TOTS Ronaldo Pack Hunt Begins! FC MOBILE
TLDRفي هذا الفيديو، يعود القناة بسلسلة جديدة من فتح الحزم في لعبة الفوتبول، حيث يحاول القناة فتح العديد من الحزم الرقمية المميزة، والتي تتراوح بين الدرجات 94 إلى 99 و94 إلى 98 على حساباتها الرقمية المختلفة. يأمل القناة في استلام بعض البطاقات الهامة مثل كريستيانو رونالدو وجاروسلاي مايلر وميلكر بالاك. وخلال سلسلة من فتح الحزم، يحصل القناة على العديد من البطاقات الهامة، بما في ذلك مايكل بلاك وكولا 97، بالإضافة إلى بعض البطاقات الأوروبية الرائعة. ومع ذلك، يظل الهدف الأكبر لقناة فتح بطاقة رونالدو، وهو ما لم يتحقق، ولكن القناة تحصل على جورجز مايلر 99، مما يشكل نجاحًا كبيرًا في هذا السلسلة. يختتم الفيديو بالتأكيد أن القناة لم تحصل على رونالدو ولكنها تحصل على العديد من البطاقات الهامة الأخرى، مما يشكل نجاحًا مقبولًا.
- 🎮 **视频内容**: RK在他的频道上发布了一个关于开包的视频,涉及多个账户的94至99和94至98的交换包。
- 💰 **硬币花费**: RK打算使用所有硬币尝试开出Cristiano Ronaldo以及其他一些高评分的球员。
- 📦 **开包结果**: RK在视频中展示了多个开包结果,包括一些高评分的球员,如Michael Balak和Jamal Musiala。
- 🇩🇪 **德国球员**: 视频中多次提到了德国球员,包括多次出现的Goretzka和Savage。
- 🇧🇷 **巴西球员**: 特别提到了巴西球员Fred,他在开包中出现,并且提到了他的球商非常高。
- 🌟 **特别卡片**: RK在开包过程中期待开出Ronaldo,但最终未能如愿,不过开出了99评级的J Müller。
- 🔄 **重复卡片**: 视频中多次出现了重复的卡片组合,如Savage Simons和Goretzka,这使得RK感到有些无聊。
- 🇫🇷 **法国球员**: 视频提到了一个有趣的变化,即Banza从法国国籍变为刚果国籍的球员。
- 📈 **评分变化**: 视频中提到了不同评分的球员,从90到99不等,展示了开包的不确定性和期待。
- 🏟️ **联赛特色**: 视频强调了Bundesliga(德甲联赛)的球员,表明RK对德甲球员有一定的偏好。
- 📛 **球衣穿着**: RK穿着一件特别的球衣,希望增加开出Ronaldo的概率,虽然最终没有成功。
Q & A
RK在视频中是否成功开启了他希望获得的Cristiano Ronaldo卡片?
-不,RK在视频中没有成功开启Cristiano Ronaldo的卡片。
-RK提到了Cristiano Ronaldo、Michael Bak、Pepe、Jonatan、Marco Roy、Goretzka、Gasi、Müller、Cola等球员的名字。
-RK希望获得的高评分球员包括Cristiano Ronaldo、99评分的Striker Müller和98评分的Michael Bak。
-RK提到他穿着的是希望开启的Cristiano Ronaldo的球衣。
-RK认为开出96评分的Jonatan、96评分的Goretzka、98评分的Michael Bak和99评分的Striker Müller等情况是“W”,即他获得的好卡片。
-RK提到了Goretzka和Savage Simons是重复出现且无聊的卡片。
-RK提到了在96到99评分的卡片包中开出Gasi,以及在多次尝试中未能获得Cristiano Ronaldo卡片等情况是“失望”的。
-RK提到了在94到99评分的卡片包中开出了Michael Bak、Cola、Hurri Kanane和Cobalt等球员的卡片包是“疯狂好包”。
-RK提到了99评分的R Müller、98评分的WS、98评分的Michael Bak和97评分的Cola等卡片是“总体上还可以”的。
😀 开包视频:RK尝试获取C罗纳尔多
RK在他的频道上发布了一个新的开包视频,他计划在多个账户上打开94至99和94至98的交换包。他的目标是尝试获得C罗纳尔多,同时也关注新的998前锋穆勒和98评分的迈克尔·巴拉克。视频开始时,他在主账户上进行了94至99的交换,并且非常幸运地在第一个包中就获得了迈克尔·巴拉克。接着,他继续打开其他包,但并没有获得他最希望的C罗纳尔多,尽管如此,他还是获得了一些高评分的球员,包括96评分的Jonatan和93评分的Marco Roy。
🤩 连续开包:RK继续他的开包尝试
RK继续在不同账户上进行开包,他尝试了多种不同的交换包,包括94至98和94至99的交换。他获得了一些重复的球员,如Goretka和Simons,但也有一些令人兴奋的时刻,比如获得了96评分的Jamal Musiala和Anton。尽管他没有获得C罗纳尔多,但他对获得的其他高评分球员感到满意。
🎉 成功获得穆勒:RK在开包中获得高评分球员
在视频的最后,RK在另一个账户上进行了开包,他非常兴奋地获得了99评分的穆勒,这是他非常期待的球员之一。他还获得了98评分的WS和Michael Black,以及97评分的Cola。尽管他没有获得C罗纳尔多,但他对整体的开包结果感到满意,并希望观众喜欢这个视频。
💡Pack Opening
💡Multiple Accounts
💡Cristiano Ronaldo
💡Team of the Season
💡94 to 99 Exchange
💡Guaranteed Rating
RK is opening packs in search of Cristiano Ronaldo and other high-rated players.
He plans to use multiple accounts, including spare ones, to increase chances.
The video features 94 to 99 and 94 to 98 exchanges with a focus on Bundesliga players.
RK starts with a 94 to 99 exchange on his main account and gets Michael Balak in the first pack.
A 96 to 99 premium bundle guarantees a high-rated player; RK gets a 96 Cristiano Ronaldo card.
In a Team of the Season daily bundle, RK gets a 93 Marco Reus, indicating the end of an era with Dortmund.
RK expresses disappointment with repeated common cards like Goreta and Simons.
A double 96 pack yields Jamal Musiala and Kobal, which RK considers a win.
RK packs Florian Wirtz with a 90 rating, a significant 'big dub' moment.
Despite wanting Ronaldo, RK gets a repeat of common cards like Goreta and Simons.
RK expresses boredom with the repetitiveness of the packs and the lack of Ronaldo.
In a 94 to 99 exchange, RK packs Michael Balak and 99a Jürgen Klinsmann, two of the three icons or Heroes.
RK gets a 99a Jürgen Klinsmann, which he considers a great pack.
RK packs 98 WS and 98 Michael Balak, which he is content with despite not getting Ronaldo.
In the final account, RK packs 99a Jürgen Klinsmann again, showing his luck with German players.
RK concludes the video without packing Ronaldo but satisfied with the overall pack luck.
yo a gang what's going on it's your boy
RK back with an amazing pack opening
video on this channel so today guys I'm
going to be opening loads of those 94 to
99 and 94 to 98 exchanges on multiple of
my accounts guys so there are some my
spare accounts as well so I'm going to
open on those as well I'm going to spend
all my coins trying to pack Cristiano
Ronaldo and not just that we have the
brand new 998 Striker jar Müller and we
also have Michael balak 98 rated and we
got Cola 97 and some of wonderful
Bundesliga cars as well which I'm going
to try packing today hopefully a few 98
and 998 players if you pack it's going
to be awesome guys and most importantly
I want to pack Ronaldo today guys and
that's the reason why I'm wearing this
alasa jersey hopefully I pack Ronaldo
today anyways let's get started so first
we're going to begin with the 94 to 99
exchange this is on my main account
Messianic account and let's go we begin
with the walk out obviously German
stimate goet oh my God no way what a
start Michael Black in the first pack
itself said can we see someone else
spectacular behind Michael Bak what a
pack guys what a pack honestly and pepe
wman and milu Savage imagine if if there
was a Portugal Pepe coming out and if I
thought it's Ronaldo that would have
been one of the biggest TRS anyways now
let's move on to the 94 to 98 exchange
so I'm going to do all the five of these
guys so here we go this is the first one
German sentiment goreta yeah that's
goreta guys so yeah goret is going to be
quite common in today's pack opening
that's for sure icons are not possible
from this exchanges guys and we got vman
once again and the next one come on EA
Sports please give me something good so
Germany Center back Coler no it's not
possible in this it's jonatan t yeah
that's jonatan 968 though that's amazing
I'll take that 96 I'll take that guys so
we got a solid Center back jonatan and
Simons as well saavy Simons all right
it's time for the team of this season
limited bundle 94 to 99 so let's go and
see what is the walk out that we're
going to get so here comes the walk out
guys so it's going to be
Congo okay banza has become a Congo
nationality player guys from French to
Congo so Dr Congo and yep that's what we
got so now I'm going to go with this 96
to 99 let's have a look at the Cristiano
Ronaldo card oh my God 96 wow it looks
like a great card by the way hopefully I
pack him guys today so let's go this is
a premium bundle where we have
guaranteed a 96 to 99 playoff so here
comes the walk out guys and gassi I
think it's gassi guys yeah that's gasi
that's for sure gasi is what we got from
the 96 to 900 pack so disappointing so
let's open this team of the season daily
bundle where we are guaranteed a 9 to 99
player so let's go guys the first one
just coins and yeah a bunch of silvers
and bronzes so this is where we get the
big pack so here we go it's going to be
a German walkout cam okay WS no that's
not wz that's Marco Roy so that's 93
Marco Roy guys and that's the end of an
era for Marco Roy with Dortmund let's
get back back to the 94 to 98 and here
we go it's going to be a walk out
obviously Dutch walk out okay right wing
no it's left wing guys I want to pack
Donan Malon but yeah we get savvy zond
so not the ideal one for us the marz as
well quite boring and this is the next
one guys come on let's go here comes the
pack guys so this is going to be the
German walk out and it's going to be a
camp player and yep that's oh Jamal
musala I was thinking something else
guys and kobal as well two 96 players in
the same p I would say this is a massive
D guys that's a W for sure double w for
me all right let's go I'm putting in
team of the season players in this 94
to9 exchange this time so let's have a
look hoping for some 97s and 98s and
it's dutch right it's not right wing
it's left wing all the time and we got
Anon as well so yeah another L all right
this is on my another account so 94 to
99 exchange so let's go and see what we
going to pack in this one guys another
icon loading no it's not that's touch
leing oh my God I see nothing but Savage
Simons in this pack and gitka those two
are always repeated like a thousand
times guys so we got beirman and milink
with Savage 94 to 98 exchange so let's
go exchange number one here comes the
exchange pack guys and this is going to
be a Dutch walk out all right left Fang
okay never mind and we got Savage once
again let's open this steam of the
Season daily bundle for 3,000 GS guys so
this might be Sometimes good sometimes
very trash also so let's go it's a walk
obviously because it's 93 Brazil
sentiment Fred who this oh my God my
ball knowledge is insane that's Fred now
we're going to go with the team of the
season Dynamic off for 7,500 gems and
all got was at the Army that's it 94 to
98 exchange we got four more in this
account to do from this uh so here we go
we get German walk out okay C please
don't be rice it's not rice Florian
words 90 Florian words let's freaking go
wow and we got G I don't really care
guys so we got words that's a big dub
and now let's move on to the next one
guys come on can we have double 98s in
you know backto back packs so German
sentiment goeta that's goeta that's
goeta yep 100% all right this is the
next one the third one here we go
Germany Senate and that's go red SC yeah
let's go let's go we got milk with
Savage as well all right let's go and
complete this 94 to 98 exchange so it is
going to be a Dutch Walker right wing no
it's left wing all the time and it's
just milkid Savage and Simons so yep the
second one come on please be something
very good Germany once again sentiment
goreta that's just goreta double goreta
third one come on EA please sh me with a
Ronaldo it's Germany again not even a
Portugal flag Pepe please at least Pepe
you know at least I want to see the
Portugal flag that's it so the fourth
one come on come on let's go and see
what we going to pack in the fourth one
and it's going to be Dutch walkout once
again oh finally we get a right wing
guys finally doniel Malon so I've been
asking for him and this is a great card
by the way let me show you his stats and
what a what a great looking card so yep
Bing quid Savage and let me show you his
stats one for Pace 9 to shooting guys
look at that 100 dribbling as well
that's a great looking card four sa foot
for skill moov outside foot shot rate
and yep and the next exchange so only
one up so far in this 94 to 98 and
hopefully the final one oh we actually
pked words I forgot so Germany sentiment
goreta once again we are Back to Basics
and willink Savage once again and Y we
got two more of these left 90 to 93
rated into six rated players into the
exchange for 94 to 98 and it's going to
be German walk out sentiment just for
goreta guys all is for goreta and milink
quit saage same combination again and
again and again I'm bored guys and the
final one come on let's go come on E
please give me Ronaldo please Ronaldo
that's what I want and and it's j walk
out okay it's left P that's zavi zons
and Riad mahz another combination which
I seen quite often we are on another
account so let's go let's freaking go so
this time it's going to be the geman
walk out once again Center back this
time oh this is an Anton guys something
yes this is Anton from stard and yep
that's what we got we also got mink with
Savage and the next one is here guys
let's go this time it is going to be
Algeria so that's right M Riad mahz for
sure guys so another boring pack 94s and
95s are boring we need 96 to 98 and it's
mid Savage so let's move on to the third
one here comes the third exchange on
this account so here we go so it's going
to be Dutch no way it's leing trash so
RI mes and savy Simons I told you that's
a very dangerous combination guys all
the time you get it so the next one here
we go this is going to be the German
walk don't be Center back okay it's
Center back this time Slaughter back or
hmel niik Slaughter back not at all bad
that's a good one that's a very good one
we got Riad mares I mean it's not really
a good one but you know we got something
different than previous exchanges so I I
was happy for that so the next one is
here the Dutch walk out is here not
right wing it's left wing it's savy
Simons once again so the boring card
pops up once again so we got Savage and
savy Simons this time 94 to 99 exchange
come on on this account hopefully we get
someone good so Ronaldo Portugal please
be Portugal oh it's Germany man it's
sentiment and that's good Reta I think
it's going to be triple goreta guys I
won't be shocked if it's triple goritzka
in the same exchange it's double gitka
and the milit Savage so yeah nothing
different honestly all right 94 to 98
exchange here comes the first one so I
mean yeah using team of the season
players I'm putting in team of the
season players and getting team of the
season players in return 94 Gan r mahz
that is bad here comes the next 94 to 98
exchange come on EA please okay it's
shman Walker Center back Anton 94 rated
Anton and milit Savage let's go a three
more of this let's see what we're going
to get this time this is going to be
Algeria right M Riad mares once again I
am bored guys I'm bored with these packs
right now honestly fourth pack here we
touch left wing no no right wing fifth
one come on this better be good this
better be good Germany
it's all gitar right now and mil with
Savage all right guys it's time to
complete this exchange on another
account guys so here comes the first one
Dutch right wing no it's left wing the
second one is here you know what I'm
bored I'm bored right now come on please
yeah change the pack lock oh my God
goreta please leave me alone please
leave me alone goreta the third one okay
I'm going to quickly open these packs
guys because I'm getting bored Germany
once again sent back thank God at least
it's Anton and Riad Mar is this time
here comes the fourth one come on please
be good
Germany Center back Slaughter Back N Nik
Slaughter back so yeah something for a
change and the final one come on this
better be good guys let's end this with
the bang on this account so it's touch
no it's just it's the same guy again and
wean all right 94 to 99 exchange here we
go on this account so let's have a look
I'm quite excited for this one
Germany Slaughter back that's Slaughter
oh that's Cola guys let's freaking go
wow finally a w after so long so we
packed Michael Black and cola so far two
out of the three icons or Heroes done
wow and hurri kanane and Cobalt wow and
harrie card looks so sick guys look at
that and look at the trades as well wow
crazy good pack by the way that's a
crazy good pack so 91 Pace he's got
great Pace now honestly another account
I think this is going to be the last
account where we're going to open some
packs so here we go and we begin with
the 94 to 98 Belgium wait what Striker
openda oh I didn't see that he's got a
team of the season card honestly and yep
we got first time for the first time we
got him and R mes for the 100 time I
guess I lost the count guys so the next
one is here come on EA please give me
someone really good and it is going to
be the Dutch walk out left thing and
that's Simon you know there's no point
looking at the workart anymore and the
third one come on come on
this is going to be dut walk out left
wing once again same output same output
it's time for the 94 to 99 exchange on
this account so let's go come on please
give me Müller this time or Ronaldo
please Ronaldo no way guys oh it's Malin
though but still you know what I want to
pack Ronaldo today no I mean I just want
to pack him guys that's it we got Mal
and Simons and R marz so let's move on
to the next one guys here we go the next
exchange come on let's go
Germany Cate yeah Keta and Anon all
right guys I'm opening this 999 daily
bundle on another account so let's go
hopefully Ronaldo in this one come on
please yay it's a German walk out all
Striker no freaking way no freaking way
guys J Müller we packed the big man guys
998 J Müller is here oh my God I just
can't believe my luck today I mean yeah
I know this is on different accounts but
still I'll absolutely take that J Müller
let's freaking go guys Wow Let's Open
the seam of the Season Mega offer so
let's go and it's not even a walk out
guys and we got common that's fine guys
after packing Miller I'm not supposed to
complain about the pack luck in this
account and the next one is going to be
the steam of the Season daily offer so
let's go it's 4,000 gems and we got to
walk out this time finally so it's tap
SOA that's tap SOA yeah so I think it's
got 93 or something yeah that's 93 rated
card so yeah that's what we got so yes
guys that's the end of the pack opening
unfortunately I couldn't pack Ronaldo
but you know what on the bright side I
packed 99 R Müller I packed 98 WS I
packed 98 Michael block I packed 907 to
Cola so overall that's okayish pack luck
I guess so that's it guys I hope you all
have enjoyed this video if you did make
sure to subscribe to my channel and go
watch this video
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