How To Make AI Generated Text Undetectable | Humanize AI Content

Internet Bob
21 Mar 202403:33

TLDRThe video script introduces a method to make AI-generated text undetectable by AI detectors. It demonstrates the use of Chat GPT to generate text, and then employs AI detector Pro and AI Eraser tools to analyze and modify the content. The script highlights the 'Humanize' feature of the Stealth Writer tool, which, when used, significantly reduces the AI score, suggesting the text is more likely human-written. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to like and subscribe for more content.


  • 🔍 The video discusses methods to make AI-generated text undetectable by AI detectors.
  • 🌐 It begins with a demonstration of using Google to search for AI detectors.
  • 📝 The script provides an example of text generated by Chat GPT on cultural differences between Australia and New Zealand.
  • ✂️ The video shows how to condense a lengthy AI-generated text into a shorter paragraph.
  • 🔧 An AI detector tool is used to analyze the original text, revealing a high probability of it being AI-generated.
  • 🖉️ The AI Eraser tool is introduced as a method to modify the text to appear more human-like.
  • 💰 It is mentioned that the humanization feature is available only on paid plans.
  • 📝 Stealth Writer is presented as an alternative option to humanize AI-generated text.
  • 📈 The video demonstrates using Stealth Writer to humanize the text and reduce the AI score from 98 to 2 out of 100.
  • 📊 The script emphasizes the effectiveness of these tools in making AI-generated content indistinguishable from human writing.
  • 🎥 The video encourages viewers to like and subscribe for more content on this topic.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video transcript?

    -The main topic of the video transcript is about making AI-generated text undetectable by AI detectors.

  • Which tool does the speaker use to generate the initial text?

    -The speaker uses Chat GPT to generate the initial text.

  • What was the original prompt given to Chat GPT?

    -The original prompt given to Chat GPT was to make a brief article about the cultural differences between Australia and New Zealand.

  • How does the AI detector determine if the text is AI-generated?

    -The AI detector analyzes the text and assigns a probability score indicating how likely it is that the text was generated by AI.

  • What is the AI Eraser tool used for?

    -The AI Eraser tool is used to help make AI-generated text appear more human-like by identifying and modifying words that are likely detected by AI as non-human.

  • What is the 'Humanize' feature in the Stealth Writer tool?

    -The 'Humanize' feature in the Stealth Writer tool is used to further refine the text to make it seem more like it was written by a human, by adjusting the level of human-like language used.

  • What is the significance of the AI score after using the humanizing content?

    -The AI score after using the humanizing content indicates the probability that the text is written by a human. A lower score suggests that the text is more likely to be considered human-written.

  • How does the speaker demonstrate the effectiveness of the AI detection and erasure tools?

    -The speaker demonstrates the effectiveness by showing the high AI probability score before using the tools, and then after using the tools, showing a much lower score, indicating that the text is now more likely to be considered human-written.

  • What is the main takeaway from the video transcript?

    -The main takeaway is that with the help of specific tools like AI Eraser and Stealth Writer, it is possible to make AI-generated text undetectable by AI detectors, thus making it appear more human-like.

  • What does the speaker recommend at the end of the video?

    -The speaker recommends hitting the like and subscribe button for more content on the topic.

  • Is the 'Humanized document' feature available for free?

    -No, the 'Humanized document' feature is only available for paid plans.



🤖 Understanding AI Detection and Evasion Techniques

This paragraph introduces the viewer to the concept of AI-generated text and how it can be detected. It explains the process of using an AI detector by demonstrating a search on Google for AI detectors. The speaker then shows how they are using Chat GPT to generate text about cultural differences between Australia and New Zealand, and how the generated text can be made undetectable by AI through the use of specific tools. The AI detector identifies a high probability of the text being AI-generated, leading to the introduction of the AI Eraser and Stealth Writer tools, which are designed to make the text appear more human-like and less detectable by AI.



💡AI detector

An AI detector is a tool or software designed to identify and distinguish text or content generated by artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, it is used to analyze the authenticity of the generated text by assessing the probability of it being AI-generated versus human-written. The script mentions using an AI detector to evaluate the text's 'AI-ness' with a score out of 100, where a high score like 98 indicates a strong likelihood of AI authorship.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT refers to an AI-based chatbot or language model that can generate human-like text based on given prompts. In the video, it is the source of the initial text that is being evaluated and modified to be undetectable by AI detectors. The model is capable of producing lengthy and detailed content, which can then be adjusted to meet specific requirements, such as length or format.

💡AI-generated text

AI-generated text is content created by artificial intelligence systems, like Chat GPT, that mimic human writing styles and language patterns. The video focuses on methods to make such text appear more human-like to avoid detection by AI detectors. The goal is to reduce the AI-score, making the text seem more likely to be written by a human.

💡Humanized text

Humanized text refers to AI-generated content that has been modified to resemble human writing more closely. This process often involves adjusting the language, sentence structure, and overall style to reduce the detectable patterns or 'tells' that are characteristic of AI-generated text. The aim is to deceive AI detectors into believing the text is written by a human, rather than being machine-generated.

💡AI eraser

AI eraser is a tool designed to modify AI-generated text to make it less detectable as being machine-made. It works by altering certain words or phrases that are typically associated with AI-generated content, thereby helping to avoid detection by AI detectors. The tool provides options to make the text appear more human-like, which can be particularly useful for those looking to disguise the origin of their content.

💡Stealth writer

Stealth writer is a feature or tool mentioned in the script that is used to further humanize AI-generated text, making it even less likely to be detected as being created by an AI. It appears to be an alternative or additional tool to the AI eraser, offering the capability to adjust the text in a way that makes it more difficult for AI detectors to identify it as machine-generated.

💡Cultural differences

Cultural differences refer to the variations in customs, traditions, social norms, and values between different societies or groups of people. In the video, the initial prompt given to Chat GPT was to create an article about the cultural differences between Australia and New Zealand, which serves as an example of the type of content that can be generated and later modified to avoid AI detection.

💡Probability score

A probability score is a numerical value assigned by AI detectors to indicate the likelihood that a given text is generated by artificial intelligence. Scores are usually expressed as a percentage or a ratio, with higher scores suggesting a greater probability of AI authorship. In the context of the video, the goal is to lower this score to make the text appear more human-like.

💡Text authenticity

Text authenticity refers to the degree to which a piece of writing is considered genuine, original, and not generated by artificial intelligence. The video script discusses techniques to enhance text authenticity by manipulating AI-generated content to evade detection by AI detectors, thereby making it seem as though it was written by a human.

💡Content modification

Content modification is the process of altering or adjusting the original content to achieve a specific goal. In the context of the video, content modification is crucial for changing AI-generated text in a way that it cannot be detected as such by AI detectors. This involves using tools and techniques to make the text appear more natural and human-like.

💡Human writing

Human writing refers to the act of creating text or content using human thought, creativity, and language skills. It is characterized by nuances, individual styles, and occasional imperfections that are typically not present in AI-generated text. The video aims to make AI-generated text mimic human writing to the point where it cannot be distinguished by AI detectors.


The introduction of a method to make AI-generated text undetectable by AI detectors.

Demonstration of using chat GPT to generate text on cultural differences between Australia and New Zealand.

The process of shortening the generated text to a paragraph form for brevity.

Utilization of an AI detector to analyze the probability of the text being AI-generated.

The high probability score of 98 out of 100 indicating the text is likely AI-generated.

The use of AI Eraser to modify the text and reduce its detectability.

Explanation of the legend in the AI Eraser tool, which identifies words likely used by AI.

The option to use Eraser tools for making the text more human-like.

The availability of the humanized document feature only on paid plans.

Introduction of the stealth writer tool as an alternative for humanizing text.

The process of writing the same text again using the stealth writer tool.

The humanization process, which includes a level setting to make the text appear more human.

The selection of humanized content from a list of options provided by the tool.

The prediction that the text is likely to be written by a human after humanization.

The significant change in AI detector probability from 98 to 2 out of 100 after using the stealth writer.

The recommendation to double-check the modified text for accuracy and undesirable content.

The call to action for viewers to like and subscribe for more content.