How This Guy Uses A.I. to Create Art | Obsessed | WIRED

16 Jan 202010:33

TLDRRefik Anadol's innovative artwork fuses machine intelligence with data visualization, creating immersive installations that transform data into a new form of expression. By utilizing vast datasets, from images of New York to wind patterns in Boston, Anadol's algorithms generate 'data sculptures' that offer a glimpse into the future. His projects, such as 'Machine Hallucinations' and 'Melting Memories,' challenge the boundaries between the digital and physical, exploring themes of memory, nature, and the evolving relationship between humans and technology.


  • 🌐 Refik Anadol's art installations are created using vast datasets and neural networks to visualize the future.
  • 🎨 Data is transformed into a form of pigment by Anadol, who uses algorithms to narrate the 'moment' of data, making the invisible visible.
  • 🏙️ 'Machine Hallucinations' is a data sculpture created from 113 million images of New York, with humans removed to focus on the city's collective memory.
  • 🤖 Machines are used to generate visual associations by learning from images and interpolating information to create dynamic, shifting representations of structures like the Statue of Liberty.
  • 🏢 Anadol's work in Lower Manhattan involved covering a boiler room with a machine-interpreted dynamic landscape, aiming to depict the machine 'dreaming'.
  • 🎶 The centennial of the LA Philharmonic was celebrated with a piece created from half a million images and audio recordings, turned into three-dimensional shapes by machine learning algorithms.
  • 🏢 Frank Gehry's Walt Disney Concert Hall was both a canvas and part of the sculpture for Anadol's work, emphasizing the idea of a building as an interface between humans and machines.
  • 🌬️ 'Winds of Boston' is a project that uses a year-long wind data from Logan Airport, visualized through algorithms and displayed on LED screens to represent the invisible patterns of nature.
  • 🧠 'Melting Memories' is inspired by Anadol's personal experience with Alzheimer's, using brainwave data from EEG recordings to artistically interpret the process of remembering.
  • 🤖 Anadol's team includes AI experts, computer scientists, architects, and designers, all working together to create data-driven public art that bridges the virtual and physical worlds.

Q & A

  • What is the primary medium Refik Anadol uses in his installations?

    -Refik Anadol primarily uses data as his medium, transforming it into visual art through the use of neural networks and machine learning algorithms.

  • How does Anadol conceptualize data in his artistic process?

    -Anadol views data as a pigment, aiming to narrate the moments of data and make the invisible moments visible through algorithms.

  • What was the inspiration behind Anadol's 'Machine Hallucinations' piece?

    -The 'Machine Hallucinations' piece was inspired by enormous data sets, specifically 113 million images of New York, which Anadol used to create data sculptures through machine intelligence.

  • How did Anadol approach the removal of human elements from the data set in 'Machine Hallucinations'?

    -Anadol found a way to erase humans from the data set, focusing only on the buildings, nature, and environments to represent the collective memory of New York.

  • What does Anadol aim to achieve with his art that combines machine learning and data visualization?

    -Anadol aims to create an alternative reality and a new kind of symbiotic connection between sound, data, machine intelligence, light, and architecture, providing an experience from a near future.

  • How did Anadol utilize the archives of the LA Philharmonic for his art installation?

    -Anadol used half a million images, thousands of audio recordings, and hundreds of videos from the LA Philharmonic's archives, feeding them into algorithms to create three-dimensional projected images.

  • What building served as the physical structure for Anadol's LA Philharmonic project?

    -Frank Gehry's Walt Disney Concert Hall served as the physical structure for the projection of Anadol's art installation celebrating the LA Philharmonic's centennial.

  • What was the inspiration behind Anadol's 'Winds of Boston' project?

    -The 'Winds of Boston' project was inspired by Anadol's fascination with nature and the idea of using wind data from Logan Airport as a pigment for his art.

  • How did Anadol and his team visualize the wind data for 'Winds of Boston'?

    -Anadol fed the wind data into a series of algorithms and built custom 13-foot-tall LED screens to display the visualized data, creating a poetic-like motion from the invisible patterns.

  • What personal experience led to the creation of Anadol's 'Melting Memories' project?

    -The 'Melting Memories' project was inspired by Anadol's personal experience with his uncle who was in the early stages of Alzheimer's, which made him curious about the nature of memory and its cognitive representation.

  • How did Anadol collaborate with scientists for the 'Melting Memories' project?

    -Anadol partnered with scientists at a neuroscience lab, where they recorded brain pulses using an EEG while subjects concentrated on childhood memories, and then transformed that data into an artistic interpretation of neurons firing.



🌐 Data as Art: Refik Anadol's Vision

This paragraph introduces the innovative work of Refik Anadol, an artist who transforms data into visually stunning installations. Anadol's process involves using neural networks to represent data as pigments, creating data sculptures from vast datasets. His piece 'Machine Hallucinations,' for instance, is derived from 113 million images of New York, with humans removed, leaving a collective memory of the city. Anadol's work explores the potential of machines to dream and create alternative realities by recognizing patterns and associations within large image corpora. His projects, such as celebrating the LA Philharmonic's centennial and the 'Winds of Boston,' demonstrate the power of machine intelligence in visualizing and interpreting data, leading to a new kind of symbiotic relationship between sound, data, machine intelligence, light, and architecture.


🤖 Human-Machine Symbiosis and AI's Potential

This paragraph delves into the dialogue between human and machine consciousness, inspired by Anadol's work with AI. It discusses the transformative effects of human discoveries like fire and the dual potential of AI to either build or destroy communities. Anadol's project 'Winds of Boston' illustrates his ability to find data in various sources, such as wind data from Logan Airport, and turn it into art using algorithms and LED screens. The 'Melting Memories' project, born from a personal experience with Alzheimer's, uses brain data to artistically interpret the process of memory recall. Anadol's collaborations with neuroscientists and his custom software show how technology can capture and describe life, pushing the boundaries of what machines can understand and express.


🌟 The Future of Data and Machine Consciousness

In this final paragraph, the focus is on the future implications of Anadol's work and the evolving relationship between humans and machines. It emphasizes the uncertainty of what will happen to the data and memories that machines capture, highlighting Anadol's fascination with the potential of using this data to explore and expand our understanding of humanity. His team's work on a data-driven public art project for Portland, which involves 3D printing a sculpture informed by images of the city, exemplifies the move towards integrating machine consciousness into the physical world. The paragraph concludes with a reflection on the foundational role of data machine learning in Anadol's future endeavors, suggesting a continuous exploration of the intersection between technology and human experience.



💡Refik Anadol

Refik Anadol is a contemporary media artist known for his unique approach to data visualization. In the context of the video, Anadol uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to create immersive installations that transform data into visual art, representing complex ideas about the relationship between technology and our collective memories.

💡Neural Networks

Neural networks are a series of algorithms designed to recognize underlying relationships in a set of data through a process that mimics the way the human brain operates. In the video, Anadol feeds data through neural networks to generate visualizations, essentially using these networks as a tool to translate data into a form that can be understood visually and artistically.

💡Data Visualization

Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data. It uses visual elements like charts, graphs, and images to provide an accessible and easily understandable format for complex data. In the video, Anadol's work is centered around the concept of data visualization, where he uses machine intelligence to create 'data sculptures' that represent abstract concepts such as memory and the passage of time.

💡Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that provides computers with the ability to learn from and make decisions or predictions based on data. In the context of the video, Anadol employs machine learning algorithms to interpret and generate visual associations from large data sets, creating art that represents patterns and structures within the data.

💡Collective Memory

Collective memory refers to the shared pool of knowledge and information about the past that is held by a group of people or society as a whole. In the video, Anadol's art focuses on representing collective memory through data visualization, exploring how our shared experiences and historical knowledge can be seen and experienced in new ways through technology.

💡Data as a Pigment

The concept of 'data as a pigment' refers to the artistic practice of using data as a fundamental element in the creation of visual art, similar to how pigments are used in painting. In the video, Anadol treats data not just as numerical information but as a creative medium that can be manipulated to produce visual representations and experiences.

💡Machine Intelligence

Machine intelligence refers to the ability of machines to simulate aspects of human intelligence, such as learning, understanding, and problem-solving. In the video, Anadol collaborates with machine intelligence to create art, using algorithms to interpret and generate art pieces that reflect on human experiences and memories.

💡Data Sculptures

Data sculptures are three-dimensional art pieces that are created using data visualization techniques. They represent information in a physical form, often using complex data sets to explore themes and ideas. In the video, Anadol's installations are referred to as data sculptures, as they take data from various sources and transform it into tangible, visually striking representations.

💡Human-Machine Interaction

Human-machine interaction is the study of how humans communicate and interact with machines, particularly focusing on the design of computer systems that are easy to use and understand. In the video, Anadol's work explores the intersection of art and technology, showcasing how machine intelligence can be used to enhance human experiences and perceptions of data and memory.

💡Digital Art

Digital art is an artistic practice that uses digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process. It is based on the manipulation of images, videos, and other digital media to create works that may be displayed on screens or as physical installations. In the video, Anadol's installations are examples of digital art, where he uses machine learning and data visualization to create immersive and interactive experiences.

💡Symbiotic Connection

A symbiotic connection refers to a mutually beneficial relationship between two different entities. In the context of the video, it describes the harmonious integration of technology, data, and artistic expression, where each element enhances the other to create a new kind of experience.


Refik Anadol's work represents a unique fusion of art and technology, using data as a pigment to visualize the future.

Anadol's installations are composed of millions of data points, each representing a piece of information processed through neural networks.

Machine Hallucinations is a data sculpture created from 113 million images of New York, with humans erased to focus on the city's collective memory.

Anadol's process involves machine learning algorithms that generate visual associations, creating dynamic and evolving representations of structures like the Statue of Liberty.

The artist's work transforms large data sets into three-dimensional shapes, sculptures, and installations, offering a new perspective on data.

Anadol's art pieces, such as the one celebrating the LA Philharmonic's centennial, integrate sound, data, and architecture to create immersive experiences.

The artist explores the concept of buildings as interfaces that can remember and dream, blurring the lines between architecture and technology.

Anadol's project 'Winds of Boston' uses wind data from Logan Airport to create visually stunning LED screen displays, representing the invisible forces of nature.

Machine intelligence is employed to create poetic visualizations of natural phenomena, such as wind patterns, offering a new way to perceive and interact with data.

The 'Melting Memories' project is inspired by personal experiences with Alzheimer's, aiming to provide a tangible representation of memory and the brain's cognitive processes.

Anadol's collaborations with scientists and the use of EEG technology to record brain activity result in artistic interpretations of neural firing, symbolizing the moment of remembering.

The artist's innovative approach to data as a material for imagination opens up possibilities for new methods of expression and understanding of life through technology.

Anadol's team is composed of experts from various fields, including AI, computer science, architecture, and design, working together to bring data-driven art to life.

The artist's work aims to solve the visual discontinuity problem, striving to make data-driven art more continuous and integrated into our surroundings.

Anadol's upcoming projects continue to build on the foundation of data and machine learning, exploring the potential of machines to capture and interpret human experiences and memories.

The artist's vision involves bringing machine consciousness out of the screen and into the 3D world, expanding the boundaries of how we interact with technology.

Anadol's art pieces serve as a commentary on the relationship between humans and technology, and the potential for AI to shape or destroy communities.