How To GROW On Instagram 2024 | 25k Followers In 7 Days

Joe Sbiti
28 Jun 202310:54

TLDRThe video script outlines a strategy for rapidly increasing social media followers, specifically on Instagram and TikTok. The speaker shares personal experience gaining 25,000 Instagram followers in a week, attributing success to five key tips: consistency in posting, choosing a broad and appealing niche, branding content with a unique logo and theme, leveraging popular sounds and trends, and focusing on creating high-quality reels. The importance of selecting sounds that evoke emotion and engagement is emphasized, as is the value of community support through platforms like Discord for further growth and advice.


  • 🎯 Consistency is crucial for growing a social media following; post regularly and maintain quality.
  • 📌 Choose a broad niche with a wide age range to attract a larger audience and stick to it for consistency.
  • 🏷️ Brand your content with a logo and a consistent theme to make your page look professional and memorable.
  • 📈 Analyze successful content from others and recreate it with your own high-quality spin to increase your reach.
  • 🌀 Utilize short video formats like Instagram Reels effectively, as they are a powerful tool for gaining views and followers.
  • 🎶 Select the right sounds for your content, using popular and engaging audio from successful posts in your niche.
  • 🔍 Look beyond your immediate niche for sound inspiration, as different pages can offer unique and effective audio.
  • 💡 Create a logo and use it subtly across your content to establish brand recognition without overpowering the posts.
  • 🌐 Engage with a community like Discord for direct advice, page reviews, and discussions on social media growth.
  • 📌 Subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated with content that helps with social media growth strategies.

Q & A

  • How did the speaker gain 25,000 followers on Instagram in a week?

    -The speaker attributes this rapid growth to a specific skill set they learned and practiced over two months, which they also applied to grow their TikTok following.

  • What is the first tip the speaker gives for growing an Instagram page?

    -The first tip is to stay consistent with posting. The speaker emphasizes that consistency is key to seeing big results and recommends posting every day or multiple times a day.

  • What does the speaker suggest regarding the quality of content?

    -The speaker advises maintaining high quality in posts and ensuring that it does not decrease over time. They also suggest that the quality can increase, but it should at least remain at a consistently good level.

  • What is the importance of picking a niche, according to the speaker?

    - Picking a niche helps to attract a broad audience and maintain their interest. The speaker suggests choosing a broad niche with a wide age range and delving into a sub-niche to attract followers interested in that specific content.

  • How does the speaker recommend branding content?

    -The speaker recommends adding a logo to videos, ensuring a consistent theme across the page, and using a specific color scheme or font to make the page stand out and appear more professional.

  • What strategy did the speaker use to grow their following quickly?

    -The speaker recreated a popular video with higher quality content, better captions, and branding, which helped their video go viral and significantly increase their followers.

  • Why are reels important for Instagram growth according to the speaker?

    -Reels are considered an effective way to gain views and attention on Instagram. The speaker suggests that focusing on creating reels can lead to more growth than regular posts.

  • What should one consider when choosing a sound for their videos?

    -The speaker advises looking for sounds that have a good hook, evoke emotions, and are proven to work well based on their performance on other popular pages within the same niche.

  • How can one find the right sounds for their content?

    -The speaker suggests using a website like 11 Labs to create custom sounds or looking at popular pages within the same or related niches to find successful sounds and adapt them for one's own content.

  • What bonus tip does the speaker provide for growing an Instagram page?

    -The bonus tip is to join the speaker's free Discord community, where one can ask questions, get page reviews, and engage in discussions about social media growth.

  • How often does the speaker plan to create content to help with Instagram growth?

    -The speaker plans to create videos every single week to assist in growing one's social media presence.



🚀 Consistency and Quality in Social Media Growth

The speaker emphasizes the importance of consistency in growing a social media presence, particularly on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. They share their personal experience of gaining 25,000 followers in a week, highlighting that this was achieved through dedication and a consistent posting schedule. The speaker stresses that maintaining quality in content is crucial, and suggests focusing on a specific niche to attract a broad audience. They also mention the value of branding content with a logo to enhance recognition and professionalism, and the benefits of posting at consistent times to build an audience that anticipates new content.


🎯 Choosing the Right Niche and Branding

The speaker discusses the strategy of selecting a broad niche with a wide age range to maximize audience reach. They provide the example of motivation content, which can appeal to a diverse demographic. The speaker advises sticking to the chosen niche and suggests using personal interests to inform content creation. They also delve into the concept of branding, explaining how a consistent visual theme, including color schemes and logos, can make a page look professional and cohesive. The speaker encourages creators to consider unique branding elements, such as black and white videos or specific font choices, to stand out from the crowd.


📈 Viral Content and Utilizing Trends

The speaker shares a key tip for going viral on social media: observing what works for others and improving upon it. They recount how they repurposed a popular TikTok sound with a higher quality video and better captions, leading to significant growth in followers. The speaker also highlights the importance of posting reels, as they are an effective way to gain views and followers. They mention that using popular sounds can boost engagement and visibility, and suggest looking for sounds that have a strong hook and evoke emotions to keep viewers engaged and sharing the content.

🤝 Community Building and Further Support

The speaker invites viewers to join a free Discord community for further discussion and support on social media growth. They offer personal advice and page reviews within this community, providing a platform for creators to ask questions and share experiences. The speaker also encourages viewers to subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated with their weekly content aimed at helping grow social media presence. They conclude by asking viewers to share any topics they'd like to be covered in future videos.




Consistency refers to the regular and persistent effort put into creating and posting content on social media platforms. In the context of the video, it is emphasized as a key factor in growing an Instagram following. The speaker shares their experience of maintaining consistency in posting daily or multiple times a day, which eventually led to a significant increase in followers. It is also highlighted that consistency should not only be in frequency but also in the type and quality of content being posted.


A niche refers to a specialized segment or category within a larger market, in this case, the social media landscape. The video emphasizes the importance of selecting a broad niche with a wide age range to appeal to a larger audience. The speaker suggests that sticking to a chosen niche and consistently posting relevant content is crucial for growing a following. The concept of sub-niches is also introduced, where a broader niche can be further divided into more specific areas of interest.


Branding is the process of creating a unique name and image for a product or, in this context, a social media page in order to establish a differentiated identity in the market. The video discusses the importance of branding content by incorporating a logo and maintaining a consistent visual theme across all posts. This not only helps in making the page look professional but also aids in making the content more memorable and recognizable to the audience.

💡Quality Content

Quality content refers to the creation of valuable, engaging, and well-produced material that resonates with the target audience. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of not only being consistent in posting but also ensuring that the content is of high quality. This means investing time and effort into creating posts that are visually appealing, have good captions, and provide value to the viewers.


Growth in the context of social media refers to the increase in followers, engagement, and visibility of a page or account. The video focuses on strategies to achieve growth, such as consistency, niche selection, and quality content. The speaker's experience of growing their Instagram and TikTok following by applying these strategies is used as an example to illustrate the concept of growth.


Reels are a feature on Instagram that allows users to create and share short, creative videos set to music or other audio. In the video, the speaker highlights the importance of utilizing reels for content creation as they are considered an effective way to gain views, engagement, and followers. The speaker shares that focusing on creating reels rather than regular posts can significantly boost growth on the platform.


In the context of social media, particularly TikTok, sounds refer to the audio tracks or music that are used as the background for videos. The video emphasizes the strategic use of sounds that have proven popular or have the potential to go viral. By identifying and using sounds that have performed well on other successful posts, the speaker suggests that one can increase the chances of their content gaining traction and going viral.


Engagement refers to the interactions and reactions of users with content posted on social media, such as likes, comments, shares, and views. The video discusses how creating content that elicits emotional responses can increase engagement, leading to higher watch times and a greater likelihood of the content being boosted by the platform's algorithm. High engagement is seen as a key indicator of content success and can contribute to the growth of a social media page.


The algorithm refers to the set of rules and processes that social media platforms use to determine which content is displayed to users and how prominently it is featured. In the context of the video, understanding and working with the algorithm is crucial for increasing the visibility of posts and gaining more followers. The speaker suggests that high engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, can help content bypass the algorithm and gain further promotion.


Community in the context of the video refers to a group of like-minded individuals who come together to share knowledge, experiences, and support each other's growth on social media platforms. The speaker mentions a free Discord community where they discuss social media growth strategies and offer page reviews. This type of community can provide valuable resources, feedback, and networking opportunities for those looking to grow their social media presence.

💡Personal Questions

Personal questions refer to inquiries that are more private or specific to an individual, which may not be suitable for public forums or comments sections. In the video, the speaker encourages viewers to ask personal questions through direct messages on Discord, where they can receive personalized responses. This approach allows for a more intimate and tailored form of communication between the content creator and their audience.


Achieved 25,000 followers in 7 days on Instagram by applying a skill set learned in two months.

Consistency is key to growing social media followers and requires regular posting of high-quality content.

Choosing a broad niche with a wide age range can attract a larger audience, such as motivational content.

Branding content with a logo and consistent themes makes a page look professional and memorable.

Improving upon viral content that others have posted can lead to rapid growth in followers.

Posting reels is an effective strategy for gaining views, attention, and followers on Instagram.

Utilizing popular sounds on Instagram can boost the chances of going viral and growing followers.

Finding sounds with a good hook and emotional impact can increase engagement and sharing.

Looking beyond your direct niche for sounds can lead to discovering effective content for your page.

Staying consistent with the type and quality of content is crucial for audience retention and growth.

Focusing on a niche that aligns with personal interests can make content creation easier and more enjoyable.

Investing time in creating high-quality content can lead to better results than simply posting frequently.

Joining a community like Discord can provide support, advice, and resources for social media growth.

Engagement through likes, comments, and shares can help boost a video's visibility through the algorithm.

Maintaining a consistent posting schedule helps build an audience that returns for daily content.