Emad Mostaque: These 5 Companies Will Win the AI War; Why We Need National Data Sets | E1015

Full Episodes
17 May 202371:11

TLDRIn this engaging conversation, Harry discusses the transformative impact of AI on various industries, emphasizing the need for public discussion on the rapid development of generative AI. He highlights the importance of data quality and the potential for AI to revolutionize education and healthcare. Harry also shares his views on the future of media, the role of AI in personal lives, and the challenges faced by incumbent tech companies in adapting to the AI era.


  • πŸš€ The impact of AI is considered larger than the printing press, emphasizing the need for public discussion and regulation of large AI models.
  • 🌍 The speaker's childhood of moving around different countries has shaped their adaptability and appreciation for diverse cultures.
  • πŸ’‘ The importance of organizing and understanding the vast amount of information in the world, especially in the context of health and chronic conditions, is highlighted.
  • 🧠 The potential of AI to transform healthcare by providing personalized medicine and accessible knowledge to everyone is discussed.
  • πŸ€– The integration of AI in various sectors, including healthcare and education, is expected to improve efficiency and outcomes.
  • πŸ’Ή There's a concern about an AI bubble, with vast amounts of money being invested in the sector relative to the actual opportunities and potential returns.
  • 🌐 The need for national data sets and models to understand and serve local contexts better is emphasized.
  • πŸ“š The future of media and information consumption is expected to be significantly disrupted by AI, with personalized news and content becoming the norm.
  • πŸ’Ό The business models and economic impacts of AI integration in enterprises are expected to be substantial, with a shift towards services and information flow.
  • πŸ”„ The discussion touches on the potential societal implications of AI, including changes in employment, entrepreneurship, and personal relationships.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern expressed by the speaker about the current state of AI development?

    -The speaker is primarily concerned about the rapid advancement of AI and its potential impact on society. They emphasize the need for public discussion and regulation, especially regarding the pre-training of large AI models on the vast and unfiltered content available on the internet.

  • How does the speaker's childhood of moving around different countries influence their perspective on technology and culture?

    -The speaker's childhood experiences of moving around different countries, such as living in Jordan, Bangladesh, and the UK, have given them an appreciation for the world's diversity and the challenges of fitting into new environments. This has shaped their view on the importance of adapting to new scenarios and the potential of technology to bridge cultural gaps and improve global understanding.

  • What is the speaker's background in the tech industry?

    -The speaker has a diverse background in the tech industry, starting as an Enterprise developer at Metaswitch in the UK, then becoming a VC Analyst at Oxford Capital Partners, and later exploring roles in film criticism and hedge fund management. This diverse experience has provided them with a broad perspective on technology and its applications across various sectors.

  • How did the speaker's son's autism diagnosis lead to a significant career shift?

    -After the speaker's son was diagnosed with autism, they quit their hedge fund management job to focus on finding a cure. They leveraged their background in hedge funds to build an AI team, which conducted a literature analysis of autism and explored drug repurposing to address the condition. This shift demonstrates the speaker's ability to apply their financial expertise to healthcare challenges.

  • What is the speaker's vision for the future of healthcare with the integration of AI?

    -The speaker envisions a future where AI can help scale healthcare solutions by organizing and making medical knowledge accessible to everyone. They believe that AI can assist in understanding the mechanisms behind conditions like MS and autism, and enable personalized medicine. The speaker also highlights the need for open-source models and data to ensure that AI can be effectively used across different healthcare systems and patient needs.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the economic misalignment in healthcare research?

    -The speaker acknowledges the economic misalignment in healthcare research, where certain diseases or treatments may not be prioritized due to their limited market size or profitability. They suggest that AI, through its ability to analyze and organize vast amounts of data, could help address this issue by providing a more comprehensive understanding of disease mechanisms and potential treatments, thus potentially leading to more equitable healthcare solutions.

  • How does the speaker propose to standardize AI models and data?

    -The speaker proposes the creation of national data sets and open-source language models that are auditable and understandable. They believe that by having models that can sit on devices and share specific information while preserving privacy, we can achieve a global knowledge base that is useful and accessible to all. This approach would also involve federated learning standards to allow for data to be processed without compromising individual privacy.

  • What is the speaker's perspective on the role of AI in the future of education?

    -The speaker believes that AI will have a transformative impact on education, suggesting that every child could have their own AI to assist with learning. This would allow for personalized education and support, potentially improving educational outcomes and making learning more efficient and tailored to individual needs.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the potential bubble in the AI sector?

    -The speaker warns about a potential bubble in the AI sector, comparing it to the dot.com bubble. They note the significant investment pouring into AI and web3, and express concern that the amount of money relative to the actual opportunities within the sector is misaligned. They predict that this could lead to economic waste and a focus on building models rather than addressing the need for better data and standardization.

  • How does the speaker view the role of AI in the future of media and information consumption?

    -The speaker sees AI as a disruptive force in media and information consumption. They predict that AI will enable the creation of personalized news content, potentially leading to a shift away from traditional media outlets. They also discuss the need for media companies to establish authority and authenticity in the age of AI-generated content.

  • What is the speaker's strategy for building a successful AI business?

    -The speaker's strategy involves focusing on open models that are auditable and can be built upon by various entities, including private companies and governments. They emphasize the importance of data and distribution, and the need for AI models to be transparent and not black boxes. They also highlight the potential for AI to leapfrog traditional models in emerging markets, leading to rapid adoption and transformation.



🌐 Global Impact of AI and Public Discussion

The speaker emphasizes the significant global impact of AI, comparing it to the invention of the printing press. They advocate for public discussion on the development of AI and express concerns about the pre-training of large models on internet data. The speaker shares their excitement about the potential of AI in various fields and discusses their reasons for signing a letter calling for a halt to the current training practices.


πŸ§’ Childhood Experiences and Adaptability

The speaker shares personal experiences of moving around during childhood, being born in Jordan, growing up in Bangladesh, and coming to the UK. They discuss the challenges of fitting in and learning to adapt to new environments and languages. These experiences are linked to the development of an appreciation for the world's diversity and the impact on their mindset. The speaker also talks about their varied career path, from being an Enterprise developer to a VC Analyst and a movie reviewer, eventually becoming a hedge fund manager.


🧠 AI in Healthcare and Personalized Treatment

The speaker delves into the potential of AI in healthcare, particularly in personalized treatment and drug repurposing. They share a personal story of how they built an AI team to analyze autism research when their son was diagnosed with the condition. The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the GABA-glutamate balance in the brain and how AI can help identify commonalities in conditions like autism and MS, advocating for the organization of medical knowledge to make it accessible.


πŸ€– The Future of Healthcare Systems with AI

The speaker envisions a future where AI models like GPT operate within healthcare systems, changing the nature of a doctor's role by providing richer information about individuals. They discuss the potential for AI to improve processes and procedures within healthcare, such as wound care, and the importance of information density in healthcare. The speaker also touches on the topic of open source versus closed source healthcare data and the need for national data sets to improve AI models.


πŸš€ Google's AI Advances and the Future of AI

The speaker expresses admiration for Google's recent AI announcements, highlighting the potential for smaller, more efficient models that can operate on devices. They discuss the concept of open learning and the importance of privacy, as well as the potential for AI to help address economic misalignment in healthcare. The speaker also talks about the challenges of integrating large teams within organizations and the importance of a shared narrative and psychological safety in fostering innovation.


🌍 National Data Sets and AI Governance

The speaker argues for the creation of national data sets to improve AI models and the importance of these models understanding local context. They discuss the need for nations to have their own AI models and data sets, which should be open and available in the public domain. The speaker also talks about their work with multinational partners and governments to establish frameworks for good data to feed AI models and stimulate innovation and localization.


πŸ’‘ The Role of AI in Education and Entrepreneurship

The speaker discusses the potential of AI in education, particularly in countries like India where one-to-one tuition could be transformative. They also touch on the impact of AI on outsourced jobs and the importance of entrepreneurship in creating new job opportunities. The speaker shares their vision for AI to be embraced by nations to upgrade their societies and transform lives.


πŸ“ˆ Economic Impact of AI and Business Models

The speaker talks about the economic impact of AI, comparing it to the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of urgency. They discuss the need for standardization in AI models and the potential for AI-first publishers. The speaker also shares their views on the future business models for AI companies, emphasizing the importance of good products and distribution, and the potential for AI to disrupt traditional media and information flow.


πŸ’‘ AI's Role in the Future of Work

The speaker discusses the potential of AI to automate coding and the implications for the future of entrepreneurship and the democratization of building products. They also touch on the importance of focusing on creating valuable products and services, rather than being distracted by technology itself. The speaker shares their belief that incumbents with distribution will win in the next few years, but also sees potential for startups in the thin layer of AI application.


🌐 UK's Position in the AI Race

The speaker talks about the UK's policies and initiatives to attract AI talent and companies, highlighting the inclusion of cloud computing in R&D tax credits and the issuance of scale-up visas. They compare the UK's approach to other countries and discuss the importance of having a forward-thinking government to support the growth of the AI sector.


πŸ€– The Future of AI and Public Perception

The speaker shares their thoughts on the public's perception of AI, emphasizing the need for better understanding of the technology's capabilities and limitations. They discuss the concept of 'hallucinations' in AI as a feature rather than a bug and the importance of using AI for its strengths in reasoning and creativity. The speaker also talks about the potential societal implications of deeper interactions with AI technology.


🌟 Personal Reflections on AI and its Impact

The speaker reflects on their personal journey with AI, discussing their motivations and the challenges they've faced. They share their belief in the inherent goodness of humans and the importance of trust in AI. The speaker also talks about their vision for the future, their role in the AI industry, and their desire to contribute value through their work.



πŸ’‘Generative AI

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can create new content, such as text, images, or audio. In the context of the video, it is the core technology being discussed, with the potential to revolutionize various industries by automating content creation and decision-making processes. The speaker mentions Generative AI as having a transformative impact, comparing it to the invention of the printing press.

πŸ’‘Pre-training models

Pre-training models are AI systems that are initially trained on large datasets to learn general patterns before being fine-tuned for specific tasks. In the video, the speaker expresses concern about the current practice of pre-training big models on the vast and unfiltered content available on the internet, which could lead to unintended consequences.

πŸ’‘Data sets

Data sets are collections of data used to train AI models. High-quality, diverse, and culturally relevant data sets are crucial for teaching AI systems to understand and interact with the world accurately. The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating better data sets to improve AI outcomes.

πŸ’‘Open source

Open source refers to software or content that is made publicly available for others to use, modify, and distribute freely. In the context of AI, open source models are those that can be accessed and customized by anyone, fostering collaboration and innovation.

πŸ’‘AI ethics

AI ethics involves the examination of the ethical implications surrounding AI technology, including issues like fairness, accountability, transparency, and the impact on society. The speaker touches on the need for ethical considerations in AI development to ensure that AI systems align with human values and societal needs.

πŸ’‘AI-first publishers

AI-first publishers are entities that prioritize AI in their content creation process, often using AI to generate news articles or other content from scratch. This approach is distinct from traditional media outlets that may use AI as a tool to assist in existing workflows.

πŸ’‘Enterprise adoption

Enterprise adoption refers to the process by which large organizations incorporate new technologies into their operations. In the context of AI, this involves companies integrating AI systems into their business processes to improve efficiency, decision-making, and service delivery.

πŸ’‘Computing power

Computing power refers to the ability of a computer or computing system to process data and perform operations. In the development of AI models, having sufficient computing power is crucial for training complex neural networks and achieving high performance.

πŸ’‘Regulatory sandboxes

Regulatory sandboxes are controlled environments provided by regulators where companies can test new technologies under a relaxed regulatory framework. They allow for innovation while protecting consumers and ensuring that new products and services comply with regulatory requirements once they are fully launched.


In the context of AI, alignment refers to the process of ensuring that AI systems' goals and behaviors are consistent with human values and intentions. This involves creating AI that is not only technically capable but also ethically and socially desirable.


The importance of public discussion on AI development and the need to regulate pre-training big models.

The impact of childhood experiences, such as moving around, on the mindset of talented founders.

The transition from hedge funds to startups and the motivation behind it.

The personal journey of building an AI team to understand and treat autism due to the lack of available information.

The potential of AI in transforming healthcare by organizing and making medical knowledge accessible.

The concept of using AI to address economic misalignment in healthcare, particularly for treatments with smaller markets.

The vision of a future where AI models are personalized and work as an agent-based system for individuals.

The role of open-source models in healthcare data and the importance of privacy and regulation.

The potential of AI to change the nature of doctor-patient relationships and improve healthcare efficiency.

The impact of AI on the media industry and the emergence of AI-first publishers.

The concern over the AI bubble and the misalignment of investment with opportunities within the sector.

The need for national data sets and models to understand and serve local contexts better.

The potential of AI to democratize entrepreneurship and the creation of new jobs.

The rapid advancement of AI models and the uncertainty of their future applications.

The importance of ethical considerations and the potential societal impacts of AI companions.

The potential of AI to disrupt traditional industries and the need for new business models.