Top 20 Athletes Caught Cheating on Live TV
- 🏀 德怀特·霍华德(Dwight Howard)在NBA比赛中使用粘性物质(stickum)以提高控球能力,尽管这是非法的,但他既未被罚款也未受到谴责。
- 🏈 托尼·罗莫(Tony Romo)在达拉斯牛仔队的比赛中,用脚轻微移动了球的位置,但这一行为很快被发现并被纠正。
- 🏒 马丁·麦克索利(Marty McSorley)在1993年斯坦利杯决赛中因使用弯曲超过规定限制的球棍而受到处罚。
- ⚾ 威尔·史密斯(Will Smith)在比赛中因手臂上有物质而被逐出,他声称是松香和防晒霜,但被禁赛八场。
- ⚾ 休斯顿太空人队(Houston Astros)因使用未经授权的电子设备来解码对方捕手的信号而被卷入大规模的作弊丑闻。
- 🏴 特里瓦尔杜·法赫拉(Trivaldú Fahrera)在2002年世界杯期间因假装被踢到脸部而被罚款。
- 🏌️♂️ 西蒙·戴森(Simon Dyson)在上海2013宝马大师赛中因用球压下推杆线上的钉子痕迹并提交虚假分数卡而被取消资格。
- 🏌️♂️ 帕特里克·里德(Patrick Reed)在2019年英雄世界挑战赛中在沙坑内练习挥杆时被发现移动沙子以获得更好的击球机会。
- 🚴♂️ 文琴佐·尼巴利(Vincenzo Nibali)在2015年西班牙布尔戈斯赛中因搭车而被取消资格。
- ⚾ 迈克尔·皮内达(Michael Pineda)在比赛中因使用松焦而被驱逐出场,并被禁赛十场。
- 🥎 萨米·索萨(Sammy Sosa)在2003年比赛中因球棒中发现软木而受到驱逐和七场禁赛。
- 🥊 路易斯·雷斯特(Luis Resto)在1983年的拳击比赛中因手套内缺少填充物而被吊销拳击执照。
- 🏉 汤姆·威廉姆斯(Tom Williams)在橄榄球比赛中因假装受伤以帮助队友重返赛场而被称为“血门”事件。
- 🏏 澳大利亚板球队在2018年对阵南非的比赛中因使用砂纸磨球而被揭露作弊。
- ⚽ 蒂埃里·亨利(Thierry Henry)在2010年世界杯预选赛中手球助攻,尽管存在争议,但进球被认可,法国队因此晋级。
- 🥊 乔·尼格罗(Joe Niekro)在1987年被发现携带砂纸和锉刀,被禁赛十场并很快退役。
- 🏎️ 尼尔森·皮奎特(Nelson Piquet Jr.)在2008年新加坡大奖赛中涉嫌故意撞车以帮助队友获胜,事件导致车队受到处罚。
- 🏃♀️ 朱莉·米勒(Julie Miller)在2015年加拿大铁人赛中因未能完成全程而被取消资格。
- 🏸 2012年伦敦奥运会上,中国、韩国和印尼羽毛球队因故意输球以避免早期遇到强队而被国际奥委会取消资格。
- ⚽ 迭戈·马拉多纳(Diego Maradona)在1986年世界杯四分之一决赛中用手进球,这一进球被称为'上帝之手'。
Q & A
-视频中提到的第一位运动员是Dwight Howard,他因为在NBA比赛中使用粘性物质(stickum)来提高对篮球的握持而被认为作弊。
Tony Romo在视频中被提及的作弊行为是什么?
-Tony Romo在视频中被提及的作弊行为是在一场达拉斯牛仔队的比赛中,他用脚将球向前移动了一点,试图影响比赛。
-1993年斯坦利杯决赛中,洛杉矶国王队的防守球员Marty McSorley因使用违规曲棍球杆而受到处罚。
在视频中提到的Will Smith是因为什么被驱逐出场的?
-在视频中提到的Will Smith(非演员Will Smith)因为在棒球比赛中手臂上使用了一种物质而被驱逐出场,该物质被检查出是松香和防晒霜的混合物。
Houston Astros的作弊丑闻涉及了什么行为?
-Houston Astros的作弊丑闻涉及使用未经授权的电子设备,通过实时视频反馈来破解对方捕手的手势信号,并通过敲击垃圾罐的声音传递给场上的球员。
-在2002年世界杯巴西对阵土耳其的比赛中,巴西球员Trivaldú Fahrera因假装被犯规而被罚款。
Simon Dyson在2013年BMW大师赛中因何行为被取消资格?
-Simon Dyson在2013年BMW大师赛中因为使用球压下推杆线上的钉子痕迹,并且没有在记分卡上加上两杆的处罚,签署了虚假成绩而被取消资格。
Patrick Reed在2019年英雄世界挑战赛中因何行为受到两杆的处罚?
-Patrick Reed在2019年英雄世界挑战赛中因为在沙坑中练习挥杆时试图清除沙子以获得更好的击球机会,这种行为违反了规则,因此受到两杆的处罚。
2015年Buelta Espana自行车赛中,Vincenzo Nibali因为什么行为被取消比赛资格?
-2015年Buelta Espana自行车赛中,Vincenzo Nibali因为在比赛过程中抓住他所在团队的汽车并被拖行了一段距离,试图以此获得优势而被取消比赛资格。
Michael Pineda在一场比赛中因使用什么物质被罚下?
-Michael Pineda在一场比赛中因使用松焦油(pine tar)被罚下,这是一种在棒球比赛中被禁止使用的物质。
Sammy Sosa在2003年的一场比赛中因为什么被发现而被罚下?
-Sammy Sosa在2003年的一场比赛中因为击球时球棒断裂,裁判调查断裂的球棒碎片时发现了软木(cork),这是一种在MLB中被禁止使用的物质,因此他被发现并被罚下。
🏀 NBA球员霍华德的粘性作弊
🏈 托尼·罗莫的轻微移动球
🏒 马丁·麦克索利的曲棍球棒违规
⚽ 威尔·史密斯的外源性物质
🥎 休斯顿太空人的高科技作弊
🚴♂️ 特里瓦尔杜·法赫雷拉的假摔
🏌️♂️ 西蒙·戴森的高尔夫球场作弊
🏌️♂️ 帕特里克·里德的沙坑违规
🚴♂️ 文琴佐·尼巴利的自行车拖拽
⚾ 迈克尔·皮内达的松焦油
⚾ 萨米·索萨的软木丑闻
🥊 路易斯·雷斯特的拳击手套作弊
🏉 汤姆·威廉姆斯的假伤
🏏 澳大利亚板球队的砂纸丑闻
⚽ 蒂埃里·亨利的上帝之手
🏆 乔·内格罗的隐藏工具
🏎️ 尼尔森·皮奎特的F1撞车
🏊♀️ 朱莉·米勒的铁人三项作弊
🏸 女子羽毛球队的故意输球
⚽ 迭戈·马拉多纳的上帝之手
德怀特·霍华德(Dwight Howard)在NBA比赛中使用粘性物质(stickum)来提高篮球的握持力,尽管这是非法的,但他既未被罚款也未受到谴责。
托尼·罗莫(Tony Romo)在达拉斯牛仔队的比赛中,用脚轻微移动了球的位置,但很快就被发现并被放回原位。
在1993年斯坦利杯决赛中,蒙特利尔加拿大人队主教练要求检查洛杉矶国王队后卫马蒂·麦克索利(Marty McSorley)的曲棍球杆,结果发现其弯曲超出了NHL的规定。
棒球投手威尔·史密斯(Will Smith)在比赛中被发现手臂上有发光的物质,被驱逐出场,并被禁赛八场。
休斯顿太空人队(Houston Astros)在MLB比赛中使用非法电子设备来破解对方捕手的暗号,并通过敲击垃圾罐发出声音来传递信息。
特里瓦尔杜·法赫拉(Trivaldu Fahrera)在2002年世界杯巴西对土耳其的比赛中假装被踢中脸部,后来承认了假摔但辩称对方应被罚下。
高尔夫球员西蒙·戴森(Simon Dyson)在上海2013年宝马大师赛中,被发现使用球压下推杆线上的钉子痕迹,并因此被取消资格。
帕特里克·里德(Patrick Reed)在2019年英雄世界挑战赛中,在沙坑中练习挥杆时被发现试图清除沙子以获得更好的击球机会,被罚两杆。
意大利自行车手文琴佐·尼巴利(Vincenzo Nibali)在2015年西班牙布尔戈斯赛中,在比赛中途车辆牵引下前进,因此被取消资格。
扬基队投手迈克尔·品达(Michael Pineda)在对阵波士顿红袜队的比赛中使用松焦,被发现后被驱逐出场,并被禁赛十场。
萨米·索萨(Sammy Sosa)在2003年的一场比赛中,因球棒中发现软木而被发现作弊,被禁赛七场。
1983年6月16日,路易斯·雷斯特(Luis Resto)在与比利·雷·柯林斯(Billy Ray Collins)的比赛中,被发现手套内缺少填充物,导致对手受伤,雷斯特及其教练被判入狱。
汤姆·威廉姆斯(Tom Williams)在橄榄球比赛中参与了被称为'Bloodgate'的假伤计划,通过隐藏血囊假装受伤以让队友重新上场,被揭露后受到广泛处罚。
蒂埃里·亨利(Thierry Henry)在2009年世界杯预选赛法国对爱尔兰的比赛中,用手触碰球后传给队友得分,这个进球被称为“上帝之手”,引发了足球界的愤怒和争议。
前明尼苏达双城队投手乔·内格罗(Joe Niekro)在1987年的比赛中被发现携带砂纸和指甲锉,被禁赛十场并导致其退役。
尼尔森·皮奎特(Nelson Piquet Jr.)在2008年新加坡大奖赛中,涉嫌故意撞车以帮助队友赢得比赛,雷诺F1车队因此受到处罚。
加拿大三项全能运动员朱莉·米勒(Julie Miller)在2015年加拿大铁人赛中,被指控没有完成全部赛程却声称获胜,经过调查后被取消资格。
迭戈·马拉多纳(Diego Maradona)在1986年世界杯英格兰对阿根廷的四分之一决赛中,用手进球,这个进球被允许有效,并被称为“上帝之手”。
next tonight a picture of something so
obvious it has everyone saying how did
you not see that welcome to watch mojo
and today we're counting down our picks
for the top 20 athletes who got caught
cheating live cheats cheats cheats for
this list we're looking at examples of
all sorts of cheating acts and sports
that happen to be caught on camera we'll
take a look at different professional
athletes and the strategies they used
some worse than others whatever corners
these athletes tried cutting to make it
to the finish line or when they are fair
game for our list
number 20 dwight howard during a game
between the atlanta hawks and houston
rockets forward paul millsap immediately
felt something strange as he was handed
the ball during a free throw attempt
milsap's telling them to look at the
must be sticky it was revealed to be a
stickum a glue-like substance once used
by wide receivers and defensive backs to
get a better grip when catching
footballs the culprit who was using
stickum was dwight howard who had
touched the ball shortly before it was
in the possession of milsap although it
is illegal to use in the nba he was
neither fined nor reprimanded for his
actions he even went on record saying he
had been using it for many years players
coaches and media outlets couldn't even
fathom the advantage it could give why
one would even use it in a sport like
basketball which probably explains why
howard came off scot-free is that
disrespectful to the game no it's not
that big of a deal but you can't use
stickers because other guys need the
ball too number 19 tony romo this one's
kind of funny after a run by dallas
cowboys running back demarco murray
which saw him get just short of getting
the first down on a third and one the
officials and players were standing by
and in a very brief moment romo moved
the ball forward on the line with his
foot but he wasn't fooling anyone and
the ball was quickly placed back at its
original spot
tony romo gave it a little footwear
speaking on the incident after the game
romo jokingly claimed that he was hoping
that no one would see it and then he
said he actually slipped kidding or not
we hope it was all in good fun number
18. martin mcsorley in game two of the
1993 stanley cup final the montreal
canadiens then head coach jacques demers
asked that la king's defenseman marty
mcsorley's hockey stick be inspected
claiming it to be illegal right now
we're gonna have a measurement of a king
stick it's the stick of marty mcsorley
upon inspection by the officials this
turned out to be the case as the stick
was curved beyond the limits set by the
nhl mcsorley would receive a penalty for
unsportsmanlike conduct many saw the
incident as a turning point in the
series as the canadians scored on the
ensuing power play wound up winning that
game and the subsequent three to hoist
the stanley cup while mcsorley would
admit wrongdoing he also believed the
canadians knew he was using an illegal
stick beforehand and that their call was
planned number 17 will smith
not that will smith this will smith
perhaps one of the most obvious forms of
cheating on this list in the seventh
inning of a game between the atlanta
braves and milwaukee brewers the relief
pitcher was called on by umpires when
the braves manager freddie gonzalez
asked them to check smith's arm which
was glistening with a substance upon
further inspection by the empires smith
was tossed
will smith has been ejected
a foreign substance
smith revealed the substance to be rosin
and sunscreen while he claimed the
purpose behind its use was to get a
better grip of the ball and not to gain
a competitive advantage the umpires
weren't buying it and he was later
suspended eight games number 16 the
houston astros the scale of this
cheating scandal was so large that live
tv was just one of the ways this mlb
team was caught cheating using
unauthorized electronic equipment the
team would utilize live video feeds to
decipher and uncover the signs made by
opposing team catchers during games the
information would then be relayed to the
players by way of banging noises made by
hitting a garbage can which can be heard
on live television change up
bang bang
that sequence is so upsetting there's no
way that is done without technology they
continued to use this system until they
were eventually caught in 2019 to make
matters worse in the aftermath the
players would seem unapologetic for
taking part in the scheme i am really
about the choices
that were made
by my team
by the organization and by me
i've learned from this
and i hope to regain the trust
of baseball fans number fifteen trivaldu
fahrera in this group match between
brazil and turkey at the world cup in
2002 hakan unsall would kick the ball
towards rival du furrera it hit his shin
but as fujera fell he was clutching his
face having already received a yellow
card prior urasal was sent off for the
incident by the referee upon review by
the world cup's disciplinary committee
it was determined that fuerra did indeed
stimulate being fouled and was
subsequently fined for his actions
furera would even later admit to
flopping but noted that ursal should
have been sent off regardless well
that's one way to deflect number 14.
simon dyson at the 2013 bmw masters
tournament in shanghai simon dyson was
caught using his ball to press down a
spike mark in the line of a putt he also
didn't add a two-shot penalty to his
card resulting in him signing off on a
false score he was later disqualified
from the tournament for the move so we
reviewed the uh the footage with simon
today and uh there's there's no other
option but to uh to advise him that he
was in breach of rule 161a for that
and uh that does lead to
disqualification while fined 49 000 and
initially sentenced to serve a two-month
suspension it would later be changed to
an 18-month probationary period although
dyson apologized he didn't admit to any
wrongdoing calling the incident a quote
accidental mistake number 13. patrick
reed there's nothing worse than a
cheater who's cheated more than once
there have been several instances of
foul play on the part of reed but this
one might take the cake during the third
round of the hero world challenge in
2019 patrick reed can be seen practicing
his swing in the bunker but if one looks
more closely they can see that reed is
clearly attempting to clear sand in
order to get a better shot in this was
his practice swing and you can see when
he took the club back he definitely took
some sand back behind it now you can
grab you can ground the club there he
not only did it once he did it twice he
was later penalized two strokes for his
actions but the whole incident just gave
further justification as to why reed is
arguably one of the most disliked
athletes in the sport of golf
number 12. vincenzo nibali racing in the
buelta espana in 2015 italian cyclist
vincenzo nibely got into some trouble
when he crashed during the course but
that wasn't the only trouble he got
caught up in during the race in order to
gain some ground and catch up to the
peloton after crashing nibali would get
hold of one of his team's cars and he
was towed through part of the race
racers do this often but as long as it's
for not too long and it isn't to get
ahead in the race however the footage
showed nibili was clearly trying to use
this to his advantage to no one's
surprise he was thrown out of the race
one really can't help but wonder how
nibali and the rest of his team thought
they were going to get away with this
with the cameras on number 11. michael
pineda when weather conditions are cold
athletes often resort to certain tactics
to deal with the season's conditions
wearing an extra layer of clothing
gloves or even just putting a big old
jacket over yourself when you're on the
bench but for yankees pitcher michael
pineda his trick was to use pine tar
during a game against the boston red sox
then team manager john farrell spotted
the substance on pineda's neck he was
checked by the umpires and when they
discovered it to be pine tar pineda was
him out of the ejected
he went to his neck and he said there's
something on his neck so pineda is being
tossed pineda was suspended for 10 games
this is the packs on wanna tokyo and
powder so
i know i'm making mistake today and
that's it number 10 sammy sosa checking
out that piece of lumber they found
something in there
let's see what the rest of the crew can
discover here during a game between the
chicago cubs and tampa bay rays in 2003
in the bottom of the first inning
outfielder sami sosa hit a ground ball
so hard his bat snapped in half umpires
investigated the pieces of the broken
bat and noticed pieces of cork a
material that's banned in the mlb so-so
was ejected and he later claimed he
chose the wrong bat during the game and
that he only used it during practices
sosa was suspended for seven games and
many consider this to be another blemish
on his otherwise impressive and hall of
fame worthy career it's been a tough
week for me once again i just want to
apologize to everybody up there the
mistake that i make number 9. luis resto
on the night of june 16 1983 boxers
billy ray collins and luis resto squared
off at madison square garden for 10
rounds they went back and forth but
collins looked practically
unrecognizable after having taken
significant damage when the match
concluded resto went to shake the hands
of collins's corner one of the cornermen
who was collins father noticed something
odd with resto's gloves
he realized there was a lack of padding
and it was later confirmed by a referee
the new york state athletic commission
went on to suspend resto and his trainer
carlos lewis and both men even served
prison sentences as well 18 days after
what it briefly appeared to be his
greatest victory
louis russo's boxing career was over
but the consequences of that night in
the ring
for louis and so many others
were just beginning resto would never
box again sadly billy ray collins's eye
was damaged beyond repair and was told
he would never fight again and he would
suffer from depression before he passed
away in a car accident number eight tom
williams tom williams came onto the
field with one point between the teams
and just 10 minutes left
i understood from what dean said that
i'd be coming off at some point before
the end of the match with a fake injury
but i had no idea how this would work in
the second half of the heineken cup
quarter final match between harlequins
and leinster star nick evans injured his
thigh and went to the bench soon after
harlequin's coach dean richard wanted to
put his go-to player back in the game
but rules state that a player who's
already been subbed cannot return to the
field unless they replace a player who
suffered a blood injury so to get their
man back on out there they had teammate
tom williams hide a blood capsule in a
sock that was given to him and then bite
onset capsule to appear injured in order
to make the switch spectators and
viewers alike were stunned because no
one had seen williams actually sustain
an injury who punched tom williams in
the mouth tom williams dubbed bloodgate
suspensions and fines were given left
and right when the scheme was uncovered
however the most ridiculous and telling
moment may have been when williams
winked at the bench during the incident
so much for being discreet number 7
men's australian cricket team looking to
gain an advantage in a match against
south africa three players from the
men's australian cricket team hatched a
plan to add some scruff to the ball
using sandpaper as this serves the
bowler better control of its movement
when it's thrown see by keeping one side
of the ball shiny and smooth and letting
the other side rough up the ball when
bold in the right way can move through
the air towards the rough side
that's because air flows differently
over each side of the ball making it
really difficult for batsmen to play the
sandpaper was hidden under cameron
bancroft's pants and after using it on
the ball he tried to hide it by shoving
it right back in there the camera was on
him when it happened and he was caught
red-handed bancroft and the two other
players steve smith and david warner
admitted their attempt to cheat and
while it was unsuccessful it still
remains an embarrassing and dark chapter
in australian sports history i made a
serious error of judgment
and i now understand the consequences i
am extremely disappointed and regret my
i'll do everything i can to make up for
my mistake
and the damage it's caused number six
thierry already the incident has been
labeled the hand of god and with good
reason in 2009 during a world cup
qualifying match between france and
ireland the latter was up by one but in
the final minutes of the game and in
possession of the ball frances william
galas scored to tie the game
oh it's in the net it's a goal having
won in the previous leg against ireland
france was declared the winner however
upon review of the goal it was clear
that striker tiariary touched the ball
with his hands before passing it to
galas the goal stood and france went on
to qualify for the world cup the
football community was shaken and
outraged and the incident is still
considered by many as one of the biggest
controversies in the sports history you
saw the game
you saw the game all the european people
saw the game saw the situation number
five joe negro
checking him all over i've never seen
do a search like this looking at these
scenes from 1987 this former minnesota
twins pitcher should have stayed home
that day or at least not tried hiding an
emery board and sandpaper after referee
tim cheetah demanded he empty his
pockets negro tried playing dumb by
pretending to have a sudden urge to file
his nails but bobby brown the then
president of the american league wasn't
buying it negro was handed a 10-game
suspension and all baseballs used in
that game were removed leading to his
retirement soon after the incident
number four nelson piquet jr formula one
drivers put their lives in danger
whenever they get behind the wheel but
certain risky maneuvers can still be
suspicious case in point the controversy
involving the renault f1 team at the
2008 singapore grand prix particularly
nelson pk jr and fernando alonso on the
14th lap pk's car hit the wall allowing
alonzo to win the race according to pk
the event was a simple mishap but was it
really following an investigation by the
fia it was determined that renault had
orchestrated everything this led to an
indefinite ban from fia sanctioned
events for the team's managing director
flavio brietore who would also resign
from his position while renault was
given a two-year suspended ban how's
your first week as team boss going it
can't it can get worse can it number
three julie miller despite her already
impressive track record canadian
triathlete julie miller surprised
everyone by winning ironman canada 2015
in whistler bc though she'd won her
division in the 2013 tournament as well
as winning her age group at the 2014
long course triathlon in china none of
her ironman co-competitors actually saw
her on the course in whistler according
to many she finished first without
completing the entirety of the course
constituting serious misconduct
following a thorough investigation it
was determined that miller couldn't have
possibly finished the course as quickly
as she claimed to and was therefore
disqualified miller can keep denying
everything but she can't change the
facts number 2. women's badminton teams
eight elite athletes who were
deliberately and flagrantly losing their
matches unfortunately the olympic games
have often been associated with cheating
whether through the use of illegal
substances or other unsporting behavior
take for example the chinese badminton
team at the 2012 games in london for a
team that's usually a threat they were
seen committing numerous errors such as
deliberately hitting serves into the net
despite many warnings from the referee
the chinese team kept with their game
plan one that would be mimicked by the
south korean and indonesian teams the
purpose of all this to avoid getting
drawn against stronger teams too early
in the competition thankfully the ioc
disqualified them though those in
attendance did not get refunds
depressing i mean who wants to sit
through something like that
before we continue be sure to subscribe
to our channel and ring the bell to get
notified about our latest videos you
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occasional videos or all of them if
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number 1. diego maradona
in june of 1986 during the world cup
quarterfinal match between england and
argentina the score was still 0-0 in the
51st minute when diego maradona received
the ball from midfield he raised his
left hand making the ball deflect into
the net back over the top and maradona
has scored in the absence of var which
would not appear in association football
until decades later referee ali bin
nasser let the goal stand despite many
protests and questions circling the
incident maradona claimed the goal was
scored by the quote hand of god an
expression that has since become
legendary did you enjoy this video check
out these other clips from watchmojo and
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