"Moonstruck", 1987 - Ronny & Loretta Fall In Love (HD)

Voices Film & Television
4 Jan 201409:42

TLDRThe script unfolds a dramatic conversation between two characters, where the protagonist grapples with the repercussions of past misfortunes and perceived betrayals. The narrative centers around themes of loss, resentment, and the struggle for personal agency, as the protagonist confronts the individual responsible for a life-altering accident. Amidst a whirlwind of emotions, the protagonist's journey toward self-realization and acceptance is highlighted, culminating in a surprising twist that challenges preconceived notions of luck, fate, and personal responsibility.


  • 💔 The protagonist is struggling with feelings of resentment and despair over the loss of her brother Johnny's attention and her own life's misfortunes.
  • 🗣️ The character expresses a deep-seated anger towards Johnny for seemingly taking over her life and getting married, while she feels her own life has been stolen from her.
  • 🍞 Bread is used as a metaphor for life, with the character's occupation as a baker highlighting her sense of loss and frustration with her circumstances.
  • 🔪 The protagonist contemplates suicide as an escape from her emotional pain and to make a statement to her brother on his wedding day.
  • 🤕 A tragic accident involving the bread slicer resulted in the loss of the protagonist's hand and the end of her engagement, leading to a series of unfortunate events.
  • 🐺 The character's inner turmoil is personified by a 'wolf', symbolizing her survival instinct and fear of repeating past mistakes in love.
  • 💔 The protagonist's encounter with another character leads to a realization that her self-destructive behavior is rooted in her fear of vulnerability and commitment.
  • 🎭 The script contains elements of dark humor and absurdity, with characters navigating complex emotional landscapes and extreme situations.
  • 💏 A twist in the narrative reveals the protagonist's romantic interest in another character, leading to a tumultuous and passionate encounter.
  • 🎶 The mention of 'Opera' signifies a cultural backdrop and adds a layer of dramatic irony to the intense emotions and events unfolding in the script.
  • 👰 The protagonist's fixation on Johnny's wedding and her desire to be part of it, despite her negative feelings, underscores her inability to let go and move on.

Q & A

  • Who is the main character in the script and what is their relationship with Johnny?

    -The main character in the script is an unnamed individual who has a strained relationship with Johnny. Johnny is their brother who is about to get married.

  • What significant event happened to the main character in the past involving bread?

    -The main character had an accident five years ago where they lost their hand while using a bread slicer. This incident occurred when Johnny ordered bread for them.

  • How did the main character's romantic relationship end?

    -The main character's romantic relationship ended when their fiancé left them after the accident that caused the loss of their hand.

  • What does the main character believe is the cause of their misfortunes?

    -The main character believes that bad luck is the cause of their misfortunes, including the loss of their hand and the end of their relationship.

  • How does the other character in the script view the main character's situation?

    -The other character sees the main character's situation not as a result of bad luck, but as a series of choices they made. They believe the main character is a 'wolf' who had to free itself from the trap of a wrong relationship, even at the cost of losing a hand.

  • What does the main character accuse Johnny of?

    -The main character accuses Johnny of ruining their life, blaming him for their upcoming marriage and the bad luck they believe he brings.

  • What is the significance of the 'wolf' metaphor in the script?

    -The 'wolf' metaphor is used to describe the main character's inner strength and resilience. It symbolizes their ability to take drastic measures, like biting off their own foot, to escape from a不利 situation.

  • How does the conversation between the main character and the other character evolve over the course of the script?

    -The conversation starts with the main character expressing despair and resentment towards Johnny and their life situation. However, as the other character offers a different perspective, the main character begins to question their beliefs and eventually acknowledges their own role in their misfortunes.

  • What is the turning point in the script?

    -The turning point occurs when the other character confronts the main character with the truth about their situation, leading the main character to realize that they have the power to change their life and that their bad luck is a result of their own choices.

  • What is the final resolution in the script?

    -The final resolution is the main character's acceptance of their past and a decision to move forward. They declare their intention to marry Johnny and to take their bad luck with them into the marriage.

  • What is the significance of the opera in the script?

    -The opera represents a turning point and a place of reflection for the main character. It is where they make the decision to change their perspective and accept their situation, symbolizing a new beginning.



💔 Struggles with Loss and Resentment

The first paragraph introduces a character who is deeply troubled by the upcoming marriage of her brother, Johnny. She feels that her life has been taken over by her brother, leading to a sense of loss and emptiness. The character works in a bakery, where she physically and metaphorically feels like she's trapped, baking bread and dealing with the hardships it brings. She expresses her frustration and despair, even contemplating suicide. The character also reveals her past, including an accident that led to the loss of her hand and the subsequent end of her engagement. The resentment she feels towards Johnny for indirectly causing these life-altering events is palpable, and she accuses him of being the reason for her bad luck and suffering.


🗣️ Confrontation and Realization

In the second paragraph, the conversation takes a dramatic turn as the character engages in a deep and intense dialogue with another person. This exchange reveals the character's past struggles, including the loss of her husband and the societal pressures she faced regarding marriage and motherhood. The other person tries to make her see that her negative outlook on life is self-imposed and that her problems are not solely due to external factors like Johnny. They argue that the character has been trapped by her own fears and past mistakes, likening her to a wolf caught in a trap. The character's fear of repeating past errors and her newfound feelings for the other person create a complex emotional landscape. The paragraph ends with a shocking twist, leaving the audience in suspense about the character's future actions and decisions.




Marriage is a legally and socially recognized union between individuals, often involving commitments of love, support, and partnership. In the context of the video, marriage is a central theme as it is suggested that Johnny is getting married and the main character grapples with the implications of this event on her own life and past decisions.


In the video, 'life' is depicted as a complex and multifaceted concept, encompassing both existence and the quality of one's experiences. It is often contrasted with death, despair, and the loss of purpose. The main character questions the meaning of life after her brother's marriage announcement and her own personal tragedies.


Bread in this script serves as a metaphor for life and sustenance, but also as a symbol of the protagonist's livelihood and personal struggle. The act of baking bread is connected with the character's physical and emotional labor, as well as the pain and 'sweat' involved in her daily work.


Tragedy refers to a disastrous event causing great distress or misfortune. In the video, tragedy is a recurring theme, with characters experiencing personal loss, emotional pain, and life-altering accidents. These tragic events shape the characters' perceptions of life and their relationships with others.


The term 'wolf' is used metaphorically in the video to represent the inner strength, survival instincts, and potential for self-harm or self-preservation that a person may possess. It symbolizes the character's struggle with their inner demons and the courage to make difficult decisions, even if they result in personal sacrifice.


Freedom in this context refers to the liberation from constraints, expectations, or negative influences. It is associated with the idea of making choices that allow for personal growth and autonomy, even when those choices come at a high cost. The characters in the video seek freedom from their pasts, societal norms, and personal demons.


Luck is the concept of events or outcomes occurring by chance, either favorable or unfavorable. In the video, luck is a significant theme as characters attribute their life circumstances to either good or bad fortune. It reflects their struggle to find meaning and control in a world where external forces seem to dictate their destinies.


Love in this video is portrayed as a powerful and sometimes destructive force. It is depicted as an emotion that can lead to both happiness and heartbreak, and it is often intertwined with the characters' life choices and personal growth. The concept of love is complex, involving both romantic relationships and familial bonds.


Self-harm refers to the act of intentionally causing physical harm to oneself, often as a coping mechanism for emotional pain or distress. In the video, self-harm is a manifestation of the characters' internal struggles and their desperate attempts to regain control or express their suffering.


Revenge is the act of retaliating, often harshly, against someone perceived to have caused harm or injury. In the video, revenge is considered as a potential response to perceived wrongs, reflecting the characters' struggle with forgiveness, justice, and the desire to right perceived injustices.


Opera is a form of theatre in which music has a leading role, and the parts are taken by singers. In the video, opera serves as a backdrop for a pivotal interaction between characters, symbolizing the dramatic and emotional intensity of their personal narratives.


The conversation begins with a tense encounter, setting the stage for the emotional rollercoaster to follow.

The revelation that the speaker's brother, Johnny, is getting married, which triggers a deep emotional response.

The speaker's confession of feeling like they have no life, indicating a sense of despair and loss.

The mention of the bread baking business as a metaphor for the speaker's life and struggles.

The dramatic threat of suicide as a form of communication and a cry for help.

The backstory of the speaker's own failed engagement and the tragic accident that led to the loss of their hand.

The accusation of Johnny causing the speaker's misfortunes, highlighting the complex relationship between the two.

The speaker's realization that their bad luck is self-inflicted, not caused by external factors.

The emotional outburst where the speaker confronts their fear of love and the 'wolf' within them.

The unexpected twist where the speaker shifts from despair to a sudden romantic interest.

The declaration of love and the decision to marry, despite the previous threats and despair.

The speaker's attempt to erase the previous night's events and move forward with their wedding plans.

The final resolution where the speaker insists on attending the opera with their newfound love, signifying a desire to reclaim their life.

The compliment exchange between the speaker and their love interest, indicating a positive shift in their relationship.