챗GPT를 신빡하게 사용하는 방법 ➡️ GPT4 무료사용법 포함

21 May 202311:15

TLDRThe video script introduces GPT-4 as the most advanced AI, highlighting its capabilities as a generative AI that creates answers rather than searches for them. It addresses common barriers to using GPT-4, such as cost and lack of understanding, and offers solutions through a platform called 'Return'. The platform provides free, unlimited access to GPT-4, along with tools for various tasks like writing, and additional features like image generation and real-time information updates, emphasizing the transformative impact of AI in our lives and the necessity of embracing it.


  • 🚀 GPT-4 is currently the most advanced AI, but many people are not using it due to cost and lack of understanding.
  • 💡 The speaker aims to address these two barriers and help the audience become more familiar with AI technology.
  • 🆓 There are ways to use GPT-4 for free without any downloads, making it more accessible to the general public.
  • 🛠️ The speaker introduces a tool that allows easy interaction with GPT-4, even for those who are not tech-savvy.
  • 🔍 GPT-4 differs from search engines like Google and Naver, as it generates answers rather than providing search results.
  • 📚 GPT-4 is akin to having a vast library of knowledge at one's fingertips, capable of crafting tailored responses.
  • 🎓 The AI has been shown to achieve top 10% results in the U.S. bar exam, demonstrating its advanced capabilities.
  • 🌐 The impact of AI on society is expected to be even greater than that of smartphones, potentially transforming our lives.
  • 💬 The platform '리턴' (Return) offers free, unlimited access to GPT-4, defying its premium reputation.
  • 🔑 The speaker provides examples of the types of content that can be generated with GPT-4, such as YouTube scripts and cover letters.
  • 🖼️ '리턴' also offers free image generation, solving the issue of copyright concerns when using online images.
  • 📰 Real-time information is provided through the platform, keeping users updated with current news and trends.

Q & A

  • What is the main advantage of GPT-4 over search engines like Google and Naver?

    -GPT-4 is a generative AI that doesn't just search for existing content but creates answers based on its learning, offering more personalized and potentially unique responses to queries.

  • How does the speaker describe the difference between search engines and generative AI like GPT-4?

    -The speaker explains that search engines like Google and Naver provide search results from existing content, while generative AI like GPT-4 creates answers by itself, acting like a knowledgeable entity that has read all available information.

  • What are the two main reasons the audience might not be using GPT-4 according to the speaker?

    -The two reasons are the cost, as using GPT-4 might require a monthly payment, and the uncertainty of how to utilize such advanced AI in their daily activities.

  • How does the speaker propose to solve the cost issue associated with using GPT-4?

    -The speaker suggests that the audience can use GPT-4 for free without any download through a platform sponsored in the video, called '리턴' (Litun).

  • What is the purpose of the tool provided in the '리턴' platform?

    -The tool in the '리턴' platform is designed to help users easily interact with GPT-4 by providing various question types and scenarios, such as writing a self-introduction, a book review, or a YouTube script, making it more accessible.

  • How does the speaker demonstrate the practical use of GPT-4 on the '리턴' platform?

    -The speaker demonstrates by using the tool to generate a YouTube short script about managing long hair for men, showing how GPT-4 can create content based on specific user inputs.

  • What additional features does '리턴' offer besides the GPT-4 tool?

    -In addition to the GPT-4 tool, '리턴' offers free image generation and real-time information updates through its channel on messaging platforms like KakaoTalk.

  • Why are image generation and real-time information important for content creators?

    -Image generation is important for avoiding copyright issues when creating content for blogs or YouTube, and real-time information helps content creators stay updated on current events and trends.

  • What is the speaker's overall view on the impact of AI on our lives?

    -The speaker believes that AI, more than smartphones, will significantly transform our lives, and emphasizes the importance of adapting to and learning about AI technologies like GPT-4.

  • What advice does the speaker give regarding the use of AI?

    -The speaker advises the audience to at least try using AI technologies once to avoid being left behind in the rapidly advancing era of AI integration.

  • How does the speaker suggest the audience should approach learning about AI?

    -The speaker suggests that the audience should familiarize themselves with AI by using it in practical ways, such as through platforms like '리턴', to understand its capabilities and potential applications in their daily activities.



🤖 Introduction to GPT-4 and Its Accessibility

This paragraph introduces GPT-4 as the most advanced AI as of May 2023. It discusses the two main reasons why people might not be using GPT-4: the cost, which is $20 per month and not unlimited, and the uncertainty about what to do with it. The speaker aims to address these issues by teaching the audience how to use GPT-4 for free without any downloads and providing tools for easy use. It also offers a simple explanation of GPT-4's capabilities as a generative AI that creates answers rather than just providing search results.


📝 Utilizing GPT-4 for Personal and Creative Writing

The second paragraph demonstrates the practical applications of GPT-4 in writing various content types. It shows how GPT-4 can assist in creating a personal introduction for a job application to Samsung Electronics, a reflective blog post on the benefits of reading, and a sales post for pre-owned items on a platform like Carousel. The speaker also explores GPT-4's ability to generate YouTube script ideas and Q&A review responses, highlighting its versatility in content creation.


🌐 The Impact of AI on Society and the Role of Developers and Users

This paragraph discusses the transformative impact of AI on society, emphasizing that AI will change our lives more than smartphones ever did. It mentions that GPT-4 has reached a level of communication comparable to humans, as evidenced by its performance in the US bar exam. The speaker also talks about the role of developers and application developers in making AI technologies like GPT-4 accessible to users through platforms and software. The importance of learning and adapting to use AI is stressed, as not doing so could leave individuals at a significant disadvantage in the future.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is the central theme, with a focus on the advancements and capabilities of AI, particularly the GPT-4 model, in performing tasks and generating content that was traditionally done by humans.


GPT-4 is the fourth generation of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a language prediction model developed by OpenAI. It is a type of AI that is capable of generating human-like text based on the input it receives. The video highlights GPT-4 as a state-of-the-art AI system that can understand and produce complex language, making it a powerful tool for content creation and other applications.

💡Free Usage

Free usage refers to the ability to access and use a service or product without incurring any costs. In the video, the speaker discusses how GPT-4, which is typically a paid service, can be used for free through a platform called '리턴' (Return), offering users the opportunity to experience the capabilities of this advanced AI without financial barriers.


A chatbot is an AI service that users can interact with through text or voice communication, often used for customer service, information provision, or entertainment. In the video, the chatbot is a key feature of the '리턴' platform, enabling users to engage with GPT-4 directly and receive immediate responses to their queries or content requests.

💡Content Creation

Content creation involves the production of various forms of content, such as text, images, and videos, to engage audiences and convey information. The video emphasizes the role of AI, particularly GPT-4, in revolutionizing content creation by automating the process and generating high-quality, personalized content.

💡User Interface

A user interface (UI) is the space where interactions between humans and machines occur, often through a graphical, auditory, or tactile representation. In the context of the video, the user interface is the platform provided by '리턴', which allows users to interact with GPT-4 through a chatbot and generate content easily and efficiently.

💡Search Engine

A search engine is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web in response to a query. The video contrasts search engines like Google and Naver, which provide a list of search results, with AI like GPT-4, which generates answers based on its understanding and learning.


Investment refers to the allocation of resources or the acquisition of assets with the expectation of generating an income or profit. In the video, investment is discussed in the context of companies like '리턴' investing in AI technology to provide free services to users, with the long-term goal of gaining a larger user base and potentially turning a profit.

💡Image Generation

Image generation is the process of creating new images or visual content using AI algorithms. This technology is valuable for content creators who need visuals for their work without infringing on copyright laws. The video highlights '리턴' as a platform that offers free image generation services, allowing users to request custom images for their projects.

💡Real-time Information

Real-time information refers to data or news that is provided as it happens, without any delay. The video mentions that '리턴' offers a service where users can receive up-to-date news and information through a chat channel, emphasizing the platform's ability to keep users informed and connected.

💡Personal Assistant

A personal assistant is an individual or a service that helps with managing daily tasks, scheduling, and other administrative duties. In the context of the video, AI technology like GPT-4 and platforms like '리턴' are likened to personal assistants, providing users with on-demand assistance and information.

💡Language Learning

Language learning is the process of acquiring new language skills, which is essential for effective communication and understanding in a globalized world. The video emphasizes the importance of learning English, as it is considered a necessary skill for engaging with advanced technologies like AI and for staying competitive in various fields.


GPT-4 is the most advanced AI as of May 2023, but many people do not use it due to its cost and lack of understanding on how to utilize it effectively.

The cost of using GPT-4 is a significant barrier, with a monthly fee of $20, and it's not even unlimited.

The second reason people do not use GPT-4 is the uncertainty of what to do with it, even if they have access to such advanced AI.

The presenter aims to solve these two issues, making AI more accessible and familiar to the audience.

GPT-4 differs from search engines like Google and Naver, as it generates answers rather than providing search results.

GPT-4 is capable of understanding and generating content based on a vast amount of information, akin to a well-read scholar.

The presenter introduces a way to use GPT-4 for free, without the need for downloading any additional software.

The platform '리턴' (Litn) offers free, unlimited access to GPT-4,颠覆 the traditional paid model.

Litn provides tools to make it easy for users to interact with GPT-4, offering various question types and scenarios.

An example is given where GPT-4 generates a YouTube short script about managing long hair for men, showcasing its versatility.

GPT-4 can also assist in writing a cover letter for a job application, tailoring it to the specific company and position.

The AI can help in creating engaging blog post topics, reflecting the user's knowledge and interests.

GPT-4 can provide advice on selling items on platforms like '당근마켓' (CariBay), making the process easier and more efficient.

The platform also offers image generation services, allowing users to obtain copyright-free images for their content.

Litn provides real-time information, such as daily news updates and current events, through its KakaoTalk channel.

The development and application of AI technologies are rapidly changing our lives, with AI becoming as essential as English in the future.

The presenter emphasizes the importance of trying out AI technologies before they become indispensable and potentially restrictive.

The transcript highlights the innovative capabilities of GPT-4 and its potential to revolutionize various aspects of daily life and professional tasks.

The platform Litn exemplifies the collaboration between developers and application developers in making AI technologies accessible to the general public.

The transcript serves as a guide for users to understand and utilize advanced AI technologies like GPT-4, breaking down barriers to access and usage.