Baba Jolie Guided Messages
21 Apr 202458:56

TLDRIn this insightful twin flame reading for Geminis by Baba Jal, the channel explores the complex dynamics of twin flame relationships, emphasizing their intense and transformative nature. The reading addresses the concept of 'runners' and 'chasers' within these connections, highlighting periods of separation that allow for personal and spiritual growth. Baba Jal cautions viewers about potential scams and advises focusing on self-healing and life missions. The script delves into the possibility of past commitments, personal struggles, and the impact of significant life events on the twin flame journey. It suggests that despite challenges and fears, there's potential for reconnection and a new chapter, provided there's honesty, accountability, and a willingness to communicate and heal from past experiences. The reading is a blend of empathy, spiritual guidance, and a reminder of the importance of self-love and personal evolution in the context of twin flame relationships.


  • 🔮 **Twin Flame Connection**: The reading discusses the intense and challenging dynamics of a twin flame relationship, emphasizing the importance of personal spiritual growth and healing before reuniting.
  • 🌟 **Personal Evolution**: Both parties in a twin flame connection are encouraged to focus on their individual paths and missions, highlighting the necessity of self-discovery and healing.
  • 🚫 **Abuse and Twin Flames**: The script clarifies that any form of abuse is not indicative of a true twin flame connection and is more likely a false flame that can be detrimental.
  • 🤝 **Union and Separation**: The reading suggests that periods of separation are common in twin flame relationships, allowing for spiritual evolution and personal growth to occur.
  • 💌 **Communication and Truth**: There is a potential for a new chapter to open in the relationship, with the person involved wanting to communicate their feelings and the reasons behind their previous actions.
  • 🏃 **Runner and Chaser**: The dynamic often involves one person (the runner) withdrawing due to fear or unresolved issues, while the other (the chaser) seeks resolution and reconciliation.
  • 🛡️ **Self-Preservation**: The script indicates that one or both individuals may withdraw to protect themselves from further emotional pain, reflecting a need for self-care and boundaries.
  • 🧭 **Finding Oneself**: A significant theme is the journey of self-discovery and the quest for personal identity, which may involve travel, soul-searching, or a reevaluation of life goals.
  • 💔 **Abandonment Issues**: The reading touches on deep-seated abandonment fears that may have contributed to the person's decision to withdraw from the relationship.
  • 📞 **Reaching Out**: There is an indication that the person who withdrew may attempt to reach out to discuss their experiences and possibly seek reconciliation or closure.
  • ⚖️ **Integrity and Honesty**: The importance of honesty and integrity in the relationship is emphasized, suggesting that open and sincere communication is key to resolving issues and moving forward.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the twin flame reading for Gemini in May 2024?

    -The main theme is about the potential for a new chapter in the twin flame relationship, addressing the challenges of separation, personal growth, and the possibility of reuniting after individual spiritual evolution.

  • What does Baba Jal emphasize about the nature of a twin flame connection?

    -Baba Jal emphasizes that a twin flame connection is magnetic, intense, and involves meeting at the same vibration. It is about accepting spiritual awakening and often involves a mission or calling that requires both parties to be separate before coming back together.

  • Why does Baba Jal warn against scammers pretending to be tarot readers?

    -Baba Jal warns against scammers to protect the viewers from being deceived and potentially giving away personal information or money to individuals who falsely claim to be the tarot reader or offer personal readings for a fee.

  • What does Baba Jal suggest for those who feel they are in an abusive relationship?

    -Baba Jal suggests that if anyone is in a physically, mentally, or emotionally abusive relationship, it is not a twin flame connection but likely a false flame connection that will drain them of love and time.

  • How does Baba Jal describe the dynamic between the 'chaser' and the 'runner' in a twin flame relationship?

    -Baba Jal describes the dynamic as one where the 'chaser' is the one who is more invested in the relationship, while the 'runner' withdraws due to fear or the need for self-discovery. This dynamic often leads to a cycle of pain and separation.

  • What does Baba Jal suggest for those who feel they are ready to move on from their twin flame?

    -Baba Jal suggests focusing on personal healing, living one's own life, and following one's true life's mission and calling. By changing the frequency and becoming a catalyst for change, the individual can encourage their twin to step up and evolve spiritually.

  • What is the significance of the 'Whip' card in the reading?

    -The 'Whip' card indicates a strict approach towards oneself, suggesting a withdrawal from the relationship due to the repetitive cycle of pain and conflict. It signifies a decision to no longer reach out to the twin flame and to focus on personal growth.

  • What does Baba Jal mean when they say 'thoughts become things' in the context of the twin flame relationship?

    -Baba Jal is referring to the idea that one's thoughts and visualizations can influence the reality of their situation. By envisioning a positive future with the twin flame, one can potentially attract that outcome into their life.

  • What does the 'Justice' card signify in the context of the reading?

    -The 'Justice' card signifies a desire for fairness, truth, and resolution. It indicates that the individual is seeking answers and accountability from their twin flame, and it also suggests a cause-and-effect dynamic where actions have consequences.

  • How does Baba Jal interpret the 'Five of Pentacles' card in relation to the twin flame's situation?

    -Baba Jal interprets the 'Five of Pentacles' card as indicating a deep-seated abandonment issue that the twin flame might be dealing with. It also suggests a period of hardship or struggle that the twin flame had to face, leading to a withdrawal from the relationship.

  • What message does Baba Jal convey to those who feel they have been left behind in a twin flame relationship?

    -Baba Jal conveys a message of hope and self-care, encouraging individuals to focus on their personal journey, healing, and growth. They also suggest that there may be a potential for reunion and new beginnings after individual transformations have taken place.



😀 Introduction and Warning Against Scams

The speaker, Baba Jal, welcomes the audience to the channel and thanks them for their support. They clarify that the reading is general and not personalized, and caution the audience about potential scammers impersonating tarot readers. Baba Jal emphasizes they do not conduct personal readings, request money, or engage on social media platforms.


🔮 Twinflame Connection and Spiritual Journey

The speaker delves into the concept of twinflame connections, differentiating them from unhealthy relationships. They describe a twinflame connection as intense and magnetic, where both parties are on a spiritual mission. The speaker also shares personal experiences, discussing the challenges of being a 'chaser' in a twinflame dynamic and the importance of self-healing and individual spiritual growth.


🃏 Reading the Cards for the Twinflame Connection

Baba Jal begins the tarot card reading, focusing on the current state and future of the audience's twinflame connections. They describe the energy of the person in question, suggesting a blockage and a period of soul searching. The speaker interprets the cards to suggest that the individual may have been on a spiritual quest and was not initially seeking a relationship.


🏠 Personal Growth and Healing

The speaker continues the reading, indicating that the audience may be strict with themselves and have reached a point of withdrawal. They suggest that the person in question has unresolved issues but is deeply desired by the audience. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on personal life's mission and the potential for a new chapter in the relationship.


👪 Family Dynamics and Individual Longing

Baba Jal explores the family background of the person in the reading, suggesting a secure upbringing but potential pressures regarding marriage and life choices. They indicate that the person may have felt the need to establish their identity before committing to a relationship.


🌟 Authenticity and Cause and Effect

The speaker discusses the audience's authenticity in the connection and the cause and effect of their actions. They suggest that the person in question may have trust issues and has withdrawn from the relationship. The speaker also mentions the potential for a reunion and the importance of visualizing a positive future.


🤔 Hidden Motives and Future Reunion

Baba Jal addresses potential hidden motives and the complexity of the person's feelings. They foresee a future where the person may reach out to the audience, indicating a desire to resolve past issues and possibly rekindle the relationship. The speaker highlights the importance of accountability and open communication.


💔 Disappointment and the Need for Clarity

The speaker acknowledges the audience's disappointment and the guarded nature of their initial connection. They suggest that the person may have been dealing with abandonment issues and was not ready to invest in the relationship. The speaker indicates a need for clarity and a potential for the person to share their journey of self-discovery.


🌱 Personal Transformation and Rebuilding

Baba Jal discusses the person's desire for personal transformation and rebuilding their life. They suggest that the person may have been dealing with a significant event or health-related issue that required their full attention. The speaker indicates a strong potential for the person to reach out and attempt to reconcile.


📞 Anticipated Contact and Emotional Reconnection

The speaker predicts that the person will make contact and express their feelings, addressing past actions and the reasons for their withdrawal. They suggest that the person has had a significant realization and is ready to offer the love and commitment the audience deserves. The speaker also mentions the possibility of a new start and transformation in the relationship.


🔄 Endings and New Beginnings

The speaker concludes the reading by emphasizing the potential for both endings and new beginnings in the relationship. They suggest that the person has learned from past experiences and is ready to move forward with honesty and integrity. The speaker encourages the audience to consider their own path and make a decision based on their personal growth and the new opportunities presented by the person's outreach.



💡Twin Flame

A twin flame is a concept within spirituality that refers to an intense, deeply connected relationship with another person who is considered to be one's spiritual counterpart. In the video, the concept is central to the reading, suggesting a unique bond that is both challenging and transformative, as it involves two people meeting at the same vibration and facing shared difficulties or pain.


Separation, in the context of the video, refers to a period of being apart from one's twin flame. It is a common theme in twin flame dynamics where one or both individuals may need time apart to focus on personal growth and spiritual evolution before reuniting.

💡Runner and Chaser

The terms 'Runner' and 'Chaser' are used to describe the roles that twin flames may play in the dynamic of their relationship. The 'Runner' is the one who tends to pull away or retreat from the relationship due to fear or unresolved issues, while the 'Chaser' is the one who pursues the connection, often experiencing emotional turmoil as a result.

💡Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening is a profound shift in awareness where an individual begins to perceive their life and their purpose from a deeper, more soulful level. In the video, the twin flame connection is associated with a spiritual awakening, where both individuals are encouraged to embrace their spiritual growth and mission.

💡False Flame

A false flame, as mentioned in the video, is a term used to describe a relationship that may seem similar to a twin flame connection but is characterized by unhealthy dynamics such as abuse or manipulation. It is contrasted with the genuine twin flame relationship, which is based on mutual growth and a sacred union.

💡Soul Searching

Soul searching is the process of deep introspection and self-discovery, often prompted by significant life events or questions about one's purpose. In the script, it is suggested that the person of interest had been soul searching, indicating a period of personal exploration and self-improvement.

💡Abandonment Issues

Abandonment issues refer to the emotional challenges and fears that stem from experiences of being left or deserted by someone important. The video suggests that the person in question may have deep-seated abandonment issues that affect their ability to engage in a committed relationship.

💡Spiritual Quest

A spiritual quest is a journey of self-exploration and growth, often involving a search for deeper meaning or purpose in life. The video implies that the individual was on a spiritual quest, seeking to understand themselves better and find a path aligned with their true self.

💡Mirrored Relationship

A mirrored relationship in the context of the video refers to the twin flame dynamic where one person reflects the strengths, weaknesses, and fears of the other. This reflection can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and self-awareness.

💡Energetic Exchange

Energetic exchange describes the dynamic of giving and receiving energy between individuals, especially in the context of a deep and transformative relationship like a twin flame. The video suggests that the twin flame connection involves a significant energetic exchange that can lead to spiritual evolution.

💡Soul Growth

Soul growth is the process of evolving and expanding one's consciousness and understanding of oneself and the world. In the video, the twin flame journey is depicted as an opportunity for profound soul growth through facing and healing emotional wounds.


Baba Jal offers a twin flame reading for Geminis focusing on the dynamics of their relationships.

The reading emphasizes that not all intense connections are twin flame connections, warning against abusive relationships.

Twin flames are described as having a magnetic, intense, and almost obsessive bond.

Both parties in a twin flame relationship are said to have separate missions in life before reuniting.

The reading suggests that meeting a twin flame often occurs after a significant personal difficulty or heartbreak.

Twin flames reflect each other's strengths and weaknesses, creating a mirrored relationship.

The concept of a 'runner' and 'chaser' dynamic is introduced, with periods of separation common in twin flame relationships.

Baba Jal shares personal experiences with twin flame connections, including feelings of being unready for love.

The importance of not waiting for a twin flame to heal their issues is stressed, as each individual has their own path.

The reading touches on potential family influences and expectations that may affect the twin flame's decisions.

Baba Jal warns of scammers pretending to be tarot readers and asks viewers to report such incidents.

The reading suggests that the twin flame may have been dealing with abandonment issues and a desire for self-discovery.

There is an indication that the twin flame might have been surprised by the intensity of their feelings when meeting Gemini.

The reading points to a potential for reconciliation, with the twin flame seeking to communicate and possibly rekindle the relationship.

Baba Jal advises that both parties need to express their feelings and take accountability for their actions.

The reading concludes with a message of hope for healing and new beginnings in the twin flame relationship.