CHEAPEST way to Fix Frayed Hockey Skate Lace Tips with stuff you have DIY (Aglet Repair) Shoes Boots

12 Oct 202003:34

TLDRIn this informative guide, the video demonstrates a simple method to repair frayed skate laces, transforming them into usable ones again. The process requires only a few materials: blue thread for visibility, scissors, and liquid super glue. The technique involves tying a secure knot about an inch from the end of the lace, wrapping the thread, applying super glue to saturate both the string and the lace, and allowing it to dry before trimming the excess. The result is a restored lace ready for use with skates.


  • 📝 The process involves repairing frayed skate laces to make them usable again.
  • 🧵 Use a thread, preferably in a visible color like blue, to easily follow the steps.
  • ✂️ A pair of scissors and liquid super glue are necessary tools for the repair.
  • 🚫 Avoid using gel-type super glue for this specific task.
  • 📐 About a foot of thread is needed for the repair.
  • 🎀 Start by tying a knot approximately an inch and a quarter from the end of the lace.
  • 🔄 Wrap the thread around the lace, working your way down towards the end.
  • 🤏 Hold the thread tightly at the end to secure it in place.
  • 💧 Apply liquid super glue to the thread and lace, ensuring it's thoroughly soaked.
  • 📌 Hold the lace straight and allow the glue to dry.
  • 🗑️ Trim the excess thread with scissors once the glue is almost dry.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to repair a frayed skate lace and restore it to a usable condition.

  • What materials are needed for this repair process?

    -The materials needed for this repair process include thread (specifically blue for visibility), a pair of scissors, and liquid super glue.

  • Why is liquid super glue recommended over gel super glue for this task?

    -Liquid super glue is recommended because it soaks into the string and the lace, ensuring a strong bond. Gel super glue is not suitable as it does not penetrate the fibers as effectively.

  • How much thread is needed to fix the frayed skate lace?

    -About a foot of thread is needed to perform the repair.

  • How should the thread be tied initially?

    -The thread should be tied with a knot about an inch and a quarter down from the end, and it is recommended to knot it twice for added security.

  • What is the next step after tying the thread?

    -After tying the thread, it should be wrapped around the frayed area, working the way down closer to the end of the lace.

  • How is the super glue applied in the repair process?

    -Once the thread is in place, super glue is applied to the end of the thread and the lace, ensuring the glue soaks into both the string and the lace for a strong bond.

  • What should be done after applying the super glue?

    -After applying the super glue, the lace should be held straight and allowed to dry. When it is almost dry, the excess thread can be trimmed off with scissors.

  • What is the final result of the repair process?

    -The final result is a repaired skate lace that is no longer frayed and is threadable, ready to be used with skates again.

  • Why is it important to hold the lace straight while drying?

    -Holding the lace straight while drying ensures that the repaired section maintains its shape and the glue sets properly, resulting in a neat and effective repair.

  • How does using a contrasting color thread, like blue, benefit the viewer?

    -Using a contrasting color like blue makes it easier for the viewer to follow the steps and see where the thread is being applied during the repair process.



📝 Fixing Frayed Skate Laces

This paragraph outlines the process of repairing frayed skate laces. The speaker introduces the task and lists the required materials: blue thread for visibility, a pair of scissors, and liquid super glue. The instructions detail tying a knot about an inch and a quarter from the end of the thread, wrapping it down towards the lace end, and using super glue to secure the repair. The final step involves letting the glue dry and trimming the excess thread, resulting in a restored, usable skate lace.



💡frayed skate lace

A 'frayed skate lace' refers to a shoelace, specifically one used in skate shoes, that has become worn out or damaged, with fibers unraveling from the main body. In the context of the video, it is the primary subject that needs fixing. The video's theme revolves around repairing this frayed lace to make it usable again, which is a practical and cost-effective solution compared to replacing the entire lace or shoe.


In this context, 'thread' refers to a thin strand of material, typically used for sewing or, as in this video, for repairing a frayed skate lace. The thread is an essential tool in the process described in the video, as it is used to wrap around the damaged lace and reinforce it. The choice of thread color, such as blue in this case, is to make the process more visible and understandable for the viewers.


A 'knot' is a loop or series of loops in a length of thread or rope that is used to secure or fasten it. In the video, tying a knot is the initial step in the repair process of the frayed skate lace. The knot serves as a starting point for the thread wrapping, ensuring that the thread stays in place as it is wrapped around the lace. The process involves tying the knot twice for added security.


Scissors are a tool used for cutting materials, such as thread or fabric. In the video, scissors are mentioned as one of the necessary items for the repair process. They are used at the end of the process to trim off the excess thread after the glue has dried, giving the lace a clean and finished look.

💡super glue

Super glue, also known as cyanoacrylate adhesive, is a strong, fast-acting bonding agent. In the video, super glue is used to secure the thread to the skate lace, ensuring that the repair is durable and the thread does not unravel. It is important to use liquid super glue and not the gel type, as specified in the script, to ensure proper adhesion to the lace and thread.


To 'wrap' something means to encircle or cover it with a material, in this case, thread. In the video, the process of wrapping the thread around the frayed skate lace is a critical step that helps to hold the lace together and prevent further fraying. The thread is wrapped from the knot end towards the other end of the lace, effectively reinforcing the damaged area.


To 'trim' refers to the act of cutting off the excess or unwanted parts of a material, such as thread. In the video, after the super glue has been applied and dried, the excess thread is trimmed off to give the lace a neat appearance and to ensure that it can be properly laced through the skate eyelets. This final step is crucial for completing the repair and restoring the functionality of the skate lace.

💡lace repair

Lace repair refers to the process of fixing or restoring a damaged lace, such as one that has become frayed. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to repair a frayed skate lace using thread, a knot, and super glue. The goal of lace repair is to extend the life of the skates by making the lace usable again, rather than replacing the entire lace or the shoes.


Shoelaces are the flexible, cord-like materials used to fasten shoes by threading them through eyelets or holes along the top of the shoe. In the context of the video, the focus is on skate laces, which are specifically designed for skate shoes and may differ in material or construction from regular shoelaces. The video's instructions are aimed at repairing these skate laces, making them an essential part of the content.


The term 'durable' refers to something that is able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage without breaking or getting damaged easily. In the context of the video, the goal of the repair process is to make the frayed skate lace durable again by reinforcing it with thread and super glue. This ensures that the lace can withstand regular use and less likely to fray or break in the future.


The process begins with fixing a frayed skate lace, transforming it into a usable state.

Blue thread is used for visibility while demonstrating the process.

A pair of scissors and liquid super glue are essential tools for this repair method.

Gel type super glue is not suitable for this particular task.

A foot of thread is needed to perform the repair.

The thread is knotted about an inch and a quarter from the end, with a double knot for security.

The thread is then wrapped around the lace, working down towards the end.

Holding the thread tight is crucial before applying super glue.

Super glue is applied to both the string and the lace for a strong bond.

The lace is held straight while the glue dries for optimal results.

Once the glue is almost dry, the excess thread is trimmed for a clean finish.

The repaired lace is now ready to be threaded back into the skates.

This method provides a practical solution for skate lace repair.

The use of super glue ensures a durable and long-lasting fix.

The process is straightforward and does not require specialized skills.

This DIY repair is an economical alternative to replacing frayed skate laces.

The repair method can extend the life of skates by reviving their laces.

The demonstration provides a clear visual guide for those looking to fix their skate laces.