How to Use Haiper AI in Action: Step-by-Step Tutorial

The Real AI Agents
29 Apr 202425:07

TLDRIn this tutorial, Jessica from the Real AI Agents guides viewers on how to use Hyper AI to transform pictures into videos. She explains the process of using different filters to style videos and provides tips for effective prompting. Jessica demonstrates how to generate content for each line of a song and animate existing images. She also discusses the importance of detailed prompts versus simple ones and shows how to use the system's features, such as repainting and regenerating images. The video concludes with a complete animated video created using Hyper AI, titled 'Six Stories Told,' and a thought-provoking question about the impact of advanced AI technology on creators and industries.


  • ๐Ÿ˜€ Hyper AI is a tool that can transform pictures into videos using AI technology.
  • ๐ŸŽจ The platform offers various art generation styles like 'old film', 'watercolor', 'cyberpunk', 'arcane', 'Lego', 'blur background', 'gibli', 'steam punk', and 'impressionism'.
  • ๐Ÿ“ Users can craft their own prompts to guide the AI in creating specific scenes and animations.
  • ๐Ÿ” Before generating videos, users can explore examples and learn from others' prompts to optimize their own.
  • ๐Ÿ“ The aspect ratio and duration of the video can be selected according to the user's needs.
  • ๐Ÿ“น There's an option to animate existing images by providing a detailed prompt and letting the AI add motion.
  • ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ The 'repaint' feature allows users to make specific changes to elements within a video, such as altering colors.
  • โ™Ÿ๏ธ Simple prompts may result in less accurate animations compared to more detailed and descriptive prompts.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ The 'regenerate' feature enables users to create variations of a video using the same or slightly altered prompts.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฌ The importance of effective prompting is emphasized, as it directly impacts the outcome of the generated animations.
  • ๐Ÿ’ง Hyper AI is currently free to use in beta, and users can experiment with it to learn and improve their prompting techniques.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the tutorial provided in the transcript?

    -The main purpose of the tutorial is to guide users on how to use Hyper AI to turn pictures into videos and animate their own images, providing tips and tricks for effective prompting within the system.

  • How can users access the Hyper AI tool mentioned in the transcript?

    -Users can access the Hyper AI tool by going to the website, where they will see a 'try for free' option or a 'start creating' prompt to begin using the tool.

  • What is the significance of the 'explore' tab on the homepage of Hyper AI?

    -The 'explore' tab on the homepage of Hyper AI is significant as it allows users to see what other people are creating and how they are prompting the system efficiently, which can be helpful for new users.

  • What is the role of video style filters in the Hyper AI tool?

    -The video style filters in Hyper AI play a crucial role in determining the aesthetic and stylistic outcome of the generated videos based on the user's prompts.

  • Can you explain the process of generating a video with a specific prompt in Hyper AI?

    -To generate a video with a specific prompt in Hyper AI, users need to input their prompt, select a filter for the video style, choose the aspect ratio, and the duration of the video clip. After setting these parameters, they can hit 'create' to start the video generation process.

  • What is the difference between using simple and expanded prompts in Hyper AI?

    -Simple prompts are short and straightforward, while expanded prompts provide more detail and description. Expanded prompts can yield more accurate and detailed animations as they give the system a clearer understanding of what the user wants.

  • How does the 'animate your image' feature work in Hyper AI?

    -The 'animate your image' feature in Hyper AI allows users to upload their own images and apply animation to them. Users can input a detailed prompt to guide the animation process and then hit 'create' to generate the animated image.

  • What is the 'repaint' feature in Hyper AI and how can it be used?

    -The 'repaint' feature in Hyper AI enables users to make specific changes to certain regions of a video. Users can add a mask to select areas they want to modify, input a new prompt to describe the desired changes, and then regenerate the video.

  • How can users download and share videos created with Hyper AI?

    -Users can download videos created with Hyper AI by hitting the 'download' button, which will save the video directly to their computer. They can also share videos by using the 'share' button to post on social media platforms or by copying a link to share elsewhere online.

  • What is the significance of the watermark on videos downloaded from Hyper AI?

    -The watermark on videos downloaded from Hyper AI signifies that the tool is currently free to use and in beta. It is expected that in the future, with paid subscriptions, the watermark may be removable.



๐ŸŽจ Introduction to Hyper AI and Video Creation

In this introductory paragraph, Jessica from the Real AI Agents introduces the topic of using Hyper AI to transform pictures into videos. She discusses the intersection of creativity and technology, emphasizing the role of AI in digital transformation. Jessica provides an overview of the video's content, which includes tips and tricks for effective prompting in Hyper AI, and a sneak peek at a video created using the AI. She guides viewers on how to access and use the tool, highlighting features like the explore tab and the ability to view other users' creations. The paragraph sets the stage for a deep dive into the capabilities of Hyper AI and its potential for artistic expression.


๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Exploring Hyper AI's Video Generation and Animation Features

This paragraph delves into the technical aspects of using Hyper AI for video generation. Jessica explains the process of creating videos by selecting filters that define the style, such as old film, watercolor, cyberpunk, and more. She shares her personal experience with the system over the last 24 hours, demonstrating how different filters affect the outcome of video prompts. The paragraph also covers the aspect ratio selection and the duration of video clips, emphasizing the importance of these choices in the video generation process. Jessica provides a hands-on guide to generating content that aligns with song lyrics, showcasing the creative potential of Hyper AI in crafting dynamic visual stories.


๐Ÿ“ธ Animating Images and the Impact of Prompting

Jessica explores the feature of animating existing images within Hyper AI. She discusses two methods of accessing the animation feature and provides a step-by-step guide on how to use it. The paragraph highlights the importance of crafting detailed prompts to achieve more lifelike and desirable animations. Jessica compares the results of using simple versus expanded prompts, illustrating the significant impact that prompt detail can have on the final animation. She also touches on the system's current limitations, such as render quality and morphing issues, while maintaining a positive outlook on the tool's potential as it is still in beta.


๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ Advanced Features: Repainting and Regeneration

In this segment, Jessica introduces advanced features of Hyper AI, such as the ability to repaint and regenerate videos. She demonstrates how to use the regeneration feature to create variations of a video using the same prompt, and how to modify prompts for different outcomes. Jessica also discusses the repaint feature, which allows users to make specific changes to elements within a video. Despite encountering some issues with the repaint feature, she remains optimistic about its future utility. The paragraph concludes with a tip for users who are struggling with image generation: allowing Hyper AI to animate an image without specific direction can yield surprisingly good results.


๐Ÿ“š Final Thoughts and Downloading Videos

Jessica wraps up the video with a discussion on how to download and share videos created with Hyper AI, noting that all videos will have a watermark due to the free nature of the service. She anticipates that this limitation may be removed with future paid subscriptions. Jessica also invites viewers to share their thoughts on the future impact of advanced AI technologies on creators and industries. The video concludes with a presentation of a song titled 'Six Stories Told,' which features animation created using Hyper AI, showcasing the creative possibilities of the technology. Jessica signs off by encouraging viewers to engage with the content and to stay updated with cutting-edge AI insights.



๐Ÿ’กHyper AI

Hyper AI refers to a sophisticated artificial intelligence tool that is central to the video's theme of digital transformation through creativity and technology. It is depicted as a key that unlocks the mysteries of creating animations and videos from images and text. The script mentions using Hyper AI to generate videos and animations, highlighting its capabilities in creating content like the 'six stories told' video.


Text-to-video is a concept where textual descriptions or prompts are used to generate videos. In the context of the video, Jessica teaches viewers how to use Hyper AI to turn text prompts into video animations. This is exemplified when she generates 4-second clips for each line of a song, creating a cohesive video narrative.

๐Ÿ’กAI Film

An AI film, as mentioned in the script, is a video created using artificial intelligence, in this case, Hyper AI. The video is composed of a series of short animations that together form a complete story or theme. The script provides an example of an AI film created from '4-second masterpieces' that unite to tell six stories.

๐Ÿ’กAspect Ratio

Aspect ratio is a critical parameter in video creation that defines the proportional relationship between the width and height of the video frame. In the script, Jessica discusses choosing the correct aspect ratio for the video, such as 16:9, to fit various platforms like YouTube, social media, or TikTok.


Filters in the context of Hyper AI are stylistic options that can be applied to video generation to achieve different visual effects. The script lists several filters like 'old film', 'watercolor', 'cyberpunk', and others, which can alter the style of the video based on the user's creative vision.


Prompting in the video script refers to the process of inputting specific textual instructions to guide Hyper AI in generating desired animations or images. Jessica shares tips on effective prompting, emphasizing the importance of clear and descriptive prompts to achieve the best results from the AI system.

๐Ÿ’กAnimate Your Image

This term is a feature within Hyper AI that allows users to add motion or animation to existing images. Jessica demonstrates how to use this feature by animating images of 'time travelers', showing how the AI can add subtle movements like blinking or hair fluttering to static images.


Regenerating in the script means recreating the video or image with the same or slightly altered prompts. Jessica shows how regenerating can produce different animations from the same prompt, offering variations that can be used in a larger project or story.


Repainting in the context of Hyper AI is a feature that allows users to make specific changes to elements within a generated video or image. The script describes an attempt to change the color of sleeves in a dress, illustrating how users can modify certain aspects of their creations.

๐Ÿ’กDigital Renaissance

Digital Renaissance is a metaphor used in the script to describe the current era where technology and creativity converge to revolutionize art and media production. It suggests a rebirth of artistic expression through digital means, with Hyper AI as a tool that melds timeless imagery with modern animation techniques.

๐Ÿ’กLip Syncing

Lip syncing is the process of matching an animated character's mouth movements to an audio track, creating the illusion that the character is speaking or singing. Although not explicitly detailed in the script, it is implied as part of the video creation process, especially when synchronizing animations with song lyrics.


Hyper AI is a tool that can turn pictures into videos.

It is free to use in beta as of the time of the video.

The video showcases a dynamic visual Symphony created with Hyper AI.

Hyper AI offers an explore tab to view other creations for inspiration.

Different video style filters like old film, watercolor, and cyberpunk can be applied.

Prompts are used to generate videos in Hyper AI.

Aspect ratios and durations can be selected for video generation.

Animating existing images with Hyper AI is possible through the 'animate your image' feature.

Expanded prompts provide more detailed animations compared to simple prompts.

Examples are given comparing simple and expanded prompts for animation.

The 'repaint' feature allows changing specific elements of a video.

Regenerating a video with a slightly altered prompt can produce different animations.

Leaving the prompt blank can result in unexpected animations.

Videos downloaded from Hyper AI will have a watermark.

The video concludes with a song titled 'Six Stories Told' created with Hyper AI.

The video invites viewers to share their thoughts on the impact of AI on creators and industries.

A curated playlist with helpful videos on image creation, animation, and lip syncing is available.

The presenter encourages viewers to like, share, and subscribe for more AI insights.