Consistent Faces in Stable Diffusion

Sebastian Torres
17 Aug 202308:12

TLDRThe video script outlines a method for creating a consistent character in stable diffusion, ensuring the character's face remains identical across different models. It introduces a random name generator to produce unique names, avoiding confusion with actors' names. The tutorial then demonstrates using Stable Vision 5.1 for generating images, adjusting settings for portrait orientation, and refining the character's appearance through editing. It also explains the use of CER in painting for face editing and the installation of RP (rup) extension for further refinement. The script further discusses the use of control net and face grid for maintaining facial consistency across different angles and the final step of exporting the images. The video aims to help viewers create unique, consistent characters for their projects.


  • 🎨 The video outlines a method for creating a consistent character using stable diffusion across different models.
  • 🌐 A random name generator is used to create a unique character name, mixing Dutch and Spanish heritages.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Realistic Vision 5.1 is utilized as the sampler for the initial character portrait generation.
  • πŸ“ˆ The width and height parameters are set to 20 for the initial portrait.
  • πŸ”„ By increasing the 'random' parameter to 10, variations of the character are generated, maintaining a similar appearance.
  • πŸ–ŒοΈ The CER (Controlled Edit Request) in Painting is used to refine the character's appearance, focusing on the face.
  • πŸ“± The use of RP (Repaint) extension is recommended for further refinement and to avoid potential glitches.
  • πŸ” Control Net is employed to ensure consistency in facial features across different angles and expressions.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ A face grid with nine different angles of the same character is used as a reference for Control Net.
  • πŸš€ The final step involves using the refined image with the same prompt to generate multiple consistent character images.
  • πŸ’¬ The video creator encourages viewer engagement through likes, comments, and subscriptions for more content.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to teach viewers how to create a consistent character using stable diffusion, ensuring the character's face looks the same every time it is generated.

  • What is the purpose of using a random name generator in the process?

    -The random name generator is used to create a unique name for the character, which helps in avoiding confusion with existing actors or characters and ensures the uniqueness of the character being designed.

  • Which software is mentioned for generating the character's image?

    -The software mentioned for generating the character's image is Stable Diffusion, specifically using the Realistic Vision 5.1 sampler.

  • Why is it important to have a unique character name?

    -Having a unique character name is important to prevent any association with existing actors or characters, which could lead to confusion or misrepresentation of the character's identity.

  • How does the video address the issue of differentiating between various character images?

    -The video suggests using the character's name and a random surname to generate images that are more consistent across different models. It also discusses using the CER in painting to edit and refine the character's appearance.

  • What is the role of the R extension in the process?

    -The R extension is used to further refine the character's image by enabling face restoration and other editing features, which help in achieving a more consistent and desired look for the character.

  • How does the video suggest improving the consistency of the character's face across different images?

    -The video suggests using the Control Net and loading a face grid with different angles of the same character to maintain consistency in facial features and expressions across various images.

  • What is the significance of including a white background in the description or prompt?

    -Including a white background in the description or prompt is important as it helps in generating images with a clean and suitable backdrop, which can be crucial for further editing and usage of the character's image.

  • What are the potential limitations of using the name method for generating consistent characters?

    -The potential limitations of using the name method include occasional glitches, changes in hair color, and variations in the face shape of the generated character. This method may not always produce identical results, especially for photorealistic images.

  • How does the video suggest ensuring the character's hairstyle remains consistent?

    -The video suggests that while the system can generate similar hairstyles for the character, there may be variations. It does not provide a specific method for ensuring complete consistency in hair style, but implies that the overall look can be maintained through repeated adjustments and refinements.

  • What is the final outcome viewers should expect after following the tutorial?

    -After following the tutorial, viewers should expect to generate a set of images with a consistent character face and appearance, with minor variations in details such as hair length and makeup. The process also enables them to refine and improve the character's image using various editing tools and extensions.



🎨 Creating a Consistent Character with Stable Diffusion

The paragraph discusses the process of creating a consistent character using Stable Diffusion, a machine learning model. It emphasizes the importance of a unique name for the character to avoid confusion with existing actors. The speaker uses a random name generator to create a Dutch-Spanish name and then inputs it into the Stable Diffusion model. The aim is to achieve a consistent facial appearance across different iterations. The speaker also explains the use of a random name generator and the settings used in Stable Diffusion to get the desired results. The process involves tweaking the model's parameters and using additional tools like CER in painting to refine the character's appearance. The goal is to minimize the need for rendering a large number of images to find a few good ones, particularly when dealing with hair and facial features.


πŸ–ŒοΈ Refining Character Appearance with Control Net

This paragraph continues the discussion on character creation, focusing on the use of Control Net to refine the character's facial features and maintain consistency across different angles. The speaker mentions the inclusion of a white background in the prompt for better results. The process involves loading an image grid with various angles of the same character into Control Net and adjusting the settings to ensure the face's features remain consistent. The speaker notes that while some glitches may occur, they can be fixed by running the process multiple times. The end goal is to achieve a consistent character appearance, even when the character is depicted from different angles or with varying facial expressions.



πŸ’‘Character Creation

Character creation is the process of designing and developing a unique character with specific traits and features. In the context of the video, it refers to using a stable diffusion system to generate a consistent character image where the facial features remain the same across different instances. This is crucial for maintaining a character's identity and recognition in various visual content.

πŸ’‘Stable Diffusion

Stable diffusion is a term used in the context of image generation and refers to the consistency and reliability of the output. In the video, it is used to describe a method that ensures the character's face looks exactly the same every single time it is generated, regardless of the model used. This is important for creating a recognizable and consistent character across different visual representations.

πŸ’‘Random Name Generator

A random name generator is a tool or system that creates unique names for characters. In the video, it is used to generate a feminine name with a mix of Dutch and Spanish heritage to ensure the character has a unique name that doesn't coincide with any existing actors. This helps in avoiding confusion and maintaining the originality of the character.

πŸ’‘Realistic Vision 5.1

Realistic Vision 5.1 is a specific version of an image generation model used in the video. It is a tool that helps in creating realistic images of characters based on the input parameters provided. The model is utilized to generate the initial character image and to make subsequent adjustments to refine the character's appearance.

πŸ’‘CER (Controlled Edit Request)

CER, or Controlled Edit Request, is a feature that allows users to make specific edits to an image, such as the face, without affecting the rest of the content. In the video, it is used to refine the character's face to match a desired look, ensuring that only the facial features are altered while keeping the rest of the image intact.

πŸ’‘RP (Ruprecht Extension)

RP, or Ruprecht Extension, is an extension for image editing and manipulation that integrates with the Stable Diffusion system. It is used to enhance the image generation process by applying additional layers of editing and control over the final output. In the video, RP is used to further refine the character's image and ensure consistency across multiple generations.

πŸ’‘Face Grid

A face grid is a collection of images showing different angles or expressions of the same character. It is used to maintain consistency in the character's appearance across various views and to serve as a reference for image generation systems. In the video, a face grid is created and used with the control net to ensure that the character's face is accurately represented from multiple perspectives.

πŸ’‘Control Net

Control Net is a tool or feature used in image generation systems that allows users to control and guide the generation process by providing reference images. It helps in maintaining the shape and features of the character's face by using the reference image's shapes to recreate the face, ensuring consistency and accuracy.

πŸ’‘Face Restore

Face restore is a process or feature in image editing that involves improving or correcting the quality of a face in an image. In the context of the video, it is used to enhance the character's face in the generated images, making it look more youthful and closer to the desired appearance.

πŸ’‘Cartoon Character

A cartoon character is a graphical representation of a character in a simplified, stylized, or exaggerated manner, often used in animated media. In the video, the method of creating a consistent cartoon character is discussed, highlighting that using names can help maintain consistency in the character's appearance when generating images.


Photorealism is a style of art or image creation that aims to achieve a high degree of realism, making the images appear as if they were photographs. In the video, the creator mentions that they are not a big fan of face restore for their images because their content is not photorealistic, implying that they are working with stylized or cartoon characters.


The speaker introduces a method for creating a consistent character in stable diffusion, ensuring the face looks the same every time.

The method can work across different models, although some models might glitch a bit.

A random name generator is used to create a unique character name, avoiding common names to prevent confusion with existing actors.

The speaker uses a combination of Dutch and Spanish names to generate unique character names with diverse heritages.

The process involves using Stable Diffusion with Realistic Vision 5.1 as the sampler.

The importance of a unique character name is emphasized to avoid associating the character with a known actor.

The speaker demonstrates how to adjust the character's appearance to be more youthful using the random name generator and Stable Diffusion.

The use of CER in painting to refine the character's face is discussed, focusing on making the character look more youthful.

The speaker explains the installation of the R extension for Stable Diffusion to improve the character's appearance.

A face grid with nine different angles of the same character is used to maintain consistency across various facial expressions and angles.

Control net is utilized to fix glitches in certain angles and maintain the shape of facial features.

The process of recreating the face using the shapes from the control net is described, emphasizing that it doesn't need to be 100% accurate.

The speaker details how to export the final image as a JPEG and the importance of a white background in the description or prompt.

A method for generating multiple images with the same face using control net and RP is explained, aiming for consistency in the character's appearance.

The speaker discusses the use of the name method for creating consistent characters in cartoon models, noting that it usually works well.

The video concludes with the speaker asking for feedback and questions in the comments, and encourages viewers to explore more content on the channel.