Code generation in VScode using Duet AI | Duet AI for VS Code

14 Nov 202310:21

TLDRThis video tutorial demonstrates how to integrate and utilize AI with Visual Studio Code for code generation, debugging, and obtaining detailed information. It guides viewers through the necessary steps of installing Google Cloud Code extensions, enabling AI, and signing into a Google Cloud project. The video showcases practical examples of generating Python and Terraform code snippets, using AI for explanations and debugging, and engaging with AI for theoretical inquiries and documentation, highlighting its utility in enhancing coding efficiency and learning new programming languages.


  • 📚 Start by watching previous videos to understand the prerequisites for using D with VS Code.
  • 🔧 Install the Google Cloud Code extension to utilize D in VS Code.
  • 🔄 Enable D in the extension settings within VS Code.
  • 🔒 Request access and enable D for your Google Cloud project as a prerequisite.
  • 📂 Create a folder for your project and open it in VS Code to start using D.
  • 🛠 Use D to generate code snippets by typing '#' and pressing enter.
  • 🐞 Debug your code by selecting lines and using the 'explain' feature of D.
  • 📈 Switch between projects easily by using the project selection feature in VS Code.
  • 🗂️ Check if D is enabled for your project in the Cloud console by looking for the D symbol.
  • 📝 Use D for code suggestions, explanations, and even learning new programming concepts.
  • 🚀 Explore more use cases of D in future videos to enhance your development workflow.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to use D with Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for code generation, debugging, and obtaining more information about the code.

  • What is the prerequisite for using D in VS Code?

    -The prerequisite for using D in VS Code is to enable access to D for your Google Cloud project and to install the Google Cloud Code extension.

  • How can you enable D for your Google Cloud project?

    -You can enable D for your Google Cloud project by going to the Cloud Code settings in VS Code, scrolling down to find 'Cloud Code D AI', and checking the box to enable it.

  • What is the first step to start using D in VS Code?

    -The first step to start using D in VS Code is to open the extension sidebar, search for 'Google Cloud Code', and install the Google Cloud Code extension.

  • How do you sign in and select a project in VS Code for using D?

    -After installing the Google Cloud Code extension, you can sign in using your Google Cloud credentials and select a project from the list of available projects.

  • What does the D symbol in the Cloud console indicate?

    -The D symbol in the Cloud console indicates that D access is enabled for that particular project.

  • How can D assist in writing a Python program to add two numbers?

    -D can provide a code suggestion for a Python program to add two numbers. After pressing 'Control + Enter', it generates the code, which can then be executed in the terminal.

  • What happens when you select code and right-click to 'Explain' in VS Code?

    -When you select code and right-click to 'Explain', D opens a chat prompt explaining how the selected code works, helping users understand the code's functionality.

  • Can D generate code for languages other than Python?

    -Yes, D can generate code for other languages as well. In the script, the user changes the file extension to '.tf' and D provides a Terraform code snippet for creating a GCL bucket.

  • How can D help with debugging code?

    -D can provide explanations for how the code works, which can assist in debugging. Users can select lines of code and use the 'Explain' feature to understand any issues they may be facing.

  • What other functionalities does D offer besides code generation and debugging?

    -D also offers the ability to ask theoretical questions and get documentation on various topics. It can provide details on cloud services like Cloud Spanner or help with writing functions in Python.



🚀 Introduction to Using D with VS Code

This paragraph introduces viewers to the integration of D with Visual Studio Code (VS Code). It emphasizes the importance of enabling D in VS Code for hands-on experience and suggests watching a previous video for enabling access to D. The speaker guides the audience through the process of adding extensions and enabling services necessary for using D. The paragraph highlights the steps to open a folder in VS Code, create a test file, and utilize D for code generation, debugging, and gaining more information about the code.


📝 Exploring Code Generation and Debugging with D

In this paragraph, the speaker delves into the specifics of using D for code generation and debugging. They demonstrate how to generate a Python program to add two numbers using D's suggestions and execute it. The paragraph also covers how D can explain the working of the code, aiding in understanding and learning. The speaker further explores the versatility of D by switching to Terraform and generating code for creating a GCL bucket. This section showcases D's ability to provide code suggestions across different programming languages and its utility in daily development tasks or learning new programming languages.


🤖 Chatting with D for Documentation and Theoretical Queries

The final paragraph focuses on the interactive aspect of D, where the speaker shows how to chat with D for documentation and theoretical questions. They provide an example of asking about Cloud Spanner, demonstrating how D can offer detailed information within VS Code. The speaker also explains how to use D for writing Python functions by asking relevant questions and utilizing the provided code snippets. This section emphasizes D's role as a comprehensive tool for both coding and learning within the development environment.



💡VS Code

VS Code, or Visual Studio Code, is a free, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It supports a wide range of programming languages and offers various features such as debugging, version control, and extensions. In the context of the video, VS Code is the platform where the user is enabled to use AI for code generation and debugging.

💡AI Code Generation

AI Code Generation refers to the process where artificial intelligence algorithms are used to automatically generate code based on user input or specific requirements. In the video, the user demonstrates how AI can suggest code snippets or even complete programs in response to prompts, simplifying the coding process.


Extensions in the context of code editors like VS Code are add-ons that provide additional functionality or features. The script mentions the need to install a specific extension for Google Cloud Code, which is necessary to enable AI code generation and other related services within VS Code.

💡Google Cloud Project

A Google Cloud Project is a collection of resources and settings that act as a container for all Google Cloud Services. It is necessary to select and enable specific AI services for a project in order to use them with tools like VS Code. The video emphasizes the importance of enabling AI for the selected project to take advantage of code generation and other features.

💡Code Debugging

Code debugging refers to the process of finding and fixing errors or bugs in the code. The video discusses how the AI can assist in debugging by providing explanations of how the code works, which can help developers understand and resolve issues.


Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code software that enables developers to define and provision a data center infrastructure using configuration files in the HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). In the video, the user demonstrates how AI can generate Terraform code for creating a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

💡Cloud Spanner

Cloud Spanner is a fully managed, mission-critical relational database service provided by Google Cloud. It is designed to handle large-scale, globally distributed databases with high availability and strong consistency. In the video, the user asks the AI about Cloud Spanner, and the AI provides a detailed explanation of the service.

💡Chat Prompt

A chat prompt, as used in the video, refers to a feature where the user can interact with the AI through a chat interface to ask questions or request information. This can include theoretical questions, explanations of code, or assistance with programming tasks.


Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its readability and ease of use. It is widely used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. In the video, the user creates a Python file and uses the AI to generate a Python program to add two numbers.

💡Google Cloud

Google Cloud is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google, which includes various products and tools for computing, data storage, and networking. The video focuses on using Google Cloud's AI services within VS Code for code generation and other development tasks.

💡Code Execution

Code execution refers to the process of running the written code to test its functionality and correctness. In the video, the user executes the Python program generated by the AI to verify that it works as expected.


Introduction to using D with VS Code for code generation and debugging.

Prerequisite of enabling access to D for the Google Cloud project before using it with VS Code.

Instructions on installing the Google Cloud Code extension for VS Code to facilitate the use of D.

Step-by-step guide to enable D within the VS Code settings.

The necessity of signing in with Google Cloud credentials and selecting the appropriate project in VS Code.

Demonstration of creating a Python file and using D to generate code for adding two numbers.

Explanation of how to execute the generated Python code in a terminal.

Usage of D to request and understand code explanations through the chat feature.

Switching to Terraform and using D to generate code for creating a GCL bucket.

Addressing syntax errors and utilizing D for debugging purposes.

D's capability to answer theoretical questions and provide documentation on various topics.

The practical application of D in day-to-day development and learning new programming languages.

D's integration with VS Code and its role in simplifying code development.

The video aims to explain the basics of D for newcomers and promises to cover more use cases in future videos.