Crypto Archie Steals All of My Picks

3 Apr 202463:04

TLDRThe transcript reveals a heated confrontation between two individuals in the crypto community. The speaker accuses the other party, referred to as 'Archie', of stealing his cryptocurrency research and passing it off as their own. The speaker expresses frustration and anger over this alleged scamming behavior, stating that Archie profits from his hard work and deceives their followers. The speaker also claims that Archie's actions negatively impact their own group, particularly those who are less financially stable and rely on the speaker's research for investment opportunities. The transcript is a call to action for the community to recognize Archie's deceitful practices and a warning for others to avoid falling victim to similar scams.


  • 🚨 The speaker is warning about a person named Archie who is allegedly stealing research and presenting it as his own.
  • 🔍 Archie is accused of not having original 'Alpha' in the cryptocurrency space and deceiving his Patreon members.
  • 💥 The speaker expresses frustration at Archie's actions, claiming that he works hard on research while Archie takes credit.
  • 🎯 The speaker has made videos exposing Archie's alleged scamming ways but has taken them down previously after Archie's pleas.
  • 📈 Archie is said to have taken specific picks from the speaker's group and then pumped them with his larger group, causing issues for the speaker's followers.
  • 💡 The speaker alleges that Archie doesn't understand the technologies he talks about and is unable to explain them properly.
  • 🤬 The speaker is upset that his efforts to help people with less money are being undermined by Archie's actions.
  • 📊 The speaker claims to have a document with a list of projects that he has researched, indicating a systematic approach to his work.
  • 👥 The speaker believes that Archie is part of a larger group that is scamming people through Patreon and other means.
  • 📌 The speaker emphasizes that he is not afraid of legal action and is prepared to stand by his claims.
  • 🚫 The speaker declares that he will not take down this video, unlike previous ones, and is ready to expose Archie's alleged scams.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue the speaker has with Crypto Archie?

    -The speaker accuses Crypto Archie of stealing his research on cryptocurrency picks and presenting them as his own to gain credibility and subscribers on his YouTube channel and Patreon group.

  • How does the speaker claim to have discovered that Crypto Archie was using his research without permission?

    -The speaker noticed that Crypto Archie was promoting the same cryptocurrency picks shortly after he had shared them in his own group, and that Crypto Archie was unable to explain the technology behind these picks, indicating that he had not done his own research.

  • What is the speaker's evidence for accusing Crypto Archie of scamming?

    -The speaker's evidence includes the timing of Crypto Archie's posts, which often follow his own posts about the same cryptocurrency picks, and the fact that Crypto Archie's Patreon members did not receive the picks before they were made public on YouTube.

  • What is the speaker's main concern about the impact of Crypto Archie's actions on his own group members?

    -The speaker is concerned that his group members, including those with limited financial resources, are missing out on investment opportunities because Crypto Archie's larger group pumps up the prices of the picks after they have been made public.

  • How does the speaker attempt to resolve the issue with Crypto Archie?

    -The speaker attempts to resolve the issue by directly contacting Crypto Archie, offering to discuss the matter over a Zoom call and even suggesting that he could remove his accusatory videos if they could have a conversation to address the issue.

  • What is the speaker's response to Crypto Archie's claim of having his own 'Alpha' or exclusive information?

    -The speaker challenges Crypto Archie's claim of having his own 'Alpha' by pointing out inconsistencies in his knowledge and understanding of the cryptocurrency space, and by accusing him of simply repeating the speaker's own research and findings.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the use of the term 'defamation' in relation to his accusations against Crypto Archie?

    -The speaker dismisses the term 'defamation' as a weak threat, stating that he is telling the truth about Crypto Archie's actions and that he is prepared to provide evidence and witnesses to support his claims in a potential legal dispute.

  • How does the speaker describe his own approach to sharing cryptocurrency picks with his group members?

    -The speaker describes his approach as ethical and considerate, emphasizing that he shares picks with his group members first and then may discuss them publicly later, allowing his members the opportunity to invest before the information becomes widespread.

  • What is the speaker's reaction to comments and emails from Crypto Archie?

    -The speaker expresses frustration and disbelief at Crypto Archie's attempts to justify his actions and accuses him of playing mind games and trying to manipulate the situation.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the nature of the cryptocurrency community and the role of influencers within it?

    -The speaker suggests that the cryptocurrency community is filled with individuals who may not have the knowledge or expertise they claim to have, and he criticizes those who use their platforms to deceive and take advantage of their followers.



😤 Accusation of Scamming and Plagiarism

The speaker is vehemently accusing an individual named Archie of stealing his cryptocurrency research and passing it off as his own. The speaker expresses frustration and anger over this repeated act, stating that he has deleted videos about this issue twice before but is now determined to expose the scammer. He mentions specific instances where his hard work has been usurped, including research on various crypto assets, and highlights the negative impact this has on his own community, particularly those who cannot afford to invest much.


😡 Denouncement of Deceptive Practices

The speaker continues to denounce Archie's alleged deceptive practices, accusing him of making false claims about having exclusive, valuable information (Alpha) and using it to exploit both the speaker's community and his own Patreon supporters. The speaker is particularly upset about the way Archie allegedly manipulates the market by buying large amounts of a crypto asset before promoting it to his followers, causing the price to inflate and leaving the speaker's community unable to afford it.


😠 Exposing the Consequences of Scamming

The speaker warns Archie of the potential legal and social repercussions of his actions, including possible defamation lawsuits and loss of credibility within the crypto community. He emphasizes that he is not easily intimidated and has connections in the legal field. The speaker also addresses the emotional toll that Archie's actions have on his community, particularly single mothers and people facing financial hardships, and asserts that Archie is in trouble as more people become aware of his alleged scams.


😒 Refutation of Accusations and Display of Evidence

The speaker refutes any claims that he himself might be spreading misinformation or acting inappropriately. He offers to provide evidence in the form of emails and emphasizes that he is simply exposing the truth about Archie's alleged scams. The speaker also highlights the importance of authenticity and transparency, contrasting his own approach with what he perceives as Archie's deceitful tactics.


😑 Addressing the Impact on the Community

The speaker discusses the broader impact of Archie's alleged scams on the cryptocurrency community, expressing concern for those who have been financially harmed and for the overall integrity of the market. He also talks about his own values and the importance of standing up against injustice, regardless of the personal cost. The speaker reiterates that he is not backing down and will continue to expose Archie's alleged fraudulent activities.




Cryptocurrency refers to digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security and operate on decentralized networks, such as blockchain technology. In the video, the speaker discusses various crypto assets, indicating their importance in the context of investment and trading.


Scamming refers to the act of deception for personal gain, often involving the use of false pretenses or fraudulent schemes. In the video, the speaker accuses another individual of scamming by misrepresenting their knowledge and stealing investment picks from the speaker's research group.


Research in this context refers to the process of gathering and analyzing information, particularly in the field of investment and finance. The speaker emphasizes the extensive research they conduct to identify potential investment opportunities in the cryptocurrency market.


Patreon is a platform that allows creators to earn a monthly income by providing exclusive content to subscribers, or 'patrons.' In the video, the speaker discusses the use of Patreon as a platform for sharing investment picks and the expectation of exclusive, valuable information from content creators.


In the context of investing, 'alpha' refers to an investment strategy that aims to generate higher returns than the benchmark, typically through unique insights or superior analysis. The speaker accuses another individual of falsely claiming to have 'alpha,' or exclusive, valuable investment information.

💡investment picks

Investment picks are recommendations or suggestions of specific investments that are expected to perform well. In the video, the speaker is upset that their carefully researched investment picks are being stolen and shared by someone else, who then takes credit for the findings.


Deception is the act of misleading or lying to others, often with the intent to gain some form of advantage. The speaker accuses another individual of deception by pretending to have exclusive knowledge or 'alpha' in the cryptocurrency space and misleading their followers.


Defamation is the act of damaging someone's reputation by making false statements, which can be oral (slander) or written (libel). In the video, the speaker mentions defamation in the context of legal threats and disputes over the accuracy of claims made about another individual's actions.


YouTube is a video-sharing platform where users can upload, share, and view videos. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses the use of YouTube as a medium for sharing information about cryptocurrency investments, and the potential misuse of this platform by those accused of deception.


In the context of the video, a 'group' refers to a community or team of individuals who share a common interest, such as cryptocurrency investment research. The speaker mentions their own research group and accuses another individual of infiltrating and stealing information from it.


The speaker is addressing a situation where their research is being stolen and used by another individual, Crypto Archie, for personal gain.

The speaker expresses frustration at the lack of credit and recognition for their hard work in researching crypto assets.

The speaker mentions that they have deleted videos in the past to avoid conflict, but this time they are determined to keep the video up to expose the alleged scammer.

The speaker accuses Crypto Archie of using psychological tactics to manipulate their followers and create a false sense of expertise.

The speaker highlights the issue of Crypto Archie allegedly pumping the price of certain crypto assets by sharing the speaker's research without giving them credit.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of their research group, which includes people who cannot afford to invest much, and the negative impact of Crypto Archie's actions on them.

The speaker challenges Crypto Archie to explain the technology behind certain crypto assets, such as Space Mesh, which they claim he has stolen from their group.

The speaker alleges that Crypto Archie's actions are causing financial harm to the members of their research group who are unable to buy into certain assets due to the price increase caused by his followers.

The speaker accuses Crypto Archie of using defamation threats to silence critics and protect his scamming operations.

The speaker asserts that they are not intimidated by legal threats due to their experience with litigation lawyers and encourages others who have been scammed to come forward.

The speaker warns Crypto Archie that they have witnesses who can testify to his alleged scamming activities and that he should stop playing games.

The speaker calls out Crypto Archie for his alleged lack of genuine knowledge about the crypto space and for misleading his followers with false claims of having 'Alpha'.

The speaker emphasizes their commitment to helping their Patreon members by providing valuable research and not just repeating information found elsewhere.

The speaker expresses disappointment in Crypto Archie for not acknowledging the source of his information and for taking advantage of the speaker's hard work.

The speaker concludes by asserting that the truth will come out and that the entire YouTube community will soon recognize Crypto Archie as a scammer.