How To Change WhatsApp Home Screen Wallpaper In Tamil - Dongly Tech 🔥

DONGLY TECH - டாங்லி டெக்
27 Mar 202104:15

TLDRThe transcript appears to be a mix of unrelated phrases and words, possibly from a conversation or a script with multiple speakers. It mentions various topics such as a website, a service email, a meeting over coffee, local governance, social media platforms, currency, technology, and some specific locations. It also includes references to clothing, sports, and some sort of online content or services. Despite the fragmented nature of the text, it seems to touch on themes of community, technology, and perhaps the daily life and challenges faced by individuals in a modern, digital world.


  • 📧 A website called is mentioned, possibly related to a service or product.
  • 🚀 The phrase '40 nih' is repeated, indicating a possible statistic, code, or significant number.
  • 💌 An email address for service inquiries is provided: [email protected].
  • 🕊️ The term 'burung unggul' is used, which translates to 'superior bird', possibly a metaphor or a name of a product.
  • 📅 A reference to a past event where the speaker had already had coffee, indicating a social or networking context.
  • 🎬 A mention of 'Cinere' and 'Klepon', which could be names of places, people, or events.
  • 🏆 The phrase 'Bupati ngogesa miracles maksud' might refer to a local leader or an influential figure.
  • 👕 'Pakaian lain mereka aleppo' suggests a discussion about clothing or fashion related to a place named 'Aleppo'.
  • 📱 A list of social media platforms is provided: WhatsApp, Facebook, and Telegram, indicating the importance of these channels.
  • 💰 The word 'rupiah' is mentioned, which is the currency of Indonesia, pointing towards a financial or economic context.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the number 40 mentioned in the script?

    -The script does not provide specific context for the number 40, but it could be a reference to a particular event, date, or quantity related to the topic being discussed.

  • What is the role of [email protected] in the context of the script?

    -The email address [email protected] is likely mentioned as a point of contact for the service Go-Jek, which is a technology-based platform in Indonesia offering services like transportation, food delivery, and payment services.

  • What is the significance of the mention of 'Cinere' and its relation to the candidates?

    -The term 'Cinere' is mentioned but without clear context. It could be a location or a name of a person, possibly related to a political context or an event where candidates are involved.

  • What does 'Bupati ngogesa miracles maksudnya' mean and its relevance to the script?

    -The phrase 'Bupati ngogesa miracles maksudnya' is in Indonesian and translates to 'What does the Regent mean by miracles?' This could be a reference to a statement or action made by a local government official, possibly in relation to a development or event in their jurisdiction.

  • Why is 'WhatsApp Facebook grup telegram' mentioned in the script?

    -These are popular communication platforms. The script mentions them likely to suggest the use of these tools for group communication or to encourage the audience to join specific groups for updates or discussions.

  • What is the possible meaning behind 'worth Madrid Black Friday'?

    -This phrase could be a reference to a promotional event or sale happening in Madrid on Black Friday. It might suggest a significant discount or special event related to shopping or a specific brand.

  • How can 'Green' be related to the phrase 'kamu gila untuk Green'?

    -The phrase 'kamu gila untuk Green' is in Indonesian and translates to 'you are crazy for Green'. This could be a statement expressing someone's enthusiasm or support for an environmental cause, a sports team named Green, or a product or service branded as Green.

  • What is the significance of 'Chinese technology' in the context of the script?

    -The mention of 'Chinese technology' could be a reference to the advancements or influence of technology from China in the discussed context. It might be related to the adoption of Chinese tech products, services, or a comparison with other technological developments.

  • What does 'Web development fw-1680 backup' refer to?

    -This phrase likely refers to a specific process or tool in web development, possibly a framework or software version (fw-1680) that is used for creating backups of websites to ensure data safety and recovery.

  • Why is 'WeChat label nanti' mentioned in the script?

    -WeChat is a popular messaging and social media app, primarily used in China. The phrase 'label nanti' suggests that there might be a future or upcoming feature or event related to WeChat labels, which are used to categorize and organize contacts in the app.

  • What could be the meaning of 'Linux desktop' in the context of the script?

    -The term 'Linux desktop' refers to the use of Linux operating system on desktop computers. The script might be discussing the features, customization, or performance of Linux-based desktop environments.



🌐 Diverse Topics and Communication

This paragraph presents a hodgepodge of topics ranging from greetings and channel introductions to various forms of communication and technology. It starts with a welcoming note to the audience and quickly delves into a discussion about speed and service, mentioning an email address. There's a mention of a popular clothing brand and social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Telegram. The paragraph also touches on local culture and global events, referencing a specific region and a political figure. It continues with a blend of seemingly unrelated topics such as fashion, technology, and personal support. There's a mention of subscribing to a channel, spiritual guidance, and various products and services. The paragraph ends with a note on web development and a catchy tune, leaving the reader with a sense of a bustling, interconnected world.



💡[email protected]

This appears to be an email address, presumably for customer service related to the Go-Jek platform. In the context of the video, it could be referring to a way for viewers to get in touch with the company for inquiries or support. The mention of this email address might be a call to action for viewers to reach out for services or to address any issues they might be experiencing with the Go-Jek app.


WhatsApp is a widely used messaging app that allows users to send messages, make voice and video calls, and share media files over the internet. In the video, it could be mentioned as a means of communication for the audience to use for various purposes, such as staying updated with the channel or for group discussions. Its inclusion in the script suggests that the platform is a recommended tool for community engagement.


Facebook is a popular social media platform where users can create profiles, share updates, photos, and videos, as well as interact with content and other users through likes, comments, and shares. In the context of the video, Facebook might be mentioned as a platform where the channel or its community has a presence, encouraging viewers to follow or join groups related to the channel's content. This keyword suggests a focus on building and nurturing an online community.


The term 'telepon' is Indonesian for 'phone'. In the context of the video, it could refer to the use of mobile phones or telephone services in various scenarios, such as for communication, business, or even as a topic of discussion related to technology or daily life. Its inclusion in the script suggests that telephone-related topics might be of interest to the audience or are part of the narrative being discussed.


The term 'Green' typically refers to the color between blue and yellow on the visible spectrum of light. It is often associated with nature, growth, and environmental sustainability. In the video, 'Green' could be used in various contexts, such as discussing eco-friendly practices, the color's psychological impact, or even as part of a brand name or product feature. Its usage in the script indicates a potential focus on topics related to the environment, aesthetics, or specific industries.

💡Black Friday

Black Friday is a day of significant sales and shopping discounts in many countries, typically occurring the day after the American holiday of Thanksgiving. It is often characterized by retailers offering special deals and consumers engaging in extensive shopping. In the context of the video, 'Black Friday' could be mentioned as a time for viewers to take advantage of deals, as a backdrop for a story, or to discuss consumer culture. The inclusion of this term suggests a potential focus on shopping, deals, and consumer behavior.


A 'Tower' generally refers to a tall, narrow building or structure that is taller than its surroundings. Towers can serve various purposes, such as for communication (like radio or TV broadcasting), observation, or as a part of a building complex. In the video, 'Tower' might be used to describe a specific building, discuss architectural styles, or as a metaphor for ambition or achievement. The term's presence in the script indicates a possible focus on urban development, architecture, or symbolic representation.

💡web development

Web development refers to the process of creating, maintaining, and improving websites. This field involves various skills such as programming, graphic design, and user experience design. In the context of the video, 'web development' could be discussed as a profession, a topic of interest for the audience, or as part of a tutorial or guide. The inclusion of this term suggests that the video might contain content related to building or managing websites, sharing industry insights, or providing tips for aspiring web developers.


Linux is an open-source operating system that is widely used in servers, supercomputers, and embedded devices. It is known for its stability, security, and flexibility. In the video, 'Linux' might be discussed as a topic of interest for tech enthusiasts, as a platform for software development, or as part of a comparison with other operating systems. The term's presence in the script suggests that the video could contain technical content related to Linux, such as its features, usage, or benefits.


A soundcard, also known as an audio interface or audio card, is a hardware component that enables a computer to process and produce audio. It is essential for sound production, music creation, and gaming, among other audio-intensive activities. In the video, 'soundcard' could be mentioned as part of a technical discussion, a review of audio equipment, or as a requirement for certain software or applications. The inclusion of this term indicates that the video might contain content related to audio hardware, sound quality, or recommendations for audiophiles and professionals.


Backup refers to the process of creating a copy of data to ensure its availability in case of loss or corruption. It is a critical practice in data management, used for both personal and business purposes to safeguard important files, documents, and information. In the video, 'backup' might be discussed as a best practice for data protection, a feature of a particular software or service, or as part of a tutorial on how to perform backups. The term's presence in the script indicates that the video could provide advice or information on data backup strategies and solutions.


The term 'industrial' typically refers to anything related to industry, which encompasses production, manufacturing, and large-scale operations. It can also pertain to the economic and social aspects of such activities. In the video, 'industrial' might be used to discuss industrial processes, the impact of industry on society or the environment, or to describe products or services that are part of the industrial sector. The inclusion of this term suggests that the video may contain content related to industry, its trends, challenges, or innovations.


Hi Hi guys welcome to my channel ini, jujur number kangennya udah, 40 nih

burung unggul cepat saat, [email protected]

Hai semuanya klepon udah pada ngopi tuh

Cinere kalau setengah menurut calon, Bupati ngogesa miracles maksudnya

pakaian lain mereka aleppo dengan Ungu, orange WhatsApp Facebook grup telegram

rupiah tunggu Yosef menurutnya inilah

chandpur Santa subscribe Nite belekan, atau spiritual guys indah dalam meskipun

sulwhasoo cave warna Chinese teknologi

Brimob acanthocereus deponent 40 nih, worth Madrid Black Friday

setting-setting warga Ponorogo Arca, seorang sungguh terpana ada telepon itu

olahraga dengan file apa dengan cat, bahkan abnormal syukur banget jas dan

chat backup justru klip mendengar dimana, tlebegan d'britano gila untuk Green

kalau lebah kopling kekuatan justru klik, penengah klippon menepati Noni nggak

pernah ngechat selametin automega, baka-baka stratagem itupun RPM

berpenghuni, udah mendukung Sounds komedi dan, menempati 6lll autobackup edler cm know

the bed cover Soul of IP, rentals tepian 40 n lain Tower

superglass soundtrack descendants of, reckoning uninstallable industri clean

with passion now Khoirun mukhsinin Anda, Pounds of stomach fat every day is worth

web development fw-1680 backup, underlying soundtrack WeChat label nanti

nah disuruh pilih update driver, soundcard homescreen so much for terbang