GPT Zero: AI Detection Software

Brianne Caruso
24 Feb 202303:22

TLDRThe video introduces GPT Zero, an AI detection software designed to identify whether a text is authored by AI or a human. The presenter demonstrates the software by pasting a response generated by Chat GPT and an authentic essay into the system. GPT Zero immediately identifies the AI-generated text and confirms the human-written essay with no AI involvement. The software provides statistics and highlights any AI-written sentences in yellow. Additionally, GPT Zero offers a batch upload feature for analyzing multiple documents and integrates with Learning Management Systems like Canvas to streamline the process. This tool is presented as a solution for educators to combat AI-generated content in student submissions.


  • 🌐 The website gpt0 is an AI detection software created in response to chat GPT.
  • 📝 Users can create an account and login to check if a text has AI involvement.
  • 📑 To use gpt0, you simply type or paste text into the provided box and select 'get results'.
  • 🔍 The software quickly identifies if the text is likely to be written entirely by AI and provides supporting statistics.
  • 📄 The speaker demonstrated the software by pasting a response generated by chat GPT and received a positive AI detection.
  • 🎓 The speaker also tested an authentic, human-written essay which was correctly identified as human-written.
  • 🟡 The software highlights any sentences that are more likely to have been written by AI in yellow.
  • 📊 Gpt0 provides detailed statistics to confirm the likelihood of AI or human authorship.
  • 📁 There's an option for batch uploading files for those who need to check multiple documents at once.
  • 🔌 Gpt0 is compatible with Learning Management Systems like Canvas for easier integration.
  • 🛡️ The tool can be used to combat concerns about AI-generated content in academic or professional settings.
  • 📣 The speaker hopes the information about gpt0 is helpful for those looking to detect AI-written texts.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the website gpt0?

    -The website gpt0 is an AI detection software created in response to chat GPT. It allows users to check if a given text has any AI involvement.

  • How does a user create an account and use gpt0?

    -A user can create an account on gpt0, log in, and then type or paste their text into the provided box to check for AI involvement.

  • What happens after pasting text into gpt0?

    -After pasting the text, the user selects 'get results' and the software analyzes the text to determine if it was likely written by AI or a human.

  • How does gpt0 provide its analysis results?

    -gpt0 provides immediate feedback on the likelihood of the text being AI-generated and offers statistics to confirm its analysis.

  • What does gpt0 highlight if it detects AI involvement in the text?

    -If gpt0 detects AI involvement, it highlights certain sentences in yellow that are more likely to have been written by AI.

  • Can gpt0 be used to check the authenticity of an essay?

    -Yes, gpt0 can be used to check the authenticity of an essay. The user can paste the essay text into gpt0 to determine if it was likely written by a human or AI.

  • Is there an option to upload multiple documents for batch processing on gpt0?

    -Yes, gpt0 offers a batch upload feature, allowing users to upload multiple documents for analysis at once.

  • Does gpt0 integrate with Learning Management Systems (LMS)?

    -gpt0 is working on integrating with some LMSs like Canvas, which would allow for seamless checking of texts without having to manually upload on the website.

  • How can educators use gpt0 to combat concerns about AI-generated writing?

    -Educators can use gpt0 to check student submissions for AI involvement, helping to ensure the authenticity of written work and maintain academic integrity.

  • What kind of statistics does gpt0 provide to support its analysis?

    -While the specific statistics are not detailed in the transcript, gpt0 likely provides metrics that indicate the confidence level or percentage of AI involvement in the text.

  • How quickly does gpt0 provide its analysis after submitting text?

    -According to the transcript, gpt0 provides its analysis almost immediately after the user submits the text for evaluation.

  • What is the significance of the immediate feedback feature of gpt0?

    -The immediate feedback feature of gpt0 allows users to quickly determine the authenticity of a text, which can be particularly useful for educators and content creators who need to verify large volumes of text.



📝 Testing AI Detection Software with GPT0

The speaker introduces a website named GPT0, an AI detection tool created as a response to chat GPT. The process involves creating an account, logging in, and pasting text into the platform to check for AI involvement. The speaker demonstrates this by copying a response generated by chat GPT and pasting it into GPT0, which quickly identifies the text as likely AI-written. Additionally, the speaker tests the software with an authentic, human-written essay from their graduate school, which GPT0 correctly identifies as human-written. The platform also highlights any sentences that might be AI-generated in yellow. GPT0 offers a batch upload feature for analyzing multiple documents and integrates with learning management systems like Canvas, providing a tool to combat concerns about AI-generated writing.



💡AI Detection Software

AI Detection Software refers to a type of application designed to identify whether a given piece of text has been generated by an artificial intelligence system or a human. In the context of the video, GPT Zero is an example of such software, which can analyze text to determine its origin, which is crucial in distinguishing between AI-generated content and human-written content.

💡GPT Zero

GPT Zero is a specific AI detection software mentioned in the video that allows users to create an account and check texts for AI involvement. It is used as a tool to combat concerns about AI-generated content, particularly in academic settings where original human work is essential.

💡Account Creation

Account Creation is the process of setting up a user profile on a website or application. In the video, it is mentioned as the first step a user must take on the GPT Zero website to start using the AI detection services.

💡Text Analysis

Text Analysis involves examining the content, structure, and style of written material to understand its nature and origin. The video demonstrates how GPT Zero performs text analysis to determine if a passage was likely written by AI or a human, which is significant for verifying the authenticity of written work.

💡Authentic Essay

An Authentic Essay is a piece of writing that is composed entirely by a human, without the aid of AI. In the video, the user pastes an essay they know to be authentic to demonstrate how GPT Zero can correctly identify human-written content.

💡Batch Upload

Batch Upload is a feature that allows users to upload multiple files at once for processing, rather than uploading files individually. The video mentions this as a capability of GPT Zero, which can be particularly useful for educators or individuals who need to analyze a large number of documents.

💡LMS Integration

LMS Integration refers to the ability of a software application to integrate with a Learning Management System (LMS) like Canvas. This integration allows for seamless use of the AI detection software within the LMS environment, making it more convenient for educators and students.


Canvas is a popular Learning Management System (LMS) used by educational institutions to manage courses, assignments, and other academic activities. In the video, it is mentioned as one of the LMS platforms with which GPT Zero is working to integrate its services.

💡AI Involvement

AI Involvement indicates the participation or use of artificial intelligence in the creation of a text or document. The video discusses how GPT Zero can detect AI involvement, which is important for maintaining the integrity of academic and professional writing.

💡Grad School Essays

Grad School Essays are academic papers written by graduate students as part of their coursework or for submission to academic journals. The video uses a personal grad school essay as an example to illustrate how GPT Zero can verify the human authorship of such scholarly work.

💡Judgment Call

A Judgment Call is a decision made based on personal judgment or intuition, rather than on strict rules or guidelines. In the context of the video, it refers to the need for users to make their own decisions regarding the results provided by GPT Zero, especially when it highlights potential AI-written sentences.

💡Stats and Confirmation

Stats and Confirmation refer to the statistical data and confirmation provided by the GPT Zero software after analyzing a text. These help users understand the likelihood of AI involvement in the text and confirm the software's analysis, which is essential for trusting the results.


Website gpt0 was created as a response to chat GPT and serves as AI detection software.

Users can create an account and login to use the AI detection tool.

The software prompts users to type or paste text to check for AI involvement.

The transcript demonstrates using a response from chat GPT as an example to test the software.

The software accurately identified the chat GPT response as likely written entirely by AI.

Stats and information are provided to confirm the AI detection.

An authentic, human-written essay was used as a comparison.

The essay was correctly identified as likely written entirely by a human.

The software highlights any sentences that are more likely to have been written by AI in yellow.

Batch upload functionality allows users to upload and analyze multiple documents at once.

GPT 0 integrates with some Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Canvas.

The tool aims to combat concerns about AI-generated writing.

The website provides a straightforward interface for users to paste text for analysis.

The AI detection process is quick and provides immediate feedback to users.

The tool can be a valuable resource for educators to detect AI-written content.

GPT 0 is working on expanding its capabilities for easier use in educational settings.

The speaker shares this tool as a helpful resource for combating AI writing concerns.

The demonstration shows the practical application of the software in analyzing text samples.