COL@NYM: Fan interference nullifies Flores' home run

30 Jul 201605:46

TLDRIn a thrilling baseball moment, a kid reaches over the wall to catch a ball, leading to a controversial play. David Dahl, a player, is seen reacting to the situation, and the umpires review the play. The kid's actions are deemed fan interference, resulting in the ball being ruled out. Despite the controversy, there's a sense of excitement and memorable experience for the young fan, with suggestions that Dahl should sign the ball for him. The incident raises questions about the rules and the memorable impact such events have on fans and players alike.


  • 🏐 The ball was hit well towards left field where a fan interfered with the play.
  • 👦 A kid reached over the wall and caught the ball, leading to a controversial call.
  • 🤔 David Dahl, the outfielder, was initially unsure if he could catch the ball without interference.
  • 🙅‍♂️ The umpire, Walt, was called to review the play and assess the interference.
  • 🎥 The broadcast team discussed the incident, with some suggesting the fan's actions were inappropriate.
  • 🌟 Jeffrey Mayer, a Yankees fan from the past, was mentioned as a memorable example of fan interference.
  • ⚖️ The crew in the park, including Chris Caccioni and Jeff Kellogg, were deliberating on the outcome.
  • 📝 The review determined it was fan interference, and the play was ruled an out, awarding a double.
  • 🚫 The kid was ejected from the game due to the interference.
  • 🏆 There was a suggestion that this event might be memorable for the kid and could be a recordable moment.
  • 🤝 There was a hope expressed that David Dahl might sign the ball for the kid after the game.

Q & A

  • What was the situation when the ball was hit to left field?

    -The ball was hit very well towards left field, and David Dahl was positioned to catch it near the wall. However, a kid reached over the wall and interfered with the play.

  • What was David Dahl's reaction to the interference?

    -David Dahl expressed his opinion that the kid gloated after interfering with the catch, and he hoped the kid would be kicked out for showing such behavior.

  • What historical event was mentioned in relation to this situation?

    -The name Jeffrey Mayer was mentioned, a kid who infamously reached over the wall when the Yankees played, and every Yankee fan remembers that name.

  • What was the final call on the play?

    -After reviewing the play, it was determined to be fan interference, and the kid was ejected from the game. The hit was ruled an out, and the runner was awarded a double.

  • What did the commentators hope would happen after the game?

    -They hoped that David Dahl would get a chance to sign the baseball for the kid who was ejected, making it a memorable story for the young fan.

  • What was the significance of the date and time mentioned in the transcript?

    -The specific date and time mentioned, around 5:11 in the ninth inning on July 30, marks the occasion when the event with David Dahl and the fan took place.

  • Why was the kid ejected from the game?

    -The kid was ejected because he reached over the fence to interfere with David Dahl's potential catch, which is against the rules, and then gloated about it.

  • What was the commentators' opinion on the kid's actions?

    -While they acknowledged it was an over-the-top reaction, they also found the situation amusing and thought the kid would never forget this event.

  • Who were the officials involved in making the final call on the play?

    -Chris Caccioni and Jeff Kellogg were the officials who studied the play and made the final decision on the interference and the subsequent ejection.

  • What was the general sentiment towards the kid after the event?

    -There was a mix of reactions, with some feeling the kid's actions were over the top, while others found it memorable and hoped for a positive interaction like David Dahl signing the ball for the kid.



🏐 Fan Interference and Ejection at a Baseball Game

The first paragraph describes a dramatic scene at a baseball game where a ball is hit towards the left field. A fan, identified as a kid, reaches over the wall to catch the ball, which leads to a controversial situation. The commentators, including David Dahl, discuss the incident, considering it as fan interference. The kid is ejected from the game, and there's a discussion about whether the player should sign the ball for the ejected fan as a memorable souvenir. The decision is made after a review by the crew, including Chris Caccioni and Jeff Kellogg, who determine that the fan's action was indeed interference, resulting in the ball being awarded as a double.


🤔 Reflecting on the Ejection and its Impact on the Fan

The second paragraph continues the narrative of the ejection, focusing on the fan's perspective. It's described as an unforgettable moment for the fan, who caught the ball and was subsequently thrown out of the game. The commentators speculate about the fan's memorable experience and the potential for a humorous interaction with the player, David Dahl, on the 7 train back to Manhattan. The incident is noted for its rarity and the unique story it provides for the young fan.




In the context of the video, 'ball' refers to the object used in the sport of baseball. It is central to the game, as players hit, catch, and throw it. The script mentions a ball hitting well to left field, indicating a play in progress where a batter has made contact with the ball, sending it towards the left side of the playing field.


The term 'field' in this context refers to the playing area of a baseball game, which is divided into different sections such as the infield, outfield, and the areas beyond the outfield known as foul territory. The field is where the action of the game takes place, with players positioned in various locations to facilitate gameplay.

💡David Dahl

David Dahl is a professional baseball player mentioned in the script. He is relevant to the narrative as he is involved in the play being discussed, specifically attempting to catch a ball that has been hit by a batter. His actions and reactions contribute to the unfolding drama of the game.


The term 'kid' in the script refers to a young fan who is present at the baseball game. This individual becomes a significant part of the story when they reach over the wall to catch a ball that is about to go out of play. The kid's actions lead to a controversial moment in the game, sparking a debate about fan interference.


Gloating refers to the act of expressing self-satisfaction, especially in a boastful or arrogant manner, often at the expense of others. In the context of the video, it is used to describe the behavior of the young fan who catches the ball and appears to celebrate in a way that is seen as disrespectful by some of the players.


Interference in the context of baseball refers to an incident where a spectator or external factor disrupts the normal course of play. In the video, the term is used to describe the situation where a fan reaches over the wall and interferes with a potential catch by a player, leading to a controversial play that must be reviewed.


In baseball, 'out' is a term used to describe a situation where a batter or runner is no longer in play due to certain conditions, such as being tagged out or failing to reach a base in time. The script discusses whether the ball hit by the batter should be considered 'out' due to fan interference.


An umpire is an official in baseball who is responsible for enforcing the rules, making decisions on plays, and maintaining the order of the game. In the video, the umpire's role is crucial as they must determine the outcome of the play in question, which involves a potential fan interference.


The Yankees refer to the New York Yankees, a professional baseball team based in New York City. They are one of the most well-known and successful franchises in Major League Baseball (MLB). In the script, the Yankees are mentioned in the context of a memorable incident involving a fan named Jeffrey Mayer, highlighting the team's prominence and the significance of fan experiences at their games.


Ejection in the context of baseball refers to the removal of a player, coach, or fan from the game due to rules violations or unsportsmanlike conduct. In the video, the term is used to describe the potential consequence for the young fan who interfered with the game, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.


In the context of the script, 'sign' refers to the act of a player autographing an object, typically a baseball or memorabilia, for a fan. This is a common practice in professional sports and is seen as a way for players to engage with their fans and acknowledge special moments.

💡7 train

The 7 train is a rapid transit service in New York City, part of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) system. It is mentioned in the script as a means of transportation that the fan might use after being ejected from the game, adding a local and contextual element to the story.


Ball hit to left field, a difficult catch for David Dahl

Kid reaches over the wall to catch the ball

David Dahl's reaction to the kid's interference

Dahl's expectation for the ball not to go out

Mention of Jeffrey Mayer, a memorable name for Yankee fans

Discussion on fan interference and its consequences

David Dahl's potential response to the kid's gloating

Scoreboard operator's reaction to the situation

Review of the play by officials on Park Avenue

Decision to award a double due to interference

Charlie's confirmation of the correct call

The kid's memorable story from the game

Ejection of the kid with two outs in the ninth inning

Speculation on the youngest ejection record

Discussion on player interactions and fan experiences

Hope for David Dahl to sign the ball for the kid

Final moments of the game and the kid's ejection