How to Convert Ai Generated Text into Humane Written Text

23 Mar 202405:11

TLDRThis video tutorial guides viewers on how to transform AI-generated text into a format that appears human-written. It outlines a process involving the use of Chat GPT to generate content, an AI detector like GPT-0 to assess the text's AI nature, and a rewriting tool on to rephrase the content for a more human-like tone. The method aims to bypass AI detectors and improve the readability and appeal of the text, resulting in content that is more engaging and resonates with readers as if written by a skilled human writer.


  • 📝 The video introduces a method to transform AI-generated text into a more humane, human-like writing style.
  • 💡 The process is valuable for those who want to bypass AI detectors like GPT-Z, ensuring the text appears human-written.
  • 📈 Start by generating AI content using platforms like ChatGPT, using specific word limits and topics.
  • 🔍 Use AI detectors, such as GPT-0, to identify the percentage of AI in the generated text.
  • 🌐 Visit to access a tool that can help rewrite articles and blog posts to lower their AI footprint.
  • 📋 Log in or sign up on Gravity to access the writing assistant feature, which is essential for this process.
  • 🖋️ The 'Rewrite Article' tool on Gravity is designed to make existing content feel more natural and human-like.
  • 🔄 Copy the AI-generated text into Gravity's tool, and it will provide a revised version with a reduced AI signature.
  • 📊 If the AI detector still identifies some AI content, repeat the process of rewriting and checking until the desired result is achieved.
  • 🎥 The video provides a step-by-step guide to help viewers understand and apply the method effectively.
  • 📌 The video aims to improve the quality of AI-generated content to make it indistinguishable from human-written text.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue with AI-generated text that the video aims to address?

    -The main issue is that AI-generated text often lacks the human touch, making it feel less authentic and less acceptable to readers.

  • What is the purpose of the method introduced in the video?

    -The purpose of the method is to transform AI-generated text into content that feels, reads, and resonates like it was written by a skilled human writer.

  • How does the video suggest we start the process of converting AI text into humane text?

    -The video suggests starting by generating AI text using a tool like ChatGPT.

  • What is the role of the AI detector in this process?

    -The AI detector, such as GPT-0, is used to identify and confirm the AI nature of the generated text before it is transformed.

  • What is the name of the website recommended for rewriting AI-generated content?

    -The recommended website for rewriting AI-generated content is called Gravity.

  • How can one bypass the AI detector after using Gravity to rewrite the content?

    -After using Gravity to rewrite the content, one can paste the output back into the AI detector, like GPT-0, to check if the AI content has been reduced or eliminated.

  • What does the video suggest doing if the AI detector still identifies some AI content in the rewritten text?

    -If the AI detector still identifies some AI content, the video suggests going back to Gravity, rewriting the content again, and then rechecking until the AI content is minimized or undetected.

  • What is the target audience for the method described in the video?

    -The target audience is individuals or content creators who want to produce content that bypasses AI detectors and appears as if it was written by a human.

  • How can the method help content creators?

    -The method helps content creators by providing them with a way to make their AI-generated content appear more human-like, thus improving its quality and acceptability.

  • What are some potential applications of the method introduced in the video?

    -Potential applications include writing blog posts, articles, and stories that can pass as human-written and avoid detection by AI content detectors.



📝 Introduction to AI-Human Text Transformation

This paragraph introduces the audience to the concept of transforming AI-generated text into human-like written content. The speaker welcomes viewers to the 'Digital Revolution' and addresses the common issue of AI content lacking a human touch. The video aims to present a method that can seamlessly convert AI-generated articles, blog posts, or stories into content that feels and reads like it was written by a skilled human writer. It also mentions the ability to bypass AI detectors like GPT-Z, encouraging viewers to watch the video to learn more about this method and the tool used.


📑 Step-by-Step Guide to AI Text Transformation

The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on how to transform AI-generated text. First, they demonstrate how to generate AI content using ChatGPT, with an example of writing a blog post on the future of artificial intelligence in 150 words. Next, the output from ChatGPT is copied and pasted into an AI detector like GPT-0 to confirm its AI origin. The third step involves using a website called Gravity to rewrite the AI-generated text into a more human-like version. The speaker explains the process of signing up and using the rewriting tool on Gravity, which transforms the AI content into a format that can bypass AI detectors. The video concludes with the speaker encouraging viewers to revisit the process if the text still contains a significant percentage of AI content.

👋 Conclusion and Call to Action

In the final paragraph, the speaker concludes the video by expressing hope that the viewers found the content helpful. They remind viewers to like, share, and subscribe to the channel for more content like this. The speaker then bids farewell until the next video, ending the session on a friendly note.



💡AI generated text

AI generated text refers to written content created by artificial intelligence systems, like chatbots or language models, which can produce human-like text based on given inputs or prompts. In the context of the video, AI generated text is the starting point for the process of transforming it into a more human-like writing style. The script mentions using Chat GPT to generate a blog post as an example of AI generated text.

💡Humane written text

Humane written text implies content that is crafted by human writers, characterized by a natural, empathetic, and engaging writing style that resonates with readers. The video's main objective is to teach viewers how to convert AI generated text into a format that mimics the warmth and authenticity of human writing, making it more relatable and less detectable as AI-generated by tools like GPT-0.

💡Digital Revolution

The Digital Revolution refers to the transformation of society and culture by the introduction of digital technology, which has dramatically changed how we communicate, access information, and produce content. In the video, the Digital Revolution is the backdrop against which AI written content has become prevalent, necessitating the methods discussed for humanizing such content.

💡AI detectors

AI detectors are tools or systems designed to identify and distinguish content produced by artificial intelligence from content written by humans. The video mentions GPT-0 as an example of an AI detector that can determine if a text has been written by a human or generated by AI. The method presented aims to bypass such detectors by improving the human-like quality of AI-generated text.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on user inputs. In the video, Chat GPT is used to generate an initial blog post on the topic of artificial intelligence, which will then be processed to make it appear more human-written.


Gravity, as mentioned in the video, is an online tool or website that offers a writing assistant feature to rewrite and improve existing articles or blog posts. The tool is designed to make AI-generated content more human-like and to help it pass AI detectors by altering the structure, vocabulary, and style of the text.

💡Human touch

The term 'human touch' refers to the personal, empathetic, and relatable qualities that are characteristic of human interaction and communication. In the context of the video, the 'human touch' is what is often missing in AI-generated text, and the method presented aims to add this element to make the content more engaging and authentic to readers.

💡Content creation

Content creation involves the process of producing various forms of content, such as articles, blog posts, videos, and more, to communicate information or ideas. In the video, content creation is the primary activity, with a focus on transforming AI-generated content into a more human-like form.


To bypass means to go around or avoid a system, obstacle, or detection. In the context of the video, bypassing refers to the process of altering AI-generated text so that it cannot be detected as such by AI detectors, thereby achieving a more human-like authenticity.

💡Zer GPT

Zer GPT appears to be a typo or alternative name for GPT-0, an AI detector tool designed to identify whether a given text is written by a human or generated by AI. The video uses this tool to demonstrate how the rewritten text can pass as human-written.


AI written content is abundant but often lacks the human touch.

The video presents a method to convert AI generated text into humane written text.

The process can bypass AI detectors like GPT-Zero.

The first step is to generate AI content using a platform like ChatGPT.

The AI content is then copied and pasted into an AI detector for analysis.

AI detectors can determine the percentage of AI content in a given text. is a tool that can rewrite articles to feel more human.

The rewriting process can remove the AI feel from the content.

The rewritten content is then pasted back into the AI detector for re-evaluation.

The goal is to lower the AI content percentage to near zero.

The method may require multiple rewrites to achieve the desired human-like quality.

The video provides a link to GPT-Zero and for viewers' convenience.

The presenter demonstrates the entire process step by step.

The final output should be a text that reads and resonates like it was written by a skilled human.

The video aims to help content creators enhance their AI-generated work.

The method is a valuable tool for those looking to improve AI-generated content.

The video concludes with a call to like, share, and subscribe for more content.