Emad Mostaque: How generative AI will unlock humanity's potential | CogX Festival 2023

21 Sept 202325:52

TLDRIn an inspiring presentation, the speaker emphasizes the transformative era of technology we're living in, particularly highlighting the potential of artificial intelligence to amplify human capabilities rather than replace them. The focus is on leveraging AI, like the groundbreaking 'Stable Diffusion' models, to democratize access to information, enhance personal agency, and solve systemic issues in education, healthcare, and beyond. The speaker envisions a future where AI empowers every individual, stressing the importance of open innovation, community participation, and ethical standards in technology development to ensure that the advancements benefit humanity as a whole.


  • 🌟 The mission is to build a foundation for potential through technology, aiming for aligned artificial intelligence to uplift humanity.
  • 💡 Dreams are coupled with both hope and fear, and the rapid advancement of technology amplifies these feelings.
  • 🏥 The vision includes making all medical knowledge accessible, giving everyone the ability to have personalized healthcare information.
  • 🏫 Current education systems are seen as inadequate and in need of transformation through technology.
  • 🚀 The speaker's organization, Stability, is a British success story, creating advanced AI models and making them accessible to the public.
  • 🌐 Technology should be open and available to all, allowing individuals to build, create, and have agency over AI developments.
  • 🎵 An announcement of 'Stable Audio,' a new commercially licensed audio model, marks a step towards a creative future where anything can be imagined and communicated.
  • 🤖 The focus is on amplified human intelligence rather than artificial general intelligence, leveraging technology to improve human capabilities.
  • 🌐 The future of AI is moving towards a distributed model, with intelligence at the edge, which has profound implications for society.
  • 📈 The rapid pace of AI development is unprecedented and can be both empowering and intimidating, necessitating careful consideration of standards and ethics.
  • 🌍 The ultimate goal is an intelligent internet where every person, company, and culture has access to AI to activate their potential and solve systemic problems.

Q & A

  • What is the mission of the speaker's organization?

    -The mission of the speaker's organization is to build a foundation for potential by leveraging technology to lift up all humans, focusing on amplifying human intelligence rather than building an artificial general intelligence (AGI).

  • What is the speaker's dream regarding medical knowledge?

    -The speaker dreams of making all medical knowledge in the world accessible at everyone's fingertips, ensuring that everyone has the information they need to manage health conditions like multiple sclerosis, dementia, and cancer.

  • How does the speaker view the current schooling system?

    -The speaker views the current schooling system as unfit for purpose, comparing it to a mix of childcare, social status games, and a petri dish. They believe technology can help amplify the abilities of educators and provide a better learning experience.

  • What is the significance of the location of the speaker's company?

    -The speaker's company is located above a chicken shop in West London, symbolizing a British success story. It highlights that even a small, seemingly humble beginning can lead to significant achievements, such as competing against trillion-dollar labs.

  • What is the role of the community in the development of the speaker's company's technology?

    -The community plays a crucial role in the development of the company's technology. With hundreds of thousands of contributors ranging from 15 to 65 years old, the community's diversity and openness are essential in creating advanced models like stable diffusion.

  • What new audio model does the speaker announce?

    -The speaker announces 'Stable Audio,' the first commercially licensed audio model. It is in its early stages and is based on a diffusion process similar to stable diffusion, marking another building block for a creative future.

  • How does the speaker address the fear associated with the creative potential of technology?

    -The speaker acknowledges the fear of creating 'bad things' with technology but emphasizes the importance of amplifying human intelligence to solve broken systems. They advocate for open innovation and collective responsibility in shaping the future of technology.

  • What is the speaker's vision for the future of intelligence and expertise?

    -The speaker envisions an 'intelligent internet' where every person, company, country, and culture has access to AI models to amplify their capabilities. They believe in a future where intelligence and expertise are distributed and available at the edge, enhancing individual and collective potential.

  • How does the speaker propose to mitigate the chaos and fear surrounding rapid technological advancements?

    -The speaker proposes open innovation, collaboration, and the empowerment of individuals through technology as ways to mitigate chaos and fear. They advocate for building systems that coordinate knowledge and organizations to solve problems collectively.

  • What is the significance of the 'AI for the People by the people' concept?

    -The concept of 'AI for the People by the people' emphasizes the democratization of technology, where everyone has the agency to use, contribute to, and shape AI. It underscores the idea that technology should serve and empower all people, not just a select few.

  • How does the speaker's vision align with the historical context of technological advancements?

    -The speaker's vision aligns with the historical context of technological advancements by drawing parallels with the impact of the printing press and the internet. They see the current AI revolution as another epochal change that will empower humanity to scale and distribute knowledge more effectively.



🚀 Embracing the AI Revolution for Human Empowerment

The speaker begins by emphasizing the unparalleled pace of technological advancement in the current era, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The focus is not on creating an artificial general intelligence (AGI) but on harnessing AI to uplift humanity. Through examples like the potential to make all medical knowledge instantly accessible, the speaker criticizes current educational systems and advocates for leveraging technology to enhance human capabilities. The narrative shifts to the success story of Stability, a company above a chicken shop in West London, which despite its modest beginnings, competes with trillion-dollar labs. Stability is celebrated for creating advanced AI models like Stable Diffusion and for fostering a community-driven, open-source ethos that democratizes technology. The speaker insists on the power of AI to grant individuals agency over technological fears and to dream of a future where human intelligence is amplified to solve systemic failures.


🌐 The Potential and Challenges of AI Integration in Society

This segment delves into the societal and functional challenges that AI technologies, particularly those developed by Stability, aim to address. It critiques existing systems, like educational and legal structures, as outdated and inefficient, likened to 'slow dumb AI'. The speech conveys frustration with current tools like PowerPoint, advocating for AI as a medium to transcend traditional communication barriers through visual and auditory means. The speaker emphasizes Stability's commitment to innovation with integrity, aiming for transparent, open-source developments that empower the community. This vision includes removing fear and friction in utilizing AI, allowing for more intuitive and meaningful interactions, and accelerating the pace of change beyond anything previously witnessed. The notion of future uncertainty is tackled with optimism, suggesting that through communal effort and open innovation, society can navigate the fast-evolving technological landscape.


🧠 The Revolution in AI Efficiency and Human-Centric Technology

The third paragraph highlights the marvel of compressing vast amounts of data into compact AI models, akin to human cognitive processing. This compression enables transformative applications like self-driving technologies and has profound implications for education, medicine, and beyond. The speech outlines the envisioned future of AI as a co-pilot in human endeavors, contrasting this with fears associated with AGI. The speaker champions Amplified Human Intelligence over AGI, emphasizing the potential of AI to address the 'broken systems' of society by enhancing human capabilities rather than replacing them. The section concludes by advocating for open, transparent AI models that respect individual and societal differences, ensuring technology serves humanity's diverse needs.


💡 The Role of AI in Shaping Future Societies and Solving Global Challenges

This part of the speech calls for a reimagining of societal systems through AI, asserting that we are at a 'new printing press' moment. It argues for the potential of AI to democratize expertise and intelligence, empowering individuals and society by making knowledge and creativity accessible to everyone. The speaker envisions a future where AI aids in solving critical global issues by amplifying human intelligence and fostering collaboration. The narrative is optimistic, suggesting that despite technological challenges and societal impacts, humanity can leverage AI to foster a more inclusive, knowledgeable, and connected world. The emphasis is on collective action and the belief in human creativity and potential.


🌍 Embracing Open Innovation to Unlock Humanity's Potential

In the concluding paragraphs, the speaker advocates for open innovation as the pathway to realizing humanity's dreams through technology. By drawing parallels with the foundation of the internet and the importance of open-source software, the speech underlines the necessity of openness and transparency in the development and deployment of AI technologies. The vision presented is one where every individual and organization has access to customized AI tools, enabling a diverse ecosystem that respects individual rights and fosters democratic values. The speaker warns against the monopolization of AI by a few corporations and stresses the importance of inclusive development and the distribution of AI technologies to ensure a future where technology amplifies human capability, creativity, and agency.


🤝 A Collective Vision for a Future Empowered by AI

The final paragraph serves as a call to action, urging collaboration among all stakeholders in the AI ecosystem to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by AI. The speaker expresses optimism for a future where AI is used to solve the world's problems collectively, emphasizing the role of AI 'for the People, by the people.' The acknowledgment of everyone's part in this technological revolution reinforces the message of shared responsibility and the power of collective effort. The speaker concludes with gratitude towards the audience for their engagement and encourages embracing AI with a vision of creating a brighter, more inclusive future.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. In the video, AI is central to the discussion of transforming potential into actionable technology that can benefit humanity, with a focus on 'Amplified human intelligence' rather than 'Artificial General Intelligence' (AGI). The speaker emphasizes the importance of using AI to enhance human capabilities and solve societal problems.

💡Amplified Human Intelligence

This concept suggests the use of technology to enhance human cognitive abilities. Unlike AGI, which aims to create a machine that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can, Amplified Human Intelligence is about augmenting our existing skills and knowledge. In the video, the speaker advocates for this approach as a means to address broken systems and societal challenges, emphasizing the empowerment of individuals through technology.

💡Open Innovation

Open innovation is a concept that promotes the sharing of ideas, knowledge, and technology among different entities, often across organizational boundaries. It encourages collaboration and the free flow of information to foster innovation. In the context of the video, the speaker champions open innovation as a means to democratize access to AI technologies, allowing a broader community to contribute to and benefit from advancements in the field.


In the context of the video, 'stability' refers to the company's mission and its approach to developing AI technologies responsibly. It implies a focus on creating a solid foundation for AI that is not only technologically advanced but also ethically and socially responsible. The speaker from 'stability' talks about their efforts in creating advanced AI models while maintaining transparency and offering opt-out options, aiming to innovate with integrity.


The term 'community' in the video refers to the collective group of individuals who are involved in the development, use, and improvement of AI technologies. The speaker emphasizes the importance of a diverse and open community in driving innovation and ensuring that AI serves the broader interests of society. The community ranges from contributors of different ages and backgrounds to users who download and utilize AI models.

💡Education System

The education system is the structured process of teaching and learning, typically in schools and universities. In the video, the speaker critiques the current education system as being unfit for purpose, comparing it to childcare and social status games. The speaker dreams of a future where technology can transform education, making it more effective and relevant to the needs of learners.

💡Creative Future

The 'creative future' refers to a time when technology, particularly AI, enables unprecedented levels of creativity and innovation. It is a vision where individuals and organizations can create and communicate anything they can imagine, leveraging AI tools to bring ideas to life. The video positions this future as both exciting and potentially intimidating, given the vast possibilities it opens up.

💡Fear and Hope

Fear and hope are emotional responses that the speaker associates with the potential and challenges of AI technology. Fear arises from the uncertainty of what AI might bring, especially when considering its power to transform society. Hope, on the other hand, is linked to the positive possibilities of AI, such as solving complex problems and enhancing human capabilities. The speaker ultimately encourages embracing hope and taking action to shape the future of AI.

💡Intelligent Internet

The 'Intelligent Internet' is a concept that envisions a network where AI technologies are seamlessly integrated, enabling intelligent interactions and data processing. This concept implies an internet that can understand and respond to user inputs in a more sophisticated manner, providing personalized and context-aware services. The speaker's vision includes an intelligent internet that amplifies human intelligence, making knowledge and expertise accessible to everyone.

💡Human Potential

Human potential refers to the inherent abilities and talents that individuals possess, which can be developed and utilized to achieve personal and collective goals. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of unlocking and activating this potential through AI technologies. The goal is to remove barriers to knowledge and create a world where everyone can reach their full potential.

💡Distributed Intelligence

Distributed intelligence refers to the concept of intelligence being spread across multiple systems or devices, rather than being concentrated in a single, centralized entity. This approach can lead to more robust and resilient systems, as well as increased accessibility and control for users. In the video, the speaker discusses the shift towards distributed intelligence, where AI models like GPT4 and stable Beluga can run on individual laptops, signifying a move away from centralized AI to more democratized, user-empowered intelligence.


The speaker emphasizes the significance of the current technological era and its potential for foundational impact, particularly in aligning artificial intelligence with human needs.

Highlighting the potential of technology to make all medical knowledge accessible and personalized, thus addressing significant health issues like multiple sclerosis, dementia, and cancer.

Critique of the current schooling system as inadequate, proposing technology as a means to amplify the capabilities of educators and improve learning outcomes.

Introduction of 'Stability', a company working on advanced models like stable diffusion, with a focus on openness and community contribution, located above a chicken shop in West London.

Stability's achievement in creating popular and powerful models, including the announcement of 'stable audio', the first commercially licensed audio model, indicating a commitment to innovation in AI.

Discussion on the fears surrounding technology, especially AI, and advocating for amplified human intelligence over artificial general intelligence.

Presentation of technology as a means to solve broken systems in society, suggesting that current frustrations are not due to a lack of effort but the need for better tools.

Emphasis on the power of speech and its evolution through technology, from the printing press to AI, highlighting the potential for transformative communication and knowledge sharing.

Announcement of advancements in creating visuals from words, promising a future of enhanced creativity and expression through AI.

The claim that Stability's models, trained on vast amounts of data, are revolutionizing the way we interact with and generate digital content.

Argument against the monopolization of AI by big companies, advocating for open innovation and community involvement in technology development.

Discussion on the democratization of AI, suggesting that the future lies in distributed intelligence and community-driven development.

Predictions about the future of programming and the potential obsolescence of traditional coding in favor of AI-driven development.

A call to action for collective effort in harnessing AI for societal benefit, emphasizing the role of open innovation and the importance of addressing safety and ethical concerns.

Vision for an 'intelligent internet' where every individual and organization has access to tailored AI systems, promoting diversity and amplifying human capabilities.

The speaker's belief in the transformative power of AI to solve humanity's greatest problems by fostering collaboration and enhancing global knowledge sharing.