Generative AI is just the Beginning AI Agents are what Comes next | Daoud Abdel Hadi | TEDxPSUT

TEDx Talks
20 Mar 202413:16

TLDRThe speaker reflects on the journey of AI from being a specialist in specific tasks to the advent of large language models like GPT-3, which exhibit general intelligence. They discuss the potential of AI to transform into autonomous agents that can automate workflows, use tools, and perform tasks with minimal human intervention, much like how humans approach problem-solving. The evolution of AI from a tool to an autonomous entity capable of planning and executing actions is highlighted, with examples of existing agents like Microsoft's Copilot and Shopify's Sidekick. The speaker concludes with optimism on the democratization of skills through AI, lowering barriers to innovation and enabling more people to contribute to creative solutions.


  • 🤖 AI and machine learning have come a long way, with applications in diagnosing illnesses, detecting fraud, and optimizing traffic flow.
  • 🚀 GPT-3 marked a significant leap in AI, demonstrating capabilities in natural language processing, coding, and creative writing without specific programming.
  • 🌐 AI's ability to reason and recognize patterns similar to humans is impressive, but it is not without flaws, such as making up facts or struggling with basic math.
  • 🛠️ The potential of AI extends beyond just a chatbot; it can be thought of as an autonomous agent capable of automating workflows with minimal human intervention.
  • 💡 AI agents can plan tasks, reflect on outcomes, and use tools, much like humans, to complete goals.
  • 📱 Our daily tasks involve using various digital tools, and AI agents can replicate this by planning which tools to use and executing them autonomously.
  • 🌟 Agents can transform tasks like website building or data analysis by using the same tools developers or analysts would, but without needing human expertise.
  • 🚀 Examples of AI agents include Microsoft's Copilot for Excel and Shopify's Sidekick, which simplify complex tasks through natural language interaction.
  • 📈 As language models become more accessible and affordable, more businesses are likely to incorporate agents into their products and services.
  • 🌐 The rise of AI agents could lead to a new era of human-AI collaboration, where AI handles the tools and humans focus on creativity and bigger-picture thinking.

Q & A

  • What was the speaker's initial perception of AI's potential in automating people's work?

    -The speaker initially thought that the idea of AI completely automating people's work seemed far-fetched, as AI was more like a specialist, good at specific tasks but not generalizing well to others.

  • How did the speaker's view on AI change within two years after their master's degree?

    -The speaker's view changed drastically when OpenAI introduced large language models with the release of GPT-3, demonstrating that AI could perform a wide range of tasks and even exhibit signs of intelligence without being explicitly programmed to do so.

  • What are some capabilities of GPT-3 that the speaker found impressive?

    -The speaker was impressed by GPT-3's ability to write naturally, answer questions on a broad range of topics, read and write code, and perform different forms of writing like articles, songs, and poems.

  • What are some limitations of AI and language models like GPT-3?

    -AI and language models can make mistakes, hallucinate information, struggle with basic math, and have difficulty multitasking. Their knowledge isn't always up to date, which can be problematic depending on the task.

  • How does the speaker compare human intelligence to that of AI?

    -The speaker notes that while humans can also make mistakes, our intelligence extends beyond knowledge to include abilities like planning, breaking down problems, reflecting on actions, and using tools, which AI currently lacks.

  • What is the concept of 'agents' in the context of AI?

    -Agents are autonomous AI designed to automate workflows end-to-end with minimal human intervention. They plan tasks, reflect on outcomes, and use tools similarly to humans, but without the need for constant input.

  • How do agents utilize digital tools and applications?

    -Agents are different from humans in that they autonomously determine which tools to use and how to use them based on the task described to them, rather than humans using specific tools for specific tasks.

  • What is the potential of AI agents in transforming various industries?

    -AI agents have the potential to act as digital labor, capable of automatically browsing the web, navigating files, using applications, and controlling devices. This could revolutionize industries by automating tasks, enhancing decision-making, and enabling more people to participate in innovation.

  • Can you provide examples of existing AI agents?

    -Examples include Microsoft's Copilot within Excel for analyzing spreadsheets, Shopify's Sidekick for building websites, Hyperwrite as a personal assistant, and GPT's own catalog of agents.

  • How might the widespread adoption of AI agents change our interaction with computers?

    -The adoption of AI agents could lead to an AI-assisted interface, similar to Tony Stark's Jarvis, which would revolutionize how we interact with computers by focusing on collaboration and empowering us to concentrate on bigger-picture tasks that require human creativity and ingenuity.

  • What does the speaker predict for the future of AI and its impact on skills and innovation?

    -The speaker predicts that as language models become more accessible and affordable, the barriers to innovation will lower, allowing more people to contribute to creating solutions and building things. AI might perform tasks better and quicker than humans, but it also provides an opportunity to focus on what truly matters: our creativity, ingenuity, and human experience.



🤖 The Evolution of AI and the Emergence of GPT-3

This paragraph discusses the journey of AI from its early days of specializing in specific tasks to the development of general intelligence with the introduction of GPT-3. It highlights the limitations of AI in the past, such as its inability to generalize well and the skepticism around its potential to automate human work. However, the release of GPT-3 marked a significant leap forward, showcasing AI's newfound ability to understand and reason in ways similar to humans, including natural language processing, problem-solving, and pattern recognition.


🛠️ The Rise of AI Agents and Their Impact on Workflow Automation

This paragraph delves into the concept of AI agents, which are designed to automate workflows from start to finish with minimal human intervention. It explains how these agents operate by using tools and applications, much like humans do, but with the AI planning the tasks and executing them autonomously. The potential applications of AI agents are vast, ranging from website development and data analysis to trip planning. The paragraph emphasizes the transformative potential of AI agents, comparing their impact to the shift from command-line to graphical user interfaces.


🌐 Real-World Examples of AI Agents and the Future of Intelligent Assistance

The final paragraph provides concrete examples of AI agents already in use, such as Microsoft's Co-Pilot and Shopify's Sidekick, and suggests that we are on the brink of a new era where AI agents become increasingly integrated into various aspects of our lives. It discusses the accessibility and affordability of language models, encouraging the creation of more sophisticated agents. The speaker reflects on the implications of AI agents on the future of work and innovation, suggesting a collaborative relationship between humans and AI, where AI's strengths in tool usage can complement human creativity and experience.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is the central theme, with a focus on its advancements and potential to transform various tasks and industries. The speaker discusses their initial skepticism about AI's ability to generalize beyond specific tasks, but acknowledges the significant leap forward with the introduction of large language models like GPT-3.

💡Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a subset of AI that gives computers the ability to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data. It is a fundamental concept in the video, as it forms the basis for the advancements in AI discussed. The speaker reflects on their studies in AI and machine learning, including projects involving genetic algorithms and generative AI, which contributed to their initial perception of AI's limitations.


GPT-3, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, is a state-of-the-art language prediction model developed by OpenAI. It represents a significant leap in AI's capabilities, as it can generate human-like text, answer questions on a wide range of topics, and even write code. In the video, GPT-3 is presented as a turning point that challenged the speaker's previous beliefs about AI's potential to automate and generalize tasks.


Specialization in the context of the video refers to AI's previous limitation to performing well in specific, narrow tasks. The speaker initially believed that AI's ability to generalize and handle a variety of tasks was limited, which was a barrier to fully automating human work. However, the introduction of models like GPT-3 has challenged this notion and expanded the scope of AI's capabilities.


Intelligence, as discussed in the video, refers to the ability to apply knowledge, understand complex concepts, and adapt to new situations. The speaker questions the intelligence of AI, particularly in light of its ability to make mistakes, hallucinate information, and struggle with basic math. However, it's also noted that humans are not perfect and also have limitations, but intelligence encompasses more than just knowledge, including problem-solving and the use of tools.

💡Autonomous Agents

Autonomous Agents, as described in the video, are AI systems designed to perform tasks with minimal human intervention, planning their actions, reflecting on outcomes, and using tools to achieve goals much like humans do. They represent a shift from AI as a tool to AI as an active participant in workflow processes, capable of automating complex tasks and decision-making.

💡Digital Labor

Digital Labor refers to the work performed by AI and software systems that automate tasks traditionally done by humans. In the video, the concept of digital labor is expanded upon with the potential of AI agents to browse the web, navigate files, and use applications on behalf of users, essentially acting as digital workers that can perform a variety of tasks without human oversight.


Code is a system of rules and symbols used to create software programs and applications. In the video, the underlying principle that everything on our screens is formed of code is highlighted as a key enabler for AI agents. By understanding that user interfaces and actions are ultimately based on code, AI can be programmed to interact with various digital tools and perform tasks autonomously.


Innovation in the context of the video refers to the process of creating new ideas, methods, or products. The democratization of technical skills through AI is seen as lowering barriers to innovation, allowing more people to participate in solving problems and building new solutions. The speaker is optimistic that AI's capabilities will empower individuals and lead to a surge in innovation.


Collaboration in the video is discussed as the future relationship between humans and AI. Rather than replacing humans, AI is seen as a tool that can work alongside humans, enhancing our abilities and allowing us to focus on bigger picture tasks. The analogy of Tony Stark and his AI assistant Jarvis is used to illustrate a collaborative relationship where AI supports human endeavors.


The speaker was nearing the completion of their master's degree in AI six years ago, having studied various projects including machine learning, genetic algorithms, and generative AI.

Despite advancements, the speaker felt that AI was still far from creating true intelligence, as it was more like a specialist in specific tasks and didn't generalize well.

Two years later, OpenAI's release of GPT-3 marked a significant leap forward in AI, challenging the speaker's previous skepticism about AI's potential to automate work.

GPT-3 demonstrated signs of intelligence by being able to write naturally, answer questions on a wide range of topics, and even read and write code.

GPT-3's ability to reason and recognize patterns in a way similar to humans was highlighted as impressive, showcasing a milestone where AI was no longer just a specialist.

The speaker points out that while GPT-3 is impressive, it is not perfect and can make mistakes, hallucinate information, and struggle with basic math and multitasking.

The speaker argues that human intelligence extends beyond knowledge, including abilities like planning, problem-solving, and reflection, which are also important for using tools effectively.

The concept of AI as autonomous agents is introduced, which are designed to automate workflows end-to-end with minimal human intervention, similar to how humans approach problems.

Agents use language models to plan tasks, reflect on outcomes, and use tools, essentially acting as digital labor capable of browsing the web, navigating files, and using applications autonomously.

The potential of agents was illustrated with examples such as building websites, making business decisions, and planning trips without requiring the user to know specific tools.

Agents are made possible by the fact that everything on our screens is formed of code, allowing for the combination of different functionalities and applications in creative ways.

The framework of an agent involves a set of actions that can be performed through code, and language models like GPT-3 can be used to break down tasks and execute the necessary code.

Examples of existing agents were provided, such as Microsoft's Copilot in Excel, Shopify's Sidekick, and Hyperwrite, showing that the technology for agents is already in use.

As language models become more affordable and accessible, it's predicted that more businesses will incorporate agents, potentially leading to an AI-assisted interface revolutionizing our interaction with computers.

The speaker expresses both fear and optimism about AI's potential to outsource technical skills, democratizing innovation and lowering barriers for more people to participate in creating solutions and building things.

The relationship between humans and AI is envisioned as collaborative, with AI taking on tool usage, allowing humans to focus on bigger picture aspects like creativity, ingenuity, and human experience.

The speech concludes with the idea that the emergence of intelligent assistants and agents will change our world, but in a way that complements rather than replaces human capabilities.