How To Use MidJourney "Privately" By Creating Your Own Discord Server

Phil Svitek
3 Mar 202303:49

TLDRIn this informative video, Phil Speedtech introduces viewers to the process of utilizing Mid-Journey's AI image creation tool on a personal Discord server. He explains the initial steps of signing up with Mid-Journey and participating in newcomer rooms, highlighting the benefits of observing community interactions. However, for those seeking privacy or a more focused workspace, Phil suggests creating a personal Discord server and inviting the Mid-Journey bot. He outlines the simple steps to achieve this, emphasizing the advantages of having a dedicated space for one's projects and collaborators. The video concludes with Phil encouraging viewers to engage with him on social media for any queries or discussions.


  • 📝 The video is a tutorial by Phil Speedtech on using Mid-Journey's AI image creation tool.
  • 🔗 When signing up for Mid-Journey, users are directed to their Discord channel to utilize the tool.
  • 🌟 New users start in designated newcomer rooms on Discord to learn and create images.
  • 👀 Observing others' artwork and commands can加速 learning process as it's like learning a new language.
  • 🎨 Users may want privacy for their creations or projects, which is why creating a personal Discord server is recommended.
  • 🤖 To create a private server, users can add a server on Discord and invite the Mid-Journey bot.
  • 🛠️ The process of adding the bot involves selecting it from the Mid-Journey channel and adding it to the desired server.
  • 🔒 After authorization, the bot can be used in the user's private server with the 'I Am Not a Human' option selected.
  • 📸 Users can now input prompts to generate images privately within their own Discord server.
  • 📢 Phil encourages viewers to ask questions, comment, or reach out on social media for further assistance.
  • 🎶 The video ends with a thank you note and background music.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to use Mid-Journey's AI image creation tool on one's own Discord server.

  • How does one initially access Mid-Journey's AI tool?

    -Upon signing up for Mid-Journey, users are directed to their Discord channel where they can start utilizing the AI tool.

  • What is the purpose of the newcomer rooms in Mid-Journey's Discord?

    -The newcomer rooms in Mid-Journey's Discord are designed for new users to learn how to create images and observe others' artwork and commands.

  • Why might someone want to create a separate Discord server for Mid-Journey's AI tool?

    -Creating a separate Discord server allows users to have a private space for their AI image creation, away from the collective content and distractions of the main server.

  • How does one create a new Discord server for Mid-Journey's AI tool?

    -To create a new Discord server, one goes to 'add a server' on Discord, selects 'create my own for me and my friends', names the server, and invites the Mid-Journey bot to it.

  • What is the process for adding the Mid-Journey bot to a personal Discord server?

    -The user navigates to the Mid-Journey Discord, clicks on the 'mid-journey bot' link, selects 'add to server', chooses the desired server, and authorizes the bot.

  • What are the benefits of having the AI tool in a personal Discord server?

    -Having the AI tool in a personal Discord server allows for a more focused and private environment for creating and sharing images without distractions.

  • How can the Mid-Journey AI tool be used for personal projects?

    -By inviting the Mid-Journey bot to a personal Discord server, users can utilize the AI tool for their projects without others viewing or interfering with their work.

  • What is the role of the 'I Am Not a Human' selection during the bot authorization process?

    -The 'I Am Not a Human' selection is a standard authorization step in the Discord bot integration process, indicating that the bot will be acting autonomously.

  • How can users share feedback or ask questions about the Mid-Journey AI tool?

    -Users can share feedback, ask questions, or engage with the community by commenting on the video or reaching out on social media at 'field speed'.

  • What type of content can be created using the Mid-Journey AI tool?

    -The Mid-Journey AI tool can be used to create a variety of image content, as prompted by the user, which can be tailored to personal preferences or project needs.



🚀 Setting Up Your Own Mid-Journey AI on Discord

Phil from SpeedTech 360 introduces viewers to setting up Mid-Journey's AI image creation tool on their own Discord server. The process begins with the standard procedure of joining Mid-Journey's Discord channel upon signing up. He highlights the benefits of starting in a newcomer room, where users can learn from observing others' commands and artworks. However, Phil points out that as users become more frequent in their use or seek privacy for their projects, the communal space can become cluttered, leading to the desire for a personal server. He guides viewers through creating a new Discord server, inviting the Mid-Journey bot, and then demonstrates how to use it to create AI-generated images. This setup allows for a more personalized and exclusive experience, catering to users who wish to use the tool for specific projects or in a more private setting. Phil encourages viewers to reach out with questions and to follow him on social media for further assistance.



💡Mid-journey's AI image creation tool

This refers to an artificial intelligence-based tool developed by Mid-journey that enables users to create images. The tool uses AI algorithms to interpret user inputs, or 'prompts', and generate corresponding visual content. In the video, the creator demonstrates how to utilize this tool within a Discord server environment, highlighting its capability to produce personalized artwork based on user commands.

💡Discord server

A Discord server is an online chat platform where people can communicate via text, image, video, and audio messages. In the context of the video, the Discord server is used as a medium to interact with the AI image creation tool and to share and observe the artwork generated by others. The video also explains how to create a personal Discord server to have a private space for using the AI tool without sharing one's work publicly.

💡Newcomer rooms

These are designated spaces within the Discord server specifically for new users to learn and get acquainted with the platform and its functionalities. In the video, newcomer rooms are mentioned as a starting point for users to begin creating images with the AI tool and to observe how others use commands to generate their artwork.


Commands are the inputs or instructions given by users to the AI image creation tool that dictate the characteristics of the generated images. These are essentially prompts that the AI interprets to produce the desired visual content. The video emphasizes the importance of learning these commands as they are akin to learning a new language, and observing others' commands can be beneficial for users new to the tool.

💡Collective whole

The term 'collective whole' refers to the sense of community and shared experience among users within the Discord server. It highlights the collaborative nature of the platform where users can learn from one another, share their work, and contribute to a collective pool of knowledge and creativity. The video discusses the benefits of being part of this collective while also explaining the reasons one might want a more private space for their creations.

💡Personal projects

Personal projects refer to individual or group efforts that are undertaken for one's own purposes, such as for creative expression, learning, or professional development. In the video, the creator discusses the benefits of having a private Discord server for working on personal projects without the distraction of others' content or the risk of others seeing one's work before it is ready for sharing.

💡Mid-journey bot

The Mid-journey bot is an AI-driven entity that is integrated into the Discord server to facilitate the use of the AI image creation tool. The bot processes user commands and generates the corresponding images. The video provides instructions on how to invite this bot into a personal Discord server to utilize the AI tool privately.

💡Content creation

Content creation involves the process of generating original content, such as images, videos, or text, for various purposes like entertainment, education, or marketing. In the video, content creation is centered around using the AI tool to produce unique images based on user inputs. The creator discusses the benefits of observing others' content creation strategies and the importance of having a focused environment for one's own creations.

💡Language learning

Language learning refers to the process of acquiring new language skills, including understanding and using a set of symbols, signs, or words. In the context of the video, learning the commands for the AI image creation tool is compared to learning a new language, as users must understand and apply the specific syntax and terminology to effectively generate desired images.


Authorization is the act of giving someone or something the legal right or permission to do something. In the video, the creator explains the process of authorizing the Mid-journey bot within a personal Discord server, which allows the bot to function and create images based on user commands.

💡Social media

Social media refers to websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking. In the video, the creator encourages viewers to ask questions or reach out for further clarification through social media platforms, indicating the role of social media in facilitating communication and community engagement around content creation tools.


Introduction to using Mid-Journey's AI image creation tool

Sign up process for Mid-Journey leading to Discord Channel

Utilizing newcomer rooms on Discord for image creation

Observing and learning from community's commands and artwork

Creating a personal Discord server for private AI image generation

Inviting the Mid-Journey bot to a personal Discord server

Selecting the server for the bot to be added

Authorization process for the bot on the new server

Choosing the 'I Am Not a Human' option for bot authorization

Starting to input prompts for AI image generation in personal server

Benefit of having a private space for AI image creation

Potential for collaboration with team members on a personal server

Instructions for creating a personal Discord server

Adding the Mid-Journey bot to the personal server

Using the AI tool for personal projects without external distractions

Providing help and inviting questions or comments on social media