Trump hit with SURPRISE, unexpected court loss
TLDR唐纳德·特朗普在英国的一起法庭案件中再次败诉。这起案件涉及特朗普起诉克里斯托弗·斯蒂尔的咨询公司Obi, 指控其发布的“斯蒂尔档案”中的不实信息。英国法官Mrs Justice Stein不仅驳回了案件,还要求特朗普支付约650,000英镑的诉讼费用,目前特朗普需支付约300,000美元。特朗普在美国的诉讼中也屡遭败诉,面临巨额赔偿。他的律师团队正在努力应对这些财务挑战,而特朗普的财产可能面临被查封的风险。
- 📜 唐纳德·特朗普在英国的法庭上败诉,这是他作为原告提起的案件。
- 🔍 案件涉及对克里斯托弗·斯蒂尔(Christopher Steele)的咨询公司Orbis Business Intelligence的诉讼,特朗普指控其发布的“斯蒂尔档案”(Steele Dossier)中的信息。
- 💸 英国法官Mrs Justice Stein不仅驳回了案件,还要求特朗普支付与案件相关的全部费用,初步估计约为650,000英镑,特朗普需支付一半。
- 🇺🇸 特朗普在美国的法庭上也有多次败诉,包括在EEG Carol案件中输掉了5百万美元和83百万美元的判决,以及在纽约的欺诈案中输掉了4.5亿美元。
- 💰 特朗普在支付这些判决款项方面可能面临困难,因为他在其他案件中已经请求延期支付。
- 🏆 特朗普在诉讼中鲜有胜绩,他曾因提起轻率诉讼而被罚款,包括在佛罗里达州对希拉里·克林顿的诉讼。
- 🕒 特朗普在EEG Carol案件中的上诉权可能因无法支付83.3百万美元的判决而丧失。
- 🏛️ 如果特朗普无法支付纽约欺诈案中的4.5亿美元判决,他的资产可能会被没收。
- 🏌️ 特朗普在英国拥有特恩贝里高尔夫球场,这可能成为支付判决款项的潜在资产。
- 🔄 特朗普曾试图以25美分的价格出售其在纽约的房产,但纽约法官拒绝了这一提议。
- 📺 两位主持人Brian Tyler Cohen和Glenn Kersner在《法律解析》节目中讨论了特朗普的这些法律问题。
Q & A
-唐纳德·特朗普在英国的案件是关于他起诉克里斯托弗·斯蒂尔的咨询公司Obi, 指控该公司发布的“斯蒂尔档案”中包含的不实信息损害了他的名誉。
-唐纳德·特朗普在美国败诉的案件包括在EEG Carol 1案中输掉了500万美元的判决,在EEG Carol 2案中输掉了8300万美元的判决,以及在纽约欺诈案中被判赔偿4.5亿美元。
-唐纳德·特朗普在其他诉讼中也面临压力,包括因1月6日国会大厦袭击事件被起诉的案件,以及他试图避免支付EEG Carol判决的4.5亿美元。
唐纳德·特朗普如何尝试避免支付EEG Carol的判决?
-唐纳德·特朗普试图通过请求法官减少83.3百万美元的判决或授予他新的审判来避免支付EEG Carol的判决。
唐纳德·特朗普是否提出了关于EEG Carol判决的和解方案?
-唐纳德·特朗普提出了以25美分对1美元的价格和解EEG Carol的判决,但这个提议被拒绝了。
本段讨论了唐纳德·特朗普最近在英国输掉的一起诉讼案。特朗普此次是原告,针对克里斯托弗·斯蒂尔的咨询公司Orbis提起了所谓的数据保护索赔,实质上类似于诽谤诉讼。此案涉及到的指控包含了斯蒂尔档案中的多起与特朗普相关的丑闻故事。裁判官Mrs Justice Stein不仅驳回了特朗普的诉讼,并且命令他支付所有与此案相关的费用,大约为650,000英镑的一半,即约300,000美元。特朗普因为这场被认为是无稽之诉的诉讼而被判处支付费用。此外,特朗普在美国的多起诉讼案件中也面临财务压力,其中包括对E. Jean Carroll和纽约州检察长Tish James的诉讼,这些案件涉及的金额远超英国这一案件。
第二段继续探讨特朗普因诉讼案件而面临的挑战和财务困境。特朗普在佛罗里达州因对希拉里·克林顿提起的一项诉讼被判罚款一百万美元,显示出他频繁因提起无理诉讼而被罚款的模式。此外,特朗普试图减少对E. Jean Carroll判决的支付金额或请求新审判均未获成功,时间已经耗尽,他可能面临财产被查封的局面。特朗普还尝试以大幅度低于要求的金额(仅25美分计价的一美元)来解决纽约州诈骗案中455百万美元的赔偿,但这种努力预计将不会成功。节目主持人展望未来,讨论了特朗普财产可能被查封的前景,包括其在英国的高尔夫球场。最后,视频鼓励观众订阅频道以跟进特朗普诉讼案件的最新进展。
💡Donald Trump
💡court case
💡Christopher Steele
💡data protection claim
💡frivolous lawsuit
💡seizure of assets
💡Turnberry golf course
Donald Trump lost a court case in the UK.
The case was brought by Trump against Christopher Steele's consulting business, Orbis Business Intelligence.
Trump's lawsuit was related to the Steele dossier and its contents.
Mrs Justice Stein dismissed the case and ordered Trump to pay costs.
The initial cost Trump is ordered to pay is about $300,000.
Trump has a history of losing trials in the United States.
Trump has been hit with large judgments in the US, including $5 million, $83 million, and $450 million.
Trump's lawyers have been asking for extensions to avoid paying the full amount of judgments.
Trump's financial situation may lead to asset seizures if he cannot pay judgments.
Trump has not won any of the litigation he's engaged in.
Trump was penalized for bringing a frivolous suit against Hillary Clinton.
The deadline for Trump to pay the $83.3 million judgment is approaching.
Trump has been trying to negotiate a lower payment for the EEG Carol judgment.
Trump offered a bond for $100 million, which is about 20 cents on the dollar.
The hosts express anticipation for the potential seizure of Trump's properties.
The hosts commit to staying on top of Trump's financial and legal situations.
you're watching the legal breakdown so
Glenn this one went way under the radar
Donald Trump just lost another court
case walk us through what just happened
yeah Brian just in case anybody thought
Donald Trump only lost trials in the
United States not so he just just lost
one over in the UK so we have to go back
a little bit in time this is a case that
Donald Trump brought mind you it wasn't
he is the plaintiff he's the one who
chose to bring this case that becomes
really important in a minute but this is
a case he brought against if you
remember the steel dossier Christopher
steel he was an
M16 um British officer basically that is
the UK's secret intelligence service
it's a service that basically gathers up
human intelligence from foreign sources
um Donald Trump brought a suit it it's
called a data protection claim think of
it as a defamation suit right he brought
this claim against Christopher Steel's
Consulting business it's called Obi
orbus business um Intel claiming that
there were all these wild tales that
sort of made their way into the Public
Square that were contained in the steel
dossier you know a lot of them had to do
with all these salacious sexual
allegations I'm not going to recount the
substance of them but Donald Trump was
so AG grieved and he suffered such
emotional dist
that he sued Christopher Steel's company
Obi well the judge and the judge's title
is Mrs Justice Stein she just not only
dismissed the case which she actually
did uh some days ago but she just
ordered that Donald Trump should pay all
of the claims all of the costs
associated with the case that he brought
against Christopher Steel's Consulting
business the amount of that it looks
like it's going to be about a 650,000
pounds but he only has to pay half of it
right now the judge over there said you
know we're going to take some time to
fully calculate exactly how much he will
be made to pay but upfront uh the judge
ruled that he should pay about half of
it so he's going to have to pay at this
point about
$300,000 just for openers for bringing
what in essence was a frivolous lawsuit
well obvously that's you know a much
smaller sum than the sums Donald Trump
is now used to getting hit with in
American courtrooms and he has plenty of
uh plenty of experience with that but
with that said do you anticipate that
he'll have any trouble actually paying
this amount of money that he owes you
know I think the reasonable answer to
that question is yes he probably will
what do I base that on well in the cases
that he lost in in the US right he lost
a $5 million judgment in EEG Carol 1 an
$83 million judgment in EEG Carol 2 and
a 450 million half a billion dollar
judgment in his New York fraud case that
was brought by attorney general Tish
James what have we seen his lawyers do
in recent days they're literally
bouncing from courtroom to courtroom
from New York judge to New York judge
hat in hand asking them to please don't
make us put up the full amount so we can
perfect our right to appeal because you
have to basically put up the full amount
in cash and deposit it with the court or
get a bond to cover the full amount and
Donald Trump can do neither with those
two larger judgments the $83 million
judgment and the half a billion dollar
judgment so is he going to have a spare
few $100,000 kicking around so he can
now satisfy this judgment that was
entered against him in the UK maybe
maybe not but uh you know it feels like
Donald Trump any day now is going to hit
a financial wall and then I suspect if
the the law is applied as it's typically
applied to any other litigant who loses
a money judgment and can't perfect his
appeal because doesn't have enough money
to put out to put up um his assets will
begin to be seized by both Tish James
and by EEG Carol's lawyers well it's
worth noting that Trump does have um his
turnburry golf course over there so uh
in the same way that Trump Tower may
very well be seized by tis James here in
the us uh who who knows what can happen
to Trump's golf golf course out there in
uh in the UK um Glenn as far as you know
has Trump actually won any of the
litigation that he's engaged in thus far
and and and I should I should say this
with the caveat that this is uh the guy
who's came who's come forward and and
promised that all of his supporters
would get tired of all the winning you
know he has lost civil suit after civil
suit after civil suit there are more in
the pipeline there was the one that was
brought against him by Capitol police
officers for his launching the attack on
the capital on January 6th that one
there were some charges dismissed other
charges remain viable and they are
moving forward through the discovery
phase don't forget this is not the first
time Donald Trump has been penalized for
essentially bringing a frivolous suit he
he and his lawyers were also uh fined to
the amount of I think a million dollars
in a frivolous lawsuit he brought down
in Florida against Hillary Clinton so
you know Donald Trump's MO is losing and
and at that he
excels well while we're on the topic of
collecting funds the clock has all but
run out on that payment for the EEG
Carol judgment um as of this week Trump
had asked the judge to cut the 83.3
million judgment or to Grant him a new
trial so is he gonna have any luck in
making this thing go away no he's not um
as of I think today or tomorrow the
clock has completely run out now his
lawyers have I think at least twice
asked for extensions to be able to try
to come up with the money so he can
perfect his right to appeal but those
extensions have been denied so you know
I think today or tomorrow it's time to
pay the piper and I will say as of right
now Brian as we're having this
conversation there are no updates that
I've seen published but it could be
literally any minute now or any day now
we're going to hear that if he can't put
up or shut up he is going to start to
have his property seized first by E
Carrol and then he's got another couple
of weeks before you know it's time to
pay the piper in the New York frud case
to the T of a half a billion dollars oh
man all right well last thing here to
that point do you have any updates on
the status of the of his efforts not to
pay that $455 million because last time
we spoke he was doing his best Moroccan
bizaar salesman impression offering uh
the very very good price of 25 cents on
the dollar yeah no the last we heard
concretely was that he offered to put up
a bond not even the full amount but
apparently he duped somebody into
putting up a bond to ensuring that
Donald Trump is good for it uh in the
amount of $100 million which is as you
say it's about 20 cents on the dollar
and you know he thinks he's at a flea
market negotiating with the New York
judge the judge is not going to have any
of it so again I think any day now even
though there's like two more weeks
before the 30 days is up and that comes
due you know any day now we could hear
more coming out of the New York courts
about this you know ongoing ask of
Donald Trump and his lawyers to you know
give him something of a fraud
forgiveness yeah well I'll tell you what
I'll be I'll be among the first people
in New York City to go have lunch at
egene Carol Tower when that becomes the
reality so with that said obviously
we'll stay on top of all of these
judgments that Trump is having more and
more trouble uh figuring out a way to
pay for uh so for those watching right
now if you want to follow along please
make sure to subscribe the links to both
of our channels are right here on the
screen I'm Brian Tyler Cohen and I'm
Glenn kersner you're watching the legal
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