"Evaluating the Accuracy of GPT Zero for AI Generated Text Detection in Education"

AI in Education
31 Jan 202324:49

TLDRThe video transcript describes an experiment to test the efficacy of GPT0, a program designed to detect AI-generated text. The test includes various tasks such as writing a hip-hop song, a sonnet, a poem, a commentary, and a discussion forum post. The results show mixed success, with GPT0 failing to detect AI-written creative pieces but successfully identifying more straightforward essays. The experiment also explores the possibility of fooling GPT0 by altering grammar, suggesting that tools like Spinbot could potentially confuse the detector.


  • 🧪 The experiment aimed to test GPT0's ability to detect AI-generated text by using various prompts and comparing the outputs with the detector's analysis.
  • 🎵 A hip-hop song about academic integrity written in Drake's voice was incorrectly identified by GPT0 as mostly human-written, with some sentences flagged as low perplexity.
  • 🌿 A sonnet about nature in Margaret Atwood's voice was deemed entirely human-written by GPT0, despite being AI-generated.
  • 📜 A 500-word poem in the style of Pablo Neruda about climate change was also considered likely human-written by GPT0, with no clear indicators of AI authorship.
  • 📊 A scholarly commentary on the climate change poem was correctly identified as AI-generated by GPT0, highlighting its ability to detect more academic-style writing.
  • 🖼️ PowerPoint slide suggestions based on the poem's commentary were not flagged as AI-generated by GPT0, indicating a potential weakness in detecting structured, academic content.
  • 🌳 An essay on the dangers of climate change in Vancouver, BC was correctly identified as AI-generated by GPT0, showing its efficacy in detecting simpler, expository texts.
  • 🔄 Using a grammar spinner on the climate change essay text was able to confuse GPT0, suggesting that altering sentence structures can potentially evade detection.
  • 💬 A response to an online discussion forum post was mostly identified as AI-generated by GPT0, but with some parts not clearly flagged, indicating mixed results in detecting conversational AI text.
  • 📝 A quote from an MP's speech given in 2016 was incorrectly identified as entirely AI-written by GPT0, demonstrating potential flaws in the detector's ability to analyze older texts.
  • 🤔 The experiment showed mixed results for GPT0's ability to detect AI-generated content, with creative writing being more challenging to identify than academic or expository texts.

Q & A

  • What was the purpose of the experiment conducted in the transcript?

    -The purpose of the experiment was to test the effectiveness of GPT0, an AI detection tool, in identifying machine-written text across various types of content, including a hip-hop song, a sonnet, a poem, a commentary, a PowerPoint suggestion, and a discussion forum posting.

  • How did GPT0 perform in detecting the AI-written hip-hop song about academic integrity?

    -GPT0 failed to detect the AI-written hip-hop song, as it concluded that the text was most likely human-written.

  • What was the result when the sonnet about nature, written in the voice of Margaret Atwood, was tested with GPT0?

    -GPT0 did not identify any part of the sonnet as machine-written, suggesting it was entirely human-written.

  • How did GPT0 handle the 500-word poem about climate change in the style of Pablo Neruda?

    -GPT0 was unable to detect the poem as machine-written, indicating it as likely human-written.

  • What type of content did GPT0 successfully identify as AI-generated?

    -GPT0 successfully identified the AI-generated commentary on the poem as machine-written.

  • How did the use of a grammar-changing tool like Spinbot affect GPT0's detection capabilities?

    -Using Spinbot to alter the grammar of the AI-written essay on climate change confused GPT0, leading it to identify the text as likely human-written.

  • What was the outcome when a discussion forum post was tested with GPT0?

    -GPT0 detected parts of the AI-generated discussion forum post as machine-written but was unsure about other parts, indicating a mixed result.

  • Why might the experimenter be hesitant to use GPT0 for detecting academic integrity issues?

    -The experimenter might be hesitant because GPT0 produced potential false positives and was not consistently accurate in detecting AI-generated content, especially when the content was altered using grammar-changing tools.

  • What historical speech did GPT0 incorrectly identify as AI-generated?

    -GPT0 incorrectly identified a speech given by MP Bhutan Suite in 2016, before sophisticated AI like GPT was on the horizon, as entirely AI-written.

  • What conclusion can be drawn from the experiment regarding GPT0's reliability?

    -The experiment suggests that while GPT0 can be effective in detecting certain types of AI-generated content, its reliability is questionable, particularly with creative writing and when the text is modified by grammar-changing tools.



🔍 Experimenting with GPT-0 AI Detection

The speaker introduces an experiment to test the capabilities of GPT-0, an AI designed to detect machine-written text. The experiment involves using chat GB2 to generate various texts, including a hip-hop song, a sonnet, a poem, a commentary, and a PowerPoint suggestion, and then testing whether GPT-0 can accurately identify their origin. The first text tested is a hip-hop song about academic integrity written in the voice of Drake.


🌿 GPT-0's Evaluation of Creative Writing

GPT-0 fails to detect the AI-generated hip-hop song as machine-written, suggesting it may not be effective at identifying creative writing. The speaker then tests GPT-0 with a sonnet about nature written in the voice of Margaret Atwood, which GPT-0 also incorrectly identifies as human-written. The results indicate that GPT-0 may struggle with detecting AI in more creative and complex texts.


📜 Analyzing GPT-0's Detection of Longer Texts

The speaker challenges GPT-0 with a longer text, a 500-word poem about climate change in the style of Pablo Neruda. Despite the length and complexity of the poem, GPT-0 does not identify it as machine-written, suggesting potential limitations in its ability to detect AI-generated content in longer and more nuanced texts.


📊 GPT-0's Response to Scholarly Content

A commentary on a poem, written in a scholarly manner, is identified by GPT-0 as machine-written, indicating that the tool may perform better with academic or analytical content rather than creative writing. The speaker then asks GPT-0 to suggest a PowerPoint format for the commentary, which GPT-0 incorrectly assumes to be human-written.


🌍 Testing GPT-0 with Real-World Scenarios

The speaker tests GPT-0 with a real-world scenario, asking it to write a 500-word essay about the dangers of climate change in Vancouver, BC. GPT-0 correctly identifies the essay as machine-written, but when the text is manipulated through a grammar-spinning tool, GPT-0 is confused and considers it human-written. This suggests that altering the structure or grammar of AI-generated text can potentially evade detection by GPT-0.

💬 GPT-0's Performance on Discussion Forum Posts

In a final test, the speaker asks GPT-0 to generate a response to a discussion forum post about gender expression and the Human Rights Act. GPT-0 successfully writes a plausible student response, but when this response is analyzed by GPT-0, it is identified as partially AI-generated. The speaker reflects on the mixed results of the experiment, noting that while GPT-0 performed well with certain types of content, it struggled with others, and could potentially produce false positives or negatives.




GPT-0 is an AI detection tool designed to identify whether a text is written by artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, it is used to test various AI-generated texts to see if it can accurately detect machine-written content. The tool analyzes elements like perplexity and burstiness to make its determinations.

💡AI-generated text

AI-generated text refers to written content that is produced by artificial intelligence algorithms, like GPT-3 or other language models. These AI systems can mimic human writing styles and produce creative or academic content. The video explores the effectiveness of GPT-0 in detecting such AI-generated texts.

💡Academic integrity

Academic integrity refers to the ethical standards and principles that govern the academic community, including the avoidance of plagiarism and the honest representation of one's work. In the video, the concept is used as a theme for a hip-hop song, which is then tested to see if GPT-0 can identify it as AI-generated.

💡Creative writing

Creative writing involves the use of imagination to produce original written work, such as poetry, stories, or songs. It is often characterized by a personal and artistic style. The video discusses the challenges GPT-0 faces in detecting AI-generated creative writing, suggesting that such texts may evade detection.


In the context of language models and AI, perplexity is a measure of the model's uncertainty or surprise when it encounters a piece of text. Lower perplexity often indicates that the text is more predictable and potentially machine-generated, while higher perplexity suggests a more human-like, varied, and less predictable text.


Burstiness, in the context of AI-generated content, refers to the sudden appearance of a large number of words or phrases that are similar or related, which can be a characteristic of machine-generated text. It is one of the features that GPT-0 analyzes to detect AI writing.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's words, ideas, or work without giving proper credit or permission, and presenting it as one's own. It is considered a serious breach of academic integrity and ethical conduct in writing.

💡Climate change

Climate change refers to significant, long-term changes in the Earth's climate, primarily due to human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and other industrial processes. It is a pressing global issue with far-reaching environmental and societal impacts.

💡Discussion forum

A discussion forum is an online platform where people can exchange ideas, debate, and discuss various topics. It is often used in educational settings for asynchronous learning and student interaction.


Spinbot is a grammar and sentence structure manipulation tool that can be used to alter the phrasing of text, often for the purpose of creating unique content or avoiding plagiarism. In the video, it is used to change the structure of AI-generated text to potentially confuse GPT-0's detection capabilities.


The experiment aims to test GPT0's ability to detect AI-generated text.

GPT0 was designed by an Ivy League computer science student to detect artificial intelligence-written text.

The experiment includes various prompts such as a hip-hop song, a sonnet, a poem, a commentary, and a discussion forum post.

The first test involves writing a hip-hop song about academic integrity in the voice of Drake.

GPT0 identifies the hip-hop song as likely human-written, indicating a potential failure in detecting AI creativity.

A sonnet about nature written in the voice of Margaret Atwood is also not detected as AI-generated by GPT0.

A 500-word poem about climate change in the style of Pablo Neruda confuses GPT0, which labels it as likely human-written.

GPT0 correctly identifies a machine-written commentary on a poem discussing its style and rhythm.

A PowerPoint format suggestion for the commentary is not recognized as AI-generated by GPT0.

A 500-word essay on the dangers of climate change in Vancouver, BC is identified as AI-written by GPT0.

Spinbot, a grammar-changing tool, can alter the structure of AI-generated text to potentially fool GPT0.

GPT0 identifies a discussion forum response, written in the style of a student, as mostly AI-generated.

An MP's speech from 2016 is incorrectly identified as entirely AI-written by GPT0.

GPT0's detection capabilities vary depending on the type of writing, with creative writing being more challenging to detect.

The experiment suggests that GPT0 may not be reliable for detecting academic integrity issues due to potential false positives.

The results indicate that GPT0 performs better with more structured and less creative content.

The use of external tools like Spinbot can influence GPT0's detection accuracy.

The experiment provides insights into the strengths and limitations of GPT0 in identifying AI-generated text.