How To Unlock The Full Power Of Manifestation

Natalie Ledwell
7 May 202006:33

TLDRIn this video, Natalie Ledwell, a leading expert on the law of attraction, shares a secret that can unlock one's full power to manifest desires. She explains that while the law of attraction is often described as 'thoughts become things,' it's the subconscious mind that holds the key to true manifestation. Ledwell's own journey from financial struggle to abundance is a testament to the power of unlocking the subconscious mind. She offers a free diagnostic quiz to help viewers identify and remove their 'success blockers,' which are limiting beliefs that hinder manifestation. By addressing these subconscious barriers, viewers can tap into their full potential to attract financial abundance, love, health, and happiness into their lives.


  • 🌟 The journey that led you to this video was not random; it's a part of the universe's plan for you to manifest more out of life.
  • 🧠 Natalie Ledwell, a top law of attraction expert, believes she has been sent to reveal a secret that will unlock your full power to manifest your desires.
  • 💰 By understanding and applying the secret, you can manifest financial blessings, even up to $10,000, faster than you can imagine.
  • 🤔 Skepticism is natural, especially if you've struggled with manifesting despite knowing the law of attraction.
  • 📈 Natalie's personal transformation from financial struggle to abundance demonstrates the power of the secret she shares.
  • 🔑 The secret to manifesting is unlocking the power of your subconscious mind, which is largely responsible for our reality.
  • 🚫 Limiting beliefs in the subconscious mind can block the manifestation of your desires, regardless of your conscious efforts.
  • 🧘‍♀️ Spiritual leaders refer to these limiting beliefs as 'success blockers' because they prevent the universe from sending you success.
  • 🛠️ Natalie has created a quiz to help identify and remove these success blockers, tailored to each individual's unique subconscious mind.
  • 📚 The quiz is a tool that, when taken, can help supercharge your power to attract blessings into your life.
  • ⏰ The quiz is quick to complete and free, offering a personalized video guide for each person to overcome their specific limiting beliefs.
  • 🌈 There are no accidents in the universe; taking the quiz is a significant step in your journey to manifest success and attract blessings.

Q & A

  • What is the main message of the video?

    -The main message is that to unlock the full power of manifestation, one must unlock the power of their subconscious mind, which can be done through a quiz provided by Natalie Ledwell.

  • Who is Natalie Ledwell?

    -Natalie Ledwell is the number one most subscribed law of attraction expert on YouTube, who has manifested a lifestyle of abundance and is offering a quiz to help others unlock their subconscious mind.

  • What was Natalie's life like before she discovered the secret to manifestation?

    -Before discovering the secret, Natalie was working three jobs, struggling financially, in debt, and experiencing depression and poor health.

  • What is the purpose of the quiz Natalie offers?

    -The quiz is designed to help individuals identify and remove negative energy from their subconscious mind, thereby supercharging their ability to attract blessings and manifest their desires.

  • How does the subconscious mind affect manifestation according to the video?

    -The subconscious mind, which accounts for over 95% of our brain's activity, has a powerful influence on our lives and can block manifestation if it contains limiting beliefs or 'success blockers'.

  • What is a 'success blocker'?

    -A 'success blocker' is a limiting belief within the subconscious mind that broadcasts negative energy to the universe, which can cancel out the positive energy sent by the conscious mind and prevent manifestation.

  • How does the quiz help to remove success blockers?

    -The quiz, created with a team of manifestation experts, accurately diagnoses an individual's unique personal success blocker and provides a personalized video guide on how to remove it.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'there are no accidents in the universe'?

    -The phrase suggests that everything that happens, including watching the video, is part of a divine plan and that the viewer has manifested the opportunity to receive Natalie's gift for a reason.

  • What kind of blessings can one manifest after unlocking the subconscious mind?

    -After unlocking the subconscious mind, one can manifest financial abundance, love, health, freedom, and happiness.

  • How long does it take to complete the quiz Natalie offers?

    -The quiz takes just 30 seconds to complete.

  • What is Natalie's claim about the power of the creator within us?

    -Natalie claims that by harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, one can prove how powerful a creator they are and can manifest financial blessings quickly.

  • What is the final call to action for viewers in the video?

    -The final call to action is to take the quiz provided in the video to unlock the full power to manifest success and start attracting the blessings one deserves.



🌟 Introduction to Manifestation and the Law of Attraction

Natalie Ledwell, a prominent Law of Attraction expert on YouTube, welcomes viewers to a video that promises to reveal a secret for manifesting one's desires. She emphasizes that the viewer's presence is not accidental and suggests that they are seeking more abundance, freedom, love, and happiness. Natalie shares her personal transformation from a life of struggle and debt to one of abundance and success, attributing it to the power of the Law of Attraction. She introduces a quiz designed to help viewers unlock the power of their subconscious mind, which she believes is key to manifesting one's desires. The video suggests that negative energy from the subconscious mind can be a barrier to success, and Natalie offers a free diagnostic quiz to identify and remove these 'success blockers'.


🔍 Identifying and Overcoming Success Blockers

This paragraph delves into the concept of 'success blockers,' which are limiting beliefs in the subconscious mind that hinder manifestation. Natalie explains that these beliefs are unique to each individual, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution to remove them. She introduces the 'Success Blockers Quiz,' a tool she developed with a team of top manifestation experts. The quiz is designed to diagnose the viewer's unique personal success blocker. Once identified, Natalie offers a personalized video guide to help remove this limiting belief through a simple daily practice. She encourages viewers to take the quiz, emphasizing that it's a pivotal moment in their journey and a divinely orchestrated opportunity to unlock their full power to manifest success and attract blessings.




Manifestation refers to the process of bringing one's desires or intentions into reality through focused thought, belief, and sometimes action. In the video, Natalie Ledwell emphasizes that everyone has the power to manifest their desired reality, including financial abundance, love, and happiness. She suggests that understanding and harnessing this power is key to unlocking a life of abundance and joy.

💡Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a belief that positive or negative thoughts can bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. Natalie, as a self-proclaimed expert on this law, claims to have used it to transform her life from one of struggle to one of success. The video suggests that the Law of Attraction is a powerful tool for manifesting one's desires, but it must be used correctly to be effective.

💡Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that operates automatically and is not in the forefront of our conscious awareness. Natalie explains that over 95% of our brain's activity occurs in the subconscious mind, and it has a profound influence on our lives. She argues that to effectively manifest one's desires, one must unlock the power of the subconscious mind and remove any negative beliefs that may be blocking success.

💡Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are thoughts or perceptions that we hold about ourselves or the world that prevent us from achieving our goals or realizing our potential. In the video, Natalie describes these as 'success blockers' and suggests that they are often rooted in the subconscious mind. She offers a quiz to help viewers identify and remove these limiting beliefs, which she believes is a crucial step in the manifestation process.

💡Success Blockers

Success Blockers, as mentioned in the video, are specific limiting beliefs that prevent an individual from achieving success or manifesting their desires. Natalie has created a quiz to help individuals identify their unique Success Blockers. Once identified, she provides personalized guidance to help remove these blockers, which she claims is essential for unlocking one's full manifesting power.

💡Financial Abundance

Financial abundance refers to a state of having more than enough financial resources to meet one's needs and wants. Natalie uses her own story as an example of how she went from being in significant debt to enjoying a lifestyle of 'almost magical abundance.' The video suggests that by understanding and applying the principles of manifestation, one can attract financial abundance into their life.

💡Diagnostic Quiz

The Diagnostic Quiz is a tool that Natalie has created to help individuals identify the limiting beliefs in their subconscious mind that are blocking their ability to manifest their desires. The quiz is designed to provide personalized insights and is part of the process of unlocking one's full power to manifest, as discussed in the video.

💡Personalized Video Guide

After identifying one's Success Blockers through the Diagnostic Quiz, Natalie offers a personalized video guide to help viewers remove these limiting beliefs. This guide is tailored to the individual's specific needs and is intended to provide a simple daily practice to facilitate the manifestation process.

💡Daily Practice

A daily practice, as suggested by Natalie, is a routine or set of activities that one performs regularly to maintain or improve their ability to manifest their desires. In the context of the video, this practice is aimed at removing limiting beliefs and aligning oneself with the energy needed to attract success and abundance.

💡Spiritual Leaders

Spiritual leaders, in the context of the video, are individuals who have gained wisdom and insight into the workings of the universe, particularly in relation to the Law of Attraction and manifestation. Natalie refers to these leaders when discussing the concept of 'success blockers' and how they have recognized the impact of limiting beliefs on an individual's ability to attract success.


Desire, in the context of the video, refers to the specific goals, dreams, or aspirations that an individual wishes to bring into reality through the process of manifestation. Natalie emphasizes that everyone has the innate ability to manifest their desires but must first understand and overcome any subconscious barriers that may be preventing them from doing so.


Natalie Ledwell, a leading law of attraction expert on YouTube, believes that the universe has sent her to reveal a powerful secret to the viewer.

The secret is said to unlock the full power of manifestation, allowing individuals to create the reality they desire.

Ledwell promises that viewers can manifest financial blessings ranging from $500 to $10,000 using this secret.

The video suggests that skepticism about the secret's efficacy is common but that it has the potential to bring about rapid change in one's life.

Ledwell shares her personal transformation story, from struggling with debt and depression to achieving financial freedom and success.

The secret to manifestation is unlocking the power of the subconscious mind, which is responsible for over 95% of our brain's activity.

A quiz is offered to help viewers identify and remove negative energy from their subconscious mind, enhancing their ability to attract blessings.

The quiz is free and takes only 30 seconds to complete, with the potential to significantly alter one's life.

Ledwell explains that our conscious thoughts are not the only factors in manifestation; the subconscious mind plays a crucial role.

Limiting beliefs within the subconscious mind can block success and are referred to as 'success blockers' by spiritual leaders.

Once these success blockers are removed, the power of the mind's energy increases dramatically, unleashing one's full potential for manifestation.

Ledwell has spent three years developing a quiz with top manifestation experts to diagnose and help remove personal success blockers.

A personalized video guide is provided for each individual to help them remove their unique limiting belief and unlock their full manifestation power.

The video emphasizes that there are no accidents in the universe, and the viewer's encounter with the video is part of their journey to success.

The viewer is urged to take the quiz and embrace the opportunity to unlock their full power to manifest success and attract blessings.

The video concludes with a reminder of the transformative potential of the secret shared and a call to action to start the manifestation process.