development environments via a plugin. The tool, referred to as 'fin', allows developers to collaborate with AI as a 'second team member', enhancing debugging, refactoring, and code fixing processes. The tutorial demonstrates how to install and utilize the tool, showcasing its ability to interpret and resolve coding issues by reading relevant parts of the code and providing solutions. It also highlights the tool's capability to generate mock data and translate code into different languages, emphasizing the importance of embracing AI in modern development practices to improve efficiency and productivity.


  • 🌐 The script introduces an AI-powered search engine similar to '', emphasizing its utility in online searches and problem resolution.
  • 🤖 The AI assistant's capabilities extend to peer programming, allowing for collaborative code writing and debugging.
  • 🔧 Installation of a specific plugin is required to access these AI features, which can be done without any charges.
  • 💡 The AI can read and understand significant parts of the code, providing targeted solutions to issues without the need for manual copying and pasting.
  • 🔍 The assistant can perform searches using keyboard shortcuts, offering immediate explanations and fixes for coding problems.
  • 📝 The AI can assist in code translation, such as converting Solidity code to TypeScript interfaces.
  • 💬 If the AI does not fully understand the query, it will ask clarifying questions, similar to a human programmer would.
  • 🎉 The assistant can generate mock data based on a given interface, streamlining the process of creating test data.
  • 👥 The script encourages embracing AI in the development process to enhance productivity and keep up with the evolving tech landscape.
  • 🎓 The speaker shares personal experience with the AI, advocating its use for daily tasks and as a tool for developers.
  • 🚀 The message concludes with a call to action for viewers to adopt AI technologies to improve their web development workflow and to subscribe for more content.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about using an AI tool for programming assistance, specifically for search, problem resolution, and code refactoring.

  • What is the name of the AI tool discussed in the video?

    -The AI tool discussed in the video is referred to as 'fin'.

  • How does the AI tool integrate with the user's development environment?

    -The AI tool integrates with the user's development environment through a plugin that can be installed and activated within VS Code.

  • What kind of tasks can the AI tool help with?

    -The AI tool can assist with tasks such as debugging, refactoring code, generating mock data, and translating code from one language to another.

  • How does the AI tool interact with the user's code?

    -The AI tool interacts with the user's code by reading the most relevant parts of the code and providing answers or solutions based on the context.

  • What are the benefits of using the AI tool for programming?

    -The benefits of using the AI tool for programming include increased productivity, faster problem resolution, and the ability to perform complex tasks with less effort.

  • How does the AI tool handle situations where it does not fully understand the user's request?

    -In situations where the AI tool does not fully understand the user's request, it will ask follow-up questions to clarify the user's intent.

  • What is the cost associated with using the AI tool?

    -The AI tool is mentioned to be free of charge, with no money or subscription required to use its features.

  • How does the speaker view the role of AI in the future of programming?

    -The speaker views the role of AI in the future of programming as essential, encouraging the audience to embrace AI to improve their efficiency and productivity.

  • What is the speaker's advice to those who might be hesitant about using AI in programming?

    -The speaker advises not to be scared of using AI and to see it as a tool to enhance productivity rather than as a threat to one's job.

  • Where can viewers find more information about the AI tool and related tutorials?

    -Viewers can find more information about the AI tool and related tutorials by visiting the speaker's website and subscribing to their channel for updates and early access to courses.



🤖 Introduction to AI-Assisted Programming

This paragraph introduces the concept of AI in programming, emphasizing the utility of a platform similar to '', a search engine for problem-solving and code enhancement. The speaker shares their experience with an AI tool that facilitates peer programming through a plugin integration in VS Code. This tool enables debugging, refactoring, and code fixes by incorporating a second 'team member' that can read and understand the code context, providing solutions and explanations automatically. The tutorial aims to guide viewers step by step on how to use this AI extension effectively.


🔍 Utilizing AI for Code Improvement and Data Generation

In this paragraph, the speaker delves into practical examples of using AI for code improvement and data generation. They demonstrate how the AI tool can be used to resolve coding issues by reading and understanding the relevant parts of the code, offering solutions and fixes. The speaker also explains how the tool can assist in generating fake data based on a given interface, showcasing its versatility in development tasks. The paragraph highlights the importance of AI accuracy and the need for manual intervention in certain cases. The speaker encourages embracing AI to enhance productivity in web development and to adapt to the new era of AI-embedded technologies.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is used to enhance programming by assisting in problem-solving, code refactoring, and debugging, acting as a 'peer programmer'.

💡Search Engine

A search engine is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. In the video, the comparison is made to highlight the advanced capabilities of AI beyond traditional search engines, as it can understand and interact with code, providing tailored solutions for programming issues.


A plugin is a software component that adds specific functionality to an existing program. In the video, the plugin is used to integrate the AI capabilities into the user's development environment, allowing for interactive coding assistance.


Debugging is the process of finding and removing bugs or errors in a computer program. The video showcases how the AI can assist in this process by identifying issues in the code and suggesting fixes, streamlining the debugging process for developers.


Refactoring is the process of restructuring existing computer code without changing its external behavior. Its purpose is to improve the nonfunctional attributes of the software, making it easier to comprehend and reduce its complexity. In the video, AI assists in this task by suggesting improvements to the code structure.

💡VS Code

Visual Studio Code, often abbreviated as VS Code, is a free, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It supports a wide range of programming languages and provides various features, such as debugging, task running, and version control. In the video, VS Code is the platform where the AI plugin is installed to assist with programming tasks.


Solidity is a programming language for writing smart contracts in Ethereum blockchain applications. In the video, the speaker uses Solidity as an example to demonstrate how the AI can assist in translating code from one language to another, such as converting a Solidity struct into a TypeScript interface.


TypeScript is a free and open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript, and adds optional static typing to the language. In the video, TypeScript is used as an example of a target language for code translation.


In computer science, an interface refers to a shared boundary between two systems, where each system interacts with the other without knowledge of the other's internal workings. In the context of the video, the interface is a structure in TypeScript or a contract in Solidity that defines the blueprint for a class or function.


Productivity refers to the efficiency and effectiveness with which tasks are completed. In the video, the AI tool is presented as a means to increase productivity in web trade development by automating certain tasks, such as code debugging and data generation, allowing developers to focus on more complex issues.

💡Embrace AI

Embracing AI means accepting and utilizing artificial intelligence technologies to improve various processes and workflows. The video encourages viewers to adopt AI in their development practices to stay competitive and efficient in the evolving landscape of technology.


The introduction of a new AI tool similar to a search engine for programming.

The AI tool enables peer programming by sharing code and resolving problems together.

A plugin can be installed to integrate the AI tool with development environments like VS Code.

The AI tool can perform complex tasks such as debugging, refactoring, and code fixes.

A step-by-step tutorial is provided to demonstrate the usage of the AI tool.

The AI tool reads the most relevant parts of the code for problem-solving, not just single lines.

A shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+I or Command+Shift+I) is used to activate the AI tool's problem-solving capabilities.

The AI tool searches the internet for solutions and explanations, providing fixes for coding issues.

An example of using the AI to translate Solidity code into TypeScript is given.

The AI tool can generate fake data based on a defined interface.

Despite the AI tool's capabilities, manual intervention may still be required for accuracy.

The speaker uses the AI tool daily for productivity and encourages others to embrace AI in development.

The AI tool serves as a peer programmer, helping articulate code and perform tasks.

The importance of learning to use AI tools for improved efficiency in web development is emphasized.

The speaker shares personal experience with the AI tool and its benefits in development.

A call to action for viewers to subscribe to the channel and utilize AI in their own productivity.