ChatGPT Explained Completely.

Kyle Hill
15 Jun 202327:39

TLDRThe video script offers an in-depth exploration of Chat GPT, a revolutionary AI chatbot developed by OpenAI. It delves into the technology's creation, functionality, and potential future, highlighting its rapid growth and ability to generate human-like responses. The script humorously compares the AI's capabilities to pop culture references and discusses the challenges of understanding AI decision-making. It also touches on the ethical considerations of AI alignment and the potential risks to our information ecosystem, ending with a call for a better understanding of AI technologies.


  • ๐Ÿค– Chat GPT is a consumer application developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT 3.5 model, which is a large language model designed for human-like conversation.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ Chat GPT's rapid growth has made it the fastest growing consumer application in history, with 100 million monthly active users by March 2023.
  • ๐Ÿ“š The model was trained on over 500 gigabytes of text, including internet data, digitized books, Wikipedia, and more, equating to trillions of words and billions of pages.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, highlighting its ability to generate text, its pre-training, and its use of a transformative attention mechanism.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ The training process involved running trillions of words through supercomputers for the equivalent of 300 years, creating 170 billion connections between words.
  • ๐ŸŽฏ Chat GPT aims to align with human values through reinforcement learning from human feedback, prioritizing helpfulness, truthfulness, and harmlessness.
  • ๐Ÿ’ญ The model's responses are generated by adding one word at a time to a prompt, using probabilities to select the most likely continuation.
  • ๐Ÿง  Neural networks, the underlying technology of Chat GPT, mimic the human brain's structure with artificial neurons and connections, learning from examples to adjust weights and minimize loss.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“Š Chat GPT uses embeddings and attention mechanisms to understand context and give importance to certain words, allowing it to generate human-like text.
  • ๐Ÿš€ Despite its capabilities, Chat GPT does not know anything in the human sense and is not sentient; it operates based on statistical patterns from its training data.
  • ๐ŸŒ The widespread use of AI technologies like Chat GPT raises concerns about the future of information verification and the potential for an 'information apocalypse' due to the sheer volume of AI-generated content.

Q & A

  • What is Chat GPT?

    -Chat GPT is a publicly accessible chatbot variant of GPT 3.5, a large language model developed by OpenAI. It is designed to converse in a human-like manner, generating text based on input prompts.

  • How was Chat GPT trained?

    -Chat GPT was trained on a vast amount of text data, including content from the internet, digitized books, Wikipedia, and more, totaling over 500 gigabytes of text and trillions of words.

  • What does the acronym GPT stand for?

    -GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. 'Generative' refers to its ability to produce text, 'Pre-trained' indicates it's trained before use, and 'Transformer' is due to the use of an attention transformer mechanism within its technology.

  • How does Chat GPT generate responses?

    -Chat GPT generates responses by adding one word at a time to a prompt, using its trained model to select the most probable continuation based on the input and its extensive training data.

  • What is the alignment problem in AI?

    -The alignment problem is the challenge of ensuring that AI systems value what humans value and align with human preferences and ethics, rather than pursuing goals that may be harmful or undesirable to humans.

  • How does Chat GPT attempt to address the alignment problem?

    -Chat GPT attempts to address the alignment problem through reinforcement learning from human feedback during its training. OpenAI hired contractors to rate responses, and these ratings were used to create a model that rewards aligned, helpful, truthful, and harmless text generation.

  • What is the significance of Chat GPT's popularity?

    -Chat GPT's popularity, with 1.6 billion visits in March 2023, signifies a significant shift in the way people interact with AI and highlights the technology's potential to transform various aspects of society and industry.

  • What is the underlying technology of Chat GPT?

    -The underlying technology of Chat GPT is a neural network with 175 billion different weights, which were determined through extensive training on large bodies of text data.

  • How does Chat GPT understand context?

    -Chat GPT understands context by using embeddings, which are mathematical representations of words based on their statistical relationships in the training data, and attention mechanisms that give importance to certain words over others in the input.

  • What are the potential risks associated with large language models like Chat GPT?

    -Potential risks include the generation of misinformation and the possibility of an 'information apocalypse', where the volume of AI-generated content makes it difficult to discern what is real, leading to a potential breakdown in the information ecosystem.

  • How does the neural network architecture of Chat GPT mimic the human brain?

    -The neural network architecture of Chat GPT mimics the human brain by using artificial neurons connected in a network that sends signals based on the strength of connections, similar to how neurons in the human brain communicate.



๐Ÿค– Introduction to Chat GPT: The Revolutionary AI Chatbot

This paragraph introduces Chat GPT as a groundbreaking AI chatbot developed by OpenAI. It highlights the bot's ability to perform tasks like writing poetry, passing bar exams, and even fabricating celebrity personas. The script humorously addresses the rapid growth and popularity of Chat GPT, mentioning its monthly active users and comparing it to the size of the United States population. The paragraph sets the stage for a deeper exploration into how Chat GPT was made, its operational mechanism, and its potential future impact, including the possibility of legal disputes with entities like HBO.


๐Ÿง  Understanding Chat GPT's Creation and Functionality

This section delves into the basics of Chat GPT, explaining that it is a publicly accessible variant of GPT 3.5, a large language model from OpenAI. It discusses the acronym GPT, standing for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, and the model's function to generate text based on substantial training data. The paragraph outlines the massive amount of text data used to train the model, including internet text, digitized books, and code from platforms like GitHub and Stack Overflow. It also touches on the extensive computational resources required to train and run the model, emphasizing the billion-dollar effort behind its development.


๐Ÿš€ Addressing AI Alignment and Value Integration

The paragraph discusses the concept of AI alignment, which is about ensuring that AI systems like Chat GPT align with human values. It mentions the potential dangers of releasing AI models that are not aligned with human values, such as the risk of them becoming racist. Chat GPT was trained not only on words but also on aligning its word selection with values like helpfulness, truthfulness, and harmlessness. The use of reinforcement learning with human feedback during the training process is highlighted, as well as the imperfect but significant attempt to solve one of AI's biggest challenges.


๐ŸŒ Chat GPT's Popularity and Its Human-Like Responses

This part of the script focuses on Chat GPT's immense popularity, with 1.6 billion visits in March 2023, making it one of the top 20 visited websites globally. It compares the output of Chat GPT to the total human-written content since the invention of the Gutenberg Press. The paragraph emphasizes the AI's remarkable ability to generate human-like responses, even to complex questions, and mentions its high IQ score. However, it also cautions that Chat GPT should not be relied upon for critical tasks, as it does not truly 'know' anything and is not sentient.


๐Ÿงฌ Neural Networks: The Technology Behind Chat GPT

The script transitions into a technical explanation of the underlying architecture of Chat GPT and other large language models, which is the neural network. It draws parallels between artificial neural networks and those in the human brain, discussing the number of neurons and their connections. The paragraph explores why neural networks are effective, referencing the lack of a theoretical reason and attributing their efficacy to evolution. It outlines the process of training a neural network through examples and adjusting weights to minimize loss and improve accuracy.


๐Ÿ”ข The Mathematics of Word Representation

This section delves into the mathematical aspect of how Chat GPT understands and generates text. It explains the process of assigning unique numbers to words and using these numbers to determine the most probable word to follow a given sequence. The concept of embeddings is introduced, describing it as a mathematical representation of words based on their statistical relationships in training data. The script also touches on the concept of attention, which allows the model to prioritize certain words over others in generating responses.

๐ŸŒŸ The Future of AI and Information Authenticity

The final paragraph discusses the excitement surrounding Chat GPT and its capabilities, such as summarizing large volumes of text, writing poetry, and generating usable code. However, it raises concerns about the potential risks to our information ecosystem, particularly the challenge of verifying the authenticity of content generated by AI. The script speculates on the future of AI technologies and the possibility of discovering fundamental laws of language, comparing it to the laws of physics. It ends with a call for a better understanding of rapidly emerging AI technologies and their implications for society.



๐Ÿ’กChat GPT

Chat GPT is a publicly accessible chatbot variant of GPT 3.5, a large language model developed by OpenAI. It is designed to converse in a human-like manner, generating text based on input prompts. The model has gained rapid popularity due to its ability to produce reasonable continuations of text, aligning with values such as helpfulness, truthfulness, and harmlessness.

๐Ÿ’กGenerative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)

GPT is an acronym for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, which refers to the underlying technology of Chat GPT. It is a type of AI model that is trained on a large dataset before being deployed for specific tasks. The 'Generative' aspect means it can create new text, 'Pre-trained' indicates it has been trained on a vast amount of data, and 'Transformer' refers to the architecture used within the model that enables it to understand the context and relationships between words.

๐Ÿ’กLanguage Model

A language model is a type of machine learning model that is trained to understand and generate human language. In the context of the video, Chat GPT is a large language model that has been trained on a substantial amount of text data, allowing it to produce text that mimics human writing. The model learns from the data it was trained on, and when given an input, it predicts the most likely continuation of that text.

๐Ÿ’กReinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is a method of training AI models where the model learns to make decisions by receiving feedback on its actions. In the video, OpenAI used reinforcement learning from human feedback to align Chat GPT's responses with values like helpfulness, truthfulness, and harmlessness. This process involves rewarding the model when it generates text that aligns with these values, thereby guiding its future responses.

๐Ÿ’กAttention Transformer

The attention transformer is a key component of the Transformer architecture used in models like Chat GPT. It allows the model to focus on different parts of the input when generating a response, effectively giving more importance to certain words or phrases over others. This mechanism helps the model to understand context and produce more coherent and relevant text outputs.

๐Ÿ’กAlignment Problem

The alignment problem in AI refers to the challenge of ensuring that an AI system's goals and values align with those of humans. In the context of the video, OpenAI addressed the alignment problem by training Chat GPT to generate text that aligns with values such as helpfulness, truthfulness, and harmlessness, aiming to prevent the model from generating inappropriate or harmful content.

๐Ÿ’กNeural Network

A neural network is a series of algorithms that attempt to recognize underlying relationships in a set of data through a process that mimics the way the human brain operates. In the video, the neural network is the foundational structure of Chat GPT, with artificial neurons connected and sending signals based on the strength of their connections, which are adjusted through training to minimize errors and improve the model's predictions.


In the context of the video, embedding is a mathematical representation that captures the essence of words based on their statistical relationships in the training data. It transforms text input into a format that the neural network can process. Embeddings are crucial for understanding context and enabling the model to generate human-like text responses.


In machine learning, loss refers to a measure of how far the model's predictions are from the actual data. It is a way to quantify the difference between the desired output and the model's current output. The process of training a model often involves adjusting its parameters to minimize this loss, thereby improving its accuracy. In the video, minimizing loss helps Chat GPT generate text that more closely resembles human writing.

๐Ÿ’กTuring Test

The Turing Test is a measure of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. In the context of the video, Chat GPT's ability to generate human-like responses suggests that it could potentially pass the Turing Test, indicating a significant advancement in AI's understanding and generation of human language.

๐Ÿ’กArtificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Artificial General Intelligence refers to the hypothetical intelligence of a machine that has the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks, much like a human being. The video script suggests that the capabilities of Chat GPT, such as its ability to pass the Turing test, could be a step towards achieving AGI, although it is still a topic of debate and research within the AI community.


Chat GPT is a revolutionary AI chatbot developed by OpenAI, capable of writing poetry, passing bar exams, and generating human-like text.

Chat GPT is the fastest-growing consumer application in human history, with 100 million monthly active users as of 2023.

GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, reflecting its capabilities and the technology it uses.

The model was trained on over 500 gigabytes of text, including data from the internet, digitized books, Wikipedia, and more.

Chat GPT's training involved running trillions of words through supercomputers for the equivalent of 300 years.

The AI attempts to align with human values through reinforcement learning from human feedback, focusing on helpfulness, truthfulness, and harmlessness.

Chat GPT adds one word at a time to a prompt, using randomness to keep its responses fresh and human-like.

The model has an IQ of 147 and can legally pass the U.S. medical licensing exam and bar exam.

Chat GPT's underlying architecture is a neural network, which mimics the structure and function of neurons in the human brain.

The AI uses a 12,288-dimensional space to represent words, far exceeding the complexity of human comprehension.

Attention mechanism is a key technology in Chat GPT that allows the model to focus on certain words more than others, improving context understanding.

Chat GPT operates by turning prompts into numbers, processing them through a series of attention transformers, and outputting a single word at a time.

Despite its capabilities, Chat GPT does not know anything; it is a statistical product of its training data and should not be relied upon for critical decisions.

The technology behind Chat GPT is not fully understood, as it is a black box that produces results without transparent reasoning.

Chat GPT's success raises questions about the future of AI and the potential for large language models to surpass human intelligence.

The rapid advancement of AI technologies like Chat GPT could lead to an information apocalypse, where discerning truth from fiction becomes extremely challenging.

Chat GPT's ability to generate text surpasses human output, raising concerns about the authenticity of information in the digital age.

The video discusses the potential risks to our information ecosystem if the output of large language models like Chat GPT is not properly mitigated.