How To Use Dezgo AI (Step By Step Tutorial)

Digital Prodigy
20 Jan 202403:17

TLDRDezgo AI is an AI tool that generates images from text descriptions, powered by Stable Diffusion AI. Users can input a prompt, select an AI model for different styles, adjust image resolution, and use negative prompts to exclude certain elements. The guidance feature controls the AI's adherence to the prompt, with the option to strictly follow user instructions. Additional features include text-to-image, image-to-image, upscaling, and a beta version of text-to-video. The tool offers both free and paid options, providing users with creative freedom and control over the image generation process.


  • 🎨 Dezgo AI is an AI tool focused on generating images from text descriptions.
  • πŸš€ Powered by Stable Diffusion AI, it allows users to create visual content.
  • πŸ“ Users enter a description in the prompt section to specify the desired image.
  • πŸ”Ž Options for control are available, including model selection, image resolution, and negative prompts.
  • πŸ’‘ The guidance feature adjusts how closely the AI adheres to the user's prompt, with a range from strict to creative.
  • πŸ› οΈ Additional features include text-to-image, image-to-image, upscale, and a beta version of text-to-video.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Users can upscale the quality of existing images using the tool.
  • ⏱️ The image generation process takes some time after clicking 'run'.
  • πŸ“ˆ Different AI models offer various styles of creation to fit diverse needs.
  • πŸ’Έ Some options are available only in the paid service, not covered in the tutorial.
  • πŸ™ The tutorial aims to help users understand and utilize Dezgo AI effectively.

Q & A

  • What is Dezgo AI focused on?

    -Dezgo AI is focused on generating images from text descriptions.

  • Which AI technology powers Dezgo AI?

    -Dezgo AI is powered by Stable Diffusion AI.

  • How does the image generation process start in Dezgo AI?

    -The process starts by adding a description of the desired image in the prompt section.

  • What is the minimum requirement to generate an image with Dezgo AI?

    -The minimum requirement is to provide a text description of the image you want to create.

  • What options are available for users seeking more control over the image generation?

    -Users can choose different AI models, image resolution, enter a negative prompt, and adjust guidance settings for more control.

  • What is the purpose of the negative prompt feature?

    -The negative prompt feature allows users to specify elements that they do not want to see in the generated image.

  • What does the guidance setting adjust in Dezgo AI?

    -The guidance setting adjusts how much the AI tries to fit the prompt, affecting the AI's freedom to deviate from the user's instructions.

  • What additional features does Dezgo AI offer besides image generation from text?

    -Dezgo AI also offers features like text to image, image to image, upscale, and a beta version of text to video.

  • How does the upscale feature work in Dezgo AI?

    -The upscale feature is used to enhance the quality of an existing image.

  • What is the outcome of using Dezgo AI for image generation?

    -The outcome is an image that closely matches the user's described vision, as demonstrated by the example of a deer standing by a lake surrounded by trees.



πŸ–ŒοΈ Introduction to deso AI and Image Generation

The paragraph introduces deso AI, an AI tool focused on generating images from text descriptions. It explains that the tool is powered by stable diffusion AI and provides a brief overview of the process, starting with adding a description of the desired image. The example given is a deer standing by a lake surrounded by trees. The user can simply click 'run' to generate an image, or have more control over the process by selecting different AI models, adjusting image resolution, and using negative prompts to exclude certain elements from the image.



πŸ’‘Dezo AI

Dezo AI is an artificial intelligence tool that specializes in generating images based on textual descriptions provided by the user. It operates using stable diffusion AI technology, which allows it to interpret text and create visual content that matches the description. In the video, Dezo AI is showcased as a powerful and user-friendly tool for creating images, with various models and options to customize the output according to the user's needs. The example given in the script is creating an image of 'a deer standing by a lake, surrounded by trees', illustrating the tool's capability to understand and visualize complex scenes.

πŸ’‘Text Description

A text description is a written representation of an idea, scene, or concept that the user wants the AI to visualize. In the context of Dezo AI, the text description is the input provided by the user to guide the AI in generating the desired image. It is a crucial element as it directly influences the output, determining the subjects, settings, and atmosphere of the resulting image. The script mentions adding a description like 'a deer standing by a lake, surrounded by trees' as an example of how to use text descriptions effectively with Dezo AI.

πŸ’‘Stable Diffusion AI

Stable Diffusion AI is a type of artificial intelligence algorithm used in the process of generating images from textual descriptions. It is known for its ability to create high-quality, detailed images by learning from a vast dataset of existing images and their associated text descriptions. In the video, Dezo AI is powered by Stable Diffusion AI, which enables it to interpret the user's text description and produce a corresponding image, showcasing the advanced capabilities of this AI technology in the field of image generation.

πŸ’‘AI Models

AI models refer to the specific algorithms or neural networks that are used by Dezo AI to generate images. These models can have different styles and capabilities, allowing users to choose the one that best fits their creative needs. The video script mentions the option to select from different AI models, each with its unique style of creation, which highlights the flexibility and customization options available within the tool.

πŸ’‘Image Resolution

Image resolution is the measure of the detail an image contains, typically expressed in terms of its dimensions, such as pixels per inch (PPI) or the total number of pixels (width x height). In the context of the video, users can choose the desired resolution for their images, such as portrait or landscape orientation, which affects the quality and intended use of the generated images. The script provides an example of selecting the image resolution as part of the process of using Dezo AI to create images.

πŸ’‘Negative Prompt

A negative prompt is a feature in Dezo AI that allows users to specify elements they do not want to appear in the generated image. This adds an extra layer of control over the final output, enabling users to exclude certain aspects or details that may not align with their vision. The script mentions the option to enter a negative prompt, which can be used to refine the image generation process and ensure that the resulting image aligns more closely with the user's expectations.


Guidance in the context of Dezo AI refers to the degree to which the AI attempts to adhere to the user's text description when generating an image. It is a control setting that adjusts how much freedom the AI has in interpreting the prompt. By increasing the guidance level, the AI is more likely to produce an image that closely follows the user's instructions, reducing the chances of unexpected or 'off-the-rail' results. The script explains that adjusting guidance is a way for users to control the precision of the AI's output.


A sampler in the context of AI image generation is a tool or technique used to select or generate specific elements within an image. In Dezo AI, the sampler is one of the options available to users, which can influence the style or appearance of the generated image. The script briefly mentions the sampler as part of the advanced options that users can explore for more control over the image generation process.


Upscaling in the context of image processing refers to the technique of increasing the resolution of an image while attempting to maintain or improve its quality. In Dezo AI, the upscale feature allows users to enhance the quality of existing images, making them suitable for larger formats or higher-resolution displays. The script mentions upscale as one of the capabilities of the tool, indicating that it can be used not only to create new images but also to improve the quality of existing ones.

πŸ’‘Text to Image

Text to image is a functionality within Dezo AI that enables users to convert textual descriptions into visual images. This feature is central to the tool's purpose, as it directly addresses the user's need to transform their written ideas into visual content. The script emphasizes the importance of this feature by providing a step-by-step guide on how to use it, demonstrating how users can create images that match their textual descriptions.

πŸ’‘Text to Video

Text to video is a feature mentioned in the script as being in its beta version, which suggests that it is a relatively new or still developing capability of Dezo AI. This functionality allows users to create videos from textual descriptions, expanding the range of creative possibilities offered by the tool. It indicates a progression from static image generation to dynamic video content, providing users with an additional medium to bring their textual ideas to life.


Dezo AI is an AI tool focused on generating images from text descriptions.

Powered by Stable Diffusion AI, Dezo AI offers a creative platform for users.

Users can input a description to create a desired image, such as a deer standing by a lake.

The AI tool provides options for users to choose different models, each with unique creation styles.

Control the image resolution by selecting preferences like pixels, square, or landscape.

Include a negative prompt to exclude certain elements from the generated image.

Adjust the guidance to control the AI's adherence to the input description.

Dezo AI offers additional features like text to image, image to image, upscale, and a beta version of text to video.

The sampler and upscaling features are available in the paid service.

After setting preferences, users can click 'run' to generate the image.

The AI tool may take some time to process and produce the results.

Dezo AI is not limited to image generation and offers a range of creative capabilities.

The output showcases the AI's ability to accurately create the requested image.

The tutorial aims to help users understand and utilize the full potential of Dezo AI.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Dezo AI effectively.