How To Use Ideogram (Step by Step Tutorial)

4 Mar 202409:42

TLDRThe video script offers a detailed walkthrough of the Ideogram (or Idiogram) software, highlighting its features and capabilities. The speaker discusses the software's pricing plans, the ease of use, and the creative potential it offers to users. They share their personal experiences and creations made with the software, emphasizing the simplicity of the design process and the effectiveness of the 'magic prompt' feature. The video encourages viewers to explore the software, share their creations, and provides tips on how to utilize prompts for various design projects.


  • ๐ŸŽจ The software in discussion is ideogram or idiogram, recently updated to version 1.0 with a visually appealing interface.
  • ๐Ÿ†“ Users can utilize the software for free, with a limit of 100 images per day and 25 prompts, enhancing creativity with AI-generated designs.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ The platform offers a tiered pricing model, starting with a free plan, followed by a basic plan at $8, and a plus plan at around $20 which allows for privacy and more features.
  • ๐ŸŒ The homepage of the website features a gallery where users can explore and follow other creators, as well as view top creations and interact by hearting designs.
  • ๐Ÿ‘€ Users can view and follow designers, remix designs, and use the magic prompt feature to enhance their creations with additional details.
  • ๐Ÿ“Š The profile section allows users to manage their creations, with options to pin designs, view public creations, and access a private tab for premium users.
  • ๐Ÿ”ง The editor provides options to upload images and customize them, though the speaker has not explored this feature extensively.
  • ๐Ÿ“ The speaker shares a simple structure for creating prompts, focusing on design type, description, and optional words or phrases.
  • ๐Ÿ‘• The speaker demonstrates the versatility of the platform by showing how a sticker design can be adapted into a t-shirt design using the same prompt structure.
  • ๐ŸŽ The speaker's profile picture was created using the software, showcasing the practical applications of the platform for personalized merchandise.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก The video encourages viewers to copy the provided prompt structure, experiment with the software, and supports the channel by liking the video for continued helpful content.

Q & A

  • What is the software being discussed in the transcript?

    -The software being discussed is an AI-based design tool, referred to as either 'ideogram' or 'idiogram'.

  • What are the different pricing plans available for the software?

    -There are three pricing plans mentioned: a free plan with 100 images per day and 25 prompts, a basic plan for $8 offering more images, and a plus plan for around $20 which allows users to keep their creations private.

  • How does the 'magic prompt' feature work?

    -The 'magic prompt' is an additional feature that, when turned on, enhances the base prompt by adding more detail to it, resulting in more intricate and improved design outcomes.

  • What can users do with other users' creations on the platform?

    -Users can view, 'heart' or save other users' creations to their saved list, follow designers, and remix designs by using the original prompt and making modifications to it.

  • How does the user switch between public and private creations?

    -The user can switch between public and private creations by navigating to their profile and selecting the appropriate tab. Private creations require a subscription to the top plan.

  • What features are available on the homepage of the software's website?

    -The homepage features a gallery of creations, exploration tabs for discovering new designs and following users, and a section for top creations that users can interact with.

  • How does the user structure their prompts for creating designs?

    -The user structures their prompts by starting with a design type (e.g., sticker or t-shirt design), followed by a description of the desired image, any specific words or phrases to include, and a specification for flat, bright colors isolated on a white background for ease of vectorization.

  • What is the significance of the '1.0' version mentioned in the transcript?

    -The '1.0' version signifies the latest upgrade of the software, which has improved its capabilities and the quality of the designs it can generate.

  • How can users personalize their designs?

    -Users can personalize their designs by modifying the prompts, choosing different models, adjusting the image ratios, and deciding whether to keep the creations public or private.

  • What is the purpose of the 'explore' tab on the software's website?

    -The 'explore' tab allows users to discover new creations from the community, follow other users, and interact with their designs, thus fostering a collaborative and inspiring environment.

  • How does the user's profile page function?

    -The user's profile page displays pinned creations, public creations, a private tab for premium users, and a liked designs section, allowing users to easily access and organize their work.



๐ŸŽจ Introduction to Ideogram/Idiogram and Its Features

The speaker introduces the software, Ideogram or Idiogram, highlighting its new 1.0 version and the attractive designs it can produce. They provide an overview of the software's pricing plans, starting with a free plan that allows 100 images per day and 25 prompts, to a plus plan for more features and privacy. The speaker guides the audience through the website's interface, explaining how to explore creations, follow users, and save designs. They also discuss the process of using prompts and the 'magic prompt' feature to enhance the designs.


๐Ÿš€ Utilizing Prompts and Customizing Designs in Ideogram/Idiogram

The speaker delves into the intricacies of using prompts in Ideogram/Idiogram, sharing their personal strategy for creating effective prompts. They discuss the structure of their prompts, emphasizing simplicity and the inclusion of specific design elements, such as words and colors. The speaker demonstrates how to adapt prompts for different design types, like stickers and t-shirts, and how to modify the designs using the software's features. They also share their experiences with the different generations of designs, highlighting their favorites and explaining the thought process behind each creation.




The term 'ideogram' refers to a type of software used for designing and creating visual content. In the context of the video, it is a tool that allows users to generate images based on prompts and design preferences. The software has different plans, including a free version with limited usage and paid plans for more features and private content creation.


In the context of the video, 'prompts' are inputs or starting points for the design software to generate images. They can be simple phrases or more detailed descriptions that guide the software in creating the visual content. The user shares the prompts they used to create their designs, which can be copied and modified by others for their own creations.


The term 'designs' refers to the visual outputs or creations made using the software. These can range from simple illustrations to more complex graphic designs. The video showcases various designs created by the user and others, highlighting the software's capabilities and the creativity of its users.

๐Ÿ’กfree plan

The 'free plan' is an offering by the software that allows users to access and use the platform with certain limitations. In the video, it is mentioned that the free plan includes the generation of 100 images per day and 25 prompts, which is a way for users to try out the software without committing to a paid subscription.

๐Ÿ’กplus plan

The 'plus plan' is a paid subscription tier of the software that offers additional features and benefits compared to the free plan. One of the main features highlighted in the video is the ability to keep creations private, which is not available in the free version.


The 'gallery' is a collection of user-generated designs displayed on the software's platform. It serves as a showcase for the diverse range of creations made by the community and allows users to explore, follow other creators, and interact with the designs by liking or saving them.

๐Ÿ’กmagic prompt

The 'magic prompt' is a feature within the software that enhances the base prompt provided by the user. When turned on, it adds more detail and complexity to the design, potentially improving the output and making it more visually appealing.


In the context of the video, 'remix' refers to the process of taking an existing design and using it as a starting point to create a new version. Users can modify the original prompt and design elements to generate a fresh design, allowing for creativity and customization.


The term 'private' in the context of the video refers to the ability to keep one's designs hidden from the public eye. This feature is particularly useful for users who want to maintain exclusivity over their creations or protect their intellectual property before sharing or publishing them.


To 'vectorize' an image is to convert it into a vector format, which is a type of file that uses mathematical equations to define shapes and lines. This is beneficial for designs that need to be resized without losing quality, such as logos or illustrations.

๐Ÿ’กt-shirt design

A 't-shirt design' is a specific type of graphic design created for printing on t-shirts. It often involves considerations for how the design will look when applied to fabric and how it will be received by the target audience.


The user discusses their experience with the 1.0 version of the software, ideogram or idiogram.

The software allows users to create designs with a free plan offering 100 images per day and 25 prompts.

The basic plan costs $8 and provides more images than the free plan.

The plus plan, priced at around $20, allows users to keep their creations private.

The homepage of the website features a gallery of user creations, which can be explored, followed, and liked.

Users can follow other designers, view top creations, and save designs to their saved list.

The software enables users to remix designs using the same prompt or edit them with the built-in editor.

The user shares their profile, which includes public creations and liked designs.

The user explains their simple prompt structure, which includes a description and optional words for the design.

The magic prompt feature can be turned on to enhance the basic prompt and produce more detailed results.

The user demonstrates how to switch between different design types, such as stickers and t-shirts.

The user shares their favorite design, which was created using a simple prompt and the magic prompt feature.

The user provides a detailed example of creating a design with a love theme and specific words.

The user mentions another favorite design, which was created with a simpler prompt and resulted in an amazing outcome.

The user encourages viewers to try the software and share their pronunciation preference for the software's name.

The user's profile picture was also created using the software, showcasing its capabilities.

The user offers to share their prompt structure in the video description for others to use and adapt.