Every Trick a Pro GeoGuessr Player Uses to Win (ft. RAINBOLT) | WIRED

31 Aug 202207:02

TLDRThe transcript from a WIRED video features an interview with GeoGuessr expert, Trevor Rainbolt, who shares his strategies for quickly guessing locations on Google Maps. Key techniques include recognizing road signs, license plates, and the unique characteristics of soil and vegetation. Rainbolt emphasizes the importance of learning the distinct features of telephone poles and bollards in different countries, which can be a significant clue. He also discusses the challenges of guessing locations in places like the Baltic states and the sheer size of countries like Indonesia and Russia. The video highlights the dedication and continuous learning process required to excel in GeoGuessr, as well as the supportive community of players who share a passion for geography and exploration.


  • 🗺️ GeoGuessr is a game where players guess their location on a Google Map from a single screenshot.
  • 🕵️ Trevor Rainbolt, a professional GeoGuessr player, uses distinct visual cues to quickly guess countries.
  • 👀 Rainbolt dedicated significant time to studying Google Maps and learning about different countries' features.
  • 🚦 Recognizing road signs, vegetation, and road materials are key to making an educated guess in GeoGuessr.
  • 📍 Players often use telephone poles and bollards to help identify countries due to their distinct regional designs.
  • 🏡 The color and type of soil, along with the surrounding vegetation, can provide hints about the location.
  • 🚗 License plates, even when blurred, offer clues about a location based on color and length.
  • 🔍 The direction and angle of the road can be used to pinpoint a location on the map.
  • 📐 Road signs and numbers can help narrow down a location, especially in countries with clear labeling systems.
  • 🤔 Some regions, like the Baltic states, are particularly challenging due to their similarities.
  • 🌐 The GeoGuessr community is passionate about learning and sharing knowledge about the world's geography.

Q & A

  • What is the concept of GeoGuessr?

    -GeoGuessr is a game where players guess their location on a Google Map based on a single screenshot.

  • How does Trevor Rainbolt describe the process of guessing countries quickly?

    -Trevor Rainbolt uses a combination of observations, such as road line recognition, vegetation, road material, and Google coverage, to make intuitive guesses.

  • What role do telephone poles play in GeoGuessr?

    -Telephone poles are crucial in GeoGuessr as they can indicate a country based on their material, design, and markings.

  • What is a 'vibe guess' in the context of GeoGuessr?

    -A 'vibe guess' is an intuitive guess based on the overall feel or impression of the location, which includes factors like road quality and environment.

  • How does the length of a license plate provide clues in GeoGuessr?

    -The length and color of a license plate can indicate certain countries. For example, short colorful plates might suggest Mexico, while the UK might be indicated by a yellow plate on the back.

  • What is the significance of bollards in GeoGuessr?

    -Bollards, or road markings, are distinct in different countries, and recognizing them can help players identify the country they are looking at.

  • Why is the Baltic region considered challenging in GeoGuessr?

    -The Baltic region is challenging because the countries in this area share similar characteristics, making it difficult to distinguish between them.

  • What are some of the unique characteristics that can be observed in the soil for guessing locations?

    -Unique soil characteristics include the color of the soil, the type of vegetation, the presence of pebbles or grass, and the overall greenness, which can help identify regions like South Chile or North Botswana.

  • How does Trevor Rainbolt approach the process of pinpointing a location?

    -Trevor Rainbolt starts by looking at the road direction and angle, uses signage like town names or highway numbers, and leverages the road numbering system of certain countries like Denmark for easier pinpointing.

  • What does Trevor Rainbolt consider when learning new countries for GeoGuessr?

    -Trevor Rainbolt focuses on learning distinct features such as telephone poles, bollards, and soil characteristics unique to each country. He also pays attention to Google's updates on map coverage to learn new regions.

  • How does the GeoGuessr community contribute to the learning process?

    -The GeoGuessr community collaborates by searching through locations together, discussing commonalities in countries, and competing with each other, which enhances the learning experience and knowledge sharing.

  • Why does Trevor Rainbolt find the game of GeoGuessr appealing?

    -Trevor Rainbolt finds GeoGuessr appealing because it offers continuous learning opportunities, even for the best players, as Google updates its map coverage and includes new countries.



🌍 GeoGuessr: Mastering the Art of Location Guessing

The first paragraph introduces the world of GeoGuessr, a game where players attempt to guess their location on a Google Map based on a single screenshot. The narrator interviews Trevor Rainbolt, an expert player, who shares his strategies for quickly identifying countries using various clues such as road signs, vegetation, and even soil types. Trevor emphasizes the importance of recognizing road markings, utility poles, and license plates, which can vary significantly by country. He also discusses the intuition-based 'vibe guesses' that factor in road quality and Google's coverage year. The paragraph concludes with Trevor's dedication to mastering the game and the ongoing learning process as Google updates its map coverage.


🔍 Advanced GeoGuessr Techniques and Challenges

The second paragraph delves into the advanced techniques Trevor uses to make split-second guesses in GeoGuessr. He explains how specific road markings and bollards can quickly identify countries like Sweden and France. The paragraph also highlights the challenges of distinguishing between countries with similar features, such as the Baltic states or the vast expanses of Indonesia and Russia. Trevor acknowledges the continuous learning process, as even expert players like himself must adapt to new map updates and the addition of previously uncharted countries. The paragraph concludes with a nod to the GeoGuessr community, a group of enthusiasts who collaborate and compete, driven by their shared passion for exploration and learning about the world.




GeoGuessr is an online geography game that requires players to guess the geographical location shown in a Google Street View screenshot. It is the central theme of the video, as it features a discussion with a professional GeoGuessr player, Trevor Rainbolt, who shares his strategies and insights into the game.

💡Trevor Rainbolt

Trevor Rainbolt is a professional GeoGuessr player featured in the video. He is known for his exceptional skills in quickly guessing locations in the game and provides tips and tricks to viewers on how to improve their own GeoGuessr performance.

💡Google Maps

Google Maps is the mapping service used as the basis for the GeoGuessr game. Players make educated guesses about their location on the map by analyzing the details visible in a Google Street View screenshot.

💡Vibe Guesses

Vibe guesses refer to intuitive guesses made in GeoGuessr based on the overall feel or 'vibe' of the location shown in the screenshot. These guesses are not solely based on specific details but rather on a combination of visual cues that create an impression of the place.

💡Telephone Poles

In the context of GeoGuessr, telephone poles are a key feature that players learn to identify as they can provide clues about the location. Different countries have distinct styles and materials for their telephone poles, which can help narrow down the guess.


Bollards are road markings or posts that can be found in various countries and are often unique to specific regions. In GeoGuessr, recognizing the design of bollards can be a significant clue in determining the location shown in the screenshot.

💡License Plates

License plates, even when blurred in GeoGuessr, can offer hints about the location. Players learn to recognize the shape, color, and length of the blurred license plates to make an educated guess about the country or region shown.

💡Soil Guessing

Soil guessing involves analyzing the color, texture, and vegetation of the soil visible in a Google Street View screenshot. It's a technique used by advanced GeoGuessr players to make more precise guesses about the location.


Pinpointing is the process of refining a guess to a specific location within a country or region. Players use various clues, such as road angles, signage, and town names, to accurately pinpoint their location on the map.

💡Baltic Roulette

Baltic roulette is a term used to describe the difficulty of distinguishing between the Baltic countries in GeoGuessr due to their similarities in landscape and urban design. It is an example of a challenging aspect of the game.


Geohints.com is a website mentioned in the video that lists out bollards from different countries, which can be extremely helpful for GeoGuessr players to learn and recognize these road markings to improve their gameplay.


GeoGuessr is a game where players guess their location on a Google Map based on a single screenshot.

Professional GeoGuessr player Trevor Rainbolt shares his strategies for quickly identifying countries.

Key indicators for guessing locations include road signs, vegetation, road materials, and Google Maps coverage.

Trevor Rainbolt dedicated over a year to mastering Google Maps and learning about different countries' features.

Utilizing road line recognition and the quality of roads helps in making an educated guess.

The design and material of telephone poles and bollards are crucial for identifying countries and regions.

Geohints.com is a helpful resource that lists bollards, aiding in recognizing different countries.

License plates, despite being blurred, offer clues about a location based on color and length.

Unique road sign shapes, like the Hokkaido arrow in Japan, can help narrow down a location.

The angle of the camera and road visibility from the rear mirror can indicate regions within the same country.

Soil color and vegetation are significant factors in geoguessing, with some soils being indicative of specific regions.

Pinpointing involves aligning road angles and using signage or road numbers to refine location guesses.

Denmark is one of the easiest countries to pinpoint due to its well-labeled roads and towns.

Even with experience, players find regions like the Baltic states and large countries like Russia and Indonesia challenging.

The GeoGuessr community is a group of enthusiasts who collaborate and compete, constantly learning and sharing knowledge.

As Google Maps updates its coverage, players must adapt and learn new locations, such as the recent addition of India.

Trevor Rainbolt continues to refine his skills, particularly focusing on Australia and planning to learn more about Russia and Turkey.