How to Grow an Instagram Account in 2024 (Easy Mode ✅)

Grow with Alex
20 Jan 202413:26

TLDRThe video script reveals a strategy for significant Instagram growth, emphasizing niche mastery, engaging content, and effective use of Instagram features like polls, trending audios, and effects. It also discusses the importance of strategic captioning, hashtag usage, and pinned content. Additionally, the script advises on optimizing the Instagram bio and leveraging keywords in videos for algorithm enhancement, ultimately aiming to skyrocket account growth in 2024.


  • 🎯 Focus on niche mastery by ensuring your Instagram account reflects the theme and content you want to promote.
  • 🔍 Train your account's algorithm by engaging with similar content to your niche, which will shape the explore page to show you relevant content.
  • 🎶 Utilize trending audios by finding them in the reels section and incorporating them into your videos to boost engagement and reach.
  • 💡 Engage your audience with Instagram's poll feature in captions to increase interaction and visibility.
  • 📝 Craft strategic captions that hook the viewer, provide value, credit the source, and include a call-to-action (CTA) to follow your account.
  • 🌟 Use Instagram effects to enhance your content and potentially gain additional exposure from the platform's algorithm.
  • 🚫 Turn off Facebook recommendations to concentrate views and growth on Instagram specifically.
  • 🏷️ Employ a balanced hashtag strategy with a mix of single words and short phrases to help the algorithm target the right audience.
  • 📌 Pin content and comments strategically to maximize visibility and encourage followers, especially on high-performing posts.
  • 🔄 Build a compelling bio that captures attention, provides value, and fosters a sense of community without pushing sales.
  • 🔢 Add keywords to your videos to help Instagram's algorithm understand and display your content to the appropriate audience.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the Instagram growth strategy discussed in the video?

    -The main focus of the strategy is to train your account, also known as niche mastery, to consistently show content similar to what you post. This helps in getting inspiration for content, hashtags, captions, and trending audios, ultimately leading to guaranteed growth.

  • How can you find trending audios on Instagram?

    -To find trending audios, press the 'Reels' button at the bottom right of your profile, and then look at the 'Trending Audios' section on the bottom left. You can see which audios are trending by the arrow symbol next to them. By scrolling through and saving these trending audios, you can use them in your content.

  • What is the significance of using polls in captions on Instagram?

    -Using polls in captions is significant because it greatly increases engagement by prompting users to interact with your posts through voting. This high level of engagement can help skyrocket your account's growth.

  • What is the recommended format for an effective Instagram caption?

    -An effective caption should start with a hook, such as a question, followed by advice, a story, or actionable steps. Credit the source of the content and include a call-to-action (CTA) like 'follow for more', and finally, add relevant hashtags.

  • How can effects on Instagram help increase views on your content?

    -Effects can help increase views by subtly enhancing your content and making it more visually appealing. Using popular effects can potentially get your content additional exposure, as the algorithm may prioritize content with trending effects.

  • Why is it important to turn off Facebook recommendations for Instagram growth?

    -Turning off Facebook recommendations is important because views from Facebook do not contribute to your Instagram growth. Focusing solely on Instagram ensures that your efforts are directed towards building your audience on the right platform.

  • What is the current purpose of using hashtags on Instagram?

    -The current purpose of using hashtags is to help the algorithm understand who to show your content to. It's about using keywords on steroids, with a recommended range of 3 to 7 hashtags, to teach the algorithm who your target audience is.

  • How should you use pinned comments on a post that is going viral?

    -For a viral post, you should pin a comment from your account that includes a call-to-action (CTA), such as 'follow us for more'. This encourages people to follow your account and maximizes the potential of the pinned comment feature.

  • What is the best practice for pinning content on your Instagram profile?

    -Best practice for pinning content is to wait until the post's momentum starts to die down, around 30 days after posting, and then pin it to the top of your profile to keep it visible and relevant to new visitors.

  • How can you optimize your Instagram bio for growth?

    -To optimize your bio, include searchable keywords in your name, describe your account and the value it provides in the first two lines, and in the third line, use a community-focused CTA that invites users to join the community or 'family'. Keep it simple, clean, and focused on capturing the audience's attention and incentivizing them to follow.

  • How can adding text as keywords on your videos help with Instagram's algorithm?

    -Adding text as keywords on your videos helps the algorithm understand who to show your content to by identifying the topics and themes of your content. Make the text as small as possible to ensure it doesn't distract from the visual content but still serves its purpose in guiding the algorithm.



🚀 Instagram Growth Strategies and Niche Mastery

This paragraph discusses strategies for growing an Instagram account, emphasizing the importance of niche mastery. The speaker shares their experience of growing an account by 50,000 followers and outlines a method that has been tested across various theme pages. The key points include training your account to display content similar to your niche, using trending audios, and engaging with the audience through polls in captions. The speaker also highlights the importance of focusing on the niche and not diluting the account with unrelated content.


📈 Maximizing Engagement with Captions and Effects

The second paragraph focuses on the art of crafting effective captions and utilizing Instagram effects to boost engagement. The speaker provides a format for creating compelling captions that include a hook, advice or a story, and a call-to-action (CTA). They also discuss the significance of using the right keywords and the strategic placement of hashtags to help the Instagram algorithm. Additionally, the speaker talks about the underutilized feature of Instagram effects, which can provide an aesthetic boost to posts and potentially increase visibility.


🛠️ Optimizing Profile and Hashtags for Growth

In the final paragraph, the speaker delves into the optimization of the Instagram bio and the strategic use of hashtags. They emphasize the importance of creating a captivating bio that captures the essence of the account and encourages followers. The speaker advises against using the bio for sales pitches and instead focuses on community building. They also provide insights on using hashtags effectively to reach the right audience and discuss the benefits of pinning content and comments to drive further engagement.



💡Instagram Growth

Instagram Growth refers to the process of increasing the number of followers on an Instagram account. In the video, the speaker shares strategies to achieve this by focusing on niche mastery, using trending audios, engaging with the audience through polls, and optimizing captions with keywords. The goal is to make the account appear more attractive to potential followers and the Instagram algorithm, leading to increased visibility and follower count.

💡Niche Mastery

Niche Mastery is the concept of becoming an expert or authority in a specific, narrow topic on Instagram. The video emphasizes that by focusing on a niche and consistently posting relevant content, the Instagram algorithm can better categorize and recommend the account to users interested in that particular niche. This strategy helps in attracting a more targeted and engaged audience, which is essential for organic growth.

💡Trending Audios

Trending Audios are popular music or sound clips that are currently in high demand or usage on Instagram. The video suggests that incorporating these trending audios into posts can increase engagement and reach, as they are more likely to be discovered by users browsing through the app's audio selection. By using trending audios, content creators can tap into the popularity of these sounds to boost the performance of their posts.

💡Polls in Captions

Polls in Captions is a feature on Instagram that allows users to create interactive polls directly in the post's caption. The video highlights the effectiveness of this feature in increasing audience engagement by prompting users to participate in a vote, which can lead to higher visibility and growth. By asking questions related to the content or the niche, creators can gather insights and foster a sense of community among their followers.


Engagement on Instagram refers to the interactions users have with content, such as likes, comments, shares, and participation in polls or quizzes. The video emphasizes the importance of high engagement levels, as they signal to the Instagram algorithm that the content is valuable and should be shown to more users. Strategies for increasing engagement include creating compelling content, using interactive features like polls, and optimizing posts with relevant keywords and hashtags.

💡Caption Optimization

Caption Optimization involves crafting Instagram post captions in a way that enhances the post's visibility and engagement. The video suggests using a hook at the beginning, followed by advice, stories, or actionable steps that align with the post's content. Additionally, crediting the source of the content or crediting oneself for original content is recommended. The goal is to keep users engaged with the caption long enough to signal to the algorithm that the post is of interest, thereby increasing the chances of the content being shown to a broader audience.


Effects on Instagram refer to the various filters and editing tools that can be applied to videos and photos to alter their appearance. The video discusses the underutilized strategy of using effects to boost post performance, as the platform's algorithm may recommend content with popular effects to its users. By selecting subtle yet enhancing effects, content creators can potentially improve their posts' aesthetics and increase their chances of being推荐的 by the algorithm.

💡Facebook Recommendations

Facebook Recommendations pertain to the cross-promotion of Instagram content on Facebook, which can lead to increased views from Facebook users. However, the video advises turning off this feature to focus solely on Instagram growth, as views from Facebook do not contribute to the Instagram algorithm in the same way as views from within the app. The goal is to ensure that the efforts to grow the Instagram following are not diluted by external platforms.


Hashtags on Instagram serve as a way to categorize content and make it discoverable to a wider audience. The video suggests using a strategic number of hashtags (3 to 7) that are a mix of single words and short phrases related to the content's niche. This helps the algorithm understand who to show the content to and can increase the post's reach among users interested in those topics. The video also advises against overusing hashtags, as it can confuse the algorithm and reduce the post's effectiveness.

💡Pinned Content and Comments

Pinned Content and Comments refer to the ability to keep certain posts or comments visible at the top of an Instagram profile or post, respectively. In the video, the speaker recommends using pinned comments on viral posts to encourage followers with a call-to-action, such as 'follow us for more'. For pinned content, the advice is to wait until a post's momentum has died down before pinning it to the top of the profile, ensuring that the most relevant and engaging content is always visible to new visitors.

💡Instagram Bio

The Instagram Bio is the short description under an account's username that provides information about the individual or brand. In the video, the importance of a well-crafted bio is emphasized, as it serves to capture the attention of potential followers and persuade them to engage with the account. The speaker advises including searchable keywords, a description of the account's purpose, the value offered to followers, and a community-focused call-to-action. The goal is to create a bio that is simple, clear, and compelling enough to convert visitors into followers.

💡Keywords on Videos

Keywords on Videos are words or phrases that are typed onto the video itself, typically in a small font, to provide additional context to the content. The video discusses using these keywords to help the Instagram algorithm understand the topic of the content and show it to users who are interested in that subject. By including relevant keywords, content creators can increase the chances of their videos being recommended to the right audience, thus boosting visibility and engagement.


Instagram account growth strategy for 2024

Growing an Instagram account by 50,000 followers per month

Niche Mastery: Training your account for targeted content and hashtags

Utilizing trending audios for content creation

Engaging audience with polls in captions for increased interaction

Creating effective captions with a hook, advice, and a call-to-action

Using effects to enhance content and potentially boost visibility

Turning off Facebook recommendations to focus on Instagram growth

Strategic use of hashtags to aid the algorithm in content visibility

Pinning content and comments to maximize post performance

Optimizing Instagram bio for follower conversion

Incorporating keywords on videos to help the algorithm target the right audience

The importance of content and account consistency for growth

Creating a content strategy that aligns with Instagram's algorithm updates

Building a community through engaging and relevant content

The role of original content creation in boosting account performance