Free Training - Time To Turn Your Passions into Profits

Canup of Become Viral
18 Feb 202403:22

TLDRDevon Kup shares his experience of generating substantial income online, surpassing a doctor's salary, by leveraging the internet's second largest search engine and creating videos. He offers a free training to teach others how to use simple videos to earn advertising revenue without the need for e-commerce, inventory, or being an influencer. The training promises to reveal methods for finding clips, video ideas, and leveraging AI tools for automated income generation.


  • 🚀 Passion can be turned into profits through online video creation.
  • 🎥 Individuals are generating extra income with simple videos to achieve financial freedom.
  • 🤫 The speaker, Devon Kup, has been successful in making more than a doctor's salary online.
  • 🌐 Leveraging the second largest search engine on the internet is a key strategy for success.
  • 💰 Monetizing videos through ads is a significant source of income for content creators.
  • 📹 Many successful videos do not require the creator to appear on camera.
  • 📱 The internet and mobile devices have become integral parts of daily life, with a wealth of knowledge and information accessible.
  • 🌟 The rapid change of the internet presents both challenges and opportunities for knowledge seekers and content creators.
  • 💡 AI and global connectivity offer unprecedented opportunities for online income generation.
  • 🎓 Devon Kup offers a free training to teach methods for generating income with online videos.
  • 🔄 The training covers finding video clips, coming up with ideas, and leveraging AI tools for video creation.

Q & A

  • What is the main message Devon Kup is trying to convey in the video script?

    -Devon Kup is encouraging individuals to turn their passion into profits by generating simple videos online, which can lead to extra income and ultimately, financial freedom.

  • How has Devon Kup been successful in leveraging the internet?

    -Devon Kup has been successful by utilizing the second largest search engine on the internet and appearing in videos, generating a salary higher than many doctors by profiting from ads shown on his content.

  • What does Devon Kup mean when he mentions 'simple videos'?

    -By 'simple videos,' Devon Kup refers to content that can be easily created and uploaded online, which can generate income through advertising revenue, without the need for complex production or inventory management.

  • What are the two aspects of the changing world that Devon Kup finds both scary and promising?

    -The two aspects are the rapid and unpredictable changes brought about by the internet and the wealth of knowledge and information that is now accessible to everyone, which was not the case a few decades ago.

  • What is the purpose of the free training Devon Kup is offering?

    -The free training is designed to show individuals how to generate a passive income of 10 to 25k a month using simple videos, including finding clips, coming up with video ideas, and leveraging AI tools to create content without having to appear on camera or sell products.

  • How does Devon Kup describe the freedom that can be achieved through online video generation?

    -The freedom Devon Kup refers to is the ability to work on one's own terms, without being tied to a traditional job with meetings and working with people one may not enjoy, ultimately leading to a future full of choices and personal satisfaction.

  • What is the main benefit of participating in Devon Kup's training?

    -The main benefit is learning how to create and monetize simple videos online, which can lead to a substantial passive income and greater control over one's work and personal life.

  • What type of individuals is Devon Kup targeting with his video script?

    -Devon Kup is targeting individuals who are looking for an alternative to traditional employment, those interested in leveraging the internet for financial freedom, and people who are open to learning new skills to generate income online.

  • How does Devon Kup plan to help people with his training?

    -Devon Kup plans to help by revealing the exact methods he uses to find video clips, generate ideas, and utilize AI tools to create videos, enabling participants to generate income on autopilot.

  • What is the key to the success that Devon Kup has experienced with his online video strategy?

    -The key to his success is the strategic use of the internet's second largest search engine, understanding the advertising model, and the ability to create content that appeals to a wide audience without the need for personal brand building or inventory management.



🚀 Turning Passion into Profits with Online Videos

The paragraph introduces the concept of monetizing online videos, highlighting how individuals like Devon Kup have been generating extra income by leveraging the internet's second-largest search engine and creating content. It emphasizes the potential of the internet to change lives and offers a free training opportunity for those interested in learning how to generate income through online videos. The speaker, Devon Kup, shares his success in making more than a doctor's salary by staying behind the scenes and profiting from ad revenue on videos. The paragraph also touches on the rapid changes brought by the internet and the wealth of knowledge and information it provides, encouraging listeners to seize the opportunity to achieve financial freedom and control over their time.




In the context of the video, 'passion' refers to an individual's strong interest or enthusiasm for a particular activity or subject. It is the driving force that motivates people to turn their hobbies or interests into a source of income. The speaker encourages viewers to harness their passion and use it as a foundation for creating content that can generate profits online.

💡extra income

The term 'extra income' refers to additional earnings beyond one's primary source of income. In the video, the speaker highlights the potential of using online platforms to generate this additional revenue through the creation and sharing of simple videos. This concept is central to the video's message, as it promises viewers a path to financial freedom and independence.


In the video, 'freedom' is used to describe the state of autonomy and flexibility that comes with financial independence. The speaker suggests that by generating extra income online, individuals can achieve a lifestyle where they have more control over their time and activities, without being tied down to traditional employment structures.

💡simple videos

Referring to the content discussed in the video, 'simple videos' are easy-to-create digital media that can be monetized online. The speaker, Devon Kup, emphasizes that these videos do not require complex production or high-level technical skills, yet they can generate significant advertising revenue when viewed by a large audience.

💡search engine

A 'search engine' is a digital platform that allows users to search for and access information on the internet. In the context of the video, the speaker refers to the second-largest search engine on the internet, which is YouTube, to illustrate the vast audience that can be reached through video content. This platform is crucial for the visibility and success of the simple videos discussed.

💡advertising dollars

Refers to the revenue generated from advertisements displayed on online platforms, such as YouTube. In the video, the speaker explains that by uploading videos, content creators can earn 'advertising dollars' from the platforms, which is a primary method of monetizing simple videos.

💡AI tools

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are software applications that use machine learning and other AI technologies to assist in various tasks, such as content creation, data analysis, and automation. In the video, the speaker mentions leveraging AI tools to create videos, suggesting that these technologies can streamline the video-making process and allow for more efficient content production.


In the context of the video, 'autopilot' refers to a state where a process or system operates automatically without continuous human intervention. The speaker uses this term to describe a method of generating income where the initial setup and creation of content lead to passive earnings that require minimal ongoing effort.


The term 'training' in the video refers to the educational content and guidance that the speaker, Devon Kup, offers to teach others how to generate income through online video content. This training is positioned as a valuable resource for those looking to learn the strategies and techniques for leveraging the internet and AI tools for financial gain.

💡target audience

The 'target audience' refers to the specific group of people that content is intended to reach or appeal to. In the context of the video, understanding and identifying the target audience is crucial for the success of the simple videos, as it ensures that the content is relevant and engaging to the viewers who are most likely to watch and interact with the videos.


An 'influencer' is an individual who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. In the video, the speaker clarifies that becoming an influencer is not a requirement for generating income through simple videos, which suggests that the method is accessible to individuals regardless of their online following or social media presence.


Turning passion into profits through online video creation.

Achieving financial freedom with extra online income.

Devon Kup's success in earning more than a doctor's salary online.

Leveraging the second largest search engine on the internet for profit.

The potential of generating income without showing one's face on camera.

The changing landscape of the world and the internet.

The wealth of knowledge and information accessible today.

Opportunities in online platforms and AI tools.

Free training offered by Devon Kup on generating income with videos.

Generating $10k to $25k per month through online video content.

The process of monetizing videos through advertising.

Avoiding the need for e-commerce or physical inventory.

The use of AI tools to create videos without personal appearance.

The potential for generating income on autopilot.

The importance of seizing opportunities in the digital age.

The goal of setting up a future full of freedom and choice.

The offer to help individuals achieve their goals through the training.