HeyGen Instant Avatar vs Finetune (Is It Worth The Upgrade?)

Joey Morin
11 Apr 202405:07

TLDRIn this video, the creator compares the HeyGen Instant Avatar with its upgraded Fine Tune version. The HeyGen platform allows users to generate AI avatars that mimic their appearance and voice without the need for personal recording. The video demonstrates the process of creating both an Instant and Fine Tune avatar using the same audio file. The side-by-side comparison reveals that while both avatars are highly realistic, the Fine Tune version offers better mouth syncing and more natural head movements. The video suggests that upgrading to the Fine Tune model is beneficial for commercial use, such as social media or training videos, but not necessary for casual experimentation. The creator, who runs a marketing agency, chooses to always use the Fine Tune option for higher quality content creation for clients.


  • 🤖 HeyGen Instant Avatar is an AI tool that creates a virtual clone of a person to generate videos that look and sound like them without the need for personal recording.
  • 🚀 After upgrading to the Fine Tune model, the video quality improves, particularly in mouth syncing and natural head movements.
  • 📈 The Fine Tune model is recommended for commercial use, social media posting, or creating training videos for higher fidelity and clarity.
  • 🎭 Despite the improvements, the Instant Avatar still offers an incredibly realistic representation with minor quirks that are expected to improve over time.
  • 💡 The speaker always opts for the Fine Tune option for professional use, such as content creation for clients' social media due to its higher quality.
  • 📚 For casual use or non-commercial purposes, upgrading to the Fine Tune model may not be necessary.
  • 🔍 The Fine Tune version typically shows more natural lip sync and fewer hand motions that may appear quirky in the Instant Avatar.
  • 📹 Both Instant and Fine Tune Avatars are AI-generated, meaning the speaker did not need to record the video themselves.
  • ⏰ The technology is rapidly advancing, and the current state of AI-generated videos is impressive, with even better results anticipated in the future.
  • 📈 The speaker has made additional videos on how to create the best AI Avatar and how to use these avatars for monetary gain.
  • 👍 The video encourages viewers to leave a thumbs up if they found the information helpful and to watch further videos for more insights.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the HeyGen Instant Avatar?

    -The HeyGen Instant Avatar is an AI tool used to create an AI Avatar or a virtual clone of a person. It can generate videos that look and sound exactly like the person without the need for them to do any recording.

  • How does the HeyGen Instant Avatar work?

    -To use the HeyGen Instant Avatar, you simply write some text or provide an audio file of you or someone else speaking, and the tool will generate a video that appears as if you are speaking, with your mouth moving and mannerisms replicated.

  • What is the difference between the Instant Avatar and the Fine Tune model?

    -The Fine Tune model is an upgraded version of the Instant Avatar. It offers improved mouth syncing to words, more natural head movements, and generally higher quality in the generated video.

  • Is it necessary to upgrade to the Fine Tune model for casual use?

    -For casual use or just to explore the capabilities of the avatars, upgrading to the Fine Tune model is not necessary. The Instant Avatar is still highly realistic and functional.

  • When would upgrading to the Fine Tune model be beneficial?

    -Upgrading to the Fine Tune model is beneficial when using the avatars for commercial purposes, such as posting on social media, creating training videos, or generating high-quality content for clients.

  • What are some potential quirks in the AI-generated videos?

    -Some potential quirks include mismatched mannerisms or motions that do not align perfectly with the words, and occasional unnatural lip movements or hand gestures.

  • How does the speaker use the HeyGen Instant Avatar in their marketing agency?

    -The speaker uses the HeyGen Instant Avatar to create content for clients to post on social media, and always opts for the Fine Tune model to ensure the highest quality for professional use.

  • What does the speaker suggest for those interested in making money using these avatars?

    -The speaker suggests watching a specific video (linked in the description) that details how to use these avatars to make money and create videos for clients.

  • How can one learn more about creating their own AI avatars?

    -To learn more about creating AI avatars, one can watch another video by the speaker, which is also linked in the description.

  • What is the current state of AI-generated video technology?

    -The current state of AI-generated video technology is quite advanced, producing highly realistic videos. However, there are still some quirks, and the technology is expected to improve over time.

  • What does the future hold for AI-generated video technology?

    -The future of AI-generated video technology is expected to bring even more realistic and high-quality videos, with improved lip-syncing, motion, and overall naturalness.

  • How can viewers show their appreciation for the video?

    -Viewers can show their appreciation by leaving a thumbs up if they found the video helpful.



🎥 Upgrading AI Avatars: Instant vs. Fine Tune

This paragraph introduces the topic of upgrading an AI Avatar using the 'haen' platform. The speaker explains the purpose of haen, which is to create a virtual clone or AI Avatar of oneself to generate videos without the need for personal recording. The platform uses text or audio files to produce videos that mimic the user's speech and mannerisms. The speaker shares their experience with haen, mentioning it as the best platform they've found so far for creating AI avatars, and notes that they will update viewers if better options emerge. They also reference another video detailing how to create the best AI Avatar. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of creating an instant Avatar and its fine-tuned version for comparison.


📈 Comparing Instant and Fine Tune Avatars

The speaker presents a side-by-side comparison of the instant and fine-tuned AI Avatars generated from the same audio file. They discuss the quality of the generated videos, noting that while both are impressive, the fine-tuned version shows better mouth syncing and more natural head movements. The speaker acknowledges some quirks in the technology but is optimistic about future improvements. They advise that upgrading to the fine-tune option is unnecessary for casual use but recommends it for professional or commercial purposes, such as social media posting or creating training videos. The speaker discloses their preference for the fine-tune option due to their use of AI avatars in a marketing context. The paragraph ends with an invitation for viewers to learn more about monetizing AI avatars or creating their own.



💡HeyGen Instant Avatar

HeyGen Instant Avatar refers to a basic version of an AI tool that creates a virtual representation or 'avatar' of an individual. This avatar can generate videos that mimic the person's appearance and voice without requiring the person to physically record anything. In the context of the video, it is the starting point for comparison with the upgraded 'Finetune' version.

💡Finetune Model

The Finetune Model is an upgraded version of the HeyGen Instant Avatar. It offers improved features and a higher quality output, particularly in terms of lip-syncing and overall naturalness of the generated video. The video discusses whether it is worth upgrading to this model from the Instant Avatar.

💡AI Tool

An AI tool, as mentioned in the video, is a software application that uses artificial intelligence to perform a specific task. In this case, the AI tool is used to create AI Avatars that can generate videos. The tool is significant as it allows for the creation of content that appears to be spoken by the user without actual recording.

💡Virtual Clone

A virtual clone in the context of the video is a digital replica of a person created using AI technology. This clone can be used to generate videos that look and sound like the original person, which is particularly useful for content creation and other applications where the person's physical presence is not required.


Lip-syncing is the process of matching mouth movements with spoken words in a video or animation. In the video, it is highlighted as an area of improvement in the Finetune Model over the Instant Avatar, resulting in a more natural and realistic appearance of the AI-generated video.


Mannerisms refer to the unique behaviors, gestures, or movements that are characteristic of an individual. In the context of the video, the AI Avatar is capable of replicating the user's mannerisms, adding to the authenticity of the generated video.

💡AI Space

The term 'AI Space' is used to describe the field or industry related to artificial intelligence technologies and their applications. The video mentions that the AI space is constantly evolving, implying that there may be better platforms for creating AI avatars in the future.


Fidelity in the context of the video refers to the accuracy and quality of the AI-generated videos. Upgrading to the Finetune Model is suggested for those who require higher fidelity in their videos, especially for commercial or public-facing content.

💡Commercial Reason

A commercial reason implies using a product or service for financial gain or business purposes. The video suggests that upgrading to the Finetune Model is beneficial for those who intend to use the AI Avatar for commercial purposes such as marketing, social media content, or training videos.

💡Social Media

Social media refers to online platforms that allow users to create and share content or participate in social networking. In the video, it is mentioned as one of the platforms where the AI Avatar-generated content might be posted, highlighting the importance of quality and realism for public consumption.

💡Training Videos

Training videos are educational content used to instruct or train individuals on specific topics or skills. The video discusses the potential use of AI Avatars to create such content, suggesting that the Finetune Model could be particularly useful for this purpose due to its higher quality output.


The video compares the normal instant avatar and the fine-tune model on HeyGen.

HeyGen is an AI tool that creates AI avatars or virtual clones of individuals.

AI avatars can generate videos that look and sound exactly like the user without personal recording.

The platform uses text or audio files to create videos with the user's likeness.

The video demonstrates the differences between instant and fine-tune avatars.

The presenter has already created and upgraded an instant avatar to a fine-tune version.

A side-by-side comparison will show the differences between the two avatar types.

Both avatars are highly realistic and AI-generated, with minor differences.

The fine-tune avatar has better mouth syncing and more natural head movements.

The instant avatar is still impressive but has occasional mismatched mannerisms.

Upgrading to the fine-tune option is recommended for commercial or social media use.

For casual use or non-commercial purposes, upgrading to fine-tune may not be necessary.

The presenter always upgrades for marketing content due to higher quality requirements.

The technology is rapidly improving, with even better results expected in the future.

The presenter runs a marketing agency and uses avatars for social media content creation.

Additional resources are provided for learning how to make money with avatars and creating AI avatars.

The video concludes with a call to action for feedback and engagement from viewers.