Check if a YouTube Channel is Monetized (Update) - Check Monetization Status on YouTube

28 Nov 202303:02

TLDRThe video script offers a step-by-step guide on how to determine if a YouTube channel is monetized. The presenter explains that the previously shared method is no longer effective and introduces an alternative approach using the YouTube app and a website called YT large. The process involves visiting the channel, copying its link, and pasting it on the website to check its monetization status. The video emphasizes the importance of this research for aspiring YouTubers to avoid investing time and effort without the possibility of monetization.


  • 🔍 The video provides an updated method for checking if a YouTube channel is monetized.
  • 🌐 The old method no longer works, hence the need for a new approach.
  • 📱 To check monetization, visit the channel by tapping on the profile picture in the YouTube app.
  • 🔗 After tapping 'share', use the 'copy link' option to obtain the channel's URL.
  • 💻 Use the website YT Large to check monetization status by pasting the copied link.
  • 🔢 Enter the numbers or letters displayed on the YT Large website for verification.
  • ⏳ Wait for a few seconds for the website to display whether the channel is monetized or not.
  • 📈 The method helps researchers and those starting a channel to avoid wasting time and effort.
  • 🎥 The presenter demonstrates checking both a monetized and a non-monetized channel.
  • 🤔 The presenter suggests that channels with over 1,000 subscribers might become monetized in the future.
  • 🔄 The video encourages viewers to ask questions in the comments if they have any.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the video?

    -The purpose of the video is to demonstrate a method to check if a YouTube channel is monetized, as the previous method no longer works.

  • How can you check if a channel is monetized according to the video?

    -To check if a channel is monetized, you need to visit the channel, copy its link, and use the YouTube Monetization Checker on the YT Large website.

  • What is YT Large?

    -YT Large is a website that offers a tool called YouTube Monetization Checker, which can determine if a channel is monetized or not.

  • What are the requirements for a YouTube channel to be eligible for monetization?

    -A channel needs to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time to be eligible for monetization.

  • What happens after you copy the channel link and paste it on YT Large?

    -After pasting the channel link on YT Large, you enter a code displayed on the website and then the tool will show whether the channel is monetized or not.

  • How does the presenter know if the method for checking monetization will last?

    -The presenter does not know how long the method will last, as the previous method stopped working and they had to find an alternative.

  • Why is it important to check if a channel is monetized?

    -It is important to check if a channel is monetized to avoid wasting time creating videos, gaining subscribers, and meeting watch hour requirements only to find out that the channel cannot be monetized.

  • How does the video demonstrate the use of the YT Large Monetization Checker?

    -The video demonstrates the use of the YT Large Monetization Checker by showing the process of copying a channel link, pasting it on the website, entering the code, and obtaining the result of whether the channel is monetized or not.

  • What does the video suggest for those starting a YouTube channel?

    -The video suggests that those starting a YouTube channel should use the YT Large Monetization Checker to ensure they are not wasting time trying to monetize a channel that may not qualify.

  • What will the presenter do if the current method of checking monetization stops working?

    -If the current method stops working, the presenter will look for another method to check if a YouTube channel is monetized.

  • How can viewers reach out to the presenter if they have questions?

    -Viewers can ask questions in the comments section of the video.



🔍 Checking YouTube Channel Monetization Status

The paragraph discusses a method to determine if a YouTube channel is monetized. The speaker shares a new approach since the previous method is no longer effective. They demonstrate the process by opening the YouTube app, navigating to a channel's profile, copying the link, and using a website called YT large to check monetization status. The speaker emphasizes the importance of this method for those looking to start a channel and avoid wasting time and effort without achieving monetization.




Monetized refers to the process of generating revenue from a digital platform, such as a YouTube channel, through means like advertisements, sponsorships, or memberships. In the context of the video, the main theme revolves around checking whether a YouTube channel has enabled this feature, which allows the channel owner to earn money from their content. The video provides a method to verify this status, which is crucial for content creators who aim to earn revenue from their YouTube presence.

💡YouTube app

The YouTube app is a mobile application that allows users to access the YouTube platform, watch videos, and interact with content creators. It is a key tool for both viewers and content creators, as it provides a user-friendly interface for engaging with the platform. In the video, the app is used to navigate to a channel's profile and copy its link, which is a necessary step in the process of checking if a channel is monetized.

💡Channel Profile

A channel profile on YouTube is the personal page of a content creator or organization, which typically includes information about the channel, such as its name, description, and other relevant details. It is the central hub for all the content produced by the channel and serves as the main point of contact for viewers. In the video, the channel profile is the starting point for the process of checking monetization status, as it is where the link to the channel is obtained.

💡Share Option

The share option is a feature within apps and platforms that allows users to distribute content with others. On YouTube, this typically involves sharing the link to a video or channel with friends, family, or social media followers. In the context of the video, the share option is used to copy the channel's link, which is a crucial step in the process of verifying whether a channel is monetized.

💡Copy Link

Copying a link refers to the action of duplicating a web address so that it can be pasted and used elsewhere. In the context of the video, copying the link to a YouTube channel is an essential step in utilizing an external website to check the channel's monetization status. It is a fundamental part of the process that allows for the verification of a channel's revenue generation capabilities.

💡YT Large

YT Large is mentioned as a website that offers a service to check if a YouTube channel is monetized. It is an external tool that utilizes the copied channel link to provide users with information about the channel's monetization status. In the video, this website serves as a resource for viewers who want to verify whether a channel has the ability to earn revenue from its content.

💡Monetized Checker

Monetized Checker is a feature or service on the YT Large website that allows users to determine if a YouTube channel is capable of generating revenue. It is a tool that analyzes the channel link provided by the user and indicates whether the channel is monetized or not. In the video, this service is highlighted as a method for content creators and viewers to understand a channel's monetization status.

💡Security Code

A security code is a set of numbers or letters used to verify a user's identity or to ensure the security of a transaction or process. In the context of the video, the security code is entered on the YT Large website after pasting the copied YouTube channel link. This code is part of the website's mechanism to prevent automated access and ensure that the user is genuine.

💡Watch Time

Watch time on YouTube refers to the total amount of time that viewers spend watching videos on a channel. It is a significant metric for content creators as it contributes to the channel's visibility and eligibility for monetization. In the video, watch time is mentioned as one of the requirements that channels need to meet in order to be considered for monetization by YouTube.


Subscribers are users who choose to receive updates and new content notifications from a particular YouTube channel. Having a significant number of subscribers is an important factor for a channel's growth and is also one of the criteria for YouTube monetization. In the video, the number of subscribers is discussed as a threshold that channels need to surpass to qualify for the monetization program.

💡Content Creation

Content creation involves the process of producing and publishing various forms of content, such as videos, articles, or podcasts, to engage an audience. In the context of the video, content creation is the primary activity of YouTube channels and is directly related to the potential for monetization. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding monetization requirements to avoid wasting time and effort in creating content without the possibility of earning revenue.


Introduction to a new method for checking if a YouTube channel is monetized.

The first method demonstrated in a previous video is no longer effective.

The new method involves using the YouTube app and checking the channel's profile.

Instructions on how to copy the channel's link by using the share option.

Mention of the website YT Large for checking monetization status.

A link to the YT Large website will be provided in the video description for ease of access.

Step-by-step guide on using the YouTube Monetized Checker on the YT Large website.

The necessity of entering a code for verification when using the checker.

An example of a channel that is monetized, with the result displayed.

The video creator's own channel is now monetized, unlike during the first video.

Advice for aspiring YouTubers to ensure they meet the requirements for monetization.

Demonstration of checking a random channel's monetization status.

An example of a channel that is not yet monetized, despite having over 1,000 subscribers.

The process of checking the channel's monetization status using the YT Large checker.

The video creator's intention to find another method if the current one becomes obsolete.

Invitation for viewers to ask questions in the comments section.

Closing remarks and anticipation for the next video.