Texas Tech steals home to win the game, a breakdown

Jomboy Media
27 Mar 202206:17

TLDRIn a nail-biting baseball game between Texas and Texas Tech, the teams were tied at the bottom of the 10th inning. Kurt Wilson of Texas Tech became the winning run, causing tension with his aggressive base running. Despite a strategic delay by Texas' pitcher, Wilson managed to steal home, leading to an incredible victory for Texas Tech. The excitement continued the next day with Wilson at bat again, this time with the potential for another dramatic finish.


  • 🏟️ A thrilling baseball game between Texas and Texas Tech ended in a tie at the bottom of the 10th inning with both teams scoring four runs each.
  • 🥳 The two teams had previously played back-to-back crazy games, offering great entertainment for those in attendance.
  • 🎟️ The announcer promotes using the Seat Geek code 'john boy' for a 20% discount on tickets for future games, emphasizing the value of being there live.
  • ⚾️ Kurt Wilson of Texas Tech was the winning run, causing tension with the Texas pitcher due to his inside pitches.
  • 🔄 The Texas pitcher had a distinctive wind-up routine, which included three pumping motions with his leg, but it was disrupted during the game.
  • 😤 The third base coach's strategy of counting 'one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi' before signaling Wilson was noticed and exploited.
  • 🏃‍♂️ Wilson's steal of home to win the game showcased his agility and the team's coordination under pressure.
  • 🤷‍♂️ The Texas pitcher seemed oblivious to Wilson's steal, highlighting a communication breakdown between the pitcher, catcher, and home plate umpire.
  • 📈 The announcer points out that the mistake made by the Texas pitcher was easily fixable and should serve as a learning point for future games.
  • 🌟 The excitement in the stadium was palpable, with the crowd being the first to realize the outcome of the play before the players on the field.
  • 🥊 The following day, Texas and Texas Tech faced another tense situation in the 10th inning with the score tied at 12-12, setting the stage for another potential dramatic finish.

Q & A

  • Which two teams were playing in the described game?

    -Texas and Texas Tech were playing in the game.

  • What was the score at the bottom of the 10th inning?

    -The score was tied at four runs each at the bottom of the 10th inning.

  • What was the special code mentioned for SeatGeek?

    -The special code mentioned for SeatGeek is 'john boy' to get a 20% discount.

  • How did Kurt Wilson initially get to first base?

    -Kurt Wilson got to first base after the pitch was called a strike because the umpire determined he did not swing.

  • What was the Texas pitcher's unique pre-pitch routine?

    -The Texas pitcher had a unique routine of doing three pumping motions with his leg while looking down before each pitch.

  • Why was the third base coach telling Wilson to watch something?

    -The third base coach was instructing Wilson to watch for the right moment to steal home, based on the pitcher's rhythm and pattern.

  • What was the outcome of the game for Texas Tech?

    -Texas Tech won the game when Kurt Wilson successfully stole home, scoring the winning run.

  • What was the crowd's reaction to the steal of home?

    -The entire stadium erupted in cheers, as they were aware of the steal before the pitcher and home plate umpire realized what was happening.

  • What happened in the very next day's game with Kurt Wilson?

    -In the very next day's game, Kurt Wilson was up at bat during the 10th inning with the bases loaded and the score tied at 12 to 12.

  • What was the significance of the fan's reaction in the stands?

    -The fan in the stands was the first to realize and react to the steal of home, indicating the excitement and engagement of the audience during the game.

  • How did the Texas team react to the high five during the game?

    -The Texas team members met in the middle for a high five, showcasing their camaraderie and the competitive spirit of the game.



🏟️ Intense Baseball Game and Unexpected Ending

This paragraph describes a nail-biting baseball game between Texas and Texas Tech that is tied at the bottom of the 10th inning. The narrative focuses on a critical moment where Kurt Wilson of Texas Tech represents the winning run and is off to first base. The tension builds as the Texas pitcher attempts to pick him off, but Wilson successfully steals second base. The summary highlights the strategic miscommunication and the missed signals that lead to Wilson stealing home, securing the victory for Texas Tech. The paragraph also touches on the excitement of the crowd and the disbelief of the Texas pitcher, who seems oblivious to the game-winning play until it's too late.


🎉 Kurt Wilson's Unforgettable Performance

The second paragraph continues the story of Kurt Wilson's exceptional performance in a subsequent game. After his game-winning steal in the previous match, Wilson is faced with another opportunity in the 10th inning of a tied game. This time, the stakes are even higher with the bases loaded and a chance for a walk-off grand slam. The summary emphasizes the anticipation and excitement as Wilson steps up to the plate. The description of the perfect high five between him and a teammate, as well as the joyous celebration in the dugout, captures the essence of the thrilling experience for both the players and the fans.



💡Tied Game

A 'tied game' refers to a situation in sports where both teams have scored an equal number of points, and no team is leading. In the context of the video, it describes the scenario at the bottom of the 10th inning where Texas and Texas Tech are evenly matched with four runs each, highlighting the suspense and excitement of the ongoing baseball game.

💡Winning Run

The 'winning run' is the run that ultimately leads to a team's victory in a baseball game. It is the run that breaks a tie or results in a lead that is not overcome by the opposing team. In the video, Kurt Wilson represents the winning run for Texas Tech as he is the player who has the potential to score the decisive point for his team.


A 'pitcher' is a defensive player in baseball who throws the ball towards the home plate to begin each play. The pitcher's performance significantly influences the game's outcome, as they aim to prevent the opposing team from scoring by getting the batters out. In the video, the Texas pitcher is described as having a particular routine and build, which are key aspects of his gameplay.


A 'steal' in baseball refers to the act of a base runner advancing to the next base without the help of a hit, a sacrifice, or an error by the defensive team. It is a strategic move that can put pressure on the defense and potentially change the game's momentum. In the video, Wilson's steal of home is a pivotal moment that showcases his aggressive base running and contributes to the game's thrilling conclusion.

💡Third Base Coach

The 'third base coach' is a member of a baseball team's coaching staff who is stationed near third base, responsible for providing strategic guidance to base runners, particularly on whether to advance or return to a base. In the video, the third base coach plays a critical role in guiding Wilson, as he communicates non-verbally with him, which ultimately leads to the game-winning steal.


A 'bunt' is a specific type of play in baseball where the batter intentionally taps the pitched ball lightly to the ground in an attempt to reach base without hitting a traditional base hit. It is often used as a tactical move to advance runners or to sacrifice an out for a strategic advantage. In the video, the bunt is used to move the runner over, setting up the next play.


A 'walk' in baseball occurs when a pitcher throws four balls outside of the strike zone, granting the batter free passage to first base without the need for a hit. It is an undesirable outcome for the defensive team as it can lead to more runners on base and potentially more points for the opposing team. In the video, the pitcher walks a batter, placing more pressure on the defense by adding runners to the bases.


A 'strikeout' is a defensive play in which the pitcher succeeds in getting the batter out by throwing three strikes, without the batter making contact with the ball or hitting a foul ball. It is a key defensive achievement in baseball, as it ends the batting team's turn and prevents the opposing team from scoring. In the video, the batter's strikeout is a crucial moment that could have potentially changed the game's outcome.


A 'walk-off' in baseball refers to a game-winning event, such as a hit or a run, that occurs in the bottom of the final inning, thus ending the game immediately. It is an exciting and dramatic way to conclude a game, as it often provides a sudden and decisive victory for one team. In the video, the term 'walk-off grand slam' suggests a hypothetical scenario where a player hits a home run with the bases loaded, winning the game in a single play.

💡High Five

A 'high five' is a friendly and celebratory gesture where two people slap their elevated, open hands together in response to a shared achievement or joyous moment. It is a universal symbol of camaraderie and success in many sports and social contexts. In the video, the 'perfect high five' mentioned signifies the players' successful collaboration and the positive team spirit.

💡Seat Geek

Seat Geek is a ticket-selling platform that allows users to buy and sell tickets for various events, including sports games. In the video, Seat Geek is mentioned as a service that provides discounted tickets to games with a promotional code, encouraging viewers to attend future events and enhance their live sports experience.


Tied game between Texas and Texas Tech with both teams having four runs each at the bottom of the 10th inning.

Back-to-back crazy games played by Texas and Texas Tech.

Use Seat Geek code 'john boy' to get 20% off on seats for various events.

Kurt Wilson gets inside pitch and expresses his dislike for it.

Wilson represents the winning run for Texas Tech in an attempt to beat Texas.

Pitcher for Texas performs a distinctive leg rocking motion before each pitch.

Wilson steals first base and becomes the winning run for Texas Tech.

Texas pitcher successfully holds the runner and initiates a pick-off attempt.

After a walk that puts two runners on base, Wilson advances to second.

Third base coach instructs Wilson with a 'one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi' timing pattern.

Wilson uses the timing pattern to successfully steal home and win the game.

The entire stadium, except for the pitcher, is aware of Wilson's steal for home.

Wilson's steal of home is a surprising and game-winning move.

The next day, Texas and Texas Tech are in another 10th inning tie with the score at 12-12.

Kurt Wilson is up to bat with the opportunity to hit a walk-off grand slam.

The game's excitement is amplified by the high-five moment between players.