‘Her’ AI, Almost Here? Llama 3, Vasa-1, and Altman ‘Plugging Into Everything You Want To Do’

AI Explained
18 Apr 202417:11

TLDRThe video discusses recent advancements in AI, focusing on Meta's release of two smaller models, Llama 3 and Vasa-1, which are highly competitive with other models in their class. Llama 3, particularly the 370B variant, is noted for its performance improvements with extensive data training, emphasizing coding data. Microsoft's Vasa-1 is highlighted for its realistic deep fake technology, allowing AI to imitate human facial expressions and movements from a single photo. The implications for AI in social interaction, healthcare, and the potential for personalized AI are explored. The video also touches on the debate over the timeline for achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), with opinions ranging from disbelief in its existence to predictions of its imminent arrival.


  • 🚀 Meta (formerly Facebook) has released Llama 3, a smaller but competitive AI model, indicating ongoing improvements in model performance even with significantly more training data.
  • 📈 Llama 370b is noted to be competitive with other models like Gemini Pro 1.5 and Claude, showcasing the advancements in AI capabilities.
  • 🔍 Meta is planning to release multiple models with enhanced capabilities, such as multimodality, multilingual conversing, extended context window, and stronger overall performance.
  • 🤖 An AI technology that uses a single photo to generate realistic and controllable facial expressions and lip movements has been developed, hinting at future applications like real-time Zoom calls with lifelike avatars.
  • 📚 The Vasa-1 model from Microsoft has achieved high expressiveness in deep fakes with relatively little training data, raising questions about the future of social interactions and AI ethics.
  • 🤖 AI nurses developed by Hypocritical AI and Nvidia are reported to outperform human nurses in certain technical aspects, suggesting a potential shift in healthcare service provision.
  • 📊 The creators of Vasa-1 used a diffusion transformer model that maps audio to facial expressions and head movements, achieving unprecedented lip-syncing accuracy.
  • 🔒 Microsoft has no current plans to release Vasa-1 publicly, emphasizing the need for responsible use and regulation compliance.
  • 📈 Hume AI is focusing on analyzing emotions in the human voice, which could lead to more personalized and emotionally intelligent AI interactions.
  • 📰 The launch of a new newsletter called 'Signal to Noise' aims to provide a high-quality, hype-free source of information on AI developments.
  • 🤖 The progress in robot agility, exemplified by the new Atlas robot from Boston Dynamics, indicates a future where physical and virtual AI capabilities continue to advance at a rapid pace.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the Llama 3 model released by Meta?

    -Llama 3 is significant because it is competitive with other models in its class, such as Gemini Pro 1.5 and Claude, and shows that model performance continues to improve even after training on a large amount of data. Meta also plans to release multiple models with new capabilities like multimodality, conversing in multiple languages, a longer context window, and stronger overall capabilities.

  • What is the main advancement of the Vasa-1 model from Microsoft?

    -The Vasa-1 model is notable for its ability to generate highly realistic deep fakes with detailed facial expressions, blinking, and lip movements in real time. It uses a diffusion Transformer model to map audio to facial expressions and head movements, and it can produce video frames with high lip-syncing accuracy and synchronization to audio.

  • How does the AI nurse technology work, and what are its capabilities?

    -AI nurse technology uses AI to simulate human interaction in healthcare settings. It can perform tasks such as making phone calls to patients, providing information about health conditions, and assisting with medical inquiries. The AI nurses have been shown to outperform human nurses in terms of bedside manner, educating patients, and identifying medication impacts on lab values.

  • What is the potential impact of personalized AI on the user experience?

    -Personalized AI can greatly enhance the user experience by integrating deeply into a user's life and context. It can plug into various activities and provide a more seamless and tailored interaction, which could lead to more engaging and addictive experiences as the technology advances.

  • What is the current debate around the timeline for achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?

    -There is a debate about whether AGI is achievable and, if so, when it might be reached. Some experts believe that AGI is not possible, while others argue that it could be achieved within the next few years. Dario Amodei, for example, suggests that ASL 3 (systems with low-level autonomous capabilities) could happen within the next year or two, and ASL 4 (systems with qualitative escalations in catastrophic misuse potential and autonomy) could happen between 2025 and 2028.

  • What is the significance of the new Atlas robot from Boston Dynamics?

    -The new Atlas robot from Boston Dynamics represents a significant advancement in robot agility and mechanical design. It showcases the company's progress in the field of robotics and has sparked discussions about the potential for other companies to replicate its design.

  • How does the Hume AI technology analyze emotions in a person's voice?

    -Hume AI uses an AI system to start a conversation with a user and then analyze the emotions present in the user's voice. This technology can provide insights into a person's emotional state, offering a new way to understand and respond to human emotions in real-time interactions.

  • What is the 'signal to noise' philosophy behind the new newsletter mentioned in the script?

    -The 'signal to noise' philosophy is about maintaining a high ratio of valuable information (signal) to irrelevant or unnecessary information (noise). The newsletter aims to provide quality content only when there is something interesting to report, avoiding spam and focusing on significant developments in the industry.

  • What are the potential ethical concerns with the Vasa-1 model's ability to generate realistic deep fakes?

    -The Vasa-1 model's ability to generate highly realistic deep fakes raises ethical concerns about the potential for misuse, such as creating fake videos that could be used to deceive or manipulate people. Microsoft has stated that they have no plans to release an online demo or product related to Vasa-1 until they are certain that the technology will be used responsibly and in accordance with proper regulations.

  • How does the AI technology's capability to imitate human facial expressions and voices impact the future of social interaction?

    -The ability of AI to imitate human facial expressions and voices can significantly impact the future of social interaction by enabling more natural and engaging interactions with AI systems. This could lead to AI being integrated into various aspects of daily life, from virtual assistants to entertainment, potentially changing how billions of people interact with technology.

  • What are the key features of the new Llama 3 model that make it competitive with other models?

    -The Llama 3 model is competitive due to its performance improvements even after training on a large amount of data, its emphasis on coding data, and its potential for new capabilities such as multimodality, conversing in multiple languages, a longer context window, and stronger overall capabilities.



🚀 Meta's Llama 3 and AI Model Competition

The video discusses Meta's recent release of two smaller AI models, Llama 370b, which is competitive with other models like Gemini Pro 1.5 and Claude. The script highlights that Meta's models showed improved performance with a significant increase in training data, especially coding data. The company plans to release multiple models with enhanced capabilities such as multimodality, multilingual support, extended context window, and stronger overall features. A comparison is also made with an undisclosed 'mystery model' training, GPC4 Turbo, and Claude 3 Opus, noting that all three perform similarly on various benchmarks. The segment ends with a teaser about an announcement that could change how people interact with AI.


🤖 AI Imitating Human Expressions and the Future of Healthcare

The script introduces a new AI technology that uses a single photo and audio clip to generate realistic human facial expressions and movements in real-time. This technology, referred to as Vasa 1, is particularly impressive for its expressiveness, including blinking and lip movement. The implications for AI social interaction are discussed, with a focus on healthcare and the potential for AI nurses. The AI nurses are reported to outperform human nurses in certain metrics, such as bedside manner and patient education. The technology behind Vasa 1 is explained, involving a diffusion Transformer model that maps audio to facial expressions. However, due to ethical concerns, Microsoft has no immediate plans to release the model publicly.


📰 Launch of 'Signal to Noise' Newsletter and AI Personalization

The speaker announces a new newsletter called 'Signal to Noise,' which aims to maintain a high signal-to-noise ratio by only posting when interesting developments occur. The newsletter will include a 'does it change everything' rating to quickly assess the impact of the news. The author also discusses the importance of AI personalization, suggesting that it might be more crucial than raw intelligence. Personalized AI models that integrate well into users' lives could be a key differentiator. The speaker also touches on the rapid progress in robot agility, referencing the new Atlas robot from Boston Dynamics and the competitive landscape in robotics design.


🤔 Perspectives on AGI and AI Safety Levels

The video concludes with a discussion on artificial general intelligence (AGI) and its potential timelines. Various experts express their skepticism or belief in AGI, with some suggesting it could be imminent while others believe it's further away. The concept of ASL (AI Safety Levels) is introduced, with ASL 3 and ASL 4 representing different levels of risk and autonomy. The speaker ends with a reflection on the movie 'Her' and the possibility that technology might be capable of replicating a similar AI experience by the following year.



💡Llama 3

Llama 3 refers to a new AI model developed by Meta (formerly known as Facebook). It is mentioned as being competitive with other models in its class, such as Gemini Pro 1.5 and Claude. In the video, it is highlighted that Meta is working on models that continue to improve performance even with a significant amount of data, emphasizing the use of quality data, particularly in coding.


Meta is the parent company of Facebook, which is leading the development of advanced AI models like Llama 3. The company is noted for its efforts in creating models that are competitive with other leading AI technologies and is planning to release multiple models with enhanced capabilities.


Multimodality in the context of AI refers to the ability of a system to process and understand information from multiple senses or sources, such as text, images, and sound. The video discusses Meta's intention to release models with multimodal capabilities, which would significantly enhance the interaction between humans and AI.


Vasa-1 is an AI model developed by Microsoft that is capable of generating highly realistic deepfake videos using just a single photo and an audio clip. It is noted for its expressiveness, including facial expressions, blinking, and lip movements. The video emphasizes the potential of Vasa-1 to revolutionize how humans interact with AI, particularly in real-time applications.

💡AI Nurses

AI Nurses, as discussed in the video, are AI-driven systems that can perform tasks similar to human nurses, such as patient care and medical advice. The video mentions a collaboration between Hypocritic AI and Nvidia to create AI nurses that are cost-effective and can outperform human nurses in certain technical aspects of patient care.

💡Transformer Architecture

The Transformer architecture is a type of deep learning model that is particularly effective in processing sequential data. In the context of the video, it is used by the Vasa-1 model to map audio to facial expressions and head movements, enabling the creation of highly realistic and synchronized deepfake videos.

💡Facial Dynamics

Facial dynamics refer to the movements and expressions of the face, including lip motion, eye gaze, and blinking. The video discusses how the Vasa-1 model maps these dynamics onto a latent space for efficient computation, resulting in more realistic and expressive AI-generated faces.

💡Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, is the hypothetical ability of an AI to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can do. The video explores differing opinions on the existence and timeline for achieving AGI, with some experts believing it to be imminent and others considering it a more distant goal.


Personalization in AI refers to tailoring the AI's responses and interactions to individual users based on their preferences, history, and context. The video suggests that personalization may be as important as intelligence in AI, with the potential to deeply integrate AI into users' lives.

💡AI Safety Levels

AI Safety Levels, such as ASL 3 and ASL 4 mentioned in the video, are used to categorize AI systems based on their risk of misuse and their level of autonomy. ASL 3 systems pose a substantial risk of catastrophic misuse, while ASL 4 systems indicate a qualitative escalation in this risk and autonomy.


Her is a movie set in the future that explores the relationship between a man and an AI operating system. The video uses the movie as a reference point to discuss the current trajectory of AI development, suggesting that the level of AI-human interaction depicted in the movie may not be far from reality.


Meta has released Llama 3, a model competitive with Gemini Pro 1.5 and Claude, but without their context window size.

Llama 370b shows improved model performance even after training on significantly more data than the optimal amount.

Meta plans to release multiple models with new capabilities, including multimodality, multilingual conversing, and a longer context window.

A mystery model is still in training, expected to compete with GPC4 Turbo and Claude 3 Opus.

Microsoft's Vasa-1 can generate highly realistic deep fakes using just a single photo and an audio clip.

Vasa-1 allows control over the emotion, distance from the camera, and direction of the gaze of the generated avatar.

The technology behind Vasa-1 could lead to real-time Zoom calls with next-generation models later this year.

AI nurses developed by Hypocritical AI and Nvidia outperform human nurses in bedside manner and patient education.

The Vasa-1 model was trained on a relatively small data set, demonstrating the potential for results with limited data.

Microsoft has no current plans to release Vasa-1 due to concerns about responsible use and regulation.

Hume AI is focusing on analyzing emotions in the human voice for a more personalized AI experience.

The author is launching a new newsletter called 'Signal to Noise' with a focus on quality content and a 'does it change everything' rating system.

Boston Dynamics' new Atlas robot showcases significant advancements in robot agility.

Finger, a company known for mechanical design in robotics, may be influencing the design of new Atlas.

Personalization of AI might be more important than inherent intelligence for long-term user engagement.

Open AI's strategy might include personalizing AI through video avatars and user engagement to compete with other tech giants.

There is debate over the timeline for achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), with some believing it's imminent and others skeptical.

Dario Amodei, CEO of Anthropic, predicts ASL 3 could happen within the next year or two, and ASL 4 between 2025 and 2028.

The movie 'Her,' set in 2025, seems increasingly relevant as we approach the technological capabilities depicted in the film.