$1000 FC Mobile Packs on a New FC MOBILE Account!
TLDRمستخدم يشجع حسابًا جديدًا في لعبة FIFA Mobile، مع بaques بقيمة 1000 دولار لبناء فريقه. ي宣布 أهدافًا معينة لتحقيقها خلال فتح الباك، ويعد بتقديم الهدايا ل订독اءه في حالة فشل في تحقيق الأهداف. يتضمن الأهداف اللاعبين 496+، باندور وناشير، 10 فائز بكأس العالم، 5 من أفضل اللاعبين، وفريق بتقييم 96+. يبدأ الفتح ويتأمل في اللاعبين الذين يفتحهم، مع توقعات وأحيانًا فشل في تحقيق بعض الأهداف، مما يؤدي إلى توزيع نقاط اللعب ل订독اءه.
- 😀 المستخدم يفتح حزم في لعبة FIFA للبناء لفريقه الإلكتروني.
- 💰 لديه بUDGET من $1,000 للشراء من الحزم.
- 🎯 يهدف لتحقيق عدة أهداف خلال فتح الحزم، بما في ذلك تجميع لاعبين بتقييم 96+، ولاعبين بطولة العالم، ولاعبين بطولة بوندور.
- 🎁 سيمنح المستخدمين الاشتراكيين بعض الأشياء إذا فشل في أهدافه.
- 🔄 يبدأ بفتح الحزم الأكثر بسيطة أولاً، مع وجود 1.1 مليون جوهرة لفتح الحزم.
- 📦 يفتح حزمة 'المركزي المحدودة' أولاً، لكن لا يحصل على لاعبين مفيدين للأهداف.
- 🏆 يحقق تقدمًا في هدف اللاعبين الأبطال للعالمية، مع تجميع لاعبين مثل Miroslav Klose.
- 🛍️ يفتح الحزم بأسعار مختلفة، من 1,000 جوهرة حتى 25,000 جوهرة لكل حزمة.
- 🤩 يحصل على لاعبين مثل رونالدو و جوゼف مüler، الذين فازوا ببطولة بوندور.
- 🎉 يحقق تجاوزًا في هدف تجميع لاعبين بتقييم 96+، مع تجميع لاعبين مثل رواد هوليت.
- 🎁 يعلن عن مكافأة الاشتراكيين إذا فشل في أهدافه، التي تتكون من نقاط FC بقيمة 5000 لكل فشل.
Q & A
ما هي الحساب الجديدة التي أنشأها المستخدم في لعبة FIFA؟
-المستخدم أنشأ حسابًا جديدًا في FIFA Mobile، ويبدو أنه ليس لديه لاعبيًا جيدين في البداية.
ماذا يتضمن الهدف الأول لفتح الحزم في الحساب الجديد؟
-الهدف الأول هو فتح 496 لاعب فائق على الأقل من الدرجة خلال فتح الحزم.
ما هي الأهداف الأخرى التي يسعى المستخدم لتحقيقها في الفيديو؟
-الأهداف الأخرى تشمل فتح 5 لاعبين من فائزي بوندور، 10 لاعبًا من فائزي كأس العالم، 5 لاعبًا من فريق النجوم أو فريق الشرف أو فريق الأيقونات، وتحقيق مجموع الفريق 96+، وفتح 10 ماتش رانوس على الأقل.
ماذا يفعل المستخدم إذا فشل في تحقيق الهدف؟
-إذا فشل المستخدم في تحقيق الهدف، فسيعطي بعض الأشياء ل订crubscripters، مع توضيح أنه سيعطي 2-5،000 نقطة FC لكل هدف فشل.
ما هي القيمة المالية لحزمة الحزم التي يفتحها المستخدم؟
-المستخدم يمتلك 1.1 مليون جوهرة، مما يتيح له فتح حزم بقيمة 1000 دولار.
ما هي القيمة السوقية للاعب رواد هوليت في لعبة FIFA؟
-القيمة السوقية للاعب رواد هوليت هي 342 مليون جوهرة، بحسب السوق في اللعبة.
هل تمكنت الحزم من إيجاد لاعبين بدرجات 96+ في الفيديو؟
-نعم، تمكنت الحزم من إيجاد لاعبين بدرجات 96+، بما في ذلك رواد هوليت وديفيد جينولا.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية لهدف فتح 10 لاعبًا من فائزي كأس العالم؟
-المستخدم فشل في هدف فتح 10 لاعبًا من فائزي كأس العالم، حيث فقط فتح 7 لاعبًا.
هل تمكنت الحزم من إيجاد لاعبين من فائزي بوندور؟
-نعم، تمكنت الحزم من إيجاد لاعبين من فائزي بوندور، مثل رواد هوليت وجي. ميلير.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية لهدف جمع 10 ماتش رانوس؟
-المستخدم نجح في هدف جمع 10 ماتش رانوس، حيث جمع 9 ماتش رانوس على الأقل.
هل تمكنت الحزم من إيجاد لاعبين من فريق النجوم أو فريق الشرف أو فريق الأيقونات؟
-المستخدم فشل في هدف إيجاد لاعبين من فريق النجوم أو فريق الشرف أو فريق الأيقونات، حيث لم يجد سوى لاعبين.
ماذا سيحصل على ال订crubscripters إذا فشل المستخدم في هدف؟
-إذا فشل المستخدم في هدف، فسيحصل ال订crubscripters على 2-5،000 نقطة FC كعطاء.
هل تمكنت الحزم من إيجاد لاعبين بدرجات 96+ في النهائيات؟
-نعم، تمكنت الحزم من إيجاد لاعبين بدرجات 96+، بما في ذلك رواد هوليت مرارًا أخرى.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية لهدف فريق مجموع 96+؟
-المستخدم فشل في هدف فريق مجموع 96+، حيث لم يتمكن من الوصول إلى 96+.
ما هي الخطوات التي يجب إتباعها ل赢得赠品 من المستخدم؟
-للفوز بالعطاء، يجب على ال订crubscripters الإعجاب بالفيديو، الاشتراك في القناة، وذكر معرفهم على Instagram أو Twitter أو Discord في قسم التعليقات.
🎮 مغامرة فتح الحزم في لعبة FC Mobile
يبدأ المتحدث ب帐户 جديد في لعبة FC Mobile، مع الهدف من فتح حزم بقيمة 1000 دولار لبناء فريق. يطرح مجموعة من الأهداف التي يسعى لتحقيقها خلال فتح الحزم، مثل اكتشاف لاعبين بتقييم 96+، والبندگان الخمس، واللاعبين الـ10 الفائزين بكأس العالم، ولاعبين الـ5 من فريق النجوم أو اللاعبين المرموة. يعلن عن مكافأة ل订荚如果他未能 تلبية الأهداف. يبدأ بفتح الحزم البسيطة أولاً، مع 1.1 مليون جوهرة للاستخدام في فتح الحزم، لكن لا يحصل على لاعبين مفيدين للأهداف في البداية.
📦 متابعة محاولات فتح الحزم وتحقيق الأهداف
يتابع المتحدث محاولة فتح الحزم وتحقيق الأهداف التي وضعها. يحصل على لاعبين بتقييمات مختلفة، لكن لا يحقق الأهداف التي وضعها في البداية. يستمر في فتح الحزم بتكلفة递增، ويحصل على لاعبين مثل Teo Werner وCarney وAdami unal وRu Silva، لكن لا يجد لاعبين بalue لتحقيق الأهداف. يحصل في النهاية على Miroslav Klose، لاعب فائز بكأس العالم، مما يساعده على تحقيق هدف واحد من الأهداف التي وضعها.
🏆 تحديات وتطورات في مسار الفتح الحزم
يواصل المتحدث في المحاولة على فتح الحزم وتحقيق الأهداف التي وضعها. يحصل على لاعبين بتقييمات مختلفة، ويحقق هدفين بفتح World Cup winners مثل ماتش هميل وآخر. لكنه يفشل في تحقيق بعض الأهداف مثل finding 5 Ballon d'Or winners. يعلن عن مكافأة ال订荚 للعموم إذا فشل في الأهداف، ويعرض العروض التي سيقدمها.
🎉 التقدم في الأهداف وتحقيق المزيد من النجاحات
المتحدث يحقق تقدمًا في الأهداف التي وضعها، ويقترب من الانتهاء من بعض الأهداف مثل World Cup winners وmatch runners. يفتح الحزم الكبيرة التي تضمن لاعبين بتقييم 90+، ويحصل على لاعبين مثل رونالدو وغيرهم، مما يساعده على تحقيق المزيد من الأهداف.
🚀 النجاح الفائق في الفتح الحزم مع اللاعبين النجوميين
المتحدث يحصل على النجاح الفائق في الفتح الحزم،当他打开包含Ruud Gullit和其他stars的packs时,他完成了数个目标,比如team of the icons和96+ rated players. يعلن عن فشل في بعض الأهداف وعن المكافأة التي سيقدمها لل订荚.
🎁 الخاتمة والإعلان عن المكافآت النهائية
في النهاية، المتحدث يلخص الأهداف التي فشل في تحقيقها وإعلان عن المكافآت التي سيقدمها للعموم. يذكر بالخطوات التي يجب اتباعها للانضمام إلى السحب، ويشكر ال订荚 على المشاهدة ويدعوهم لمشاهدة مقاطع الفيديو القادمة.
💡فتح البطاقات
💡فريق التيم أوف ذا يير
💡الفائزين بكأس العالم
💡النسخ المحدودة
💡العروض الخاصة
Created a new account in FC mobile with no good players but $1,000 worth of packs to open.
Set objectives for pack opening including packing specific high-rated players and World Cup winners.
First objective is to pack at least 496+ rated players throughout the pack opening.
Second objective is to pack at least five Ballon d'Or winners.
Third objective is to have at least 10 World Cup winners.
Fourth objective is to pack at least five Ultimate Team of the Year or Honorable Mentions or Team of the Icons.
Fifth objective is to reach a team overall rating of over 96 at the end.
Sixth objective is to pack at least 10 Match Ranos throughout the pack opening.
Began pack opening with the cheapest packs first, starting with Centurions Limited Pack.
Opened a Centurions Limited Pack and got Japan Striker Okazaki but no World Cup or Ballon d'Or winners.
Opened Elite Limited Pack and got Teo Werner but no World Cup winner.
Opened Prime Limited Pack and got Miroslav Klose, a World Cup winner.
Opened an Ultimate Pack and got World Cup winners including Emiliano Martinez and Lisandro Martinez.
Opened a Mega Pack and got three Road Hulletts, one of them being 99 rated.
Failed to pack five Ballon d'Or winners, only packing four.
Failed to pack five Ultimate Team of the Year or Honorable Mentions or Team of the Icons, only packing four.
Reached a team overall rating of 95 but not the goal of over 96.
Announced a giveaway of 6 x 5,000 FC points for not meeting the objectives.
I created a brand new account in FC
mobile it has no good players guys but
no worries because we've got $1,000
worth of packs to open to build this
team and not just that guys we have a
set of objectives to be completed and
for every failed objective I'm going to
be giving away some stuff to my
subscribers guys the first objective is
I got to pack at least 496 plus r
players throughout the PK opening the
second one is I have to pack at least
five bendor winners and the third one is
have at least 10 World Cup winners and
the fourth objective is pack at least
five ultimate team of there or honorable
mentions or team of their icons and the
next one is I have to reach a team overr
of 96 guys at the end and the final one
is I have to pack at least 10 match
Ranos throughout this pack opening I'm
very much excited for this so let's
begin this pack opening guys I think
we're going to begin with some of the
cheapest ones first so I've got 1.1
million gems so I can open like, plus
dollars worth of packs today so I'm very
much excited guys so we're going to
begin with this one centurion's limited
pack so here comes the pack it's a
normal uh walk I mean Insurance walk out
obviously Japan Striker that's okazaki
guys not the one to start with and we
got Bia and no World Cup winner or no B
winners on this let's move on to the
next one guys so 2,000 more uh FC points
I mean gems so or 200 FC points for this
one so it's a centurions player once
again obviously Netherlands goalkeeper
that's Billow or Bela whatever whatever
you call him so that's a 918 keeper and
ra albiol and yeah that's what we got
and let's move on to the third one here
we go the third pack is here The
centurions Limited pack and we got a
walk out guys England right back that's
what that's what so we're going to skip
this one we got Sea World Alaba nothing
good here as well nothing good here as
well so let's move on to the fourth
Centurion pack here comes the fourth
pack guys so here we go it's Scotland
CDM Momin no it's not Momin it's
McGregor n to R McGregor and what else
nothing good not even a single pull
which was useful for the objectives uh
let's move on to the final one in this
centurions limited pack and let's have a
look here we go Netherlands all right
goalkeeper that's bow again so we got
mil now March never mind nothing good
here as well so let's move on to the
next one which is the elite limited pack
so it's going to cost us 5,000 gems guys
so let's go and rip open this one here
comes the pack and it's a centurion SP
obviously Germany okay
leing oh that's Teo wner guys but he's
not World Cup winner or something so
yeah uh never mind so team one is the
best pull we got so far not bad to be
honest from a 5,000 gems pack let's move
on to the 15,000 gems pack here comes
the 15,000 gems pack guys all right the
packs open it's a centurion player G
Scotland it's McGregor probably no it's
not McGregor oh that's who is this
Carney yeah it's Carney and adami unal
uh Ru Silva never mind not a single bar
winner or a single World Cup winner
let's move on to the next one which is
the prime limited pack guys so 25,000
gems for this one this is kind of
expensive and let's have a look so here
comes the walk out guys it's grease
that's probably this so I'm going to
skip this one and who else did we get oh
never mind not a single good useful
player that we pack this is the prime
limited pack the next one this might be
a good one guys here we might probably
you know progress in a few objectives so
9 to 97 into1 and 10 90 to 97 Players
let's go open this one 25,000 gems guys
the first one is say 10,000 coins and
this is where the big pack comes and the
big pack is here we got German walk out
okay that's oh Cate Brighton who is this
gross that's gross guys Grimaldo
Miroslav close he definitely won the
World Cup with Germany and he's also got
a record goal scoring in a single World
Cup or something or he's one of the
highest goal scorers in the world cup or
something such such type of record is C
musala never won the World Cup to be
honest no B winners here as well in the
list so there's only one World Cup
winner which is Mir Clos so One World
Cup winner packed so far we still got
nine more to pack guys but yeah you know
this is decent this is nothing
spectacular but this is decent in my
opinion so let's move on to the next one
which is the UCL pack guys I want to
open this UCL pack first so let's go uh
I'm not I don't think there are any
World Cup winners in this UCL pack or
something but let's have a look here we
go the first pack it's okay Switzerland
Center back that's a Kani guys so yeah
he's not going to get any upgrad great
as well because you know Manchester City
got knocked out and who else we got
Sergio Roberto but this is a tradable
card guys so that's not at all bad so
not at all bad this is good we got Sergi
Roberto I don't think he's part of the
Spain World Cup winning team because I
think he's too young back then and yeah
that's it so yeah let's move on the next
pack is this U pack untradeable so let's
go and see what we going to pack okay
this the first one is just 10,000 coins
but this is the big pack guys here we go
and it's going to be Netherlands I think
that's oh Striker that's Memphis depay
guys and yeah I I thought that was uh
the center back D car which is a 96 and
we got Guerrero David Rya Alaba Limer
barcola Osan uh never mind not a single
Bal winner here nor a single World Cup
winner so that's not really useful for
us and the next pack that I'm going to
be opening is probably let's get to the
top events guys I want to open this
ultimate pack so let's go 18,750 gems
and also remember we got a pack 10
mashianos guys that's also one of the
objectives and here comes the first one
so Serbia
Striker and entus okay so that's Lovich
player of the month I thought there was
rule Breakers or something or not rule
Breakers I meant uh yeah I think he's
got rule Breakers card or something if
I'm not wrong so we got lwit trippier
Roberto firminho uh beastley uh Jo
karich not a single World Cup winner
here not a single B winner unfortunately
and yeah we got to move on we got to
move on to the next one and the next
ultimate pack is here guys so let's go
and see what we're going to pack here we
go and it's gree paves that's pav this
I'm going to skip this one and we got 95
rated Yaya two race so let's go we got
Matt hmel as well who is a World Cup
winner by the way and who else I'm sure
we might have packed some other World
Cup winners no that's it so only Matt
HML so that's another World Cup winner
so far we packed two World Cup winners
and we packed a 95 R player but that
doesn't really count for any objective
so yeah let's move on to the next one
guys and the final ultimate pack here we
go so the Pack's open and it's a team
off there walk out German walk out all
right and this is rman okay that's San
guys so nothing spectacular to be honest
and who else we got chilwell dunk re
Patricio Weagle I think Weagle is part
of the World Cup team I don't know why
but I think he's part of the German
World Cup winning team let me check real
quick and I'll be back guys never mind I
don't know why I thought he won a World
Cup or something I thought he's a part
of the world C winning team but I was
completely wrong I have mistaken so yeah
let's move on to the next one guys so
the next pack I'm going to be opening
this this mega pack I'm going to go two
at a time here we go 25,000 gems for two
at a time so let's go and see what we're
going to get it's icon guys oh Russia Oh
I thought that was the goalkeeper guys
but it's m so okay the first match of
the day so nine more to go any World Cup
winner or barend winners here not a
single one guys so yeah but anyways we
are progressing in the mash Rano meter
so we need nine more match Ranos in
order to complete the objective so let's
move on all right let's go three at a
time hopefully a couple more matchers
will be good here comes the mega packs
into three and it's a hero or icon
Australia Harry K guys that's Harry Kell
but what version is this that's a big
question is this a base base card oh my
God we actually did get two Ma shanos
and wait we've got loads of World Cup
winners here I recognize Martinez he's
part of the World Cup winning Argentina
team and we also got the butcher
Lisandro Martinez so that's two World
Cup winners not at all bad what else did
we get here so okay let me just check
any other World Cup winners there is
Emiliano Martinez as well so that's
three World Cup winners guys so this one
this pack probably saved us from
completing a full objective even Korea
is also Angel Korea is also part of the
World Cup winning Argentinian Team guys
I think even Nicholas Gonzalez is also
part of the squad but let me just check
real quick and I'll be back and I was
right guys even Nicholas Gonzalez I mean
Niko Gonzalez is part of the Argentinian
Squad so that's 1 2 3 4 wait Martinez
Martin both the Martinez the Lando
Martinez and also uh yeah Lao Martinez
so that's two argen Indians and who else
there is there is Emiliano Martinez as
well so that's three players so three
Martinez and the next one is Cora and
the next one is uh Nik Gonzalez so
that's five World Cup winners already so
that is nice guys we made good progress
on the World Cup uh objective so far so
let's move on and just an update on the
objectives so far so far we haven't
opened up any other objectives apart
from World Cup winers and match Runners
so far we packed three out of 10 match
Runners and coming to World Cup winners
we packed seven out of 10 World Cup
winners so not at all bad we are making
great progress on these two objectives
apart from the those two objectives rest
objectives we are so far away guys so
anyways let's keep opening the packs the
next one is going to be the Ultra Pack
let's go five at a time guys so let's go
and see what we're going to get from the
five Ultra packs all together so it's a
Rivals player Spain okay Spanish Warford
Center back real Bettis
who is this that's Mark batra so we got
another match to R we got Müller as well
who's part of the World Cup winning
German team for sure and we got Berardi
uh anyone good that's helpful for our
objective let me just check real quick
there is Tony Cruz as well I think even
Mendy is part of the France World Cup
winning team if I'm not wrong but let me
just check that real quick and never
mind I was wrong meny is not part of the
World Cup France winning team so but
still Tony Cruz and Müller they are part
of the World Cup German winning team so
yeah that's two players more for the
World Cup objective and Masano another
Masano absolutely take that not at all
bad this one as well all right the next
five Ultra packs all together so here
comes the ultra packs guys let's go it's
a team of the workart okay England okay
right wing oh that's buuk Osaka guys so
not all bad because we packed as star
boy and who else another masch shano so
let's freaking go any World Cup winner
we just need one more World Cup winner
to take off that I don't think we have
packed anyone um there's Michael Owen so
that's one Bend winner it's the first B
winner we packed so far I guess I might
be wrong that we might have packed some
B winners but I might have not noticed
it so we got one Masano One parando
winner in this one and I don't think we
packed any other World Cup winner oh
wait we might have actually ticked off
the World Cup objective because I packed
Sergio buset so he's won the World Cup
with Spain in 2010 I guess we
successfully ticked off one objective
and also we opened another objective
guys so we started to pack the bar
winners finally because Michael Owen I'm
pretty sure he's w a bendor guys so yeah
he's the first one uh so let's go guys
let's keep opening and the next pack
that we are going to be opening is this
20,000 gem special offer pack which has
two guaranteed centurions players so we
need those 96 PR players guys so here we
go it's Italy left pack please be left
pack no it's Center back guys no way
imagine if it was left pack that would
have been good so we got some random
dude but we got another Masano anything
else no that's it guys so Masano is the
only good part of I bought this pack so
yeah that's another Masano and the next
special offer pack is here so it's a
icon okay iory Coast oh I think that's
Ireland guys I think that's Ireland and
that's Keen okay um this is actually a
very Trash Pack we got rod and Canelo
but this a normal versions and yeah
that's nothing good no B winners as well
in this one let's move on to the next
special offer pack and the next one here
we go special offer it's a centurion
play obviously Belgium that's not kdb
guys that's just van
so I'm going to skip this one so we got
IMO kulani Naas um we got Neymar Jr he's
never won the Bando unfortunately so we
got dybala yeah this is what we got kind
of bad to be honest the special offer
packs were in the best for me this is
where we start opening the big packs the
limited time off a pack which guarantees
90 to 97 over in every single pack guys
so this is where we can start taking off
the other objective as well and also by
the way I forgot to tell you what
happens if I don't complete the
objective for every failed objective I'm
going to be giving away 2 into 5,000 FC
points guys let me show you the offer
which I'm going to be giving away so
this is the offer which I'm going to be
giving away to my subscribers for every
failed objective it's going to be two of
these 5,000 FC points which I'm going to
be giving away if you want to get a
chance all you got to do is like this
video that's the first step the second
step is subscribe to my channel guys and
the third step is in the comment section
below just let me know your Instagram or
Twitter or Discord ID whatever platform
you're on please make sure to mention
the platform you're on so that I can
directly message you on the platform and
also my Instagram and Twitter are at The
RK e AFC and my Discord ID is just RK
guys that's it simple if you get message
from any other accounts that means
they're just scammer so please be aware
of them and yeah now let's get back to
the pack opening guys I'm going to start
with one at a time these packs slowly we
can you know increase the speed and we
begin with the team of the walkout guys
it's Netherlands please be
sentiment no way no freaking way oh my
God what a dream start no yeah this is
insane start 997 rated Road hullet in
the first pack itself and you know what
how much coins is going for 342 million
coins right now guys look at his market
value no freaking way guys that is just
massive p and you know what he's never
won the World Cup I know that but he's a
bendar winner so that's another balandor
winner pack that is awesome guys and
also that's the first 96 plused player
that we pack so wow and also that's the
first team of their icon or Ultimate
Team of their honorable mention player
packs so yeah not at all bad we started
completing a few more objectives from
now one so that is awesome guys so let's
move on to the next one but what a dream
start it is guys what a dream start so
this the second one is here it's another
walk out Italy this time Center back no
it's left back that's the Marco so that
doesn't really help for any other
objective but we got another Masano so
that's an extra Masano guys so wow this
is awesome and let's move on to the next
pack so third one there are 47 more of
these guys this time it's a normal walk
out all right
England uh right mate that's probably oh
who is this Palmer cold Palmer okay so
yeah that's the only thing we got so
that's a trash pack to be honest let's
move on to the fourth pack here we go
and this is wait what it's a hero walk
out all right Japan that's Nakata
probably yeah that's Nakata guys so that
doesn't really help us for any other
objective so let's move on so let's go
you know increase the face a little bit
you know let's go two at a time here
comes the pack it's a normal walk out
kind of unfortunate Cameron goalkeeper
oh no that's oh but we got two matanos
guys so that's awesome and also we got
Manuel ner not at all bad matanos by the
way guys so far we packed nine out of 10
mashos already so we are almost close to
taking off the objective so let's move
on guys let's go yeah let's get back to
one pack at a time until we get a good
pack so here comes the pack it's icon or
a hero it's German Ward all right strier
I think that's Mir closer once again I
don't know why but I feel oh it's j
Müller I think it's a par winner I is a
b winner guys so that's not at all bad
and we got another mat so we ticked off
the Mas objective already that is
awesome guys and I was right guys J
Müller won the bonor in 1970 so that's
an extra bondor winner pack so far we
packed three out of five bonor winners
already so we are cooking guys we are
cooking at the moment let's move on to
the eighth pack so come on EA one more
team of their icon okay Germany please
be sentiment no it's scam uh that's
musala but what version is this it's
just a base one so yeah let's move on
you know what let's open two two at a
time so let's go 30,000 gems for two at
a time here comes the pack guys and it's
a normal walk out kind of disappointed
but let's have a look Netherlands send
back the Virgil Van Dyke so 90 to send
the back we got goret casell which is a
decent looking card but yeah that is it
nothing spectacular you know what let's
go 38m let's try 38 ATM and see what
we're going to pack next so let's go
three limited offers and we get a team
off the Spain left back that's Galo guys
that's Grimaldo so I'm going to skip we
got Phil for and two more Mas Ranos but
you know what I stopped counting Mash
Ranos because we already reached 10
matanos the objective is done so yeah
you got lacazette Grimaldo foran and two
matanos which is good I mean decent to
be honest good amount of coins so let's
go and open the next two it's a normal
walk out all right Serbia I think that's
Len Lovich yeah I'm going to skip this
one oh it's the rule breaker version
actually this is the one which I thought
I packed before but this time we packed
him and we got Master on a Cota so great
once again and let's go I'm going to go
five at a time guys it's kind of boring
the last few packs were not the best so
let's go and hoping that a luck changes
a bit it's a centurion player Scotland
that's McGregor no it's not that's
karney no way I opened five and Ken is
the best one no I don't think so oh my
God we could Ronaldo guys that's another
bendor winner so let's go that's not at
all bad we we packed another bar winner
and the next pack that I'm going to be
opening is this limited time gift pack
so this is guaranteed 96 to 97 so these
are all the possible players so let's go
lots of good ones guys so I want to see
the team of the walk out yes it's a team
of the walk out Netherlands don't be
sent toate again oh my God Road hullet
once again what is this luck guys in
this account that is awesome it's not
the tradeable unfortunately but still
can we complain about a duplicate Road H
definitely not guys so guys he doesn't
count for the B winner because we need
five different B winners but he's going
to count for the team of their icons
objective and also it's going to count
for the 996 plus players objective so
that's fine I'll absolutely take that
all right let's go and open five more
again I'm going to go five at time so
let's go hoping for something very big
this time it's a centurion player
Argentina okay right back no it's Center
back guys kind of disappointing it's
mallister let's skip this one and oh my
God what is happening today we packed
not one not two but three Road hullets
in the same pack opening guys I just
can't ask for more honestly this is mad
pack opening mad mad pack opening guys
so that's another 96 plus player pack
and that's another team of their icon
pack so wow just amazing and you know
what I'm going to slow down a bit I'm
going to go three I mean four at time
this time so let's go come on EA Sports
It's a team of their walk out all right
Nigeria this time that's Victor oan
that's Victor oan guys so I'm going to
skip this one we got lizarazu who's a
World Cup winner padona marinos and
Masano so yeah that's what we got
nothing spectacular there this time
we're going to go three let's go three
yep and it's a Heroes player all right
so France leing oh my
God this is a joke of a pack opening
guys what is this we had literally
printing money here we are printing
money I mean printing coins whatever
David ginola two matchs we got Robert 11
gold key so that's an extra 97 plus a
player pack and also guys by the way
with that we have officially completed
another objective which is packing at
least 4 9996 plus players we packed
three hullets and one ginola so that
objective is also done which is awesome
guys and let's go three again here we go
come on EA it's a hero I mean icon or a
hero okay Australia Striker that's St
Cahill or Dy whatever that's St kahill
and we got Masano Perlo and Riad marz so
no B winners here so let's move on so
we're going to go five at a time guys so
let's go and click on the five at a time
button and all right it's a team of
their player Netherlands don't be
again what is this is this a free rud
hullet pack or something guys you got to
open this pack this is my fourth hullet
of the day oh my God this is just
awesome this is just awesome guys
honestly and that's a fourth team of the
icon or honorable mentions or team of
the player pack so wow this is just mad
pack opening honestly that's just a mad
pack opening guys and let's move on
let's go five at a time here we go guys
come on we want a we want to pack a
Malini no it's Scotland this time
Cate okay that's karney again and we got
L Martinez and this is what we got two
more Mar Ranos and yeah these packs are
honestly so good so the next five packs
come on let's go limited time offer pack
and it's a team off their player Poland
this time Striker FC
Barcelona and it is of course Robert
leowski why am I not skipping it I'm not
sure but these are the last few packs
guys and honestly 10 out of 10 pack
opening the craziest pack opening I've
ever had so far this is what we got two
matanos and this is the final five packs
are there any other packs left I've got
70,000 gems guys you know what let's
just try to open some more whatever are
left in the store I'm I think I'm just
going to open the standard pack so 10 of
these every day you can open so let's go
12,500 gems even if I don't get anything
good that's absolutely fine so we get a
France walk out Center back Williams
Alba no it's kund so yeah here we go yep
kund I was right and Jude Bell gold ji
Alba benter so yeah this is what we got
we were not able to complete a couple of
objectives the first one is I got to
pack at least five b winners but I only
pack three but let me just check real
quick so rud H is a bar winner and the
next one Müller is a bar winner that's
the second one and Ronaldinho is a bar
winner that's the third one and finally
I think we packed another B winner which
is let me just show you I think it's the
988 rated Owen yeah so I think these are
the only B winners that we packed but
let me just check real quick let's see
if I packed luuka Modric in today's pack
opening if I packed him no I haven't
packed him let's check if I packed Bena
guys if I packed Benzema that's no so I
only packed three I I didn't pack I mean
I didn't pack Ronaldo nor Messi
unfortunately my target was five b
winners but we packed only four so
that's one failed objective that means 2
5,000 FC points guaranteed giveway I
also failed to complete another
objective which is packing at least five
Ultimate Team of their icons or
honorable mentions or team of Ultimate
Team of their players I only packed four
icon cons Ultimate Team of their icons I
unfortunately I didn't pack a single
honorable mentions or a single Ultimate
Team of their player so yeah total of
four into 5,000 FC points giveway and
also we got to make a 968 team Destiny
member so let's try to make it if you
fail that that's going to be extra to uh
you know let's go and make this team all
right we reach 93 without with the
substitution let me just remove all
these players and hopefully we can reach
a little bit more to 94 that is it beat
that was actually kind of low man that's
very low in my opinion let's bring in V
okay that's nice and yeah what else can
we do here yeah that's it so let me just
rank up this player Oh not with this
yeah let me just use this guy here we go
91 so with that I think we should reach
95 over here guys for sure okay let me
just check if there any other Center I
mean Strikers no not really we've got a
yard so let me just get him and we can
change the formation to 433 holding
never mind this is a new account so I
don't have the 433 holding formation
unlocked so yep so the highest I was
able to reach is 95 over here guys so
that means I going to give away two more
extra 5,000 FC points so total 6 into
5,000 FC points is what I'm going to be
giving away if you want to get a chance
you know the rules guys so that's it I
hope you all have enjoyed this video if
you did make sure to subscribe to my
channel and go watch this video next
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