The Truth About Consistent Characters In Stable Diffusion

Monzon Media
3 Sept 202306:59

TLDRThe video discusses achieving high consistency in AI-generated images using stable diffusion models. It suggests starting with a good model and giving characters distinct names for consistency. The use of ControlNet and style fidelity options are highlighted for maintaining clothing and facial features. The video also demonstrates how to change backgrounds and outfits with minimal effort, and how the technique can be applied to real photos for various creative purposes.


  • 🎯 Achieving 100% consistency in stable diffusion is not entirely possible, but reaching 80-90% is feasible.
  • 🔍 Start with a good model like Realistic Vision Photon or Absolute Reality for consistent facial features.
  • 💁‍♀️ Give your character a name or use two names to combine desired characteristics.
  • 📈 Use random name generators for character naming if creativity is challenging.
  • 🛠️ Install and utilize ControlNet for better control over the generation process.
  • 🎨 Create a prompt with a specific look and style, focusing initially on simple clothing items.
  • 🖼️ Import the chosen look into ControlNet using a full body shot for optimal results.
  • 🔧 Adjust the control weight and style fidelity slider to refine the consistency of the generated images.
  • 🌆 Experiment with changing backgrounds and locations while maintaining character and outfit consistency.
  • 📸 AI-generated images can be used for real photos by employing the extension Root.
  • 📝 The method allows for altering environments and outfits in real photos, enhancing storytelling.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is achieving a high level of consistency in stable diffusion for AI-generated images, specifically focusing on maintaining consistent facial features and character appearances.

  • What is the recommended consistency level for stable diffusion?

    -The video suggests that achieving 100% consistency may not be entirely possible, but one can reach 80 to 90% consistency with the right approach and tools.

  • What type of model is recommended for generating consistent facial features?

    -The video recommends using models like Realistic Vision, Photon, or Absolute Reality when it comes to generating consistent facial features.

  • How does naming a character help in achieving consistency?

    -Naming a character helps by allowing the creator to define specific characteristics and attributes for that character, making it easier to maintain consistency across different images.

  • What is the purpose of using a random name generator in this context?

    -Using a random name generator can help creators who are not adept at making up their own names. It assists in generating unique names for characters to maintain consistency in their features and attributes.

  • What is ControlNet and how does it contribute to consistency in images?

    -ControlNet is a tool that helps maintain consistency in AI-generated images. By importing a reference image into ControlNet, one can control various aspects of the image, such as clothing, pose, and facial features, to ensure a consistent output.

  • How does the video demonstrate the use of ControlNet?

    -The video demonstrates the use of ControlNet by importing a reference image of a character with a specific outfit and pose. It then shows how to generate new images with the same character in different backgrounds while maintaining consistency in appearance and clothing.

  • What is the significance of the style fidelity option in ControlNet?

    -The style fidelity option in ControlNet helps maintain the consistency of the image style. By adjusting this slider, one can influence the level of similarity between the generated images and the reference image, with higher values leading to greater consistency.

  • How can the method demonstrated in the video be applied to real photos?

    -The same method used for AI-generated images can be applied to real photos by using the real photo as a reference in ControlNet. This allows for changing the environment, location, or outfit of the person in the photo while keeping their facial features consistent.

  • What is the role of the style fidelity slider in enhancing consistency?

    -The style fidelity slider in ControlNet can be adjusted to increase the consistency of the generated images. Higher values of the slider, up to 1, can help in maintaining a higher level of consistency, especially in details like clothing and facial features.

  • What is the main takeaway from the video?

    -The main takeaway from the video is that by using tools like ControlNet and following certain techniques, such as naming characters and using reference images, one can achieve a high level of consistency in AI-generated images and real photos, even if 100% consistency is not attainable.



🎨 Achieving Consistency in AI Generated Images

This paragraph discusses the process of achieving a high level of consistency in AI-generated images, particularly in stable diffusion. It emphasizes that while 100% consistency may not be entirely achievable, getting 80 to 90% of the way there is possible. The speaker introduces the use of a good model, such as 'Realistic Vision Photon Absolute Reality,' to start with consistent facial features. The strategy of naming the character and using a combination of names to merge desired characteristics is highlighted. The paragraph also mentions the use of random name generators and the necessity of having 'Control Net' installed for further refinement of the images. The importance of creating a specific prompt and maintaining consistency in clothing and other elements is discussed, with examples of generated images showing varying degrees of success in maintaining character and clothing consistency.


🌟 Enhancing Realism with Real Photos and Environments

The second paragraph focuses on extending the consistency technique to real photos and changing environments. It explains how to use the reference image as a face template in AI-generated images and the ability to alter the surroundings, location, and outfit to create a more dynamic and versatile set of images. The paragraph also touches on the use of 'Root' extension for more realistic images and the potential for minor inconsistencies, such as earrings appearing in the image. The speaker advises on adjusting the 'Style Fidelity' slider to improve consistency and suggests that while there may be minor variances, they can be managed. The paragraph concludes with a mention of future videos that will delve deeper into aesthetics and character integration in AI-generated scenes.




In the context of the video, consistency refers to the ability to produce images with uniform characteristics, such as facial features and clothing, across multiple generations. Achieving a high level of consistency is a goal in image generation, and the video discusses how to get 80 to 90 percent of the way there. It is used to ensure that the generated images look similar to a given reference, maintaining a coherent visual style.


A model in this context refers to the underlying AI system or algorithm used to generate images. The quality of the model directly impacts the realism and consistency of the generated images. The video suggests starting with good models like 'Realistic Vision' or 'Photon Absolute Reality' for creating lifelike and consistent faces.

💡Character Naming

Character naming is a technique used in the video to help AI recognize and maintain specific characteristics for each unique individual. By giving a character a name, the AI can more easily associate and reproduce the desired traits, such as facial features or clothing style, leading to more consistent results in image generation.

💡Control Net

Control Net is a tool or technique used to enhance the consistency and control over the generated images. It allows users to upload a reference image and use it to guide the AI in creating new images that adhere to the style and features of the reference. The video emphasizes the importance of Control Net in achieving a high level of consistency in image generation.

💡Style Fidelity

Style Fidelity is a term used to describe the faithfulness or accuracy with which the style of a reference image is maintained in the generated images. Adjusting the Style Fidelity slider can help improve the consistency of the generated images, making them more closely resemble the reference image in terms of overall look and feel.

💡Reference Image

A reference image is a sample image used as a guide for the AI to generate new images with similar characteristics. It serves as a benchmark for consistency, helping the AI to understand the specific visual elements that need to be replicated, such as clothing, hairstyle, and facial features.

💡AI Generated Images

AI generated images are photographs or visual representations created by artificial intelligence systems without the need for a traditional camera or human artist. These images are created by AI algorithms that learn from existing data and can produce new, unique visual content based on given inputs or parameters.

💡Real Photos

Real photos refer to images captured by a camera and taken by a human. The video highlights that the techniques discussed for achieving consistency in AI generated images can also be applied to real photos, allowing for the manipulation of real-world images with the same level of control and consistency.


Environment in this context refers to the setting or surroundings in which a character or object is placed in the generated image. Changing the environment can involve altering the background, lighting, or other scene elements to create a different mood or narrative for the image.


Aesthetics in the video pertains to the visual appeal and artistic style of the generated images. It involves the consideration of elements such as color, lighting, and composition to create images that are not only consistent but also visually pleasing and stylistically coherent.


Achieving 80 to 90% consistency in stable diffusion is possible, rather than 100%.

Starting with a good model, like Realistic Vision Photon or Absolute Reality, is crucial for consistent facial features.

Naming your character can help combine desired characteristics, such as using two names to merge features.

Random name generators can be used if you're not good at making up names.

ControlNet is a necessary tool for maintaining consistency and can be installed if not already present.

Creating a prompt with a specific look, like a simple black sweater and jeans, helps establish a style and look.

Importing the image into ControlNet with a full body shot or at least from the knees up ensures consistency.

Setting the control weight to 1 and experimenting with the style fidelity option can enhance consistency.

Changing the background and surroundings without affecting the character's consistency is possible with reference control.

This method can be applied to real photos by using the extension Root and enabling the reference photo for the face.

Adjusting the style fidelity slider can help with minor inconsistencies in the generated images.

Optimizing automatic settings for lower-end graphics cards can be discussed in further videos.

Creating a story by piecing together images with different poses and environments is a future application.

The importance of paying attention to details like clothing and facial features for maintaining character consistency.

The practical application of this technique for changing environments and outfits in photoshoots.

The potential for future videos to delve deeper into aesthetics and character scene placement.